The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 33

After escaping this kelp fish that was more than two meters long, he then encountered a group of kelp fish. This time, Mi He did not dare to touch it again. Together with Doro, he opened the air at the foot of the protective suit. People jumped over the group of kelp fish together.

However, the impact of the rushing air still aroused the group of fish. Mi He looked down and saw countless eyes opened together, and the big eyes circled together, making her blind and hurried to look forward.

Seeing her like this, Mu Chen took her hand. Although he was wearing a protective suit, Mi He felt a lot more at ease.

Immediately afterwards, Doro took them down the rope and landed under a trench. It was even darker and darker. Mi He felt that there were only three of them in the whole world. Light, she felt like she was about to melt into such a quiet darkness.

When he first landed, Mi He felt that there were a lot of oval stones on the soles of his feet, and after taking two steps, there were still pebble-like stones under his feet. Mi He was still thinking that the stones in the deep sea were quite smooth, and then there were many more. Luo turned on the light on the protective suit, and in an instant, the surroundings lit up.

Then, Mi He saw that all the cobblestones she stepped on just now stood up!

Then, at the speed of sight, these stones have grown feet, Mi He can’t even see what shape the feet are, it feels like the feet of a crab or a centipede, because they walk sideways, only one or two seconds of effort , these white stones are scattered away from the light source.

When they moved, those little feet even scratched Mi He’s feet. Although she was wearing protective clothing, in this dark deep sea, when something suddenly touched her feet, the horror was like that of a person Watching a 4D movie in a movie theater and suddenly being swept away by something under the chair swept the leg is the same thrilling feeling.

After Mi He was touched, she felt goosebumps all over her body, and the hand that held Muchen tightened.

Muchen pulled her closer, and then the projection on Doro’s terminal popped out again. In the dark ocean trench, when it seemed that there were only three of them in the world, Doro still had the mind to teach them a lesson. Mi He saw the projection. The blue dim light that burst out from above illuminated Doro’s scarlet face, and suddenly he was less afraid.

So, isn’t knowledge actually scary?

Doro’s projector read: “This is the deep sea devil crab, which is the name given to them by the ancient earth people, which means that when you see this kind of crab, you have reached the depth of death. At that time, the technology was not developed, and people In fact, this kind of crab is not harmful, and even has no mutation because it is in the deep sea, which is one of the few species on the earth that does not mutate.”

Mi He, a less knowledgeable person, saw Doro saying that this kind of crab is not mutated and harmless. He also opened the terminal projection and wrote a sentence: “Can you eat it?”


He talked for a long time, what did she think…

But Doro also dutifully replied: “Yes.”

Mi He smiled, and Mu Chen felt that he could feel the joy of Mi He through the protective clothing.

But those devil crabs ran away as soon as they saw the light, and Mi He couldn’t catch them at all. Later, Mu Chen was agile and turned several of them for Mi He.

After catching the crabs, she realized that her serious business was to find the sand where the Lapra goldfish was raised, and Doro took them out more than ten meters away. It felt that in this trench, every meter you walked could feel a sense of beauty. The pressure of suffocation, even with the high-tech protective clothing of 300 years of the star calendar, felt that such pressure was a bit depressing, no wonder people used to call this kind of crab a devil crab.

Wherever they went, the hordes of devil crabs seemed to be activated from the white pebble state. When it turned into a crab, it was a bit like the Transformers I had seen before.

The hordes of devil crabs spread out because of their movement and the light they bring, as if the stones were migrating, and the scene was magical.

After the large group of crabs dispersed, a white sandy beach was exposed where they left. Doro’s terminal projection read: “This is it, you can take this kind of sand.”

Mi He also asked, “What is this?”

Doro replied: “This is the habitat of devil crabs, and they are also a species that eats microorganisms in the sand as food, but because of the shells taken off by the devil crabs in this sand, some ingredients are very similar to Lapra’s sand. Like, all the earth you can only find here.”

Mi He nodded, then dug a lot of sand with Muchen and brought a lot of crabs, and then returned.

Because they were carrying too many things, the ropes that were pulling them were all tight, but fortunately, the high-tech of the three hundred years of the star calendar was very strong, and it pulled them back directly.

When he was about to get on the bubble submarine, Mi He suddenly raised his head and glanced above, and was immediately attracted by the scenery above his head.

What’s the view like?

The deep sea water was illuminated by the light emitted from the outer wall of the submarine. The sea water showed a light blue color. There were many fish swimming around in the projected light and shadow, and the straight body of the saber-toothed fish was swimming. It is also straight and easy to recognize, and the skin of the tiger fish reflects the light of the submarine, and emits a slight flash in the deeper place, just like the stars on the night, and the color is darker in the farther place. , Mi He couldn’t even see the species swimming in the sea water, only occasionally a large black shadow flashed over, like a multi-mouthed devil fish.

This scene, as if the whole ocean was buckled on them, that wonderful feeling reminded Mi He of the time when Mars, Xiaolu and Freddy in the capital peeped Hannah and Mr. Collins on a blind date. The virtual scene seen in the holographic capsule was also in a deep sea at that time, and the surrounding fish swam around like a fairy tale.

But now this is a more realistic scene. It is difficult for those who are not there to imagine the feeling, standing in the dark and dark deep sea, the sea water is pressing on you, fish and all species are swimming in your On the top of the head, looking up and seeing the top, that kind of feeling will make people feel that human beings are really insignificant.

