The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 38

Mi He just watched Doro mate with the most half-sufficient fish. Later, she was too sleepy to open her eyes, so she fell asleep beside the bed. When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw that Doro was still standing in front of the fish tank. He was calculating something with his little banana hands, his eyes glowing and his expression excited.

Mi He had never seen Doro working so seriously, and felt that even a half-meter-high red alien, working hard, was particularly awe-inspiring.

The two small fish in the fish tank have been separated, and Mi He doesn’t seem to have changed at all. If it wasn’t for Doro who was still there, calculating with excitement, Mi He thought that he was dreaming last night, that he would have dreamed of two fish mating…

Doro stood there and calculated for a long time, until the aroma of Mihe’s cooking woke him up, and he took a tube of red nutrient specially prepared for the Alix people at Mihe’s house, and the fragrant soy sauce prepared for Mihe. As a human food like fried rice, he didn’t even look at it.

Doro felt that although the food was so fragrant, as Alix people, they were a noble race with dignity, and they decided not to eat human food, so they refused to eat it. They are not like human beings. They have honey swords and double-edged swords. Of course, Mi He has been with him since he was a child, and he is also considered to be half Alix. She speaks Alix so well.

The reason why Mihe’s Alix language is so good must be because Alix language is the most elegant language in the universe, and their Alix people are also the most noble race.

Well, that’s it.

If Mi He could know what Doro was thinking, he must have wanted to say, who had forced her to learn Alix since she was a child? Still have to learn physics in Alexa…

Although the mating of these two fish has brought great changes to Doro’s work and life, for Mi He, life is still the same. Without Muchen, she has gradually adapted to her current life.

I study regularly on the star network every day, and then go to the surface to bask in the sun when I have time, or drive a bubble submarine to wander in the deep sea, watching the magical scenery in the sea, and occasionally she will go to the Great Wall, which is now submerged in the deep sea. Look.

Five hundred years ago, she didn’t climb it in person. Instead, in the Milky Way era when the star calendar was three hundred years ago, she wore protective clothing and climbed the Great Wall in the deep sea.

She also took a holographic photo and sent it to the terminal.

In the photo, the dark Great Wall spreads to the end of the photo. There are all kinds of strange fish in the ocean illuminated by the light of the submarine. The colorful giant coral has blatantly grown on the wall of the Great Wall, and the whole body of shiny jellyfish swims. In the middle of the coral, the huge cap flickered constantly, looking like a magical photo.

Muchen said: “pay attention to safety and don’t touch those dangerous mutant animals.”

Xiaolu replied: “Can you eat that shiny and transparent thing?”

Rita said, “There’s still time to hang out, getting up to high school and getting nervous.”

Hannah said, “Your cousin Rita is right.”

Uncle Collins even replied, “Earth is still very interesting, Mi He is coming to Mars to play during the holiday.”

Freddy replied, “That’s the Great Wall?”

Seeing everyone’s replies, Mi He suddenly felt that even though he was hundreds of thousands of light years away, he was still quite happy.

But Brother Freddy guessed that it was the Great Wall, which was really powerful.

Mi He also thought that he had been reading German philosophy books, so maybe he had a lot of knowledge about earth culture, and she felt very close to Freddy, who was close to earth knowledge.

Reply to Freddy: “Yes, brother Freddy is amazing.”

Freddie did not reply, however.

After more than a month, the two Lapra goldfish in the fish tank have changed. To be precise, the male fish has changed. Its belly is bulging, and only the belly is bulging in the slender body. , at first glance, it is pregnant with a small fish, and the belly of the female fish has not changed, but its mouth seems to have become larger.

Doro said that Lapla goldfish was originally a population that was surrogated by male fish and raised by female fish. The female fish now has a bigger mouth to prepare for the hatching of the small fish in the future.

Instead, Mi He only paid attention to Doro’s saying that male fish came to surrogate, and felt that if the world really became a man to get pregnant and a woman to support the family, what would it be like?

However, in this era of three hundred years of the star calendar, women no longer have to use their bodies to give birth to children. People like Hannah who can carry a child for three months with their own body are the kind of people who make great determination and have to The kind of parents who want children.

In fact, the marriage rate in this era is extremely low. Mi He knew very little information when he was a child. When he grew up, he realized that in some star regions of the empire, polygamy marriages are even possible. A family does not necessarily have to marry two people. You can even get married with three or four people. I heard Muchen say that the family with the largest number of people in the Tianqin Galaxy where he was born is married by nine people.

Anyway, this is still an era when most people can live comfortably. Although a large number of ordinary people cannot become the top elite like directional people, and even the bottom labor force will be replaced by intelligent robots, the welfare of the empire is very good. In some wealthy galaxies, ordinary people have a lot of welfare credit points right after they were born, and they live quite easily.

Mi He felt that in this fast-developing galactic era, even things like making dumplings can be easily learned by robots. As an ordinary person, the more insecure they are, so she still has to study hard and strive for more ways out.

As the belly of the male Lapra fish got bigger and bigger, Doro became more and more nervous. Later, he could not wait to live in Mi He’s house. Mi He asked him to simply move the fish tank back to the laboratory for observation, which also saved money. He tossed back and forth.

But Doro said: “I can’t easily change their environment, and I don’t dare to take the risk.”

