The Resetting Lady

Chapter 68


Prince Louis asked curtly.

“So you like me because I have power?”


“And what if I had no power?”


Lady Solar’s answer quietened the surroundings.

“I like your handsome ex-prince.”

Lady Lian also answered with a confident look.

“Well, thank you?”

“I’m glad you’re healthy.”

William answered confidently. He knelt before the crown prince as if he swore with one hand on his chest.

“…Thank you very much, Mr. William. Get up because it’s burdensome.”

Lewis winked at Karen as she raised William up.

“Then shall we consider the answers of the three first?”

“Oh, there’s still a lot of people.”

Karen tried to delay her choice, pointing out other young nobles who were itching to speak, but Prince Louis shook his head.

“It’s lunch time soon.”


“I don’t like being hungry.”

“You’re right. I’m afraid the Crown Prince will be physically damaged. Let’s move on.”

“Yes, yes, thank you.”

Roughly turning over William’s father-son sat in front of Karen and asked,

“All right, Miss Solar spoke of power. Ryan Young-ae was talking about looks, William was talking about a healthy body. Well, I think the two in the back are similar. Whose answer would you give more? If it’s not among them, we’ll go to the others. Of course, after lunch.”


Karen held up her finger and fell into trouble. What should I say to myself? In fact, Karen has been bored since earlier. No matter what the children think and what arguments they make, what is it all about? Is that all you have to do is it’s killing time. Karen was just trying to answer that she didn’t know. To answer seriously is to lose.


“except I don’t know.”

There is a certain resemblance to Raymond. Karen thought so when she looked into the eyes of Prince Louis. Why do you like Raymond? Karen was dumbfounded by it. Do you like Raymond? Karen wasn’t confident in answering that question first. I thought I was in a book.

And I thought so for 100 years. It’s a story in a book that’s made with Raymond…But did you really read the book? Don’t. Don’t think about it. If you think deeply, you’ll precipitate. What should I answer now?

“Will my… answer matter?”

Karen knew her voice was a little shaky. Prince Louis’ eyes deepened unexpectedly. The tail of my eyes is bent.

“I wonder what it’s like to be married to someone I care about.”

He’s probably just one soldier. Karen racked her brains. Let’s think of a good answer no matter who hears it. A good answer. Personality?

“That’s not a bad deal for future men, is it? You can’t marry a woman who doesn’t love you. Don’t think too heavy. If you want to rule my country, the details….”

“My country, you’re telling a funny story.”

A cold voice separated the people.

It was a word. It instantly changed people’s expressions. Prince Louis hardened his smiling face and smiled again. It was a smile full of courtesy and tension.

‘Isn’t it too early to call it my country?’

Stretching. Stuttering.

Karen knows who that man is. But was he like that before? Karen immediately stood up and lowered herself. All the nobles in the hall rose and withdrew. The children’s meeting is over. There is no need for laughter anymore. He doesn’t like that kind of stuff.


“Long time no see, son.”

Prince Gwiz appeared.


“Are you not eating?”

“No thanks. I don’t have much appetite.”

Raymond saw Sion’s steak on the train. It was only slightly cooked on the outside, so blood dripped down. I feel offended for some reason. A while ago, he cut blood and flesh to collect the supply and demand of the duke himself, but it didn’t seem to affect Zion that much. Zion looked at Raymond, cutting the steak well. When Raymond’s expression was not so good, Zion made a straight face, saying, “It’s funny.”

“Wow, you seem like a 17-year-old girl to be delicate.”

Not only his expression but also his words. Raymond nodded his prepared answer.

“Because I’m in love these days. Did they say that love makes you look alike?”

“That’s a really funny joke.”

It was a more finite response than Xenon. Jenon looked at the owner with a very suspicious look at what he was thinking. Raymond answered back, recalling his loyal servant.

“That’s what Xenon said.”

“Oh, come to think of it, why did you leave him? Not many servants are as fit as Xenon.”

“Because it’s dangerous.”

Raymond’s quick answer made Zion hold his chest and pretend to cry.

“I can be dangerous, right?”

“Why ask the obvious?”


“Wasn’t he prepared to die when he swore before you? Jenon is not a profession unlike us. He’s just my servant. It’s useless… not having to suffer….”

