The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 25: Strike team Assault part 2

Pov Team Alpha

“Shoot the fucker!” Jill yelled as both her and Chris started firing at the figure. The thunderous cracking of those firearms echoed in the sewer tunnels. Jill and Chris both looked on in horror as the bullets just crumpled against the creatures skin. 

Leon aimed his AR-15 at the creatures eyes and opened fire. He unloaded his entire magazine as he and the rest of his team started to retreat. The bullets struck the figure and much like Chris and Jills efforts enraged the creature more then harm. “Keep firing and start falling back. Fury this is Black Widow we’ve encountered some kind of creature in the sewers.” Black Widow unloaded one of her 1911 into the creatures head. “It’s resistant to gun fire and it’s extremely dangerous.”

“Say hello to my little friend!” Maria said as she shot a grenade from her under-barrel grenade launcher at the creature. She had fired it just as the creature opened its mouth revealing fangs that could easily impale someone. The grenade flew into the creatures mouth and it easily swallowed it. There was a muffled explosion and the group could see smoke pouring out of its nostrils. The creature looked dazed at it let out some kind of burp.

“Fuck even that didn’t do anything” Chris looked quite afraid as he reloaded his Bullpup shotgun. “You think your stick can handle this Ike” Ike quickly shook his head as he started to back up more and more. 

“Well unless we have something that can harm this thing I suggest a tactical withdrawal” Albert said as be started to shoot at the now undazed monstrosity. Maria also joined in at shooting the ever maddening creature. She fired off another grenade the hit the creatures head exploding shortly afterward. 

“Fury please respond” all Black Widow could hear on her comm was static. “Fuck comms dead!” Black Widow unloaded her other 1911 pistol at the creature. Rebecca started to edge further from the group as the fear of this seemingly unkillable got to her. She then felt something sharp hit her back and she turned around in fear. A giant horned monster stood before her she tried to let out a scream but the monster quickly bit down on her head. She desperately tried to pry the creatures lips off her as her muffled screams attracted Leon’s attention.

“Fuck there’s another one and its got Rebecca” Chris and Jill turned around to face their new foe. The monster was now swinging Rebecca around by its mouth. Her screams became more desperate as the creature had finally had enough and spat threw her away. Rebecca hit a wall with enough force that it cracked and she coughed up some blood. Green slime covered her head and hair Leon and Chris stared to fire at the new creature as Jill ran to get Rebecca. 

“Fuck we need to get to a hospital otherwise she won’t make it!”

“Well I’m sure if we ask nicely these things will let us go” Ike yelled as he shoved his boa staff into the snake creatures mouth. The staff started to bend and then it cracked under the creatures bite force.

“Stop being such a pussy and start helping then” Albert yelled as he tossed his sidearm to Ike. 

“Everyone duck” Chris yelled as the horned figure shot its tongue towards the group. But because the group ducked in time the tongue inserted hit the snake monster and quickly dragged it to the horned figure. Both crashed together “Let get our asses into gear whilst their distracted.” The horned figure and the snake monsters started to hiss at each other as they started to fight each other. 

“Ha the dumb fucks!” Ike yelled as Chris had got Rebecca on his shoulders. Both monsters turned their attention towards Ike and started to hiss at each other. They seemed to reach an understanding since both of them stopped fighting and started to move towards the group.

“You just had to open your big fucking mouth didn’t you “ Maria yelled at Ike as the group started to run away. The horned creature kept shooting its tongue towards Ike. “Eat this you fucks” Maria fired another grenade at the monsters it exploded right in the snake monsters face. “Fuck that was my last grenade” Maria said as she fired at the monsters.

“Why didn’t you bring more then three shells for that thing!” Ike yelled at her as he dodged the creatures tongue. 

“Well I wasn’t expecting to get into a fucking firefight with a giant ass snake and a fucking giant lizard, anyway we wouldn’t be in this mess if you kept your fucking mouth shut.” As the group kept running the creatures kept up their relentless pursuit.

