The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 29

Knowing that she had arrived at Lapra Planet, Mi He was very excited, but then calmed down, because she couldn’t pay Lapra’s high entry tax, she was very special to Lapra Planet after eating goldfish when she was a child Interested, I once checked on the star network, and the head tax of Lapla’s entry is the same as Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s salary for two years.

This is a vacation planet that only the wealthy can afford, but obviously, Mihe is not yet affluent.

Xiaolu and Freddy suddenly held back when they saw Mi He’s happy expression. Before Xiaolu could react, Freddy said, “The Collins family has a villa in Lapla, so Xiaolu, as the host, invited us to come and pull it together. Playing in Pula, we don’t have to pay the poll tax.”

Xiaolu glanced at Freddy and said to Mi He, “Yes, my brother has a villa here, you don’t have to pay.”

Mi He confirmed once: “Really? Don’t lie to me.”

Xiaolu patted his chest, “Really, can I still lie to you?”

Mi He glanced at Freddy again, compared to the path that always bullied her, the calm brother Freddy was the most reliable.

Freddie nodded slightly, “Really.”

Mi He was relieved, because she didn’t want to take such a big advantage of others. Maybe it wasn’t a lot of money for Xiaolu, but for Mi He, it was a lot of money and a lot of favor, and she didn’t want such trouble. other people.

Mi He thought that he would really be able to enter Planet Lapla, and immediately drove away with a smile, “Since we are free, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” After speaking, he ran out first.

The three quickly passed the gate, and then Xiaolu used his ID to get three fishing rods. Mi He said excitedly with the fishing rods, “Do you want us to fish for fresh food?”

Xiaolu said: “I’ll catch a big fish for you later, you can just wait by the side and make it for us to eat.”

Mi He Tucao Xiaolu: “Xiaolu has been nice to me since he ate the dishes I made.”

Xiaolu said solemnly: “All skilled people are worthy of respect, and it is an important skill for you to cook delicious food.”

Mi He was delighted to hear that, and Freddy said next to him, “It’s really delicious.”

Despite being praised, Mi He reminded herself that she was a little too exposed yesterday. She was just an ordinary twelve-year-old girl, and she didn’t have any talent for surprise, so she couldn’t get carried away.

The trio boarded an autopilot, which took them to a designated beach for tourists.

Mi He got off the aircraft and caught sight of the golden ocean of Planet Lapla, which is famous in the whole universe. The vast and boundless golden ocean is like melted gold scattered in the ocean, emitting a golden light in the sun, as if It was as if a big golden mountain had melted, and Mi He was drooling.

When she was a child in the geography course of Orienteering Primary School, there was a class introducing Lapra, and there was a sentence in the holographic video that impressed her particularly, “Lapra, the planet of gold.”

Now, with the golden color she can see, she really believes that Lapra is really like a planet made of gold by God, which is so beautiful that it is suffocating.

There were also colorful stones scattered on the white beach. Mi He ran over with the corner of his skirt and found that it was not a stone, but a coral fragment washed up by the sea. Mi He picked up a few beautiful pieces and found that they were in the It glows brightly in the sun.

Mi He picked up a few pieces of coral and ran back to the path where Freddy was fishing. Freddy had just thrown the hook into the sea. Mi He was afraid of being startled by the fish, so he stood beside him in a low voice and said, “Brother Freddy. , I picked up a star-shaped coral, it’s really nice, I think it suits you especially well.”

Freddy saw the golden coral in Mi He’s hand, it really looked like a star.

He asked, “Why do you think it suits me?”

Mi He said: “It’s the first impression. It’s very shiny, with heavy metal components. It feels like an unusual coral.”

Hearing her silly words, Freddie smiled slightly. This was the first time Mi He saw Freddie laugh. When he laughed, his dark green eyes seemed to be like a sea of ​​trees that had been blown away. People don’t seem to be so approachable anymore.

And Mi He felt that Freddy’s ordinary appearance seemed to become a little more handsome when he smiled.

Freddy said, “Okay, thank you for your gift.” Seeing that Mi He also had several pieces of coral in his hand, he said, “This is pearl coral, a specialty of Lapra, and it can be used as jewelry after polishing. , is a mid-priced gem among the universes, and it sells well.”

When Mi He heard what he said, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood another meaning of the phrase “Lappla, the planet of gold” introduced by Lapra in the holographic video. Jewel!

Then Mi He gave Xiaolu a piece of green coral that she had picked for a long time, and said, “Brother Xiaolu, I picked a piece of coral for you. It is a small green tree. I think it suits you very well.”

Xiaolu stretched his neck, “Let me take a look.” Mi He showed it to him, and he commented: “It’s so ugly.”

Mi He was so angry: “Don’t pull it down!”

Xiaolu hurriedly called her: “Don’t, I want it, I want it! As long as it is given to me by sister Xiaomi, I like it!”

Mi He said to him, “Brother Xiaolu, you are really slick and you are wasting your looks.”

