The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 3

Regarding the question of directed evolution, it was not until Mi He was two years old that she became the age when people remembered that she could have her own thinking and speak clearly, and she opened her mouth to ask Lieutenant Colonel Yang.

“Dad, what is a directed evolution person?”

The rough Lieutenant Colonel Yang hadn’t thought about how his daughter would know this vocabulary, he just thought Hannah taught her, he roughly explained: “It is a group of human beings who have been genetically developed since the ancient earth period, which strengthens the human’s belief that they are excellent. part of the genetic code, such as IQ, such as outstanding beauty, such a targeted strengthening of genes, a group of human beings were born.”

Mi He was silent for a few seconds. In fact, she could probably guess the meaning, and asked again, “What about mom?” At this time, she still wanted to be careful not to be too logical and deliberately throw things out.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang clearly understood her very well, knowing that she was asking Hannah if she was a directional evolutionary human, and said, “The Lin Lai family was originally the best among the first group of directional people, the carbon-based biological cultivator you were born with The machine was invented by the ancestors of the Linley family, and it can be regarded as the most beneficial invention for mankind in the past 100 years.”

Mi He has long known that she was born by a machine, because she has seen other animals born by a machine in Hannah’s laboratory, but most of these animals are mutants, which are different from what she remembers. Much the same.

“I, am I?”

When Lieutenant Colonel Yang heard her question, there was one thing: my daughter finally asked this embarrassing topic, why did you come so early today?

He thought for a while and said, “I’m sorry, Dad is just an ordinary person, and you are my daughter, and you didn’t inherit the Linley family’s directional genes.”

Then he said, “Obviously you are more like me, aren’t you happy?”

Mi He actually doesn’t care about whose genes are inherited. Anyway, she can eat, drink and sleep. In this world, emotional intelligence is much more important than intelligence. Although she thinks her emotional intelligence is average, she doesn’t think that she is How low your IQ is.

Although this perception was slapped in the face a few years later, when she began to study elementary school courses, she still had blind confidence in herself at this time.

Mi He looked at Lieutenant Colonel Yang, and said seriously to the father who had the figure of a bodybuilding coach: “Baby loves father, loves him the most.”

When Lieutenant Colonel Yang heard this, he wished that his whole body was covered with flowers, and he felt that the fairy sound curled above his head, and he was so happy that he was about to fly. He hugged Mi He for a good kiss, and said, “It’s really Dad’s little honey, little padded jacket, and Dad loves you too!”

After Lieutenant Colonel Yang kissed Mi He, he pushed Mi He’s meal in front of her and said, “Come on, keep eating, don’t waste food.”

Mi He looked at the dishes on the plate. It was a mutated earthworm. The earthworm was originally a very small creature, but after the mutation, it became the size of a snake, and it was slippery and sticky, although it was not like the others. Mutated animals are so aggressive, but the constant arching of such a large underground creature will cause harm to this underground base.

Therefore, a lot of equipment for catching mutant earthworms is installed outside the base, and the base often eats such mutant earthworms.

Only now did Mi He know that Lieutenant Colonel Yang had eaten the eyeballs of the mutant dense-toothed whale once when she was a baby. At that time, she felt disgusting, but it turned out to be a relatively good dish…

Looking at the steamed large earthworms on the plate, Mi He deeply realized how naive and ridiculous her thoughts were when she was a baby. The beautiful idea of ​​driving a small spaceship to travel around the universe and then opening a small restaurant is fundamentally Impossible to achieve.

Because she couldn’t cook such dishes as fried earthworms or fried whale eyeballs! !

Moreover, the taste of these ingredients made her think that human beings only care about their evolutionary appearance and IQ in the process of evolution, and whether the sense of taste has been ignored by them, otherwise, why would they degenerate? How can they eat such a disgusting thing?

The mutant earthworms still have the characteristics of earthworms after they have been steamed. For example, they have mucus and are slippery. It may be that the cooks considered that it is difficult to add vegetables, so this dish was carefully cut into sections and steamed. Lieutenant Colonel Yang has already Skillfully took out a bottle of red sauce from the table and poured it on the earthworm segment, and said, “It just looks scary, but there is a lot of protein here, and many of the protein ingredients in the nutritional supplements we drink are made of provided by this mutant earthworm.”

Hearing that, Mi He’s face changed, because she always thought that the reason why the nutritional supplement was pink was because of the taste, but she didn’t expect it was because of the protein…

Mi He didn’t eat a single bite of this breakfast.

When removing the plate, the robot also said to her: “Miss Mihe, don’t waste food.”

At this time, Mi He has given the name “Kardashian” to the robot who has taken care of her since she was a child, which is completely based on the characteristics of his large breasts.

The reason why I said it was once is because after Mi He was weaned, Kardashian was sent to Lieutenant Colonel Yang for repair, and the pair of simulated **** were replaced with ordinary iron sheets, because Lieutenant Colonel Yang also felt that there was always a trembling chest beside him. The robot is really embarrassing, especially when he wants to feed Mi He, a man with such a strong body has to hold such a simulated breast, not to mention embarrassing.

Hannah also mentioned that the robot should be sent for repair: “This is the best-selling nanny robot in the universe, and the one with breastfeeding function is especially popular. This DNS912 was ordered a month in advance and bought.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said: “It’s really a bit embarrassing.”

