The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 27: Reparations

“Earlier today a small group of S.H.I.E.L.D agents illegally broke into my warehouse” I showed the hidden camera footage to the president. “When my security system asked them to identify themselves they refused” the footage kept playing and showed the events play out. “When my system asked for a warrant they didn’t show one”.

“So where the fuck does espionage come into this” my rabbit growled at Fury.

“This is where espionage comes in, the strike team notices a door and my system repeatedly told them that they couldn’t enter without a warrant, they ignored her.” I had Red Queen doctor the footage slightly beforehand to corroborate my version of events. “When they breached that door they triggered the security system that ended their lives. Do you want to know what to tell their families why their loved ones died.” 

“They died try to steal a plant” I did a small hand gesture. “I hope you’re happy Fury eight men died because you wanted my companies biggest secret”.

“A fucking flower you had my men diced up because of a flower” Fury raised his voice and slammed his fists on the table.

“I didn’t have those men diced up Fury you did when you ordered them to enter my warehouse without a warrant.” I shook my head and then placed my phone on the table “next I want to speak to Black Widow about her encounter with the other two employees. Men in black suits brought in Black Widow she ran towards me and grabbed me by my neck and placed a gun to my forehead. 

“Tell me why I shouldn’t blow your brains out right now!” She seemed extremely pissed at me. I then heard a second gun cock Ada had placed her gun at the base of Black Widows skull. 

“As we are old friends Widow I’ll give you ten seconds to drop the firearm” Ada and Natasha shared a hate filled glance before Natasha dropped me.

“Didn’t any of you check them for firearms” the President seemed to be reprimanding his secret service. I quickly brushed myself off before I returned to my seat. I was glad Ada had intervened and not Midnight or Zero.

“Now Black Widow or would you prefer Natasha?” Black Widow just huffed at my question. “Okay then earlier today did you and a team of seven others enter the sewers of New York City”.

“Yes I and a group did”

“Okay did you or did you not encounter giant monsters”

“Yes we did” I nodded slightly as she said this.

“Okay so did you or did you not attack them unprovoked”

“I have no Idea what you’re talking about” I sighed slightly and placed my phone on the table.

“Red Queen can you please bring up the body cam footage of Black Widows team please.”

A little red hologram of a girl appeared in the air “certainly sir… breaching S.H.I.E.L.D data banks… retrieving footage… displaying footage.” I saw the hologram grow larger into a screen. 

“Shoot that fucker!” I nearly gagged the bloody team was made up of mostly Resident Evil Characters and some wired man with a metal stick. 

“So as you can see you didn’t identify yourselves and started a violent attack on personal because you judged them because of their appearances, and when they tried to preform a citizens arrest you ran away and proceeded to assault them with the intent to harm them”. 

Natasha looked extremely angry “those things tried to kill us one of my team is missing and one of them will never be able to walk again because of those freaks.”

I tutted “so you do admit to attacking my employees without reason and you’re discriminating them because of their appearance”. “Would you pull over a black person because he’s black and you think he’s a drug dealer”.

“No I’m not racist” Natasha was quick to say this.

“So why did think it was right to try and kill those two because what, they look like monsters”. I pressed a button on my phone and the hologram changed to photos I had Red Queen create in the car ride over. “As you can see Yawn and Jackson are not monsters they are passionate members of the Umbrella Corporation that give food to the homeless” the photos showed Yawn playing with homeless children and Jackson giving food to homeless people. “So let me ask you now Natasha do those two look like the monsters you painted in your report.”

She just shook her head “now lets move onto your organisations blatant disregard for others property. You broke into a warehouse and destroyed its door, you also destroyed the door to my house.” I shook my head and turned to the President “I hope you can make sure this never happens again because I feel that your government is looking for a villain that is here”.

“Sir we need to arrest this scum bag!” 

“Fury that is enough you have offered no evidence to warrant these attacks on Luke Valentine and he has offered more than enough evidence to put S.H.I.E.L.D out of business for good”.

“That won’t be necessary Mr President S.H.I.E.L.D shouldn’t be held responsible for the foolish actions of one man.”

The President sighed slightly “Thank you for being so understanding”. He turned to Fury “ Nicholas Fury you are here by removed from your position as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D your credentials will be revoked and you will have to take a mandatory training course. Maria will be acting Director until a suitable replacement is found. The Strike Team will remain active to focus on the actual enemy Hydra, but they will also be required to take a mandatory training course.” He turned to me “you have my deepest apologies on behalf of the United States of America and we will male it up to you.”

