The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 57: Project Hunter

My trident stinger tail swayed side to side as I strolled through the lit hallways of the submarine I was in. A hint of malicious glee spread on my face as I admired the work of my latest project. An all nighter with Technovore produced the nano machines that could produce the massive submarine in a few hours. I stared at my own brilliance as I proceeded on my course. licking my lips in anticipation for what was about to happen I eagerly pressed onwards. My white lab coat was stained with the crimson stains of a prior engagement. 

The sound of boot fall and cane fall sounded out as they struck metal with a chilling intention. ‘I can’t wait to begin this experiment’ the fresh smell of dread wafted up my nostrils as the door to a lab opened up for me. Static was strapped to a metallic table with a large over head light shining down upon her naked form. Bandages covered the stubs that were the remnants of her hands and feet. “My aren’t you looking well rested” I jive earning a disgruntled look from Static. “Ow what’s wrong cat got your tongue” my fingers snapped “no wait it’s because I had your tongue and voice box removed”.

My foot fall stopped as I leaned over Static and the salty taste of her skin greeted my taste buds. She winced as my extended tongue caressed every crevice of her sweet defiant face. “It’s no fun if you can’t talk back, but your voice was so annoying” tapping my chin I snap my fingers once again. A metallic collar formed around her neck and her words soon echo out.

“Fuck you, you sadistic fuck wad” ‘ah the sounds of an angel’ my happy thoughts spurred on by the sounds of my wife’s voice. 

“Your fear tastes so sweet, I think you are just about ready to become a new woman” her face twisted at the smile I cast her. The keyboard beeped and booped as my fingers raced over the keys. I shot Static a quick glance “don’t move too much otherwise something bad will happen”. A long metallic arm descended from a newly formed hole in the ceiling. The arm was attached with a long syringe filled with a purple and grey solution that clashed together. The arm descended at a steady pace until it came to rest over her stomach. “Now it’s time to proper modify you, for our purpose” the syringe stabbed into her stomach and I watched with eager glee. The liquid soon emptied itself into her and I watched a screen showing billions of microscopic nano machines altering her body.

“I’ll go over the improvements I’ve given you, Increased density of the uterus, the ability to constantly produce eggs even past your cell by date. The ability to produce multiple children during a birthing cycle and your eggs now have and will be produced with a special adaptation that causes pregnancy to last a week instead of the standard nine months.” Static looked at me in horror as the realisation of what her fate would be.

“You think I’ll have your children you sick freak, try it and I’ll rip your dic!”

“That’s enough out of you” I clutched my heart slightly “some words hurt so much more when it’s from a voice you love”. A chuckle began to escape my lips that soon became full blown maniacal laughter “and you think I would let so fifth rate woman bare my child, please” I pulled out a picture of Midnight holding Ruby and Violet. “This seven foot tall goddess is my wife, you can’t even equate to a piece of her excrement. No you will be birthing something way more monstrous.” I clicked a button and the table she was attached to flipped upright and started to follow me. 

We walked for a bit before we approached our first stop on the grand-tour. Several containment chambers were on either side of us. Each chamber had a glass wall that scientists viewed the contents through. Each chamber housed four zombies each smashed their heads into the glass trying to get at the scientists. “This is where we are revolutionising our B.O.W’s, we’re trying to increase the quality of which our weapons turn out”.

The tour continued until we reached a metal walkway over a large pool. “Are they?” Static asked in my wife’s voice, as two tied up men were lowered by chains over the pool.

“Are they your partners? Yes, yes they are, I’ve extracted all the genetic material and samples we need from them”.  I clicked my fingers and they were lowered till their hair skimmed the waters. “Any last words to your soon to be dead comrades” I turned off the speaking device and let her grunt and give me a maniac glare full of rage. “No? Ow well” I gave a sharp whistle and something began moving towards the chained up men.

A ragged decaying fin cut through the water like a hot knife through butter. A large murky grey snout popped out of the water accompanied by a jaw full of razor sharp rotten teeth. The white man tried to scream through the rag I had placed in his mouth. It was too late, the jaws slammed shut around his head and with a crunch and a crack, blood soon spluttered and gushed out of the stump that his head was attached to. Like popping the cap off a bottle of soda my creature had easily torn his head off. The bald black man was covered in his friend’s blood and had a scared look on his face. I whistled again and the bald black man was hoisted upwards and soon found himself staring right at me.

I pulled out his gag and was immediately spat on “YOU MOTHER-FUCKER WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!”. I causally wiped the spit off my face and quickly shoved the gag back into his mouth.

“That’s what I love about you testosterone fuelled idiots, you never seem to know when to stop running your mouths. It’s honestly amusing, You’re about to die and you still have the balls to tell me to fuck off.” The black guy kept screaming at me even with the gag, ‘system what is he saving?’

