The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 55: Interview

Claire waited patiently in the waiting room of the Umbrella Tower. She noted how high tech it was with a screens everywhere showing a presentation about the company. The sun gleamed through the glass windows that surrounded the glass entrance doors. Claire wore her red jacket over her olive green top with pair of dark coloured jeans that had a barely visible coffee stain on the right leg. 

Several fully kitted out soldiers moved about the lobby with their weapons drawn. Claire could understand why they were so tense and ready for action, given what happened the day prior. She had a video camera and a photography camera beside her as she continued to wait. ‘I’m ten minutes early, maybe I should go get a coffee or something’. “Miss Redfield, Luke Valentine will see you now, I can guide you to the correct floor.” A small red hologram of a girl appeared before her.

“That won’t be necessary Red Queen” a males voice said behind Claire. “I came to meet her in person” a small figure with a beaming smile and a friendly demeanour approached Claire. Knee length white hair tied up into a long ponytail, a blood crimson suit with the umbrella logo on the black tie and cuffs. Blood red eyes peered up at Claire as a black tail with a long thick end that had two curved blades on either side with a single thick needle like spike in the middle swayed behind him. The figure had a clean almost shining white toothy smile as he stuck his hand out towards Claire. 

Claire shook his hand and gazed down at the black wooden cane in his free hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Valentine” Claire smiled.

“Please Mr Valentine makes me feel like an old man, call me Luke” Luke said with his continued smile.

“Alright Luke it is then” she said as her hands grabbed her camera, recording device and video camera. “I wasn’t expecting you to come down and meet me in person especially since I was early?”

“I make it a responsibility of mine to always try my best especially when it comes to my company” Luke spoke calmly with a tone of sincerity as Claire stopped shaking his hand. “Is there only you?” He looked around the lobby.

“Yes there is only me, our best photographer sadly lost his aunt in yesterday’s attack and is taking time off” Claire looked at the ground solemnly as she trailed off.

“Please tell the photographer that we are sorry we weren’t able to save more” Luke spoke showing he was trying to hold back tears. ‘Fall for the tears sucker’ he thought as he began to wipe the side of his right eye.

“You did more than enough, if it weren’t for you and your company’s speedy response casualties would have been much higher” Claire reassured him. She comforted him with a hug ‘I wonder how many men would kill for this experience’ Luke giggled internally.

“Thank you Miss Redfield” Luke bowed forward slightly.

“Call me Claire if we are using first names” she smiled as Luke returned to his straight posture.

“Okay Claire, I will give you a personal tour of the Umbrella Tower” he gave a courteous gesture towards the elevator.

The pair entered the elevator and Luke smiled slightly at the corner of his lips. ‘It’s just my luck that such a tantalising prey has entered my web so willingly’ he thought as he pressed the twelfth floor button. The elevator pinged as the doors opened up, Luke saw Claire’s eyes gleam at what was going on. It was a room full of chairs with over head displays and people in those seats with headsets on.

“This is project Simulation, the world’s first hyper realistic VR system. Complete with setting to make the users able to choose the pain severity they receive.” Luke gestured towards an open seat “why don’t you have a go?”

“What is this ultra realistic VR used for?” Claire asked as she pointed the video camera around the floor.

“We use them for rapid training since we can upload information like how to handle weapons properly, they can train in a safe environment and we can simulate any mission. Now because of the attack yesterday though we are implementing B.O.W attack scenarios. Everyone in this room is training with data gathered from yesterday’s attack.” Luke made it obvious he has clenching his fist unknown to Claire who viewed this that this was done with fake anger.

“We plan on implementing it as game with the proper equipment for sale to the public. Schools will receive this for free and hopefully will use these for drills.” Luke looked at one such chair that was displaying a solider being mauled to death. “Umbrella wants to use this to help people prepare for such situations in the future. To protect and hopefully mitigate casualties and damages from such attacks again.”

“And what will you call this game” Claire said as she turned the video camera to show the same screen Luke was looking at. 

“It is going to be marketed as Resident Evil, in will make its debut in three days. With units being shipped to schools and special training programs first.” Luke prepared the empty chair for Claire as he tweaked some settings for her. “You probably wonder about the game’s name don’t you?” Claire nodded and got a close up shot of Luke’s solum face. “I named this game Resident Evil for a simple reason, because a resident of this world committed such an atrocious act of evil.” 

Claire sat on the seat of the chair as Luke placed the headset on her he spoke “you can record this session and we will email you the clip”. He smiled as Claire’s vision was completely enveloped by black. Luke smiled as he turned off the recording camera and Red Queen appeared in his hologram form. “Is the program ready?” Red Queen nodded her childish face full of malevolent glee.

“It is boss the program is up and running boss, what an ingenious idea, creating sleeper agents who don’t even know they’re sleeper agents. Through the use of command phrases and vocal recognition we can completely enslave a population without them noticing.” She clapped her little hands together with a speaker playing the sounds. “My only question though boss, why did you make her command phrase, Go punch a boulder Redfield?” Luke shrugged his shoulders as he turned to a large screen that had descended from the celling. 

