The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 54: Viper’s Symbiote

‘System please give me my Untainted Symbiote please’

Certainly Host

I smiled as a metal cylinder with a glass front appeared in my hands. Inside the cylinder was a green goo that just sloshed around. 

Untainted Symbiote

A Symbiote created by the system, it has no ego and doesn’t have the ability to reproduce. It has the standard abilities and weaknesses of a Symbiote.

“Well it’s time for heinous experimentation and testing” a sick smile formed on my face. ‘What to fuse you with, T-Virus, G-Virus or maybe Uroburos”

Why not inject it with all three?

‘I’m not doing that system as each virus have different deadly effects. The T-Virus turns mammals into zombies; causes reptiles, fish, and arthropods to grow to unusual size; and causes annelids to develop hive minds and transferable consciousness. The G-Virus causes more drastic mutations than the T-virus, violates conservation of mass, and ususally results in tentacles and extra eyes. And Uroburos In the majority of cases, Uroboros turns the victim into a partially-differentiated ball of cancer with tentacles that tries to absorb other biological life. In some cases, if the victim's DNA meets certain compatibility criteria, they retain their human form and gain enhanced speed and strength.’

I pulled out a sample of the Uroboros virus and took a small sample of the Symbiote. I placed the Symbiote sample in a petri dish and injected it with a small dose of Uroburos. The Symbiote sample squirmed and shrivelled up before squealing and dying. Unlike what normally happens when a host is incompatible with Uroburos, the Symbiote wasn’t turning in to a tumour monster. “Red Queen run the tests on the failed sample and any more failures and bring me the results” 

“Of course boss” came her childish mechanical voice and a pair of mechanical arms came from the ceiling to retrieve the sample. I proceeded to take another sample of the Symbiote and promptly injected it with G-Virus. The Symbiote began to rapidly swell up it rapidly grew bigger and bigger until the sample was the size of a doberman. But then it rapidly convulsed and died as well. 

“Well that was a failure” 

“Sir I have some promising news it seems that some cells from the Symbiote survived” I smiled happy that I didn’t waste a precious sample of Symbiote for nothing.

“Extract all the surviving cells and extract the same cells from the main Symbiote and examine this sample for surviving cells do the same to the main one for the cells of this subject.” As Red Queen did as I said I began making a new virus. The more robust G-Virus would be used as a base whilst the Uroburos would help mitigate the destructive factors of the G-Virus. 

(Many Hours Later)

“Test number six hundred and sixty six, lets hope this one is successful, I’ve used up every stored Sonnentreppe flower I had” I began combining the virus together hoping to create a new product. The goal was to create a virus that had the rapid mutation rate of the G-Virus. But any mutations that were unbeneficial to the host would be killed off by the genetic preference of the Uroburos Virus. I yawned as the experiment carried on.


Congratulations Host on creating a new Virus

5,000 RE points awarded

Please Name It

“Well since it took six hundred and sixty six tries I think I will call it the D-Virus the D is for Devil”


A special blend of Uroburos and the G-Virus, created by Luke Valentine It can only be administered by injection. It keeps its potent mutagenic properties but all none beneficial mutations will die and be reversed. It keeps its rapid regenerative abilities but it is still as lethal as Uroburos.

Those Injected will be classed as a High Quality 3rd Grade B.O.W.

“Red Queen bring me the surviving Symbiote” I put on a pair of black gloves as the surviving Symbiote was brought to me. The Symbiote shifted away from me in pure fear as I readied the Syringe full of my new  D-Virus. “Stop being a wuss” I said as I stabbed and injected the D-Virus into the Symbiote. More of it died and the rest writhed in agony as the dead chunks turned to dust. The surviving amount of Symbiote amounted to the size of a quarter.

D-Virus Infused Symbiote

A Symbiote created by the system and altered by Luke Valentine, it has no ego and doesn’t have the ability to reproduce. It has the standard abilities and weaknesses of a Symbiote. Thanks to being infused with the D-Virus it can rapidly evolve even more so under dangerous conditions. All unhelpful or harmful mutations will be killed off and reverted.

“Sir, Miss Viper is here and is waiting down in the lobby, shall I bring her up?” I nodded and grabbed the remaining Symbiote and shoved it into a vial. I waited for a few minutes before Viper appeared before me. She wore a brown suit and she wore a long brown haired wig. She wore a special mask I designed to hid her face to avoid the prying eyes of anyone who would wish her ill.

“You look as gorgeous as ever my dear” I said with a smile as she pulled off the mask and wig.

“Why thank you” she said as she kissed me on the cheek. “Could you tell me why Red Queen sent me the super important alert, I rushed all the way over here?” I pulled out the vial of Symbiote and dropped it on her bare hand. I watched as it completely consumed her in seconds, she stood there completely covered in a dark green suit with black markings running down the chest and arms. Her face was covered with a completely smooth surface devoid of any features. Whilst her hair was covered by the symbiote as well but it was a slightly lighter green.

“So how does it feel” I asked as the Symbiote around her face receded.

“It feels immensely weird” she said as the Symbiote changed shape to the suit she was wearing before. 

“What is it?” viper asked me with a worried look.

“Its a Symbiote I altered, don’t worry it’s completely safe, don’t you trust me?” I asked her with a sad look on my face.

