The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 974 Approaching Gradually

Chapter 974 Approaching Gradually
"Ulla, Ulla, Ulla..."

A large group of police cars roared towards the assembly place of Shinrikyo, which attracted the attention of countless people. Seoul has not seen such a situation of dozens of police cars dispatched together for many years. The reporters seemed to smell it. The fishy-smelling cats were not at all slower than the police, and there were more of them.

I saw the police driving a police car roaring past in front, followed by a large number of reporters from TV stations and newspapers driving behind, even reporters from the entertainment section followed suit. There is no reason to miss the big news, and some reporters have already started the live broadcast in the car.

As long as you turn on the news now, there are all reports about the police action. In terms of news and public opinion, Li Qingxiong and Kim Zhengtai have been heated up by the reporters before they even started. There are also speculations about the police action on the Internet.

Some people speculated that it was a foreign leader's visit, but it was quickly overturned. If any leader visits, he must have been notified first, and he would not be so hasty.

Some people said it was a biohazard, someone leaked the zombie virus, and Bangzi Kingdom will soon face the siege of zombies. This is the greatest excitement for doomsday lovers.

Some people also speculated that there was a major serial murder case. The police got clues about the murderer and are now doing their best to hunt down the murderer. This is still reliable, but it has not been confirmed.

Anyway, there is already a lot of noise on the Internet at this moment, and various speculations are emerging one after another, and not only reporters are chasing the police to the scene, but also many reporters have surrounded the police station, wanting to get first-hand information, but the police station There was no movement, and none of the leaders came out to explain, as if it was not the police who acted.

Of course, the actions of the police cannot be hidden from Park Qirui. When the police were dispatched and the target was Shinrikyo, Park Qirui had already received the news, but he did not panic, nor did he have a chance to disband. Trembling all over.

The pleasure of challenging the entire judicial system made Park Qirui feel the excitement he had never felt before. He abandoned the body on the side of the road just to wait for this day. The action of the police was faster than he expected, which made him very happy. It was an accident, but it also made him more excited. The stronger the opponent, the stronger the pleasure of defeating the opponent. Park Qirui couldn't wait any longer.

But what surprised Park Qirui was that when the police arrived, no one paid any attention to him, and took away the [-] suspects drawn by Han Sunmi and Dongbaek. From the beginning to the end, no policeman spoke to Park Qirui. In a word, without even looking at it, Park Qirui was completely regarded as air.

This made Park Qirui very angry and cursed in his heart, a group of blind and idiots, I am the murderer you are looking for, the police's ignoring behavior made Park Qirui almost declare himself the murderer on the spot, but fortunately Park Qirui still has brains, control Otherwise, it would be a lot of fun to announce that he is the murderer in front of so many reporters.

So Park Qirui has been watching his believers being taken away with an ugly face, without saying a word, people who don't know think that Park Qirui is angry at the police for not giving him face, and arrests the believers in front of him. Park Qirui was angry that the police did not arrest him.

Although Park Qirui didn't say a word, some believers would not let the police take people away like this, and had conflicts with the police, but because of the presence of reporters, those powerful figures quietly retreated. Being reported will have a considerable impact on them.

Especially if the police have such a big action, it is inevitable that they will be caught by competitors. Although many people already know the existence of these people, they have not been exposed. If they dare to stand up at this time, it is not Give away your own scandal!

So what the police encounter here is only obstruction by ordinary believers. The police will not be used to them, and they have already been ordered when they come, and anyone who dares to obstruct them will be arrested.

In the end, good guy, I only arrested 30 people, but finally took away nearly 100 people. Fortunately, there were many police cars, and they were all blocked in the end. When I left, I didn’t say hello to Park Qirui, and drove directly. After leaving, a group of reporters were left to pat the livid Park Qirui.

And Park Qirui didn't stay long, he also left shortly after the police left, he had to figure out why the police did this action?Is it knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger?Still haven't really found myself.