Fury and Natasha were escorted out and I asked Ada and Midnight to wait in the car. The President sighed and he turned to me “I hope you can keep what conspired here today a secret the end of my term is coming soon and I’m running for reelection”.

I nodded “and if word got out that you couldn’t control S.H.I.E.L.D you’ll look weak”. He nodded and I smiled “well I have a proposition I’m not into politics but I’m sure the man who helped cure cancer would have a much better chance of getting reelected”.

“What do you mean?”

I coughed slightly “well what have you actually accomplished that would make people want to reelect you”. The President pause in thought “see the people will elect those they think that could help improve their lives, thats why most politicians make promises that sound realistic but eventually never do it. So if you fund the company that cured cancer I’m sure the people will see you as someone who can improve their wellbeing”. I gestured at the window “I want to help the world become a better place in this age of powers and alien invasion we need strong leaders not puppets of others agendas.” I stuck my hand out “so will you help me Mr President in making this world better”.

Pov Leon Scott Kennedy 

“So what did the President say Natasha?” I saw her storm towards me.

“The fucker got away with it!” She stormed past me and I walked after her.

“What do you mean he got away with it?” Natasha turned around and faced me.

“The fucker convinced the President that everything was Fury’s fault he’s being removed from his post” she punched the wall. “That mother fucker!” She turned to me again “those fucking things we encountered in the sewer were apparently his employees. And apparently they chased us to make a citizen arrest”.

I coughed slightly “how is that possible, those things where going to most likely going to kill us if they got us”.

“Thats not what the photos show”

“What photos?” I looked at her puzzled.

“He showed photos of those things playing with children and helping the homeless, he fucking made out that we were the villains that had a preconception of if it isn’t human shoot it.” She looked very disheartened “what are we going to tell Rebecca, sorry kid we can’t get the fucker because we are apparently racist for shooting a giant fuck snake”. 

I thought back to when we got Rebecca to the hospital the doctors said it would be lucky if she made it through the night. “Well we will take another whack at it we’ll gather evidence thats irrefutable.” I patted her on the shoulder “until then lets get a drink and come up with a game plan”.

Just then a towering figure approached us and Natasha pulled out her gun. “Well hello there Natasha” it was Luke’s wife she glared at Natasha.

“What the fuck do you want?” Natasha said not taking her sights off the giant woman.

“I just wanted to warn you” the woman grabbed the tip of Natasha’s gun and started to bend it backwards. “If you ever pull those pathetic guns on my husband again, I will see how far I can bend you back before”. The gun snapped into from the pressure “well before that” the woman smiled and turned to face me. “It’s nice to see you again officer” she waved at me before she walked away. 

Natasha was still holding her broken gun I placed my hand on her shoulder “you alright?”.

“That was my favourite gun” she turned to face me “I think I will need that drink after all.” Just then a little white rabbit came quickly hoping down the corridor.

“Zero come back here!” The rabbit was being chased by a Chinese woman. “If you don’t stop I’ll turn you into lucky rabbit feet.” Natasha pulled out her second gun and pointed it at the rabbit.

“Owh hold on what’s wrong with you!” I ran and picked up the little white rabbit before Natasha could shoot it. 

“Let go of that thing now!” Natasha pointed the gun at the rabbit that was now quivering in my arms.

“Put that down your scaring it” I start to rock slightly. The Chinese woman had finally got to us and Natasha immediately switched the target of her gun to the woman.

“Nice to see you again Ada” she cocked the gun and I was wondering what was going on. 

“Ergh I didn’t think I’d have to deal with you again” the Chinese woman pinched her brow. “Stupid Midnight making me carry the man eating rabbit” I looked at her quite worried.

“Excuse me can you repeat that last part please?” I chuckled nervously.

“Seems like you have a new boy toy Natasha”

“We’re work friends Ada it’s a lot better then whatever your into” the Chinese women turned to me.

“Looks like the little killing machine likes you Mr”

“Leon, and what do you mean killing machine” Natasha kept her gun pointed at Ada.

“That little ball of fluff is a flesh eating monster just like the ones in the sewer but this one is travel sized”. I looked at the rabbit in my arms and just then noticed the razor sharp teeth.

“Come on Zero it’s way past your bedtime” the rabbit jumped out of my hands and into Ada’s. “See you later Leon, don’t get to close to Widow she has a tendency on stabbing her friends in the back.”

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