The Resetting Lady

Chapter 157


‘I left the fish to the cat….’

Karen sighed as she touched her forehead. Nancy even stole “Icella’s Necklace.” Even though I know I have a strong desire for materialism, I tried to believe it in this life, but I didn’t expect to get hit in the back of my head right away.

“Lord Raymond, how many are there now?”

“As you can see.”

Raymond waved an empty pocket. Only dust comes out.

“It would be too much to bring a new gift for Isela.”

“Why don’t you write a heart-filled letter instead of a gift?”

“What kind of heart?”

“A sincere heart to be a friend….”

You must be joking. Karen shook her head and said, A letter? I didn’t want to think I was getting it.

“I don’t think I’ll get one of those for handsome guys.”

“I suppose so.”

It was Isella, who only received luxury items, even if it was a gift from Raymond. There is no need to ask if Karen is giving it to her. Karen and Raymond sat side by side sighing.

“I never thought I’d see you….”

I thought it would be hard to be friends, but it was a matter of degree. Even if Isella didn’t like Karen, she thought she would be able to spend that much time and interact this time, just as she always spent time with her in the beginning and talked with her. That’s the courtesy.

But this time, Isela continued to refuse Karen’s visit, probably because of her personal visit.

Now that Isella is so disappointed with Raymond, wouldn’t Karen be successful if she visited and gave her comfort and her favorite necklace? Of course, that could have failed, but Nancy ran away with a way worth trying…I was disappointed.

“What should I do about the hotel bill?”

“I don’t have much money, but I think I can pawn one of my belongings. But I don’t think it’s possible to stay. Why don’t you go back to the Haier estate first and meet Miss Isela again?”

“I’m on my way anyway, so I wish I could go with Isela….”

“I’m not going to see you, so what can I do?”

Karen became a little depressed when she saw Raymond pull her watch and look at it. Icela and Berdick will also go to the Haier estate’s house anyway, but of course, the schedule that they thought would accompany them went awry.

“…and it’s kind of depressing to think about going back to my father after all.”

“We haven’t even started yet. “Life is a series of frustrations anyway, so don’t be so depressed.”

Listening to Raymond’s words, which were not consoling him, I was embarrassed to imagine Karen returning to her father and saying that she had not succeeded. He went so proudly and declared that he would “convincing Berdyk” and “at least make a friendly relationship with Isella,” but in reality, Isela never met and Nancy ran away by hitting Karen in the back of her head. Should I kill him again when he’s angry?

“Carran, I’m going to get going. Pack your bags and get ready to ride in the carriage.”

“Wait, Lord Raymond. I think it’s a waste to go back like this.”

“But there’s no way.”

“I’ll try. I’ll have to go see Icela Evans.”


“Caran Haier is back.”

Verdick liked Karen Haier’s persistence, who never got tired of it. However, Isela’s condition was not very good. Berdick put down the newspaper he was reading and fixed his glasses.

“Daddy! I’d like to pretend that Sir Raymond wasn’t engaged! I won’t!”

“Icella, what do you mean?”

Isela fell on her bed and cried.

Berdyk asked his servant to call Raymond, but he had already left the mansion. Verdick, who heard the message from a nervous servant instead of Isela crying with abusive language, had a headache.

Raymond and Isela were arguing, and Raymond verbally abused Isela for her appearance.

I couldn’t believe that Raymond said that, but for now he tried to soothe his crying daughter. Isela was stuck in bed and shot Berdick.

“It’s all your fault! Why didn’t you make my face look prettier? And you chose a man like Lord Raymond. Your father doesn’t have an eye either!”

“Why is that my fault? And it was you, Isela, who said I liked Lord Raymond!”

I made an attempt.

However, Verdick was not generous enough to accept his daughter’s immature grumbling. I can’t believe the reason why he’s so crazy is his appearance. The money for Isela’s hair, skin care, body care, clothes and accessories was really huge. Even Isela’s mother didn’t write like that.

Berdick said Raymond made a face-to-face appearance as an excuse to break up, but Isela seemed to be unable to hear anything. Raymond pointed out that this was what Isela had been caring about.

“You’re pretty enough.”

However, Isela did not pretend to have heard it lying on her face. Frustrated, Verdick closed the door. Besides, I didn’t think Raymond would really break up with Isela.

“Ask Isela and let her take care of it.”

Berdick didn’t want to hear Isela’s whining. It’s good to have a topic that will turn the attention of Isela. It would be better to spend some time venting your anger on Karen Haier. The servant bowed his head when Berdick agreed.