Xiaolu plausibly said: “I look so good-looking, and then say, don’t all women in the universe have to fall in love with me? Why don’t I leave room for my male compatriots?”

Mi He simply didn’t like to pay attention to him.

Knowing that these corals washed up on the coast are precious gems, Mi He can’t wait to pack all the corals away, but she is still very restrained. She can come here to play because of the blessing of the road. Because she took too much coral and was detained, that’s not good.

She carefully picked colorful corals on the beach, and also picked a small black sword-shaped one for Lieutenant Colonel Yang, and a red coral that resembled the word “love” in the Alex language for Doro, and gave Hannah, Muchen, cousin Rita and other relatives and friends all picked a good-looking coral, and some could not pick a good-looking shape, so she picked up a good-looking color, and polished it into beads and strung it into a bracelet.

Freddy looked at Mi He’s happy appearance, and his mood also improved.

Xiaolu suddenly said, “Why are you so kind to this little girl?”

Freddy replied, “Return.”

The two didn’t say anything else.

Then Xiaolu’s rhetoric that he wanted to catch a big fish for Mi He was broken, because he caught a fish of about a pound, and then the fishing rod in his hand could no longer be used.

The fishing rod from the entrance is a fishing rod that can only be used once. No matter how big or small the fish caught, this kind of fishing rod can only be used once, and then it can be used again after waiting for other tourists to unlock it with genes next time.

Because every tourist who enters the customs, Lapla officials give away a two-pound goldfish for free. Of course, tourists can also choose to fish by themselves. Most tourists still want to experience the freshness of this kind of fishing. However, how can everyone catch two pounds of fish, so most people catch small fish.

Xiaolu muttered while replacing the fishing rod that Mi He did not use: “The Lapra government really knows how to settle accounts.”

Freddy’s digital swim bladder showed that he caught a lot of fish, and as soon as he tried his best, a big fish was thrown out of the water, and after a beautiful arc, Freddy was thrown directly to the beach superior.

Mi He happily ran over to see the fish, and found that it was a big fish of five or six catties. He was very happy.

She remembered that in her previous life, her grandfather liked fishing. When she was a child, she often accompanied her grandfather to go fishing, and then took the fish home to practice knife craftsmanship. Those days were bitter and full of memories.

Xiaolu refused to admit defeat, couldn’t bear it, and sat there to continue fishing.

Mi He here was already thinking about how to make this big fish to eat, and suddenly remembered that they didn’t bring the pot down, Freddy took out a pen and asked Mi He, “How big is the pot you want? ?”

Mi He said a size, “About 25 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height.”

Then she saw Freddy enter data on the pen, and the pen hummed and started spitting ink.

No, it’s not spitting ink, it’s spitting molten steel.

This is a steel printing pen. This pen can directly print out a certain volume of steel utensils, which is very convenient to carry when walking outdoors.

When Xiaolu came over with two fish weighing less than a pound, an iron pot had just been printed out, and Mi He was touching the pot over and over, feeling amazing.

Seeing Xiaolu with an awkward face, Mi He took two fish and said, “These two fish just happened to be roasted and eaten, and they are also very delicious.” He also instructed Xiaolu to help collect dry wood and make a fire.

Freddy here has printed another shelf for holding the pot. When Xiaolu picked up some dry wood and came back, he happened to see Mi He was slicing fish.

Mi He deliberately looks unskilled, but her movements are still very smooth. After all, she has practiced countless times in her previous life. In her opinion, the movements are already clumsy. In the eyes of two teenagers with three hundred years of star calendar, That’s all pretty awesome.

Mi He also felt that the fish fillets were a bit thick, let alone the moonlight through the fish fillets, and even the sunlight could not be seen, but Xiaolu and Freddy still thought: “Wow, sister Xiaomi, you are amazing.”

Mi He just made it up: “When I was on Earth, I often went to the deep sea with Professor Doro to catch fish and eat, and the professor taught me.”

Changed the topic again, “Eating fish is nothing. Once, I ate a huge octopus with Brother Chenchen and the professor. The claw is as big as a small piece.” After a while, Xiaolu really changed the subject.

The fire quickly rose, and the water in the pot boiled. Mi He only brought a little condiment and no oil, so he put the peppers, hemp peppers, Chinese peppercorns and onions into the water, and then put the fish bones, Put the fish head and tail into the water to boil the fish soup.

Then she cleaned up the two small fish caught by the road and smeared it with salt. Only then did she notice that the salt had shiny golden particles and said, “Could it be that these salts are also produced by Jura? Pra?”

“Lapra’s specialty is goldfish, pearl coral, golden salt,” Freddy said.

Mihe asked Freddy to print an iron net and grilled the fish on the iron net. “Golden salt grains are indeed better than the salt grains on the earth.” Thinking of the coral gems she picked up again, I once sighed that it is such a blessing to live on the planet Lapla.

But what Mihe didn’t know was that Lapla, as a famous holiday planet in the whole universe, how could there be few people in a sea area, and they let them pick up corals casually?