"Have you seen Park Qirui's face? It's so happy! I haven't had such a happy time in my life!"

Wu Zhixun said excitedly.

"This is just the beginning, Park Qirui will definitely act immediately! At that time, it will be his stormy counterattack, we must be prepared!"

Gu Qingtan was not as excited as Wu Zhixun, but was still very worried. Although Park Qirui didn't say a word or stop him during the whole process, the more he was like this, the more it represented his anger. Park Qirui's counterattack must be fierce. I don't know if they can stand it.

"It's a pity that we don't have an arrest warrant, so we can't detain them for too long. Moreover, I believe Park Qirui will send his lawyers to bail those people out soon."

After the excitement, Wu Zhixun said regretfully.

In Bangzi Country, the police cannot directly apply for arrest warrants and search warrants. They can only submit applications to the prosecutor's office, and then the prosecutor's office will decide whether to apply to the court. The police's action this time naturally submitted an application to the prosecutor's office. But the Prosecutor's Office dismissed the case because the police had no evidence, so the 30 people were only called in for questioning, and no other measures could be taken against them, let alone be seen in custody.

The task force had already expected this, but they were still very upset. The police, who are directly enforcing the law, could not directly apply for a search warrant, and had to go through the prosecutor's office. This procedure has been implemented for decades, and the police have not tried. He tried to take this right back from the prosecutor's office, but failed in the end.

Therefore, in Bangzi Country, the relationship between the police and the prosecutor is not harmonious. On the contrary, there are often conflicts, and the prosecutor often uses the police for various reasons, which makes the police even more unhappy, but there is no way, who makes this very The important rights are in the hands of others. In order to make the application smoother in the future, the police can only hold their noses and admit it.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, they are not the culprits, at most they are accomplices. The purpose of our action is to lure the snake out of the hole. The more we ignore Park Qirui, the angrier he will be. Judging from Park Qirui's face just now, our action was successful. , No matter what he does in the future, we have to look for loopholes so as to hit the key points directly."

"After bringing these people back to the police station, let them stay in the police station for a few hours and let them go. After all, we don't have any evidence, but this information cannot be disclosed to anyone. Park Qirui and his supporters must not let us know. You don’t have any cards in your hand, so you need to have confidence even if you are singing an empty city plan.”

Han Sunmi said.

"Let it go in a few hours? Then why are we arresting people with such a big fanfare?"

Wu Zhixun asked because he didn't know.

"It's just to test and anger Park Qirui, and we don't have any evidence, so we can't detain them at all. This action is just to create momentum!"

Dongbai said.


Gu Qingtan and Wu Zhixun didn't know the result of the discussion between Dongbaek and Han Sunmi. They kept running outside and didn't know the whole operation.

"Yes, this is the arrangement of the deputy chief. Let's build up this momentum and let everyone pay attention to the progress of the entire serial murder case. Only in this way can we greatly limit the actions of Park Qirui and his supporters, and make it easier To maintain the operation of the task force to the greatest extent, otherwise, it is very likely that the task force will be forced to disband before we find anything."

"And when we create momentum, when the topic becomes hot, the opponent's actions cannot be unscrupulous. They should also pay attention to the influence of public opinion, and dare not be too blatant, so they can create time for us."

"But public opinion is a double-edged sword for us. If we do not have evidence to support our actions, we will be sprayed to death by netizens' saliva. At that time, we will not be able to operate without the other party's actions. .”

"So we must act quickly, and we must not be caught by the enemy. Moreover, such an action can only be done once. The next time we want to act, we must have evidence to support it, and we also need a search from the prosecutor's office. Ling, what we are doing now is actually a gamble, betting on all our gambles!"

Dongbai was also helpless. He had been a policeman for several years and had encountered many cases, but there were almost no cases like this one where no clues could be found. Now they hardly have a clear direction of investigation, so they can only According to the clues in hand, find out the focus, in order to be able to gain something.

But now there is one more information about human trafficking that Li Qingxiong got from Kim Zhengtai. With the means of the Special Affairs Department, he should be able to get some clues from the snakehead soon.