“No I do trust you but why have you given this to me?” She said as she poked the sleeve of her new Symbiote suit. 

“I gave it to you because I don’t want you hurt” she crouched slightly so I could kiss her on the cheek. I started to grope her butt with a sly smile “it also makes you much stronger and it has many other benefits”

She shot me a sly smile as well “So why don’t we test these benefits out”

Pov 3rd Person: Location: Daily Bugle 

“Claire, Claire I want you in my office immediately!” A loud male voice yelled from an office. A woman with long auburn hair tied back in a ponytail. Her blue eyes left her computer screen as she got up from her cubicle. She wore a solid olive coloured top with a red jacket over it, dark coloured jeans and a pair of black boots. On her desk were three pictures in frames one was with a man in a military uniform. The second was her as a child with an older boy and the third was her holding a golden trophy near a motorcycle. The back ground of the third picture was at an arena with a banner saying “Extreme Motorcycle Stunt and Racing Competition 2010”

The woman entered the office where the man’s voice came from. The man was sat at the desk reading several reports. The man had a dark toothbrush moustache, dark hair with greying hair around the temples cut in a flattop fashion. A lit cigar rested in his mouth as he looked more and more annoyed. He noticed her and quickly smiled “argh Claire please take a seat, I have a job of the utmost importance for you.”

Claire took an available seat opposite him “yes Mr Jameson what is it?” 

“I have gotten the Daily Bugle an exclusive interview today with Luke Valentine, normally I would send Parker with you but I’ve given him time off since his Aunt was a victim of that terrible terrorist attack yesterday. I’m sure you can manage without him?” Claire nodded and was about to leave. “And Claire remember this is an immensely important task, don’t fuck it up, I don’t want a repeat of the Osborn Incident.”

Claire winced at the memory, she remembered how she was inches away from exposing his company on large portions of corruption. But Osborn had buried the case, destroyed the evidence and nearly killed her career. “I will keep it professional Mr Jameson” Claire left silently. Claire then pulled out her phone and activated speed dial. The phone began to ring a bit before a male’s voice sounded on the other end.

“Chris it’s me, you said for me to ring you if I ever got chance to interview Luke Valentine, I have an interview with him today”.

“Thanks for calling me sis, I want you to be extra careful, and don’t do anything stupid, this man has already caused so much pain and suffering. And he knows my name so he might try and harm you to hurt me” Claire was surprised at her brother’s words.

“He’s just some business man what could he have done, felony tax evasion” Claire laughed and expected her brother to join in.

“No, I and the group I work for believe he’s responsible for the terror attack at the arena where the A-Train race took place and for the more recent terror attack on New York yesterday.”

“Alright I’ll be careful” Claire said as she gathered her things for the interview before she hung up. 

Pov Chris Redfield

I sighed as I heard the other side of the line go dead. Leon, Albert, Natasha, Fury and Rebecca looked at me as I out my phone away. “My sister is having an interview with that monster today” I spoke with a hateful tone.

“Well maybe this is a good thing” Leon said as he folded his arms and looked down at the table covered in stuff. “Maybe she can find evidence that we couldn’t”  I scowled and shook my head.

“And what do you think he will do hum, do you think he will just confess everything to her” I shook my head again as I slammed my fists into the table. “S.H.I.E.L.D is non operational, most of our man power is dead and we won’t be able to replenish it, and that fucker looks like a god sent hero. Worst yet we don’t know where Jill is, we only know she was responsible for causing the Helicarrier to crash.” A small tear trickled down my eye as I spoke. 

“Don’t worry Chris we will find her and put a stop to this madness” Natasha said with a calming tone.

“And how are we planning on doing that, you’re badly injured, we have few resources and he has a monster that fought many well know heroes and won, and he has a fucking army” I looked at the group with dismay. 

“All we need is definitive proof that Luke was responsible for these atrocities. Then we can bring him to justice.” Leon sighed at the end of his sentence “that’s the plan anyway”. Rebecca slid some files over to everyone in the files was several pictures and documents.

“I had a friend in the pentagon look up the name Doctor Hanz Animo and it seems America did bring a P.O.W with that name over as a part of project Paperclip. And from what she gathered it seems he never married and never had a child.”

“Do you think Luke Valentine could be the child of this Animo?” Leon asked looking at an old photo of a group of scientists with Hitler. 

“I don’t know, maybe but what we do know is that his DNA has the purest form of this weapon in his blood, he must be linked to this in someway.

“When he tried to commit suicide who cleaned up the mess” Albert asked. 

“We don’t know, what are you trying say Albert”

“I hate to say this but what if he really is innocent and he doesn’t know anything about this. What if whoever cleaned up the blood is the one responsible for this. Maybe Luke is an unkowning experiment of this Doctor Animo.”

“No!” I yelled as I slammed my fists into the table “he has to be the one responsible, we haven’t lost so many just to be put back to square one.” 

“I have to agree with Chris, if another organisation was responsible why wouldn’t they try to kidnap Luke for this weapon?” Leon spoke to my right.

“Maybe they want a fall guy, we waste our time focusing on Luke whilst they instigate their plans. We have been investigating Luke for a while and not once have we been able to stop any of the attacks.”

“Enough!” Fury spoke “we will investigate both Luke and the Animo lead, we will keep an open mind as to not get tunnel vision.” Everyone nodded and I gritted my teeth.

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