The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 59: Showing Off

I watched Queen Bee’s men assume their positions in a deserted village. I barked some orders to a pack of five Lickers I had brought. Four were the standard Lickers whilst the alpha the lead Licker was accidentally mutated when I had Red Queen experiment on them using the G-virus. 

Alpha Licker Model G
Age: a few days      Species: Human T-virus Zombie
Quality: Mid    Grade: 2

Mutations: Licker Tongue, Greatly Enhanced Physiology, Greatly Enhanced Senses, Steel Tearing Claws

Controlled G-Virus Enhancements: Increased Size, Quick Regeneration, Low Calibre Resistant Tumour Armour

Traits: Very Angry

Skills: Licker Command, Biomass Absorption Through Consumption, Pensile Tongue

I smiled at its fairly good stats as I observed it in better detail. This Licker was significantly bigger and broader than its underlings. Its colouring was also much more different instead of the usual fleshy colour it was a darker shade of red almost a maroon. It’s claws were also like steel knives and were as big as my arm. I couldn’t but help feel a sense of pride in how it cam out especially with how it was much better than it’s normal variation.

Age: a few days     Species: Human T-virus Zombie
Quality: Low     Grade: 2

Mutations: Licker Tongue, Enhanced Physiology, Enhanced Senses, Flesh Tearing Claws

“Now these four little devils are the standard mode Lickers, perfect as an anti personnel weapon. They are fast quite and surprisingly smart the standard cost of these babies are twenty thousand US dollars plus a very cheep upkeep.” I gestured to the Alpha Licker with a wide smile “but this is a true work of art, I present to you the Alpha Licker Model G, this baby costs seventy thousand US dollars and it lives up to its price.” I gave a clap and the Alpha Licker clambered forward “as the Alpha it leads and coordinates other Lickers making them more effective and deadly, it is by far more intelligent and it has a natural armour that can shrug off low calibre rounds along with its fast regeneration it makes it a formidable weapon.” I turned to Queen Nee and smiled sweetly as I clicked my fingers and the Lickers leaped and ran at the abandoned village. 

The next few minutes were filled with the sounds of gunfire and screams. The Lickers soon returned and the Alpha Licker dropped a severed arm at my feet. “Ow you shouldn’t have” I picked up the arm and started biting the fingers off and swallowing them. “Um um hum, nothing beats muscular man meat late in the evening.” Blood droplets peppered the desert sand as I chewed easily through bone and flesh with ease and noisy crunches. I burped as I turned back to my potential investors. “As you can see that small platoon of soldiers stood little if any chance of surviving five Lickers. In a fraction of the time it would take a similar platoon to deal with.” 

Lex was the first to speak “well that is all fine and well but you said that the standard model of these Lickers cost twenty thousand US dollars and the Alpha costs seventy thousand. So for just these five it would cost a hundred and fifty thousand US dollars. To us especially me that is chump change but guns are cheaper.” I nodded and knew this would raise problems.

“Yes they are expensive in the short term but they reap benefits in the long term. Let me ask you can a gun learn from its past encounters?, can a gun guard a compound, can a gun dispose of the bodies it creates?. You also have to consider the time it takes for you to train people how to use guns, the cost of ammo, repairs, and what happens if guns get captured? They can be used against you. You also have to think in war or during any form of combat speed is key. If you were to send soldiers to clear out that village it could have taken hours or maybe a day, but my Lickers did it in minutes. Also my Lickers are far superior to humans, they are fast, stronger and have better reflexes and most importantly they don’t have this little thing called morality. That is why they are better than guns also they save you money on having to use more expensive armaments like drone missiles that cost two million US dollars plus fuel and the cost of the drone to launch said missile to eliminate targets that live in tents.” Luthor nodded as I clapped my hands and a familiar heavily armoured figure stomped forward.

“Queen Bee if you could signal for your tanks and armoured vehicles to assume position” Queen Bee nodded slightly and I instructed Nemesis to march into the abandoned village. He wasn’t armed, he didn’t need to be. When I received telepathic confirmation from him I shot a flare up into the sky. That was the signal for the tanks and armoured vehicles to attack. “Now I present to you T-104 codename Nemesis, this is the first of our upgraded line of T-model B.O.W’s it is a massive step up from the standard T-103 models I showcased during yesterday’s attack.”

The boom of high explosive ordnance was music to my ears as I watched through binoculars at the carnage unfolding. I watched with eager glee as Nemesis shrugged off round after round that the tanks shot at him. The armoured vehicles fared no better as their fifty cal machine guns peppered his suit. His massive right boot found itself sending one of the armoured vehicles cartwheeling into the air before landing into the soft desert sand. It soon exploded into a fiery wreckage as Nemesis hurled another armoured vehicle into it.