You know the standard death threats, I’m going to cut your balls off and such similar threats.

I groaned slightly as I pushed the dangling man away from me. He was hoisted up a bit more as he reached middle of the pool. I opened an umbrella that was handed to me by a scientist that soon ran to a safe distance. “You’re in for a treat Static, what you’re about to witness is just like a feeding demonstration from an aquarium” ‘damn this reminds me of that scene from Jurassic World with the Mosasaurs’. The bald man had a pissed off look in his eyes as his decapitated friend was just dumped into the pool. 

“And don’t worry your unborn child is in the best of hands!” I jeered as I made one final whistle. I saw his face light-up in horror as the gaping jaws of a shark traveled up higher and higher around him. They stopped at his stomach and soon his upper-half disappeared into its stomach. The umbrella protected me from the water splash generated by the shark as it dived back into the pool. “Whoo, Yeah, Bruce ain’t got shit on you Neptune, Sea World eat your hearts out” I clapped at the display as the rest of Static’s former lover was dropped into the pool.

I turned my head slightly and was filled with satisfaction by the horrified look on Static’s face. Her wordless protests and anger was sweet as my hands reached for her cheek. I wiped away a tear that had trickled down and smiled “now I’m sure you are wondering what’s in-store for you?”. We walked some more her silent whimpers were starting to get annoying.

Her whimpers were soon squashed by the grim terror that awaited her in the next stop. The lights to the room flickered on revealing women fused to the walls in neat rows. They were fused to them by a pulsing mass of silver metal and grey flesh. Each woman had several wires poking out of their skin; each of these wires fed into a monitor on the front of the pulsing mass. They also had a tube inserted into the right side of their throats. Water and a greyish-brown sludge occasionally slushed down the tube into their bodies. Another tube left the mass and led to big machine, that tube was full of their waste-water and excrement.

Each pulsing mass also had a digital timer on the front; next to the monitor. The monitor displayed their vitals and necessary information; like blood-type, name, age and number of offspring. “This will be your new home from now on, for the rest of your mortal days you will be used to birth the Alpha model Hunters. You should count yourself lucky that you have powers since none of these wastes of meat have any, most of these women we kidnapped during our B.O.W attack yesterday are already to give birth. I made your pregnancy last a week to make sure it didn’t kill you, these ones though will birth a Hunter every day until they die. I give them a twenty per-cent chance of survival every time.” Just as I finished a woman screamed in agony “ow it looks like we have our first Hunter birth”.

I clapped my hands together in excitement as the mass around the woman opened up to show her massive pregnant belly. “Please, no, no, I don’t want to give birth, please!” The woman screamed as several shapes moved inside of her. She screamed louder and louder as blood started to leak out of her mouth. I pressed my ear up against her belly and I heard tearing. The woman screamed out one last as a small set of claws began cutting their way out.

My smile only grew larger as the woman’s guts spilled onto the floor and out slipped five small greenish coloured creatures. Their green reptilian skin and long white claws with a yellowish tint were covered in their mother’s blood. Yellow eyes gazed up at me as mechanical arms effortlessly picked up the little terrors. “Welcome to the world little ones” I spoke with a calm voice with a hint of pride. “Place them in the growth vats, and when they’re done ship them to Location B-3-3-H”. A mechanical beep responded and soon the five baby Hunters were hauled off. My gaze once again fell onto Static “well I will be seeing you later Static, I hope you birth plenty of Hunters for me”. I watched as the table she was strapped onto be assimilated into the wall. 

A similar metallic mass grew over her torso and the necessary wires and tubes were inserted into her. I clicked my fingers and gave her the ability to speak in her normal voice again. “You won’t get away with this!” She screeched.

“I would save your energy for screaming my dear, no one is coming to save you and I hear the birthing process is painful” I left quietly as the dead woman’s corpse was hoisted into a massive hazardous containment bag by mechanical arms.

Host are you sure it was a good idea revelling your identity to her?

‘You worry too much system, when I’m through with her; she’ll be luck to be able to pronounce a sentence’. A section of the wall next to me opened up and I stepped through. I was now in another laboratory with a familiar woman strapped to a table. ‘My, my, my what some people from my past world would’ve gave to see this’. I shook my head a little as I walked towards the end where her head was located. A headset that covered her entire face soon raised up revealing her face. Jill Valentine a woman that many Resident Evil fan would have loved to bang was naked before me. 

“Well the mental reprogramming has gone well, you will be a fine sleeper agent Miss Valentine. And just in time too, the peace talks between North and South Rheelasia are about to begin.” I clapped my hands and Jill was soon covered in a silver and black goo that formed a skin tight bodysuit around her. ‘Technovore nano machines are so handy’ I thought as I left the lab with Jill in. A chill feeling brushed down my neck as a bright red swirling portal swallowed me whole.

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