The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 982 Killed

Chapter 982 Killed
"It's a good thing we made it in time!"

Wu Zhixun, who was driving, breathed a sigh of relief and whispered.

"What did you say?"

Han Sunmi, who was sitting next to Wu Zhixun, heard Wu Zhixun muttering a question.

"Oh, I said, it must be in time!"

Wu Zhixun said with a normal face.

"Damn, I couldn't hold back, I was almost discovered!"

In fact, Wu Zhixun has always been dressed up by Logan. The real Wu Zhixun was fainted by Logan and left at his home. This time, Logan felt very exciting. Although he did not use his ability, he did it in advance. No matter what the layout is, there will be no No.5 victim.

Time was running out, and Wu Zhixun, who was incarnated as Logan, drove the car very fast, the destination was already in sight, and the task force would soon arrive at Park Qirui's crime scene.

And Shang Hee-hyun, who received the call from Park Qirui, was already preparing to get rid of the three kidnapped girls, but fortunately, both Park Qirui and Shang Hee-hyun had to do some ritual preparations before killing the target. The task force had been given a chance to save the hostages. If Shang Xixian had dealt with the victims directly, the task force would have only seen the bodies of three girls who had been tortured to death when they arrived.

"The true God is above! May the glory of the true God shine on the world, purify all the sins of sinners, and may the sinners be reborn under the purification of the true God..."

Shang Xixian chanted words in awe, and made some incomprehensible movements, the expression on his face was extremely solemn, as if he was doing something sacred.


And just opposite Shang Xixian, there were three girls whose hands and feet were bound and their mouths were sealed. They were struggling desperately, and the fear in their eyes poured out. They saw Shang Xixian's weird ceremony at the end. , two of the girls became even more terrified, they all knew that after Shang Xixian's ceremony was over, it would be their time of suffering, the last girl died like this.

However, Park Qirui was also here at the time. After the two girls saw Park Qirui insulting the girl, they beat the girl to death with a bloody hammer. This scene caused great shock to the hearts of the two girls. The shock, especially when they saw the hammer that killed the girl on the table behind Shang Xixian, despair completely enveloped the two girls.

And because the third girl was just arrested, she has never seen the victimization process of the previous girl, but from Shang Xixian's weird movements, and the desperate struggle of the two girls next to her, she also understands that it will definitely not be a good thing. .

"Today is your lucky day! You will see the true God soon, and the glory of the true God will purify your sins. From then on, you will become a part of the true God and gain a new life. I envy you so much!"

Shang Xixian, who had finished the weird ceremony, held a hammer in his hand, and walked towards the three girls who were huddled in the corner step by step. The eyes of the girls were already flooded with fear and despair.

The most hopeless thing is to watch oneself go to death and be powerless. This is the situation of the three girls now. At this moment, they have begged all the gods in the sky, hoping that someone can save them from the nightmare.

"Don't be afraid, all of these are rewards from the true God to you, you should feel honored, not everyone has the opportunity to become a part of the true God."

Shang Xixian's face was full of weird and perverted expressions. His crazy appearance and this weird environment caused the three girls to collapse.


The three girls tried their best to escape, but their hands and feet were bound and chained, and they couldn't escape at all. They could only watch the demon approaching them step by step, and death was also approaching.

When the life and death of the three girls were at a critical moment, Li Qingxiong and the Western Prosecutor's Office successfully entered the gate of Pu Qirui, but they were blocked from the main entrance of the house.

The police and prosecutors tried to ask Park Qirui's servants to open the door, but the servants did not dare to open the door after receiving Park Qirui's order. Jiang Cha and the prosecutors also tried to force their way in, but the security guards at Park Qirui's home did It's quite in place, and it's impossible to force it in without demolition tools, so Li Qingxiong and the Western Prosecutor's Office were blocked from entering.

"Deputy Chief Li, time is running out! Park Qirui has already received news that he is rushing here! If we don't go in now, our plan may not be able to be carried out when Park Qirui comes back!"

Jin Daozhu was really at a loss right now, he had to apply for a search warrant, but he was blocked outside and couldn't enter. Once Park Qirui rushed back before they entered the main house, all the previous efforts might be in vain.