It showed Claire in the Umbrella Security Service uniform in the back of a Umbrella Security Service APC. “Well Red tell me when she’s finished with the simulation I will be working on my other project.” Luke turned and left in silence with only the sound of his cane strikingly the ground.

Pov Claire Redfield 

‘I was just in the lab, now I’m in the game’ I scratched my head and found that it had been covered by a helmet. I looked around and saw nine other people dressed in the same uniform as me. I saw through the lenses of the gas mask, looking out I saw everything crystal clear but when I looked at the gas masks of the other soldiers the lenses were red. We all wore the same uniform, a black pair of military cargo pants. A black long sleeve teeshirt covered by black and grey body armour that left almost nothing covered. The legs, arms and most of the torso was covered. The armour was especially thick around the forearm. 

Black armoured gloves and armoured boots ended each limb. I found a strange metal frame around me I seemed to some how know that this thing was called an assault type Exo skeleton. The Umbrella logo was on the shoulder guards of each uniform as well as on both sides of our helmets. I tried to move but I was strapped to the seat by a harness. I felt what ever we were in come to a halt and the driver of the vehicle came to us as the harnesses released. “Ladies and Gents we are here to provide support to the fifth and seventh units stationed near here. Remember your training and don’t get exposed to any bodily fluids from B.O.W’s. Otherwise I will put you down myself” the man spoke with a commanding tone through our communication earpieces.

Strange looking assault rifles were handed to us, they were a matte black finish. It was thirty four inches long and had a thirty round magazine with a second one attached to it for faster reloading. It had a small iron sight, flashlight, laser sight, a vertical grip and a muzzle brake. A little text box appeared before Claire.

Vanguard MK. 1

Effective Range: 500 meters

Standard Magazine Size: 30 Rounds

Sights: In built iron sights

Fire modes: Single, Burst [3], Full Auto

Ammo type: 5.56

Fire rate for fully automatic mode: 700-900 rounds a second

Attachments: Green Laser Sight, Vertical Grip, Flashlight, Muzzle Break, Dual Mags

Info: Standard Assault Rifle for Umbrella Security Service infantry. Prototype was designed and tested on February 2nd. Mass production started a week later. 

Designer: Luke Valentine

Producer: Umbrella Security Service Arms Production Devision.

“Get your head out of your ass solider!” Yelled the driver to me. “Move, move, move!” He forced me out of the APC.

Pov Luke Valentine

I watched the events unfold on the screen with a malicious glee as I saw the president address the nation about the state of New York. I saw Vought officials trying to calm down the a mob that had formed up outside their building. They were trying to get answers if what I said was true.

The Vought press team denied everything and said it was just the terrorist trying to break up the great American peoples faith in their heroes. I watched them scramble like rats as they kept trying to dodge questions on if there was any proof collaborating their story. I whistled as I carried on designing a cartoon that would take the world by storm. I laughed as I knew it wasn’t a cartoon more like an anime but I didn’t care. It was going to be a masterpiece a Resident Evil Anime. I knew my previous world had the movies but there wasn’t a real proper anime show.

Host you do know how cocky your idea is right, you didn’t even charge the character’s names. And you have them working for you with the Umbrella Corporation being the heroes.

‘Yes system I know but I want to rub it into their faces, besides what is the worst that could happen’. I carried on with the story board basing the first season of the show off the first game with some minor tweaks. My hands started to grow tired as I finished up after about three hours. ‘Purchasing the genius level Show writing knowledge for ten thousand RE points was worth it’ I thought. “Red Queen please animate this and tell me when it’s ready so I can view it”

Her small red digital visage appeared before me “Yes boss, also Claire Redfield is out of the game and is waiting for you” she promptly disappeared after she said this. I sighed and got up and walked to the elevator with my cane striking the floor. Claire was visibly shaken as I approached her, I smiled at her warmly.

“Was the experience good?” I tilted my head slightly as my trident stinger tail swayed side to side. My blood red eyes gazed at her as I readjusted the ponytail of my knee length white hair as she began to speak.

“Yeah it felt so real and the weapons it’s like I knew how to use them without ever seeing them before”.

“Yes well it would be rather hard for anyone to play this as a game if they couldn’t use our tech now wouldn’t it?” I shrugged as lead her to the elevator “well lets carry on this tour shall we?” I saw her nod and smile as she turned her recording camera back on.

“Yes I’m rearing to go” I smiled slyly.

“Good I was hoping you were” I carried on showing her around the building. She took countless photos and videoed everything, we soon reached my office and I was thankful that Midnight had left and that my clones had just crumbled away to nothing. 

Claire took out her voice recorder “So Mr Valentine why did you name your company the Umbrella Corporation?” ‘Well she’s to the point’ I thought as I sat down in my office chair.

“My companyis named the Umbrella Corporation because like an umbrella I want to protect the world from the rains of destruction.” She nodded as I spoke “illness, war, famine, the destruction of our ecosystems and countless other problems stalk our world today. I made this company to help them, to protect them.”

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