Mu Chen also followed Mi He’s eyes and saw such a scene. He silently handed Mi He a holographic camera pen. Mi He was quite surprised when he saw this. Can you afford this holographic camera pen?

After Mi He took a few photos with his pen, he ended the operation in the deep sea with Doro and Muchen.

However, when Mi He recalled this experience many years later, the most impressive thing was the last scene he saw and those feelings at that time.

After returning home, Mi He first replaced the sand with the two Lapra goldfish. When the two fish began to dig through the sand with their mouths to search for food, she felt that she could save some money in the future.

Then she started to deal with the crabs brought back from the deep sea. It turned out that these crabs were all pretended to be pebbles. She knocked on them with her hands, but they could not see any deformation.

But as a Chinese, doesn’t she pretend that the food is dead and she won’t eat it?

Immediately put them on the steamer and steamed them, because I had never eaten this kind of crab, and steamed them for a while.

When Lieutenant Colonel Yang returned home, he smelled crabs when he entered the door. Mi He also invited the Mueller family to eat crabs at home. When he invited Doro, he refused because he, as an Alix, abides by the tradition of Alix, Do not eat human food.

In order to express their dissatisfaction with Mars the Great’s occupation of the planet of Alix, all the Alys decided to protest by not eating human food. This activity gradually became a part of Alix. kind of tradition.

When Mi He knew that this was the reason why Doro didn’t eat human food, he was really speechless. He felt that the Alix people were so smart that they didn’t think of vicious ways to deal with humans, but instead protested in such a way that they harmed themselves. , which made Mi He feel an incomprehensible feeling when he heard about Gandhi’s hunger strike against the government when he was a child.

But as Mi He got older and had more experience, he felt that Alix was the most peace-loving higher race in the universe. It’s not that they have no way to resist humans, but they still let humans and Alix people go. A stupid race in comparison.

That night, apart from eating crabs by themselves, Mr. Mueller and Lieutenant Colonel Yang were also responsible for breaking open the crab shells for Mi He and Mrs. Mueller, because the shells of these devil crabs are also as hard as pebbles.

The eating process was a little more difficult, and the meat after knocking was very small, almost a crab only had two bites of meat, but everyone enjoyed it.

Later, Mi He deliberately bought a particularly famous food called Lulu on the Star Online. In Mi He’s opinion, she thought this Lulu looked a bit like a piglet, so she regarded it as Alix The little piglet of the planet, and even the method is the way of stewing pork.

Using honey, soy sauce, and onion, I simply cut Lulu into pieces and stewed it, because I don’t know if Doro can eat spicy food as an alien, and Mihe didn’t dare to make spicy flavors, so I chose the safest salty and sweet flavor. taste

Mi He wanted to surprise Doro, and just in time for the empire’s annual founding day, she wanted to simply prepare a dinner and start making dumplings.

Dumplings have gradually faded out of the sight of human beings in the 300th year of the star calendar, but Lieutenant Colonel Yang, as an Asian blood with an oriental name, still likes this traditional food very much, he said: “Fifty years ago, you Grandma likes to make this for me, but after she died no one made it for me.”

Fifty years ago…

Mi He felt: Daddy, you are showing your age.

Dumplings are quite new to the Mueller family. Mrs. Mueller also came to help Mi He wrap them together, but the robot next to them watched them do it a few times and then automatically learned the movements, whether it was rolling out the skin or making dumplings. Can make neat and consistent dumplings.

Although Mi He was well packaged, she still sighed that the dream of opening a small restaurant in the 300th year of the star calendar is really not easy, even if a directional person can crush ordinary humans in terms of IQ, even robots are so intelligent.

When the dishes were ready, Mi He tricked him into asking Doro for his homework, and when he appeared, he brought the simmering Lu Lu meat and said, “Duo Duo, I specially Made it for you!”

Doro looked at the stuffed red and shiny Lulu meat on the plate. The smell of Lulu meat made him feel as if his stomach was squirming after smelling it. After taking nutrients for many years, he couldn’t help swallowing.

Mi He said: “This is Lulu that I specially bought from Alixxing on The condiment uses a little plant grown in the laboratory. Because it is grown by you, it should not be considered ‘human food’. ‘right?”

Doro’s big oval red head looked up at her, he blinked, his face could not be seen on his red face, but Mi He grew up beside him since he was a child, knowing that he was very happy, he specially prepared in advance. A pair of ultra-small cutlery was handed to him, and she said, “It always causes trouble for you. Now that I am older, I can start to take care of you.”

Doro lowered his head again, as if he was looking at the food in front of him, as if he was sorting out his emotions, and finally said the mantra he often said about Mi He: “You little human devil…”

At that meal, everyone was very happy, Lieutenant Colonel Yang shouted loudly while eating dumplings: “It’s so delicious, it must be my baby’s honey bag.”

The Colonel’s wife next to her replied, “I’m sorry Lieutenant Colonel Yang, you guessed wrong, it was made by your robot.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang: “Oh, the one made by the robot is as delicious as the one made by Mi He~”

Muchen next to him has been eating with his head down, because he asked before the banquet that the dumplings made by Mihe are round, which is not the same as the ones made by robots.

Everyone was very happy to eat, only Mi He felt that eating dumplings dipped in vinegar, or even the soy sauce used in stewing Lulu, was too bad.

After that meal, Mihe decided to plant soybeans.

However, the soybeans 500 years ago were all genetically modified, and the soybeans after 500 years have mutated so much that they don’t even know their mother.

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