Jin Daozhu has received the news, and the chief of the prosecutor's office is also rushing here. He has made more than a dozen phone calls, but Jin Daozhu has hung up all of them. It can be said that Jin Daozhu has completely broken his face with the chief. Chengren, and the possibility of Chengren is constantly increasing.

"Can I force my way in through a window?"

Li Qingxiong didn't answer Jin Daozhu's question, but looked at his subordinates and asked.

"No, this Pu Qirui is too perverted, even the glass is bulletproof, it is almost impossible to force his way in!"

Li Qingxiong's men said angrily.

The police were also helpless. They also knew that the time was urgent, but Park Qirui's home was really solid. Without professional tools, they had no way to force their way into it.

It is said that Park Qirui is afraid of death, but he can plan to sacrifice himself to the true god. He said that Park Qirui is not afraid of death. He actually replaced all the glass in his home with bulletproof glass, and all of them are top-level explosion-proof, and grenades are not It must be able to explode, and perhaps only a large demolition tool can break open the door.

"I don't believe anyone who says that Park Qirui has no problems. I have never seen a rich man build his house into such a look. Even the glass is top-level bulletproof. Is this something people do!"

There were also complaints from the prosecutors. They had seen a lot of things in the world, and they had never heard of anyone who reorganized their home like this. They were obviously guilty of fear of revenge.

"Deputy Chief Li, what should we do next? We have no way out!"

Jin Daozhu is really in a hurry, Park Qirui may appear at any time, they still have a way to enter the room, is it just a failure?

When Li Qingxiong and Jin Daozhu were worrying about how to enter Park Qirui's house, Han Sunmi had already led the task force and the wide search team to the villa above the cave where Shang Xixian and the three kidnapped girls were located.

"Chief policeman, look!"

Ju Qingtan pointed to the car parked in the corner of the villa courtyard in surprise.

"It really is here! We finally found the place where Park Qirui committed the crime, and immediately searched separately. Shang Xixian must be here. We must rescue the girls before they are killed by Shang Xixian, and try to be as gentle as possible. Let Shang Xixian find out that we have arrived, otherwise he may jump off the wall in a hurry!"

Han Sunmi didn't care about being excited, she only cared about the safety of the girls now, and whether Park Qirui's criminal evidence was still there.


The task force and the Guangsou team did not dare to respond loudly, so they could only respond in a low voice, and then hurriedly searched for Shang Xixian and the three kidnapped girls as quickly as possible.

People from the Guangsou team and the special case team immediately divided into several groups and searched the entire villa. Shang Xixian was preparing to attack the girls at this time, but he didn't notice that the people from the Guangsou team and the special case team had already appeared in the surveillance middle.

But the three girls saw the surveillance behind Shang Xixian, and the three girls who were desperate to die immediately burst out with a strong desire to survive. They knew that as long as they could persist for a few minutes, they would be saved, but they had to let People outside know they are in the cave.

"Clang, clang, clang..."

One of the girls happened to be next to a pipe, and she desperately used her bound hands to grab the iron chain and beat the pipe vigorously.

Although Shang Xixian saw the girl's actions, he thought that the girl was trying to break the chain, so Shang Xixian ignored it.


The remaining two girls also struggled desperately, in order to distract Shang Xixian's attention, prevent Shang Xixian from turning around, and prevent Shang Xixian from discovering that the police had already entered the villa above the cave.

"Don't worry, you will all become a part of the true God today!"

The more the girls struggled, the more excited Shang Hee-hyun was. He was going to kill the three girls directly, but thinking of the physical purification that Park Qirui had to do before the final execution, Shang Hee-hyun's body was suppressed and he didn't know How long the bestiality broke out.

"By the way, I almost forgot, there is a very important ceremony that must be done before sending you to see the true God!"

Shang Xixian's eyes flashed with lewd light, he became more and more excited, his whole body trembled with excitement, after the long-lost desire came to his heart again, he couldn't suppress it no matter what.


Shang Xixian turned into a beast at this moment, his red eyes were full of desire, Shang Xixian let out a roar, and rushed towards the girl closest to him.


The girl struggled desperately, headbutted, hammered with both hands, and kicked with her feet, desperately resisting Shang Xixian's invasion.