But you can't put all your treasures on it. This action is also an opportunity, and it may open a breakthrough first.

Dongbai has always believed that there is no perfect crime in this world, and any perfect crime itself is a loophole. As long as you peel off the perfect coat, you will find the loophole hidden under this perfect coat.

Now the task of the task force is to remove the perfect cloak of this serial murder case. As long as the cloak is torn off, the progress of this case will be very fast, and Park Qirui's flaws will gradually be revealed.

"The price of this gamble is a bit high! You say that I am a person who is about to retire and can receive a pension. I always feel a little frightened to fight for the future with you here!"

Gu Qingtan said with some regret.

Ju Qingtan will be able to retire next year, and then he can live leisurely with his pension, but now he and Dongbai are facing the evil dragon Park Qirui, and the possibility of winning is extremely low, even if they win It is also difficult to have any practical benefits, but if you lose, your decades of hard work will be in vain.

Ju Qingtan already had some regrets about joining the Laoshizi task force. This was simply putting himself on the fire!
"Old man, don't worry, the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road, we still have a chance, even if we lose in the end, I will give you a pension, if you take care of me like this, I can't let you down!"

Although Dongbai was under more pressure, his heart was still full of hope and confidence. There was nothing he could do about it. If he lost his confidence, there would be no way to fight this tough battle.

"Officer Gu, don't worry, we still have a chance. Even if we really lose, I will work with the deputy chief to find a way to keep you, and your hard work for so many years will not be in vain!"

Han Sunmi also changed her way of persuasion together.

She can feel the pressure from the members of the group. This time the enemy is too strong, so strong that they feel suffocated. It is not surprising that Gu Qingtan has such worries. Young people like them still have the opportunity to reunite. At first, but since Gu Qingtan was approaching retirement age, it was impossible to start over.

Once the police uniform is taken off due to the impact of this case, the future life of Gu Qingtan will be extremely difficult. Although the salary of Bangziguo's civil servants is not low, the expenses are also high, and Ju Qingtan's son is still young. There are many places to spend money, and Ju Qingtan is the only pillar of the family. Once he falls, the whole family will be in trouble.

So Gu Qingtan is actually taking the future of the whole family in the blog, even for Gu Qingtan, Han Sunmi does not allow herself to fail, her team members are for justice, for the honor of the police and believe that she can lead them to catch the murderer After being arrested and brought to justice, he joined this task force that everyone fears to avoid. How could I let these people down and chill their hearts.

"Hey, I'm just talking casually. If I'm really worried about this and that, I won't join the task force. I'm a policeman anyway, and I'm just doing my job as a policeman. If you want to punish me, then the policeman won’t do it!”

"After being a policeman for so many years, I also have some savings. Even if I finally take off this police uniform, I can also start a small business with my wife. I won't be able to live. Don't feel pressure. Let's bring the murderer to justice first. , Think about your future life!"

Seeing that the two younger than him were comforting him, Ju Qingtan hurriedly said.

If it weren't for the justice he has always insisted on and his worries about the two subordinates, Ju Qingtan would not have joined the task force. He really fell down in this case. Ju Qingtan has no regrets, but it is a pity that he cannot The murderer was brought to justice.

"Don't worry! No matter how cunning a fox is, there are times when he is negligent. Park Qirui has not been discovered for decades. He is far less cautious than before. We have a great chance. This time, let us solve this unsolved case and bring Park This devil, Chery, has been captured and brought to justice! Let him be punished as he deserves!"

Dongbai said.

"Yes, the biggest mistake Park Qirui made was not letting others help him. This is the biggest loophole. No matter how meticulous the other party is, the division of labor between the two is different. Mistakes will inevitably occur. This is our best chance. , I believe that Park Qirui's end is here!"

Han Sunmi also said firmly.

While encouraging the team members, she also encouraged herself. This time, she is only allowed to succeed and not to fail!
(End of this chapter)

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