Raymond stopped talking. He lived by himself. That’s an overwhelming achievement. But they are still alive to the end. Raymond’s survival was by no means due to his outstanding new weapons.

“I’ll finish my report. Where’s the ink?”

“…I haven’t even started eating yet.”

I’m about to retire, but I’m so into this. Raymond thought for a moment about the back of Zion’s head, but he was too lazy to say more. Zion was such an attitude to everyone. He did a good job, and did not hesitate to do all the dirty work, but as a soldier, he was not very sociable.

When Raymond was first assigned, he even tried to smoke on his face. However, even if he was hit to the point where his ribs were broken, Zion’s attitude was as good as that. Even that has become much better. He’ll die like that. Raymond just sighed and got up and found the ink.

“Why don’t you have some vegetables? There’s a long way to go before we get there.”

“I’ll take care of it later, so leave it alone… I found it.”

Raymond opened the bottle of ink, smeared it on his pen, and wrote down the report. The new gun was not likely to be very useful. Raymond didn’t survive because of the performance of the weapon, but purely because he was more flexible, faster, and more powerful.

Raymond infiltrated and killed more with his bare hands or dagger than with a gun. The gun’s low noise was an advantage, but it was too loud and heavy. The way it was loaded also had a slight irritant to the hand. Raymond became a little emotional as he meticulously wrote down his pros and cons. I thought you’d bury your bones in the army. There’s not much time left for this. And the feeling didn’t last long.

with a rattle.

“…oh, hell.”

The train shook. The compartment shook and the ink spread to the floor. The ink spreads uncontrollably. As the bottle rolled around, the floor turned black and dirty. Raymond groaned with a distant feeling.

“Lay, Lord Raymond.”

“I know you don’t have a maid. I’ll clean it up.”

“Oh, no.”

Zion called Raymond. Raymond turned his head as he tried to stop the record he had written. You’re going to get nagged. But that wasn’t important. Did the ink spill over on Zion? Raymond thought so for a moment. It was so unrealistic to see Zion’s face covered with black liquid.



Zion vomited black and white blood from his nose and mouth. Black blood gushed out of the gap in the hands.


The children looked puking with tension. The amicable atmosphere that can be enjoyed even as a child is over. Now the owner of the group is not the round-faced Prince Louis, but the middle-aged Prince Gwiz. All of us had to sit side by side at the table that was long, not three or five times at the round table that we had to sit side by side.

“That’s where you are, Earl Charles.”

And those whom the crown prince did not want were placed far away. a social group, not a social group, but a social group People had to follow the whispers of the servants and find their seats, and they were discouraged when they found out where they did not want to be.

“Was it this big?”

Karen felt the space suddenly became huge. Originally, it was a high ceiling, marble pillars, and a smooth floor, but before that, creamy-colored ones were now felt like the decorations of a cold grave. Is it because the children are nervous? The movement has decreased. Children’s laughter disappeared and only adults’ obligatory laughter remained.

‘You’re going to have an upset stomach.’

Karen gave everyone a consolation. Of course, only to the inside. He had to go to the last seat, but Karen hesitated for a moment. Prince Gwizu’s intentions were unknown, making it difficult to identify his location. But it would be better to go to the bottom. As Karen headed to the end, a servant quietly spoke to Karen from behind.

“Miss Karen Evans, your seat is not there.”

“…which way?”

“That way.”


Sijon pointed to the throne next to the crown prince, and the front seat of Prince Louis.

Everyone held their breath. And some gave a look of relief, and most gave a look of cold look. That seat is not enough for Karen. unless instructed by someone who can completely ignore manners or laws Karen didn’t move when she saw the spot, and the bell urged her from behind.


“Let’s go.”

It is a place for a duke to sit. Karen bit her lip. Prince Gwiz was staring at him outright. Snow flowed down from Karen’s face to her chest and stomach. His eyes were more suitable for city and provincial gentry.


Why? Karen laughed inwardly. You know that look. It’s so common. It’s the eye of a man who wants to dig between his legs. He looked too familiar to himself. Karen moved one step at a time to the prince’s side. Fortunately, I wasn’t nervous, but I wasn’t happy either. All eyes were on Karen.


Why is it different now? Karen was curious about that. So far, he has never given such an explicit look. Where and how did it change, what stimulated him? So far, all he’s said about Karen has been.

“You look like Catherine.”

“…you look like Catherine.

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