The Resetting Lady

Chapter 114



Raymond threw up a lot of emotions that didn’t become a language. It was as if time had stopped that Raymond could not even stand there, crying and crying. But she was still hugging her with one arm. He groped Karen’s face with one hand and said in a hoarse voice.

“…carren, we’d better move first. We can’t stay here forever.”

“Yes, I see.”

When Karen nodded, Raymond hugged Karen. Raymond glanced out the window and headed for the stairs.

“You’d better go down slowly.”

“…you’re telling me the obvious.”

Karen thought of the consequences of going down so fast last time. It hurt terribly. It wasn’t even an immediate accident. Although he died soon. Karen trembled all over as she thought of her broken body. Pain was not familiar to her, who was accustomed to death.

“Caran, Karen?”


“Are you all right?”

But now Raymond was holding her. Karen blinked her eyes. That’s all right. Now there’s someone who remembers her even if he dies. Karen saw his face in the arms of the man holding her. a person who knows her Loving her, understanding. The only one in the world.

“Sir Raymond. There’s something I’ve always wanted to do.”

“Do anything.”

“Can I pinch you whenever you make a joke that’s not funny?”

“…was my joke so boring?”

His voice was a little shocked. Karen answered sternly.


“…I’ll try.”

“Do a lot.”

Karen laughed. But soon I was suffocated. Raymond raised Karen up, but she raised her too high.

“Well, I’ll just walk.”

“Can’t you just carry me down there?”

“There’s nothing wrong with it, but….”

I think it would be easier to just walk. The vibration was transmitted to her as Raymond, holding Karen, was walking down the stairs. But Karen didn’t say any more. Raymond was smiling, but his eyes were swollen. Karen just decided to let him hold her. He looked so eager to do so.

“I’ve always wanted to do this.”

Raymond hugged Karen and said so.

“With you alive.”

I could only hear a throbbing noise. But it wasn’t long. It’s this short when you go up, but when you go down together. The stairs were dark and a little dizzy, but it all didn’t matter now. Raymond spoke again at the end of the stairs. It was a slightly hesitant tone.



“I think you’d better close your eyes.”


Karen turned her head. There was a smell of fish. Karen knew why he said that by looking at the bloodstains on the wall.


Raymond couldn’t have negotiated peacefully in the first place. The smell of blood is vibrating. Raymond pulled Karen’s head to his chest.

“I’m sorry.”

But the apology was not an apology to the dead, but an apology to Karen. I’m sorry that the smell is bothering you. It was just that.


The smell of blood vibrated. All the people are dead. There must have been a duke or a child. How can you kill a child? Is it right to say that? Do you think you should say that?


Karen answered, digging back into Raymond.

“It’s all right.”

Raymond is always on her side. And so is Karen. Now Karen no longer has to wonder how she behaves in Raymond’s view. Whatever he does, he will understand her, and she will understand him.

Karen is actually much worse than Raymond. She’s the one who wants to kill. Raymond would know that. But he felt sorry for Karen for killing and smelling and hurting her feelings. Karen has one thing to do now. I closed my eyes. That was her courtesy to him.

Karen passed through a pile of bodies in Raymond’s arms.

I could hear the sound of blood slapping under Raymond’s shoes.

“I’m fine.”

Her article will not be the same as before. Something must have changed a lot because of you. Raymond, who cannot remember what he saw, and Raymond, who is now, cannot be the same. But whoever it is, Karen has no choice but to love Raymond now. The more you give up something for yourself, the more you will love it.

Raymond dropped Karen in front of a horse. Karen was concerned about what she saw from the stairs.

“Here you go. This side of the cheek.”

“Thank you.”

Raymond roughly wiped his face with Karen’s handkerchief. Karen was bothered by a slight smudge.

“Wait a minute.”

Karen wiped Raymond’s face again with her finger. Raymond closed his eyes and accepted Karen’s hand. It was nothing but sensational, so Karen quickly got up. Now I felt strange just by looking at my face.

“Did I ask, too?”

“No, you don’t have any. You must go on horseback, not a carriage. Are you feeling all right?”

Karen looked around her ankle or waist. There was no problem.

“That’s okay. But where are we going?”

“To my house.”


Raymond’s house wasn’t perfect, but it was pretty good. It was like a house of historic male writers.