Li Qingxiong and Han Sunmi's guess about Shang Hee-hyun was right. Shang Hee-hyun's daughter did not want to study in the United States, but because she wanted to avoid the perverted Shang Hee-hyun. Only my daughter can escape death, otherwise not only her innocence will be ruined, but her life will also be lost.

The reason why Shang Xixian and Park Qirui were able to get along was because the two had the same perverted habit, and it was very easy for Park Qirui to investigate a person, because Shang Xixian, like Park Qirui, was full of perversions towards underage girls That's why Shang Xixian received his own Shinri religion, and let Shang Xixian be responsible for disposing of the victim's body.

Shang Xixian was also released because of his perverted desires, coupled with Park Qirui's super brainwashing, he willingly became Park Qirui's tool and served Park Qirui for many years.

There is only one thing, but Shang Hee-hyun will never be allowed to touch any girl Park Qirui likes, but Park Qirui will also buy smuggled girls for Shang Hee-hyun to let Shang Hee-hyun vent, and Shang Hee-hyun is completely obsessed Such a life.

Moreover, Shang Xixian admired Park Qirui very much. He felt that what he did before was completely different from Park Qirui. Shang Xixian never thought that there were so many tricks to play.


The girl's blouse was ripped open by Shang Xixian, and there were traces of abuse on the girl's white shoulders.

"Clang, clang, clang..."

The girl near the pipe tapped harder and faster, whether it was to save herself or to save the girl who was about to be raped by Shang Xixian, the girl did her best.

"Chief policeman, listen, there seems to be a sound coming from the wall here!"

Gu Qingtan whispered to Han Sunmi who was not far away by the stairs on the first floor.


Han Shanmei hurried over and asked.

"Here it is, listen!"

Gu Qingtan leaned his ear against the wall of the stairs and whispered.

"Really! There must be a secret door here, look for it quickly!"

Han Shanmei was overjoyed, and hurriedly urged everyone to find the switch of the secret door.

After hearing this, people from the task force and the Guangsou team hurriedly searched everywhere, looking for the switch of the secret door.


Wu Zhixun, who was disguised as Logan, seemed to accidentally distort the painting on the opposite wall, and after a slight sound, a door opened on the wall of the stairs.

"Wu Patrol Officer, yes! You have found all of this!"

Han Shanmei said happily.

"Hey, luck, luck!"

Logan smirked.

"Hurry up, after going down, subdue Shang Xixian as soon as possible, absolutely don't give him any chance, the safety of the girls is the most important! If he dares to resist, he can be killed immediately!"

Han Sunmi drew out her gun and said to everyone.


Han Shanmei entered the hidden door in a small way, walked down the stairs quickly and carefully, and rushed in the direction from the sound of the iron chain beating.


Not long after they left, they could vaguely hear the girl whimpering, which meant that they were very close to the target. Hearing the girl's voice, Han Sunmi felt relieved. The girls hadn't been killed yet, which meant that they arrived in time. She brought it up again, because she also heard Shang Hee-hyun's voice at the same time. From the girl's voice, she could tell that Shang Hee-hyun was doing harm to the girls.


Han Shanmei stopped, gestured to the people behind her, and walked in the direction of the voice again.


When they walked outside the room where the sound of the burrow came from, Han Shanmei and everyone else followed, and together with Dongbai kicked the people out of the room.

"Shang Xixian! Don't move!"

As soon as Han Sunmi entered the door, she saw that Shang Xixian was violating the girl. The girl's top had been torn, and Shang Xixian was about to take off the girl's underwear. The movement to further assault the girl stopped.

"What a disappointment! You guys rushed over here! I haven't finished the oracle of Allah yet!"

After hearing Han Sunmi's voice, Shang Xixian stopped what he was doing and looked back at Han Sunmi with an evil smile on his mouth and madness in his eyes.

"Shang Xixian, surrender! You and Park Qirui's viciousness has been exposed! You have no chance!"

Han Sunmi stared at Shang Xixian, and pointed the gun at Shang Xixian.

"Hahaha, how do you know the greatness of Allah! Allah is the incarnation of the true God. When the true god sends down his anger, you are all dead!"

Shang Xixian laughed wildly, then turned around to grab the hammer he had put on the ground.


Han Sunmi shot without hesitation, and a shot hit Shang Xixian on the forehead, and Shang Xixian fell to the ground in response.

(End of this chapter)

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