The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 32: A vipers venom

I awoke in the underground lab beneath my laundromat. “What the fuck happened I feel like I was run over by a bus” I cracked my back and stretched.

Well to keep things short Host you had sex with Midnight and Ada you passed out again. The time is also 11pm Midnight brought you here for some reason.

I turned around ‘Yawn, Jackson where are you’ I heard nothing back from them. I did instead hear loud hissing and banging sounds coming from just beyond the door leading to the sewer. 

I think the lizard and snake are unavailable sir.

“Great” ‘system is there any new missions for me’.

Certainly Host… Generating new mission…

New mission: Establish a dominance over Hydra

Time remaining: 3 days

Rewards: Greater Control of Hydra, 1 random Mutation and 1 random item.

I sighed ‘can’t a mission ever be easy’ I decided to see what the hissing and banging was about. As I opened the door I instantly regretted it “you guys answer need to get a room”.

Ah yes host the giant ass chameleon and snake are going to get a room.

I disregard the systems mocking and glared at the pair as Yawn uncoiled and Jackson just looked at Yawn with distain. “Follow me you two I need to make a visit to an acquaintance of mine” I wrote a note just incase Midnight was looking for me if she came back.  A wide grin appeared on my face and I began to whistle. “London Bridge is falling down, London Bridge is falling down, London Bridge is falling down my fair lady.”

It was a simple matter getting to the Hydra base and the guards just saluted me as I entered. Yawn and Jackson couldn’t fit through the door little did it matter, they were more than capable to create their own entry ways. Viper was the first to greet me “Ah Mr Valentine we wasn’t expecting a visit from you”. Her smile could be seen as forced as it was strained and unnatural.

“If you don’t want to smile don’t some might find it more offensive” I said calmly as I walked towards her. She must have seen Yawns eye peering through the entryway because she instantly stumbled back a few steps. “Don’t worry Yawn and Jackson are harmless unless I say otherwise” I gestured towards the office. We entered quickly and I noted that Strucker wasn’t here. 

“Strucker is going to join us shortly if you could wait here”.

“Well I didn’t cone to meet him I’m here to make you a proposition. I am going to kill everyone in this facility and that will include you, unless you work with me as the new leader of Hydra”. Viper seemed to be surprised by my statement and I saw here reach for something. “I wouldn’t recommend that I like to keep smart and intelligent people alive as long as I possibly can”. My tail shot towards her and stopped just millimetres from her face.

“How do you know I won’t try to get revenge or betray you” I chuckled at her remark.

“Well if you did I would have Jackson and Yawn rape you and eat what ever is left of you after they are done.” I saw Vipers face turn into one of sheer terror “and if you think you will get the sweet release of death from them crushing your organs with their dicks, I have things that will make sure you are healed at a rapid pace just to feel that pain again. It will also stop you from going crazy or passing out or dying from the pain.” I smiled widely “so would you want to betray me after knowing this?”

She quickly shook her head and I chuckled just as Strucker entered the office. “Arh Mr Valentine what do we owe this visit for.”

I smiled and my tail shot towards him and wrapped around his neck “I’m here to end you”. My smile turned more menacing as I hurled him through the offices window. ‘Yawn, Jackson kill everyone here except for this woman’ I sent them a mental picture of Viper. I heard screams as I looked out of the broken office window. Yawn and Jackson had smashed their way through the wall and entrance to the base. My gaze fell onto Strucker “you should never had found out my identity Strucker, whats even worse you blackmailed me!”.

I shook my head and shot a bone dart at him but he simply grabbed one of his goons and used him as a shield. The dart impaled the goons head and the body went immediately limp. I turned towards the stairs but Viper Spartan kicked me out of the window. I saw her wink at me as I fell ‘cunning girl making look like she is fighting me so I could get out of the office’. I felt my head hit the floor and I cried out ‘this still fucking hurts tho’. I shook myself of and felt the fragments of my skull reattach themselves to the main part. 

I saw Yawn smashing people and probably pulverising their bones with his tail. Jackson was picking people off with his tongue and biting their heads off. My vision turned to Strucker who had drawn his sword “you’re going to need more than that to hurt me Strucker”.

I started to close the gap between us “well try this on for size”. I saw him extend his right hand and I sensed he had done something important. I let out a little sneeze “what, why hasn’t it worked on you?”.

Strucker released his Death Spore Virus on you at this range it should kill most normal humans.

I started laughing at Strucker “what you thought your punny virus could harm me please, what I have running through my veins can end the world”. He seemed annoyed at my remark and charged at me. He did a small leap and tried to split me down the middle with his sword. I used my tail to intercept it and countered by shooting my tongue at a high speed at his face. Strucker had man to move his head out of the way but I managed to give it a nice long cut on his right cheek. 

He winced slightly and jumped back, he felt the new cut with his left hand “you’re going to pay dearly for that”.

“Stop with the hollow threats” I jumped towards him and used my tail as a battle axe arcing it above his head. He rolled to the side as I split the floor were he once stood. I shot another bone dart at him which he blocked with his sword. I knew he would have blocked it but I used it as a distraction to close some of the distance. I saw his eyes go wide as I kicked him in the stomach and sent him tumbling against a wall. 

Bang Bang Bang I felt an intense pain in my back and let out a loud hiss. I turned my head and saw Viper with two hand guns trailed on me. “Strucker we need to work together otherwise we will all die” she fired two more shots. ‘Lets see what these wings look like then’ I used my mutation *Tumour wings* to block the shots. I felt my top rip as two giant meat rectangles sprouted from my back. They easily absorbed the shots but I still felt the pain. I also had to quickly get used to the weight of the bloody things as they threw off my centre of mass. 

The wings were pink and gross looking like I had sprouted giant pink shits from my back. Each wing was veiny as hell and they were wet and slimy. The baron was quick to take a swipe at me with his blade my tail intercepted it again and a ring could be heard as the pair connected. I smashed my right wing into the barons side and sent him flying into Viper. The pair collided into a wall Strucker had dropped his sword from the impact.

“Come onI thought you two would at least make me sweat” I charged forward and grabbed Strucker. I used my *Muscle growth* mutation and hurled him again but this time into a small group of his goons. They tumbled from the impact and fell into a heap Viper was up on her feet and grabbed Strucker’s sword. She ran towards and behind Strucker as he got back on his feet. “You fucker you will die a thousand deaths” I heard a wet thunk sound as Viper impaled the sword into his chest.

“I’m sorry Strucker but Mr Valentine made me an offer I couldn’t refuse” she twisted the sword and I saw him fall to his knees.

“Fucking bitch I will have my vengeance on you all”

“Yawn deal with him please” Yawn was quick to comply and Viper pulled out the sword just as Yawn locked his mouth around Strucker. He was quick to devour him and I saw the baron travel down my creatures throat. I looked at Viper and patted her on the shoulder “Tell the others that a hero attacked and Strucker died with the rest of them.” 

She nodded and started to run off and I turned to Yawn and Jackson “make sure they are all dead I don’t want to make every clique villains first mistake”. 

Are you sure it was a good idea to let Viper go Host? Don’t you think she might betray you?

‘She won’t system as long as she has any hopes for a long and happy life” I turned to leave through the former hidden entrance.

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