Not only is it more spectacular than the guest house that the Countess gave, but most of all, Raymond was most perfect in not imposing any sanctions on Karen’s money. days of restlessness So far, the period has been too short, but this time it will be enjoyed from spring.

I can’t believe I went to his house at this time. Karen was amazed by so many changes. Of course, a miracle happened, so it was not strange what happened.

“Carran, go up first.”

Raymond put Karen on the saddle. As Karen pulled forward, Raymond climbed up behind her. Karen asked him behind her back.

“I wanted to go on a trip. Can we go on a trip first?”

Karen was a little sad that her schedule had been completely broken. He was planning to go on a trip he had never experienced before.

“Oh… I’m sorry. Karen, I think we need to ask for your understanding first.”

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Let’s put the trip back a year.”

“What’s the point of putting off a short life?”

Her life is really short.

“I want to go to the sea in summer. Can’t you?”

I was surprised to hear a little whining voice on my own. Wow, I’m really like a kid. Karen realized it with his soothing voice and felt a little ashamed.


Raymond said kindly, making the horse move.

I wish you were in the house for a year or so. I know it’s a matter of understanding, but I won’t listen even if you don’t like it. And… I’ll have to think about contacting your home.”

“My father must be worried.”

“It’s because I’m afraid you’ll go back and die out of sight.”

“You die when you see you… Oh, please don’t cry.”

Karen, who looked back inadvertently, stopped talking because she thought Raymond would cry again. It is said that women’s tears are weapons, and men’s tears are weapons.

“Anyway, I’ll prepare everything for a year. Just be patient for a year. Let’s go anywhere after that. Whether it’s the sea, mountains or foreign countries. Wherever you want. But not before that day.”

“Oh, my God. Lord Raymond. Obsessed men are not popular. You want to lock me up in my room?”

Raymond’s body has hardened. After a while he said with a tremendous strut.

“Well, um… no… First, check that you don’t die a year later….”

“Just kidding. Don’t take it seriously. I knew the reason as soon as I heard it.”


Karen pinched Raymond’s hand. Raymond stumbled on the horse and straightened himself.

“Sir Raymond must be old, too. As I get older, it’s not fun, and it’s getting worse.”

“…carren, you’re kidding, right?”

“I’m telling you.”


“I’ll joke around. Anyway, I’ll let you know that Lord Raymond is obsessed with you. Because he’s handsome.”

He is different from being obsessed like Prince Gwiz. It is not a dark basement but a huge greenhouse. It’s not to monopolize, it’s to protect it. Karen knows his full love. Of course, appearance is also important.

“It’s an honor.”

“But when you get old, you’re no good.”

“That’s okay. I’m handsome even when I’m old.”

Raymond answered confidently. It’s a shameless conviction.

“Wow… Confidence….”

“I’m telling you.”

Raymond laughed. Karen felt his laughter behind her back. Raymond laughed for a long time and said,

“And don’t kill yourself again. My life expectancy is so much longer than yours that I can’t stand it anymore. If I was late again, I would be too lazy to live.”


“It’s to keep the promise. Just because you borrow someone’s hand doesn’t mean you’re not committing suicide.”

Karen thought for a moment and understood what he was saying.

After falling from the tower and dying, Nancy killed herself and Bowen died several times. Raymond said that. Karen has tried not to think of him since she came back to life. But if I hadn’t acted hastily then, I would have met him sooner.

“Oh, that’s… dead about five times. I didn’t know Lord Raymond knew….”

Karen stopped talking.

He thought vaguely that Raymond met when he was 117. But what he’s saying now is.

“…Sir Raymond. How far do you remember?”

Karen put her head up. I can see Raymond’s face. His face is as beautiful as ever and there is no trace of any time on his skin. But as soon as Karen saw him, she could recognize that the years had gone by.

Karen is not a one-time man she met when she was 117.

Raymond doesn’t remember only one life.

Now he speaks of his old self.

How old is this guy now? Raymond pulled Karen’s body.


Karen saw Raymond’s face in his arms. Karen felt a bit like, when she saw a huge cliff. Then he realized that a great deal of time had gone by.

“I remember everything.”

It was a very tired voice.

“I don’t want to think about anything but loving you anymore.”

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