“Okay, my lord.”


Each has a different opportunity to be liked by others. So Karen decided to do something she hadn’t tried before.

“Maybe it works.”

“Carran, frankly, I can’t agree.”

“You can’t afford to lose.

“It’s as bad as not doing it.”

Karen decided to borrow money from Isela.

“Even if you fail, you’ll be hit hard as hell.”

“…just wait a few days and I’ll get the money. Wouldn’t it be better to just trust me and wait? Let’s think of more of her favorite things.”

“Lord Raymond, don’t do anything that makes you feel bad, just watch him.”

“Feeling bad…”

“I mean kidnapping and killing Isela. Of course, I know you did it for me, but…I’ve failed in that way, so I’ll take care of it in this life.”

Raymond didn’t approve of the idea of borrowing money at all, but Karen thought it might be her own way.

People have a more positive mind when they help than when they get help. That may be why more people love their children when they put their parents and children on the same line. It was unknown to Karen, who had never had children, but usually did. Perhaps Isela would prefer someone who could give her a gift to someone who could give it to her.

‘Hold on, Isela used to show off a few times and give me a present.’

Karen shook her head. Giving something for show is different from helping the needy. How can I know if she has a new aspect of feeling proud while helping Karen? If things go well, it will be an opportunity to be friends with Isela, and even if it goes wrong, it will be better than now to do nothing. Karen thought so.


“…so what did you bring this time?”

asked Isela in a dark voice in the bright drawing room. He must have cried. That’s what Raymond’s been doing. He’s been attacking me. Perhaps it would have been better to listen to Raymond’s advice. Karen swallowed a dry saliva.

“Actually, I couldn’t prepare a gift, Isela.”

“…you kept bringing gifts, and now is the other way around? It’s not like a gift from a heart that’s not even funny.”

“To be honest, I came here to ask a favor.”

Isela’s voice sank further and Karen had to be a little nervous.

And it hurt my pride a little bit that I was nervous in front of Isela.

“Can I borrow some money?”

Karen closed her eyes as she asked questions. Should I pour water? Should I scream?

However, he slowly opened his eyes again due to the unexpected calm response. Isela kept looking at Karen with a sour look. It was a face I had never seen before.

“I wonder why.”


Karen interlaced the story with a theatrical tone.

The maid, who had been like a nanny who took care of her since she was young, ran away with a necklace and all of cash in line with the driver’s eyes. And he also said that he spent a huge amount of money to buy the necklace.

“…oh, my God.”

Isela looked at Karen with a pathetic look when she heard that her finances were shaky buying the necklace, but she was displeased with Nancy.

“The maid ran away with all my money like the horseman…I don’t even have money to go back to.”

“…we have to kill them all.”

Isela heard and began cursing Nancy and the horseman together.

When any employer began to have several employees, they were all troubled by the friction they were having. I don’t do my job right in a small way, like running away with money or having an affair with my employer.

There were many ways to get close to people, but swearing at others was one of them. The two spent their time cursing their servants hard. The conversation got longer and the servants kept serving snacks. Isela chewed the cookies. There was anger instead of dignity. Previously, I didn’t eat snacks like that because I got fat.

“If you do well, you’ll always get in the back of course.I’m not gonna let you go.”


Karen hoped Raymond would not be the object of her failure, but when she saw Isella’s eyes, she seemed to include Raymond.

After talking to Karen for a while and eating snacks, Isela wiped her mouth and looked at Karen.

“Okay, I’ll lend it to you.”


“I’m lending it to you.”

Isela still replied in a harsh voice.

“Really? Thank you, Miss Isela.”

Karen’s face brightened up. The light of the greenhouse shone on Isela’s face. My eyes were swollen and I had a pimple on my face because I couldn’t sleep, but it still seemed to shine. Life was really a long life and a sight. Then can I go with this for a friend-like relationship? But Karen’s thoughts were broken by Isela’s ensuing words.

“But there are conditions.”


Karen had a bad appetite. Of course, she can’t just do it for sure. It was hard for him to think that he would buy a sense of friendship, become friends and lend money through one conversation.

But this time, many things have changed, so maybe it will work out better. Isn’t it the first time for Isella to focus so much on her story? Karen was willing to match as much as she could, no matter what condition Isela held out. Karen looked at Isela with hope.

“What are the terms?”

“I’m trying to run away from home. Help me.”

But this was unexpected.

Karen seemed to be chilling.

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