The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 49: Valentines Day Massacre Part 5

(Extra Little title: Awakening of a Grade 4 B.O.W)

Green Lantern heard the monster scream louder and louder as he twisted the green sword. Something strange began to happen the monster began to shrink smaller and smaller. The monster shrunk to the size of seven foot and nine inches. The creature was distinctly female but was slightly different. The creature had a fairly human face except with a mouth of razor sharp teeth and piss yellow eyes. Its hair was long and made of strange fleshy black tendrils. Its body was well developed and had a large pair of exposed breast. A large piss yellow eye glared at Green Lantern from the between the breast. The arms of the creature reached its legs and its finger nails were long and talon like. 

The creature looked at Green Lantern and with the voice like a bag of crows being beaten screeched at him. The Hulk just looked at the creature and snorted slightly “MONSTER WOMAN NOW, HULK NO CARE HULK SMASH!” The Hulk leapt at the monster and tried to land a large double handed overhead strike. But the creature caught the blow with its right hand and frowned slightly.

The Hulk tried to pull his arms back but the creatures hair impaled his arms and he let out a roar. Green Lantern used Hulk as a distraction as he shot a green energy blast from his ring at it. The creature just allowed the projectiles to hit it and started to laugh. It hurled the Hulk into a nearby ruined building and just glanced at Green Lantern. The eye on its chest began to glow a bright green and it shot out a green energy beam. Green Lantern with a look of surprise on his face dodged the beam and allowed it to hit a nearby tower.

“Weak!” The creature yelled and turned away from Green Lantern. And a blur hit it and it shuffled backwards slightly before a man in a red suit appeared by Green Lantern.

“Having girl troubles Hal?” The man asked Green Lantern as the creature glared at him inquisitively.

“I was kicking this things ass a few minutes ago Flash” the creature powered up another green energy blast. The Flash and Green Lantern dodged out of the way as the beam tore through more rubble and some of the untouched buildings. 

“HULK MAD NOW!” Screamed the Hulk as he leapt from the rubble and tried to hit the creature with a powerful right hook. The creature dodged and punched the Hulk in the ribs sending him flying into the air. Green Lantern charged another bolt of green energy and Flash ran forward. The creature could barely keep up with the speedsters rapid onslaught.

“FLASH OUT OF THE WAY!” Green Lantern yelled as his ring shot out a much larger and destructive energy blast. The blast tore up the road, pavement and anything that got in its way. The Flash go out of the way but the creature just stood there and took the full brunt of the attack head on. The Flash and Green Lantern just gazed on in caution as the smoke began to clear. Their faces then morphed into horror as the creature just stood there in the middle of the path of destruction. The creature laughed and its chest eye began to glow again.

“Hal you need to leave I think this thing is empowering itself with your attacks!” Green Lantern nodded and flew away.

“I’ll send help just try to stall it and don’t try anything stupid” Flash laughed at Green Lantern’s remark and shot forward. ‘I need to end this thing in one strike otherwise I won’t be able to stop it.’ The creature had finished powering its chest eye laser and was about to fire it when something hit it. The creature groaned as it was smashed in its left side by a strange hammer.

The creature looked in the direction that the hammer came from and saw a blonde haired man appearing before it. “You sure are a pretty one, how about you stop this needless and fruitless fighting and join me for a drink”. The creature looked at the strange hairless monkey and was filled with anger. “May I know your name fair monster?”

“This bodies name was Samantha but my name a dead man doesn’t need to know” the blonde haired man flinched slightly as the creature spoke. It show towards him and tried to remove his head from his shoulders with a powerful swipe with its left hand. The man blocked this with his hammer, but the creature anticipated this and blasted him with a green energy blast with its chest eye. The man went flying and the creature laughed before groaning. “You should count yourself lucky hairless monkey my master wants me to disengage” the creature took one look at Flash and chuckled. “Tell your friends of the destruction caused by the mighty Scylla!”

Pov Luke Valentine

I nearly crapped myself when I read the notification from the system. 

Goliath Virus B.O.W stage 5 has advanced to Goliath Virus B.O.W Adapted stage 1.

B.O.W has gone from High Quality Grade 3 to Low Quality Grade 4

10,000 RE points have been deposited you current amount add up to 15,350.

Goliath Virus B.O.W Adapted stage 1 has developed properties from the Green Lantern ring please check info tab about this unit to learn more.

My jaw hung in the air for a moment ‘what does this mean system I’m sure a stage five G-virus B.O.W is meant to be on its deathbed so what’s happening.’

Simple host the G-Virus zombies from this world are different from the games as they have a unique feature. When a G-Virus zombie reaches its fifth stage and is about to die it has a small chance to rapidly adapt and evolve as one last ditch effort for survival. This change is only capable if unique and different outside stimuli is applied.

G-Virus zombies normal don’t need special equipment such as a Viral Ascension serum or other items to improve their quality or rank. They just need to get the absolute shit beaten out of them and as such most G-virus zombies only reach their final normal form at High Quality Third Grade. Only on the cusp of death with special circumstances can they finally break through to Grade Four. Think of it like Goku from Dragon Balls how he always gets some bullshit power up when he’s about to die. The G-virus zombie now can only ascend to different Qualities and Ranks through deadly life or death battles.