Pov Team Gamma

The laser became faster and faster with more and more lasers being added. Out of the eight only four remained the first fell to a laser he could dodge in time and was sliced in half at the waist. The second slipped on the firsts corpse foot and was decapitated. The third was caught off guard by a sudden surprise laser that sliced off his foot he died of shock. The fourth had fallen to a laser that changed hight suddenly and the top half of his head was sliced off. 

“Fuck, Fuck, fuck how are we going to get out of here” Hunter yelled as Malcom thought back to when he and the group had tried to shoot the glass to stop the laser. But they found out by the Red Queen input that the glasses was special and even 50cal rounds wouldn’t scratch it. 

“Calm down Hunter” yelled another man.

“That’s easy for you to say BullDog I’m fucking exhausted”. The next set of lasers formed there were five of them placed so that the only way to dodge them was to grip onto the small crevice on the ceiling and pull yourself up and flat. The group did this as the laser passed but as they got to Hunter his grip started to fail. His grip failed and he fell straight on the lasers slicing him.

“Sarge I don’t fell so” Hunter squeaked these words out before the front half of him fell away from his back half. As the three remaining survivors fell onto the floor BullDog was absolutely loosing it.

“Fuck I didn’t sign up for this shit none of us did” BullDog paced back and forth. “I’m not dying by being sliced up by some laser fuck this shit” he place his sidearm to his temple.

“BullDog No!” Malcom tried to pull the gun from BullDogs head. But BullDog was quicker and with a loud bang his brains splattered onto the glass.

“He took his own life I’m honestly surprised he took the easy way out.” Red Queen emerged and did a girlish giggle as Trapper glared at her and stuck his middle finger out. “Now don’t be like that you only have two more challenges to get through, you can do it” the lasers started to form again. “To get past this one of you will need to sacrifice himself for the other by lifting him up you have one minute to decide”.

Both Malcom and Trapper looked at each other “fuck this is fucking terrible” Malcom hit the wall with his fist.

“I’ll do it Sarge” Malcom turned to Trapper.

“What the fuck do you mean you’ll do it?” Trapper just smiled.

“The only family I have is lying on this floor you still have a wife and two kids sir you need to get back to them” 

“Fuck no we will both make it out of this” Trapper just placed his hand on Malcoms shoulder.

“Sorry to break up this touching moment but your minute is up” the lasers started moving closer and closer. Malcom was lofted into the air by Trapper the lasers were immediately shut off as they finished slicing through Trapper. Malcom fell onto his friend’s diced chunks and immediately vomited “can you not puke on my floor please its bad enough I have to clean up all this I don’t want anymore work.” 

Tears started to stream down his face “Fuck you, you computer bitch and fuck your boss” he stuck both his middle fingers up at Red Queen.

“Well there is still one last challenge then you can return to your loving wife and children” the lasers started to form. Malcoms face completely dropped there was no possible way to pass it without ending up in a thousand pieces. “I never said you’ll be returning to them in one piece” Red Queen laughed as Malcom cried. 

“Just think your friend gave his life at the hope of you surviving, you humans are so predictable it’s almost painful”. Malcom pulled out a small necklace and pressed a small button on it. The necklace opened up to reveal a picture of a woman and a picture of two kids. 

“Sorry honey I won’t be coming home” he continued crying and his tears hit the glass protecting the pictures. “My little boys please forgive this foolish man for not being able see you grow up” Malcom pulled out his sidearm. It had six fully loaded chambers but he only needed one. 

“Taking the easy way out how predictable you surely are a disappointing bag of flesh.”

Malcom cocked the gun “you know what I don’t give a fuck” he pointed the gun at the hologram and fired five shots into the hologram.

“Wow you did absolutely nothing I’m a hologram you can’t hurt me”

“Yeah you are a hologram so you’re just an AI you won’t ever understand human emotions” Malcom placed the barrel to the roof of his mouth. As he held his family picture in his free hand he whispered a short prayer begging his family to forgive him. With a loud bang Malcom slumped on the door his brain and blood started to leak onto his necklace.

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