One tank proceeded to attempt to drive Nemesis over I chuckled at the futile attempt. Nemesis easily stopped it and began lifting it with some effort. The men in the tank probably screamed as Nemesis spun the tank round and round before letting it go. The tank became air borne for a few seconds before it smashed and exploded into another tank. “As you can see lady, brain in a jar and gentlemen Nemesis is the future of warfare, when more are made it will cost about half a mill to own one of these bad boys yourself”

“Well that is all good but how effective are they against Super-humans” Ra’s asked whilst watching a man getting ripped in half by Nemesis.

“Well few of my B.O.W’s have been tested against super-humans but that shouldn’t be a worry. Since the Super-Human warfare restriction act, it makes impossible for countries to utilise super-humans for warfare purposes since the Doctor Manhattan incident in Vietnam. But I’m sure they will do fine since Nemesis there is a Grade Three B.O.W”. Vandel looked at me with a quizzical look as he put down his binoculars.


I chuckled as I hadn’t explained it to them “yes I categorise my B.O.W’s into five grades. The basic zombies are grade one, the Lickers are grade two, Nemesis over there is grade three”

“And what about that creature that tore up most of New York yesterday?” Ra’s asked.

“She was grade four, the strongest so far”

“And what grade are you?” Vandel asked confidently.

I smiled “I’m far beyond the grade system” I transformed my hand into a massive fleshy, tumour again to block a tank that was thrown at us by Nemesis accidentally. I grabbed the tank with ease and crushed it like a tin-can in front of them. “A mini-gun comes as standard with all T-104 additional weapons need to be purchased separately”. The presentation continued with me showing off the much improved T-virus dispersal bomb. I could see them grow more concerned as the soldiers that were turned into zombies charged at us. They were quickly dispatched by Nemesis’s mini-gun. “I do apologise I’m still working out the kinks with the T-virus and the mindless killing machines it creates”

“You consider this product a failure?” The brain in the jar asked me in a French lathered mechanical voice.

“I do, whilst it is effective as a weapon of mass destruction, the fact they can’t be controlled is an issue. It is like a nuke, yes the enemy is destroyed but you can’t exactly conquer the land that the nuke destroyed.” I was obviously lying to them this small number of zombies were easy to control but I couldn’t have them asking questions on if I could control the other weapons by myself. It would’ve been bad for business if everyone was fearful if they knew I could take control of their B.O.W’s to turn them against them. “And that concludes the show” I did a little bow and then one of my Ravens decloaked behind me.

“Luke Valentine!” I gulped as the feminine voice of my wife echoed out. She stormed towards me angrily “I knew something was up when my wife senses tingled.” She glared at Queen Bee as she picked me up in a tight hug that popped a few pieces of my spine out of their places. ‘How the fuck did she know I was here?’ I thought as I struggled to free myself and explain the situation.

When Midnight finally let go of me I quickly explained the situation to her.

You really shouldn’t have done that host

The system giggled as Midnight’s eyes turned hostile and she began to transform into her centipede form. “You dare kidnap my husband!” Her insectiod voice was a shrill shriek followed by the strangling of about thirty cats. Her dark exoskeleton with a purple tint gleamed in the moonlight as I basked at how much she had actually grown. She was now at least thirty feet long, with her blade like antenna swinging dangerously. Even Klarion seemed shocked at the sight of the monstrosity in front of him. The smell of death and decay traveled on her breath as Vandal, Ra’s and Klarion readied themselves.

“Midnight stand down!” My voice was authoritative as I started to pressure her subconscious with the domination I held over all B.O.W’s. She shrugged nervously and started to transform back. “That is much better” I hugged her and she lent down so I could kiss her. “Well I think I should introduce you, Vandel and others meet Midnight Valentine my lovely, super protective and slightly homicidal wife. Midnight this is the Light they are new business partners, and the woman is Queen Bee, you don’t have to worry about her stealing me from you, as she is about a four out of ten at a best”. Midnight looked over Queen Bee again and snakily replied.

“I was wrong to assume my lovely husband was seduced by such a lesser creature” Midnight smiled cruelly at Queen Bee. I breathed a sigh of relief as I shook Vandel’s hand.

“It has been a pleasure to do business with you, Red Queen will contact you all in the future to discuss in depth the plans going forward” I turned to leave with Midnight and we entered the Raven quickly. ‘Well that went well’ I thought as Nemesis entered the Raven as well. “You can keep the Lickers, think of them as an apology for my wife’s actions” the doors to the Raven closed and I quickly shifted to Midnight’s lap. “And your punishment will be to my seat for this trip” Midnight smiled and licked my cheek.

I felt the Raven lift of the ground and I watched through the Lickers as Queen Bee gave them orders. I had instructed them to follow their orders for now.

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