The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 999 Turning the world upside down

Chapter 999 Turning the world upside down
"If we misread you, if you are a monster created by Ultron."

Bruce walked up to Vision and said.

"What would you do?"

Vision asked.

Bruce didn't respond, but his expression said it all.

"I don't want to kill Ultron. He is very painful and special, but that pain will destroy the earth, so he must be destroyed! Every form of him, every trace left, has to act now. This is all on your own It's impossible!"

"Maybe I'm a monster too, I don't know if I am, I'm not you, I'm not what you want, you may not believe me, but we have to go!"


Vision walked and talked, and under the unexpected gaze of everyone, he picked up the hammer that Thor put on the table. This action shocked the jaws of all the Avengers. No one spoke for a while, and Thor took it silently. took the hammer.


Natasha said before Vision left.

"what happened?"

Vision asked.

"Is there any news about Fatty in the message left by Ultron? Do you know where Fatty is?"

Natasha asked.

It was only then that the others remembered that Xiong Xiaopang hadn't appeared until now, which was completely out of his style. Showing off was Xiong Xiaopang's favorite thing to do, and even Yamata no Orochi had disappeared.

"You mean the panda, right?"

Vision asked.

"Yes, that's him. Was Fatty captured by Ultron?"

Natasha asked.


Vision shook his head.

"According to the information left by Ultron, in order to deal with the Xiong Xiaopang in your mouth, Ultron specially created a space to teleport out. If Xiong Xiaopang didn't come back, it is very likely that Ultron sent him to the universe! "

Vision searched the information in his mind and said.

Before the Avengers snatched Vision, Ultron had already transferred a lot of data into this body, so Vision knew more about Ultron's plan.

"What! Fatty was teleported into the universe?"

Natasha asked in shock.

"It's very likely. I don't have all the information. I only have this news. I don't know whether Ultron sent Xiong Xiaopang away, but judging from the current situation, the probability is very high!"

Vision said.

"What should we do? We can't leave Xiaopang alone!"

Natasha looked at Tony and said.

"Don't worry about Fatty, his strength is much stronger than you imagined, even in the universe Xiaopang can survive, and there are not many people in this universe that can threaten him, don't forget that there is still Logan , If Xiaopang is really in trouble, it is impossible for Logan to ignore it, our main task now is to eliminate Ultron."

Sol knows a little better about Fatty. Although Fatty is slippery and lazy, his strength is really powerful and terrifying. There is no need to worry that Fatty will not be able to survive in the universe.


"Sol is right. Ultron has prepared a large number of mechanical legions, and will soon launch a plan to destroy mankind. We have no time and no time to rescue Xiaopang. Only after the immediate crisis has passed, we Only then will it be possible to save Xiaopang!"

Tony said.

"Besides, we don't know the exact location of Fatty at all. If we want to rescue Fatty, we must first obtain from Ultron exactly where he sent Fatty, otherwise we won't be able to find Fatty at all."

Tony continued.

"Okay! But after defeating Ultron, we must find Xiaopang as soon as possible!"

Natasha also understands that what Tony said is right. If Ultron is not defeated first, human beings will face a devastating blow, and there will be no way to rescue Xiaopang at that time.

"Ultron is in Sokovia, we must act as soon as possible!"

Vision said.

"3 minutes, get ready!"

Steve finally sets the tone.

All the Avengers, including Wanda and Quicksilver, started to equip. This is a tough battle, and it is also the biggest battle the Avengers have encountered since their establishment. Maybe there will be casualties.

"It's impossible for us all to survive, even if there is still an iron man, we will all lose! There will definitely be bloodshed!"

Tony looked at Bruce and Steve and said.

"I have no plans for tomorrow!"

Steve said.

"Everyone let me go first, he is waiting for Iron Man!"

Tony said.

"That's right, he hates you the most!"

Vision walked from behind and said.