Hannah said, “You can get him a dress to solve it.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang was naturally not so careful, and felt that Mi He would not drink milk anyway, so removing the pair of **** made everyone calm down.

In this way, Kardashian, who came back for repair, lost her big breasts, but his name was preserved.

Before sending it for repairs, Mi He specially asked Kardashian not to be formatted. Her words at the time were: “He, remember the baby.” Lieutenant Colonel Yang picked up the baby daughter and understood her, “I want him to keep the information about you. right?”

Mi He nodded ignorantly, as if he didn’t know what he was talking about.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang has been free to play, thinking of his own childhood when the nanny robot was sent for repair, and he didn’t remember him. He still remembers his sense of loss at that time, so he can understand it from Mi He’s point of view.

Time passed quickly, and Mi He understood the world in which he lived little by little. In a blink of an eye, he was already four years old.

Not long after her fourth birthday, Hannah gave her a test.

Mi He guessed that this was an IQ test, because at the beginning she was doing a very complicated set of graph problems, which she felt was beyond the graph processing ability of a four-year-old child, so she tried her best to act like a four-year-old child. She looked at the graphics for a long time, and some of them were swiped at random. Some of the inscriptions she knew were correct, but she couldn’t choose them.

I don’t know if it was her illusion, or Hannah was very nervous about the test. Hannah kept looking at her and seemed to be observing her reaction, which made Mi He think that the reaction of the children during the test was also part of the test. .

After finishing this complex set of graph questions, Hannah called out a set of simple graph questions from the terminal system. Some of the questions seemed to be the kind of very popular IQ test questions she had seen on the Internet in her previous life.

Although she did it carefully, she ended up scoring 120 points.

Mi He was shocked when she saw this score, because she remembered that 120 was a high IQ, and she was afraid that she would be exposed.

As a result, Hannah frowned unabashedly when she saw the result, and Mi He cautiously called out, “Mom?”

Hannah said: “My IQ is 160, which is already the middle level among directional people.”

When Mi He heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn’t understand what Hannah was saying.

Hannah also sighed when she saw her child’s ignorance. Since this child was born, she has sighed more than ever before.

Although she had long known that Mi He was not a targeted person, Hannah was still a little disappointed when the result of the IQ test was also announced.

Seeing that Hannah was in a bad mood, Mi He walked out quietly with the robot, but when he was about to go out, he met Doro who had just come in.

As soon as Mi He saw Doro, he made a child’s excited laughter, and immediately hugged Doro.

Mi He has already reached a height of more than one meter this year. When he hugged Doro, who was more than half a meter high, it was a drowning blow to the top professor of the underground base’s scientific research team.

As Mi He got bigger and bigger, Doro became more and more embarrassed to her.

Ever since Mi He met Doro for the first time, she has always been very curious about him. Every time she came to Hannah’s lab, she paid attention to Doro’s presence, and she even took the initiative to ask Hannah: “More, How much?”

Although Hannah would correct her: “Please call Professor Doro,” she would also say, “He knew you were coming for an inspection today, and went out.”

At first, Mi He deliberately expressed her sadness because of her words. Later, she didn’t care anymore. Listening to the robot’s popular science, Doro’s race, the Alix family is the native of the planet Alix, and the planet Alix is The first planet to be inhabited and occupied by humans after they stepped into space. Of course, the Alys did not have such a good impression of humans, so Doro avoided her, and she could understand that, after all, she might be an “aggressor” in his eyes. descendants”?

It turned out that Mi He was thinking too much. Professor Doro simply felt that being held by a milk doll would lose his identity as the first person in charge of the scientific research team of his base, so he avoided her.

At this time, he was a little depressed when he was caught by Mi He. Mi He held onto his bunch of bananas and said, “Take me to see the fish!”

As a result, after leaving the laboratory and leaving Hannah’s line of sight, Mi He said, “Take me to the ground a lot.”

Doro said, “You little guy did it on purpose? You got 120 points in the test just now. I was afraid that Hannah would scold you. Now it seems that you are such a clever little guy!”

When Mi He heard his words, he was deeply moved. Doro came to help her out of fear that Hannah would tell her!

Robots have also learned that there are very few newly bred young children of Doro’s race. The higher the IQ race, the worse the reproductive power. For the big oval-shaped heads of the Alix family, some people have a higher IQ than directional people. , and lived for a long time, the average age is more than 200 years old, compared with the average human age of 120 years old, it is a cheating existence.

If it weren’t for their small population base and poor reproductive ability, they would not have been so easily occupied by humans back then.

Because of the small number of newborns, Alix people are especially good for young children.

Although Doro always disliked her and avoided her, Doro was really kind to her.

Mi He hugged Doro again, bowed his head and kissed Doro’s big head, saying, “Baby likes it a lot.”

Doro’s red skin couldn’t be seen to change, but his small hand like a bunch of bananas patted Mi He’s back and said, “You little doll, you are too clever.”

Mi He acted coquettishly again: “Take me to the ground a lot.” Holding Doro’s neck for a while, Doro couldn’t stand this the most. As long as she uses this trick in recent years, she can make sure that everything she wants will come true.

Sure enough, after a while, Doro surrendered, saying, “Okay, but we have to keep it a secret from Lieutenant Colonel Yang and Hannah.”

In this way, Mi He ushered in his first trip to the ground in four years.

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