The Resetting Lady

Chapter 207


“No… no…”

Duran crawled to Raymond. However, the bullet that pierced the temple accurately went out to the other side and was stuck in the wall of the temple. Duran held Raymond by hand, but it was obvious that there was no soul in him.


Blood began to flow from Duran’s eyes.

I didn’t want this. He gave up Karen. I was going to give up. And I tried to bless. Forever, everlasting love. She believed that she could bless the man she chose, not herself.

There was Karen sitting on the tower looking down. Prior to the death penalty, Karen’s face, which had noticed infertility, was light but a little brighter.

“Dulan, Lord Raymond is back.”


“Sir Raymond is back. I told you not to come.”

The face turns sad again.

“Sympathy for him.”

No, you’re in love with him.

“Love is between people!”

No, I know.

So Duran decided. The bet was lost. Maybe he was expecting it. May she not love. May you live alone forever.

However, Karen, who has lived for more than a hundred years, chose him. It’s the man who chose to believe that it’s your destiny, and that’s not even a funny whisper to find the male protagonist. The choice cannot be wrong.

Seeing Raymond give up everything and rush to Karen, who was brought to death, I had to admit it.

This is the man you chose. There’s a man who can give up like that for you. I love principles and justice, but there’s someone who thinks you’re more important than that. I admit that I can’t do that at all.

“You won the bet.”

Press your finger gently with your foot to remove it. Then he sees Karen falling, and Raymond jumping up the wall. I pray you don’t reach it.

So die.

Your love will be completed and you will have eternal companions and I will bless the marriage.


“Why me?”

I see confidence in asking Catherine.

Why did you choose me? Why did you ask me to help you? Why of all things.

Catherine sits as graceful as ever, looking down at the young Dulan with a light smile.

“That’s natural.”



There is a feeling that one cannot have.

It should not be just that. Then you can’t do it at all. This dirty, irresistible disgusting heart, curiosity, and madness cannot be called such feelings.

“My mom says I’m not going to die.”

That’s great.

You don’t have to be nervous. You don’t have to look into the future with anxiety. You don’t have to be afraid to die. It’s scary to die, isn’t it? There’s no beautiful end. The story won’t end.


“This isn’t it!”

There are two bodies left. I didn’t want this. Duran cried out.

Every memory begins to overlap and every life fills his head, his eyes, his ears. From the inside, it is filled to cover the throat. I can hear a voice that can’t be heard in his ears. I see something that can’t be seen. An endless whispering and fantasy begins.

I wish the priest could understand me. If you could understand this pain, this tears, this sigh. If I could give you a memory.

I want you to be scared. I hope you’re very sad. I want to spend an unending wailing night.

You can’t run away. Because our child is dead to you.


Duran was put in jail.

Isela took over the situation on behalf of the fainted Haier lord. Isela ordered the servants to hand over Dulan, and the Marquis of Pancair took over.

The Marquis kept him in prison, but he couldn’t decide how to deal with him after a few days. I couldn’t tell Lewis. This is because he was so sensitive that he could not bring out a tragedy that he did not want because it was the early period of his reign after his ascension.

Karen and Raymond went forward on the podium for their wedding vows, and Duran officiated in front of them, so their position was quite far from the others. People didn’t understand the situation that was going too fast. What is certain is that Karen was stabbed to death and Raymond committed suicide.

Then, of course, Isela pointed out Dulan as a sinner, but Raymond’s letter that said the priest killed himself on the spot made the Marquis even more confused.

If Karen dies, the culprit is Dulan. But, Marquis, no matter what happens to the trial, please don’t let him die. He’s not supposed to go on a comfortable path called death penalty.

Karen and the Marquis had a headache in the letter predicting their death.

The dead were silent and the living were silent. Dulan was the culprit, but after questioning Isela several times, she was not sure if Dulan stabbed Karen.

Above all, it was heartbreaking that Raymond did not subdue Duran, but committed suicide after Karen. In addition to that, the letter made it even harder to judge.

Eventually, the Marquis had to release Duran over time due to lack of evidence.

“Don’t forget I’m watching you wherever you go.”


Dulan’s face, still young, has become like an old man. Apparently, the skin was not stretched out and the head was black, but the back was bent more and the body dried up like a skewer. The close proximity to plants and still life was hardly a young man in his prime.