In fact, in other parts of the empire, many people thought of breeding Lapra goldfish to make money. This kind of goldfish is so expensive. If it can be bred on other planets, it would be countless money. Some people also bought a lot of live pearl jade corals. Simulate the living environment of goldfish, there are those who successfully mate successfully, and there are even those who spend a lot of money to simulate the hatching environment and successfully hatch small fish, but these people have not succeeded in the end.

Because it is completely simulated with a large number of live gemstones to encourage goldfish to mate, the cost is very high. Pearly coral is a mid-range gem. Who can buy such a bunch of live gems just to raise fish?

Another difficulty is that the hatched small fish will die one after another, and I don’t know why. Later scientists came to the conclusion that the small fish hatched in the artificial rearing environment lacked a necessary hormone, so they did not live long.

In short, in the era of five hundred years later, there are still a lot of scientific problems that need to be solved by humans and aliens.

So Doro will be excited about the pair’s successful mating and conception, especially as the male’s belly gets bigger, the more nervous Doro is.

But two months later, the male’s stomach was still dead.

The fertilized eggs in its stomach were quietly excreted by the male fish in one night and died on the white sand.

Doro was disappointed.

He still got his energy to analyze the bodies of those small fish, but the result was that compared with adult goldfish, the bodies of these small fish lacked the ‘gold oil hormone’, which is as expensive as gold. Not only is the reason why Lapra goldfish are so expensive, it is also an essential element for their survival.

He originally thought that this would be another scientific breakthrough for him and would receive his fourth Otto Empire Biological Achievement Award, but in the end, his dream was shattered with the death of the little fish.

Later, Mihe also deliberately bought a lot of the ingredients of Alix Planet from Xingwang. In addition to braised Lulu, he also used honey, soy sauce, Sichuan pepper oil to smear Lulu’s body, and took a kind of fragrance that was picked up on the ground. The wood was slowly roasted, and Doro made a roast suckling pig with a three-hundred-year star calendar. When Doro took the first bite of the roasted oily puff pastry, he was overwhelmed by the taste.

The sweet and salty taste is rubbed into Lulu’s tough skin. After baking, the surface is crispy, but the skin is tough. The taste in the mouth will make people feel that the whole person can’t wait to have only the taste buds. , as wonderful as entering heaven.

Seeing Doro smiling for the first time in so many days, Mi He hugged his big oval head, even though she was fourteen years old, she occasionally liked to act like a spoiled brat with Doro, a half-meter-tall elder, “Don’t do it a lot. Sad, I’ll make you delicious food!”

Doro’s big oval head was hanging down, Mi He couldn’t see his expression, only saw his hand holding vegetables paused, and then said to her: “You little slick…”

Mi He wetly kissed his big head, and Doro also said to her: “They are all big girls, you are not allowed to be relatives, you know? This kind of action is in your human body language, and you can’t be casual to others. made.”

Mi He smiled, “Do it to Duoduo and Dad.”

Doro: “…Well, that’s right.”

Then Doro returned to his former mood.

And Doro returned to his previous emotional state, and gave Mi He ten pieces of Dutch language composition, saying, “Your Dutch language has risen from fifty to sixty points, so you have to continue.”

Mi He: ==

Impressive to say…

The days went on like this.

Then a month later, when Mihe and Doro were not paying attention, the pair of Lapra goldfish copulated again. Mihe didn’t know, she remembered Freddy’s saying that goldfish need warm sunlight and humidity. When she went to the surface, she took them to the sun with them.

The area where Mi He often goes to bask in the sun is a safe area specially designated by Lieutenant Colonel Yang. It is the specimen collection area that Doro and Hanna asked for key protection. There are no dangerous mutant animals and plants here, so Mi He put the fish tank in the area. Under the huge poppy flower, the sun shines on the fish tank through the red petals, the pale golden water is also more beautifully set off by the red color of the poppy petals, and the two goldfish also turn red gold.

Later, after bringing the fish back to the base, I found that they did not show any discomfort, and it seemed that the golden scales on their bodies were more beautiful, and they seemed to emit a slight nocturnal light at night. Mi He felt that these fish did not glow at night because of They get less natural sunlight.

Thinking of the little fry with golden light that I once saw in Lapra, I think that Lapra goldfish may naturally be a magical goldfish that loves to shine.

So the activity of taking them to the sun is quite diligent. She is doing Doroliu’s homework while basking in the sun, and the time passes quickly.

Doro knew that she took the fish to the surface to bask in the sun, but he didn’t say anything. Maybe it was because his anticipation was too strong for the first time, and he was very sad when he failed. In the induction of sexual maturity of goldfish by crabs, I feel that even if the hatching problem cannot be overcome now, it is also a major progress that goldfish can be induced to mate first.

Then one day, when Mi He and the robot moved the fish tank to the surface, the surface of the bubble submarine was pasted by a mutated multi-toothed devil fish. Mi He wanted to taste this devil fish tail stew. The smell, I didn’t turn on the electric shock function of the outer wall until the submarine came out of the sea. Sure enough, the devil fish made a popping sound after being electrocuted a few times, and then slid on the beach.

Mi He got off the spacecraft and wanted to cut off the long tail of the devil fish, and the robot followed. It came down with the fish tank, but when it got off the submarine, the robot’s program stuck for a while, and the hand paused for a while, and the fish tank snapped and fell to the ground.

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