The fish soup in front of us has already occupied all the attention, and everyone is waiting for when the fish soup will be ready, because the fragrance wafting out is so fragrant, Xiaolu also said: “I used to eat this kind of fish often. Why doesn’t it smell so good?”

He glanced at Mi He, and said, “It must be Miss Xiaomi’s cooking that is delicious, so it smells good.”

Hearing such a straightforward compliment, Mi Hele laughed happily.

Freddy looked at the two brothers and sisters, and felt that their IQ was a bit lowered.

While waiting, the fish soup turned white, and then Mi He announced that he was ready to eat. Xiaolu couldn’t wait to cheer. When he took the newly printed bowl to drink the soup, he saw Mi He was holding a thin slice of fish. Put it in the pot, rinse it for a few times, take it out and put it in your mouth, Mi He’s expression shows an intoxicated look.

What does that taste like?

After just one bite, the unforgettable taste of childhood was revived by the taste buds.

It’s a kind of taste that seems to have opened up all the taste buds, the fragrance seems to explode even in the brain, it’s like blasting fireworks in the dark night sky, the deliciousness is so delicious that the whole person seems to be flying fairy The whole body is immersed in that fresh and delicious taste.

It is said that the reason why Lapra goldfish is so delicious and so expensive is because it has a thing called gold oil hormone in its body. When this hormone is eaten into the stomach, it stimulates the brain to produce a wonderful response. This response It can even be compared to the feeling of physical sex, and when this hormone is injected into the blood vessels, it can prolong life and delay aging, so Lapra goldfish is as expensive as gold.

Xiaolu and Freddy also followed Mihe and ate them with the fish fillets in between. When the thin fish fillets were put into the boiling water, they became rolled up in a few seconds and then quickly scalded by the hot water. Take it out and put it in your mouth, and the just right taste makes the aroma of the fish fully stimulated.

Xiaolu has eaten Lapra Goldfish for so many years, and it is the first time that he eats it like this. While eating, he said, “It’s so delicious!

Mi He said: “Because you eat it often, you don’t feel delicious, and you don’t feel good about anything you eat often.”

Xiaolu took another chopstick, “No, you have the power to turn corruption into magic.”

Mihe said: “Lapra goldfish is not rotten, it is the most delicious food in the universe.”

Xiaolu nodded, “Delicious!”

Next to him is Freddy, who has been silent all the time, and has been holding fish fillets with chopsticks.

After eating the fish fillet, the grilled fish here is also cooked, but unfortunately there is no cumin, so it will be more fragrant. Mihe sprinkled the prepared seasoning powder on the fish, grilled it on the fire, and then put it on the fish. The fish was handed to Xiaolu and Freddy. Freddy saw that Mihe was not there and said, “You can eat it.”

Mi He said, “I just drink soup, I like to eat fish head.”

Xiaolu said, “We’ll get a few more later. Even if I can’t use a fishing rod, I can still catch fish.”

The three of them ate all the three fish like this. After they were full, the three of them lay on the beach and looked at the light green sky of Lapla. Mi He said, “The sky in Lapla is green, it’s really beautiful. color, like Brother Freddy’s eyes.”

Xiaolu demolished her platform: “Stupid Xiaomi, the sky is green because of the light.”

“But brother Freddy’s eye color isn’t a light problem,” Mihe said.

But Freddy wasn’t involved in the subject, and he didn’t like to mention the color of his eyes.

The topic was quickly diverted, and the three got up and packed up. After eating and drinking, Freddy took out a piece of clothing from his bag and handed it to Mi He, “You can put it on and see if it fits. fit.”

Mi He saw that it was a very ordinary dark blue trousers, the material was slippery to the touch.

When Xiaolu saw the clothes, he smiled and said, “Are you going to be invisible for a while?”

That’s right, it’s an invisibility suit.

This is a set of clothes that look like ordinary clothes. Only after pressing the switch will the surrounding scene be reflected in real time. At the same time, it visually creates a stealth effect that you and the surrounding scenery blend together, but in fact it just plays the part you blocked through the pixel camera on the cloth.

After Mi He put it on, she suddenly disappeared when she saw Freddy and Xiaolu in front of her eyes, but their voices were still beside her, and then someone touched her head, so she knew it was Xiaolu without looking. Mi He also flipped the switch on her clothes, and then she became one with the surroundings.

Mi He “wow”.

Suddenly I felt that everything was amazing today.

“It’s amazing.”

Xiaolu’s voice came from the air, “You idiot Xiaomi, you are a jerk.”

“Hmph, anyway, I’m a bumpkin from the earth, don’t eat the dishes I make.”

“Oh, I’m not wrong, sister Xiaomi is the best.”

The conversation between these two people just came out in the air. If they were seen, it would be very scary. If it wasn’t for their footprints on the beach, they would be like ghosts.

Mi He asked, “Where are we going?”

Only then did Freddie’s voice come from her side. It turned out that Freddie was always beside her. He said, “Let’s go to the golden beach.”

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