"Ultron knew we were going, and they were probably ready for this moment. We had already prepared for this moment, but the people of Sokovia didn't. The most urgent task is to evacuate them!"

"They just want a peaceful life, but they can't do it today, but we can do our best to protect them, we can complete the mission, find out what Ultron is creating, clear the battlefield, and keep civilians from getting involved."

"Ao Chuang thinks that we are monsters, and that we are the problem of the world. This is not only to defeat him, but also to see if he is right."

On the way to Sokovia, Steve looked at everyone and said, Steve is a qualified leader, at this point, no one in the Avengers can do better than him.

This war will inevitably encounter a large number of casualties, and what the Avengers can do is to minimize casualties.

After arriving in Sokovia, all the Avengers began to separate and evacuate the people of Sokovia as quickly as possible. However, there are too many people, and it will not be possible to evacuate the entire city in a short time. .

"He's at church, boss! I think he's waiting for you!"

After Jarvis became the Vision, Friday took over Jarvis's position and became Tony's support.


Tony flew over the church and landed in the church.

"Come to confess your sins?"

Ultron asked.

"I don't know, how much time do you have?"

Tony asked.

"More than you anyway!"

Ultron walked out from behind Tony and said.


"Did you take medicine? Did you take a shot of vibranium or something? Why... I don't want to say it's swollen!"

Tony was taken aback by Ultron's size, and Ultron's new body was much bigger than his before, which surprised Tony.

"Boss, Ultron's body is made of Zhenjin!"

Ultron's body was analyzed on Friday after Forex reported.

"You're buying time to protect civilians."

Ultron said bluntly.

"This is the mission, have you forgotten?"

Tony asked.

Ultron is Tony's most anticipated and proudest work, but it is also the most failed work. The purpose of creating Ultron is to protect the world and the people, but it turns out to be a villain who destroys mankind. This is a big blow to Tony!

"I have surpassed your mission long ago, I am free."


While Ultron was speaking, a machine suddenly drilled out from the central ground of the church.

"What? Do you think you're the only one procrastinating?"

Ao Chuang asked proudly.

"The rest of the vibranium is there, its function unknown."

analyzed on Friday.

"This is your end, Tony."

"Peace in my time."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

While Tony was talking to Ultron, Ultron's mechanical legion began to move, continuously drilled out of the ground in Sokovia, and began to attack civilians. The Avengers tried their best to fight against all mechanical legions while protecting civilians.


Vision came to the church at this time.

"My visions, they literally took everything from me."

Ao Chuang flew into the air and looked at the illusion and said unwillingly.

Vision's body is the most perfect body for him. If he transfers everything into Vision's body, he will become a god-like existence, and it will be easy for him to destroy the Avengers.

"You can change the terms you set yourself."

Vision said.

"All right!"

Ultron was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly shot at Vision.


Ultron directly grabbed Vision's head with both hands, and Vision also grabbed Ultron's head not to be outdone, and at the same time tried his best to expel Ultron from the Internet and completely lock him in his current body, otherwise even if Ultron was destroyed Chuang's body and the unloading of the Legion cannot completely kill Ultron.

At this time, Sokovia was full of battles. Ultron had a large number of mechanical legions, and the Avengers had only a few people, and they had to protect civilians.

Ultron can disregard the life and death of civilians, but the Avengers cannot. They must always pay attention not to affect civilians.

"Friday, where's Vision?"

Tony asked while fighting the mechanical legion.

Vision's expulsion of Ultron from the Internet is the most important part of the plan, and it cannot fail under any circumstances.

"Boss, it succeeded. He is separating Ultron from the Internet so that he cannot escape!"

said Friday.

"You shut me up, do you think I care? If you take my world, I'll take yours!"


Ultron threw out the unconscious Vision and angrily activated the destruction device.

"Crack, click..."

After Ultron activated the destruction device, cracks began to appear on the periphery of most of Sokovia's urban area, and the ground began to shake violently. Most of Sokovia's city unexpectedly flew up slowly, and all the civilians who did not escape were trapped. In the city.