The eyes lost their light and could hardly speak. I had to knock on him to talk to him and explain the situation for a long time after that. Duran has been in ecstasy since the incident. When I was alone, I didn’t eat, didn’t drink water, so I had to attach people. The Marquis kicked his tongue.

Duran was not convicted, so he had to go back and become Lord Haier. It was two years after the wedding.

Duran returned to Haier’s mansion and remained unconscious for a while. The memories he couldn’t handle came out of fantasy and hallucination, and Dulan had no choice but to sit still and hold on.

I’m getting married.

Do you even understand what I’m saying?

Bride, please. Please.


It was more time later that Duran recognized himself living with ghosts. Dulan moved only when he was about to die because he didn’t take care of himself. Then he saw himself standing alone in an empty mansion. Duran shrugged and moved as if waiting for the tomb of the estate.

It’s already autumn that I don’t know how many times. It would be a season of abundance, but the weather was bleak and no one came to the house of the crazy lord, so the surrounding area was completely ruined.

The village overlooking was already devastated. Most of the people left, and the place was occupied by drifters. Duran stared at the scene and walked back. Tired of ghosts, I wanted to go to the grave. Now it was the limit.

If a person suffers too much, he or she can’t even afford to commit suicide. Duran clambered to the grave to die.

Let’s die, come on, as always.

There was medicine in his arms. It wasn’t a short sleep, it was a medicine that made you fall asleep forever. Dulan’s closest tombstone came in.

Karen Haier.

Karen’s body was buried in the Haier estate, and Raymond’s body was also sent to the Sayertes estate. Because they didn’t get married properly, their families and relatives wanted each body back.


Duran looked down at the tombstone of the lord buried next to Catherine’s tomb. Lord Haier died again this time. In front of it was Karen’s tombstone. When Princess Haier saw her daughter dead, she collapsed and couldn’t get up anymore. Dulan stood blankly looking at the tomb of his family and took medicine out of his arms.


Suicide is easy.

Duran has done it several times so far. But Duran saw Karen’s tombstone. I see a tombstone that says he died at the age of 17.

Ironically, what prevented Dulan from committing suicide was the fear of seeing Karen again. If you die now, you will see Karen’s face in a short time. And Karen and Raymond will die in front of Duran again and again.

Until Duran gives up.

Duran knelt before the tombstone. There was no way to escape. All of his memories have come back and Karen and Raymond know that too. Even if he can physically kill himself, he will be dragged into their fate again.


Duran realized. If he doesn’t find a way out now, Karen will die right away in her next life, and so will Raymond. Now he can no longer flee using death and will always be.

“You killed me!”

Duran racked his head. It’s not guilt, but I had a headache because so many memories flooded in. You cannot escape to death. But I couldn’t figure out what to do in my life.

Is it the only thing left to be avenged forever? Duran grabbed his hot nose. My nose was bleeding again. Since the memory returned, blood has been flowing and hallucinations have continued.

How can I get out of this pain? Duran sat idly and breathed. I could see less hallucinations from the grave.

And remember….

I forgive you.

In what way.

I wonder if I can get forgiveness. Karen’s mouth speaks of forgiveness, but her eyes call for revenge. She and he anticipated the pain they were going to suffer. It’s not that I’m not angry. They say they will forgive ‘even so’. At that time, I remember a memory of the past not too far away like a coincidence.

“I hope the priest can understand our pain.”

Duran knew blood tears were flowing from his eyes. However, it was not clear whether it was physiological or emotionally motivated.


“Why is that?”

“I don’t want to.”

Duran wanted to observe and understand Karen, but he didn’t want to love her. I didn’t want to be weak. I didn’t want to remember. He knew he’d end forever if he did.

And his guess was right. Duran regained all his memories and understood Karen. Eternal life, like religion, was worse for Karen than hell.

I have no choice but to admit myself. Duran Lloyd is a apostate. Eternal life could no longer be an immutable truth to oneself. He who has regained his memory is so weak, so afraid… I wanted to repent. Therefore, we have no choice but to ask for a way.

He knew what to do.


Duran poured the medicine he was carrying into Karen’s tombstone. You have to give up your suicide.