They also don’t benefit from a class but from their adaptation mutations.

I nodded slightly the Systems explanation made some sense and I checked the info about my new weapon. I knew the only was one left and I named her Scylla and ordered her to flee the city and hide.

Age: 34 years    Species: Human
Quality: Low    Grade: 4
G-Virus stage: Adapted stage 1 (Green Lantern Ring)

Mutations: Superman Levels of Strength, Almost Instant Regeneration, Near Impervious Skin, Shock Absorbing Muscles, Human Intelligence, G-Virus reproductive organs.

Traits: None 

Adapted Mutations: Green Krptonite Radiation Production, Green Kryptonite Energy Blasts, Empowerment from Green Lantern Ring Energy. 

Critical Weaknesses: Acid.

Critical Adapted Weakness: Weakened by energy from Yellow Lantern Rings.

I compared Scylla’s stats to Jacksons and spotted some major differences between a T-Virus B.O.W and a G-Virus B.O.W stat pages.

Age: 2 years    Species: Human/Jackson Chameleon
Quality: Low    Grade: 3
Class: Stealth B.O.W

Mutations: Increased size, Extremely long and powerful tongue, Titanium horns, Extremely thick skin, Hyper evolved camouflage, Steel grinding teeth.

Traits: Cold Blooded

Skills: Independent eye movement, Size control, Transformation, Partial Transformation, Super Tyrant Transformation, Temporary Super Tyrant Transformation.

I nodded slightly and closed the window as I continued to order my men around. With the heroes help we had easily managed to contain the outbreak and reduce casualties majorly. I had the most amount of RE points I had ever had so I decided to check the store.

Resident Evil point shop.   RE point balance: 15,350

1st tier 15:22 until refresh
Mutation Upgrade Pack   Cost: 3,000 RE points
Statute of good   Cost: 2,000 RE points
Mid grade T-virus recipe   Cost: 10,000 RE points
Web shooting mutation   Cost: 500 RE points
Shock Baton   Cost: 100 RE points 
12 Magnum ammo   Cost: 2,000 RE points
Untainted Symbiote  Cost: 5,000 RE points 
Disposable combat knife  Cost: 100 RE points
Gene splicing Kit   Cost: 50,000 RE points
Mid grade G-virus recipe   Cost: 25,000 RE points

‘Can I purchase the Untainted Symbiote and the Mutation Upgrade Pack please also put the mid grade G-virus and T-virus on hold please’

Certainly host your Untainted Symbiote is waiting in storage and your Mutation Upgrade pack has now been used.

10 free levels will be randomly assigned to you permanent and temporary mutations.

Permanent Mutations: 

Spidy Sense LV1—> LV2

Trident Stinger LV1 —> LV2

Enhanced Teeth LV1 —> LV3

Predatory Eyes LV2 —> LV3

Temporary Mutations:

Muscle Growth LV2 —> LV4

Bone Darts LV1 —> LV4

I smiled as I felt myself get stronger the upgrade pack was a good choice and I read the descriptions of my new upgraded abilities. 

Permanent Mutation: Spidy Sense LV2
The Host can detect danger a few seconds before it happens. This can be upgraded to detect danger sooner and to give a ruff estimation of where the danger came from.

Permanent Mutation: Trident Stinger LV2
A stinger that has a retractable barb in the middle of it. The stinger has two blade like parts on either side of the stinger and can act like a set of pincers to pin the prey for the middle barb to pierce them. The Stinger can inject or spray poison's, venom's and acid’s the Host can produce. In addition the stinger is now resistant to blades wielded by normal humans.

Permanent Mutation: Enhanced Teeth LV3
These teeth allow the Host to bite and crush steel. These teeth can also inject venom, poison or even acid if the Host is capable of producing them. The teeth can be upgraded to increase bite force and strength.

Permanent Mutation: Predatory Eyes LV3

Hosts eyes have increased eyesight and can now see in the dark, to prevent blindness from any sudden bright lights a special film will be deployed whilst Host is using the night vision. The Host can also use thermal vision and can now see the Grade and Quality of other none B.O.W creatures. If the eyes are upgraded further they can determine weaknesses and other information.

Temp Mutation: Muscle Growth LV4
The Host can increase the muscle mass in four body parts by five times. This can be stacked on top of each other for example using the four on two limbs would multiply their muscle mass by five and then five again equaling their muscle mass being times by twenty five.

Duration: 8 minutes 
Cooldown: 22 hours

Temp Mutation: Bone Darts LV4
The Host can fire darts made of bone up to ten centimetres in length and three centimetres thick from their wrists. Darts can be coated in poison’s or venom’s the Host can produce. These darts are as strong as steel and have small barbed hooks on the tips to make removing them immensely painful and difficult. These darts can pierce about a foot of concrete or a few centimetres of steel.

Amount: 10
Cooldown: 20 minutes

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