Tony asked with an ugly face.

"Sokovia is going to fly!"

Back on Friday.

"Can you see how beautiful it is? This inevitability, climbing high and falling down, you avengers are my meteorite, my sword, your failure will destroy the entire earth, and wipe me from the computer, It doesn't make sense for Vision to turn against me!"

"When the dust settles, the only living thing left in the world is metal!"

Ultron controlled the mechanical legion and announced his declaration of destruction. All the Avengers looked ugly. At this time, they knew Ultron's plan, which was to raise Sokovia to a high altitude, and then throw Sokovia into the sky. To the ground, the impact of such a large area is enough to destroy the entire world, and human beings will cease to exist.

"The core made of vibrating gold has a magnetic field, which can bring the land under the city together."

Friday quickly scanned Sokovia in flight.

"What if it falls?"

Tony asked.

"Right now, there are tens of thousands of casualties, and if the height is high enough, it is enough to destroy the whole world!"

said Friday.

Ao Chuang has dispatched all the mechanical legions, and there are robots flying everywhere in the sky. There are still countless people in the city who have not escaped from this flying city. The civilians are in panic and despair. The only thing they can rely on is the Avengers with only a few people. .

At this time, the eyes of the whole world are on Sokovia, and some politicians are discussing whether to take down Sokovia now, otherwise, once it reaches a certain height, the whole world will be destroyed.

But there are more people who oppose it. Since they already know that the Avengers are trying their best to save the civilians in Sokovia at this time, they can't destroy Sokovia now and drag the Avengers back.

Otherwise, even if they destroy Sokovia and keep the safety of the earth, but the Avengers are destroyed, if there are powerful alien enemies appearing at that time, who will fight against those powerful enemies?

What's more, the Avengers has countless fans in the world. If politicians dare to destroy Sokovia regardless of the life and death of the Avengers, those crazy fans will tear them apart.

Of course, some people suggested to find someone familiar with Logan to ask Logan for help, because as long as Logan is willing to take action, this disaster can definitely be solved.

And there were indeed people who did this, but Logan ruthlessly rejected it, on the grounds that the things that humans make are resolved by humans themselves, he is not a firefighter, where there is a fire, it will be extinguished, and he will not do it again in the future , let people stop bothering him.

Although Logan's actions have caused dissatisfaction among many people, and even Logan's admirers, Logan doesn't care at all, and the Avengers can solve this matter without talking about it, even if the Avengers can't solve it. There are still so many superheroes, as long as they work together, let alone one Ultron, even ten Ultrons are no match.

"Logan really can't make a move?"

Knowing the situation, Chi You asked hell.

"No, he may not intervene in the affairs of the earth in the future, because if human beings feel dependent on him and go to him whenever there is something that cannot be solved, then the progress of human beings will stop."

"And Logan is already considering leaving the Marvel universe. He has influenced many people here, made a big deviation in the future, and created many powerful enemies for the earth."

At this time, Hell Dao and Chi You were watching Sokovia take off from a place not far from Sokovia.

"Aren't we going to make a move?"

Chi You asked.

Chi You was still worried that the Avengers would not be able to solve this disaster.

"It depends on the situation! If the Avengers really can't solve this disaster, we can't watch human beings destroy."

Hell Road thought for a moment and said.

"But I think maybe we won't need to make a move!"

Hell Road turned his head and glanced at the sky in the distance.

"That is……"

Chi You looked in the direction Hell Dao was looking at, and found a strange plane.

"The increase has arrived, we shouldn't have to show up!"

Hell Road turned his head and looked at Sokovia who was getting taller and said.

"Then watch the show!"

Chi You also felt relieved and said.

The plane in the distance belongs to the X-Men. They were entrusted by the White House to help the Avengers. In this way, the chances of the Avengers' victory are much greater.

(End of this chapter)

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