He realized why he had left him not to die and why Karen forgave him.

“Don’t run anymore.”

He has been able to escape so far. He was able to escape to the next life by means of suicide. But I couldn’t do that anymore. He had to live without fail.

He had to live like that and do research to make Karen’s body pregnant again throughout her life. He had to settle what he had done. And I had to meet her again in my next life.

I forgive you.

Forgiveness comes after an apology.

Duran had to apologize before Karen had forgiven him.


Karen stroked her stomach.

I think of a stillborn child, an unborn child, and a child who will die repeatedly like himself.

She’s my child I haven’t even seen, and I don’t know what she’s like. Maybe it’s cruel of you to let you be born in this endless world. I don’t know if it’s a blessing to be born or disappear now.

Actually, I don’t feel like I’m having a huge motherhood. Maybe he’s making you up for me. But I really hope and hope for you. I’m curious about your face. How you walk, what kind of life you live…I really want to meet you.

So let’s die together for now.

07. Happily ever after

The beginning is always the same.

It’s a rainy garden.

I had a gold coin in my hand. Karen raised her hand and looked up at the gold coin. It was not a number engraved, but a common, common gold coins were common. I could see that Duran wasn’t the one who saved himself in his last life. Karen threw the gold coin on a rope that broke her foot.

Karen didn’t move.

I stood still and got rained on.

It was cold and cold, but you have to wait.

Imagine the situation after one’s death. I wonder if Raymond followed me too late. Did Duran give up? And this time, will it end?

Shoot me…

The rain stopped after a long wait.

Karen opened her eyes. The cold dawn rain stopped and dawn began to break. Sooner or later, another life will begin. Nancy will come in to wake herself up, and servants and maids will prepare breakfast, start cleaning, and prepare for the beginning of this life.

It’s not too late to get ready for this life, but Karen didn’t want to get in. There was something more important than such a trifle. There was something I could know without making a promise. Karen stood still and waited.

And finally, the moment came when the blue dawns were torn in the burning morning. And in between, there was a dazzling white dot. The fast approaching view from the horizon seemed to tear up the dawn and run.

Above all, the dazzling morning was beginning.

It was a dusky dawn, but I didn’t have to say who that white and golden figure was. Rather than calming down the frantic white horse, it was a young knight who made it even more excited.

When he came near Karen, he jumped off without speaking up. The horse went on and on and on and off somewhere.

There was no need to confirm who he was.

It was just a thing to know.

Because her articles always come to her.

Tears washed down in the rain and the morning came.

The clear morning sky filled the world. Karen embraced her knight with her arms. A body that seemed to burn with gold wrapped around Karen.


Young-ju was surprised by her daughter who knocked on the door from the morning.

This is because the daughter, who has been rapidly insane since a few years ago, rarely visited her. Since he knows the situation of his daughter, who keeps the least amount of encounters, Young-ju did not have to visit her. But on that day, Young-joo hurriedly changed her clothes and opened the door herself because she was really in a hurry.

“Hey, what’s going on? Oh, my God, they’re all wet.”

The grown daughter’s body was all wet. It looked like I fell into a lake. Knowing her daughter’s madness, Young-joo was scared, but Karen smiled broadly, overshadowing his worries. It was a smile that I haven’t seen in a long time.

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m just wet.”

Karen embraced her father with a wet head and body, smiling. It has not happened in years. The frightened lord hugged each other in a haphazard manner. And asked her daughter.

“What’s going on?”

“There are so many that I don’t know what to say first!”

Karen laughed and patted the lord on the back, and turned her body and pointed back. There stood a young man whom I had never seen before. The man tried to ask for a handshake, but Karen was faster.

“I have a man I love. I’d like to introduce you.”

“You mean the man you love?”


The lord was embarrassed by the sudden remark, but he soon found out.

This is the moment. That’s what Catherine said.

I was smiling, but I also realized that Karen’s eyes were filled with tears, not rainwater. Catherine really….

“I see.”

The lord laughed at Karen. This moment, he’s been waiting for it. I don’t know how much time has passed. But I believe. Karen smiled and turned away.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

Slowly, a blond-haired young man came into Young-ju’s sight.

It was a tense face, a man trying to propose a marriage proposal.

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