The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 42.10: (10)

Well, yes, she also took the initiative to comfort him that day, so now everyone is fair.

Mi He said: “Then next time you are sad, I will comfort you.” After finishing speaking, he felt that it was not right, and said, “No, I hope you will not be so sad again.”

But Freddy touched her head and said, “Okay, I’ll find you next time.”

Mi He listened, nodded again with a smile, and said, “You are sad, I can comfort you, and I can make you delicious food, we humans will be happy after eating delicious food. ”

Freddy said earnestly, “You make people happy.”

Mi He, like a young seedling who gives a little sunshine, is bouncing beside Freddy, “Really?”

Freddy said, “Really.”

He added: “So, I also hope you can be happy all the time.”

Mi He said to him: “I remember, you once told me.”

She added, “Brother Freddy, how gentle.”

Freddy smiled slightly, but did not comment on himself.

Then Mi He approached Freddy again and said mysteriously, “Brother Freddy, did you try holographic data last night?”

Freddy glanced at her.

Mi He said, “Look at what I’m doing, I’m not an adult yet, and I can’t buy holographic data.”

Freddy said: “Then you want to buy it? Besides the crown prince’s data, who else do you want to buy?” He guessed and said, “Could it be Dittma’s?”

Mi He loosened his mouth and said, “I bought Prince Dittma’s…”

Just after finishing speaking, I found something wrong, and quickly made amends: “I just took a look at it when other sisters bought it.”

Freddie obviously didn’t believe it, and Mi He swore again, saying, “Really, why am I so embarrassed? Not only am I underage, I don’t know Prince Dittma yet, and I’m so close to someone I don’t know. , I still can’t accept it, I didn’t see him take off his clothes…”

Freddy :==

“He took off his clothes later?”

Mi He heard that Freddy’s tone was very calm, and he took it seriously, and said, “Yeah… But I didn’t see it there, so I was embarrassed to close it.”

Freddie gave a faint “Oh”, and then didn’t mention it.

That night, when Lieutenant Colonel Yang learned that Mi He was admitted to the Xinglian University, he was so excited that he burst into tears.

Freddy watched the whole process, and found that the father and daughter were really alike… At this time, the emotional father and daughter were hugging each other and crying for a while, completely forgetting him.

Freddy felt that the father and daughter of Lao Yang’s family really didn’t treat him as an outsider.

Mi He later wiped away tears with Lieutenant Colonel Yang. She waved her little hand and said, “When we are so happy, let’s eat something delicious to celebrate!”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said: “Yes, we have to celebrate! Get Dad some peanuts, and Dad some hallucinogens to drink, and then give Professor Doro some “mouse meat” from their hometown to eat, so that every time he sees us eating, It’s just that he is unhappy when he eats the nutritional supplements, and he is so dishonest when he is two hundred years old!”

Freddy: Would you rate Professor Doro that way…

Mi He said next to him, “Brother Freddy is going to catch a big fish, and I’ll make you your favorite fish hot pot tonight!”

Freddy said: ^^


That night, the Yang family’s father and daughter, Freddy and Doro, and even the colonel’s wife and husband next door were at the Yang’s dining table together. The colonel’s wife knew that Mi He had passed the exam, and was so happy to bring a lot of Marr. Si’s food came to celebrate together, and came early to help Mi He prepare.

As a result, the colonel’s wife came over and found that the robot was helping Mihe wrap the fish-filled buns. The pleats were more precise than Mihe’s. The colonel’s wife praised: “Although your robot has been used for many years, it does housework. not bad.”

Since Mi He was admitted to the nutritional supplements major, she felt proud. She used to worry that she would be replaced by a robot in the future, and she would not be able to find a job. Now that she is admitted to the Xinglian University, she is no longer worried.

He also praised her robot. The robot that has been used for more than 20 years has not been upgraded, and the conversation with Mi He has to be stuck before saying: “Thank you.”

With the help of the Colonel’s wife, these dishes were quickly prepared. Freddy went to the deep sea to catch a fish that was more than two meters long, and then came back and said to Mi He, “I deliberately chose the one with less scales.”

Mi He thought: Brother Freddy is so sweet! !

Then I made a lot of dishes with this fish in the evening. The fish bones were stewed in soup to make the base of the hot pot. The fish meat on the belly and back was cut into slices and eaten. The fish head was saved for tomorrow to make fish head cakes. She also cooked the rest of the meat. I ordered fish balls, fish buns, cold fish skins, and fried fish pieces, and set up a table full of them.

The old Yang family’s two-bedroom, one-hall room was filled with aroma and popularity. Everyone was happy to gather together. Lieutenant Colonel Yang also clinked glasses with Colonel. The two took a big mouthful of hallucinogen and then began to face each other happily Laughing, Lieutenant Colonel Yang couldn’t help crying after drinking too much, and he started to say how cute his honey is, how a little dumpling liked to stick to him when he was a child, and how caring he was when he grew up…

Mi He was embarrassed to listen to him next to him, and felt that his father was only in his fifties, and at the absolute young and middle-aged age of the 300th year of the star calendar, why did he start to ramble on? Besides, today’s hallucinogen is a joyous flavor, not a crying flavor.

Then Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, “But my baby Honey is going to study. Dad won’t see you for a long time. Dad will be very sad.”

When Mi He heard this, the father and daughter hugged each other and cried again…

Then, Hannah, who opened the hologram to communicate with Mi He, saw the father and daughter hugging each other and crying as soon as she opened the hologram. Hannah:==

After a while, the mood of the two stabilized, and Lieutenant Colonel Yang also said: “It’s okay, Honey just went to read a book, and came back after reading the book.”

Mi He nodded, and said, “I come back every semester for vacation.”

At this time, Hannah said, “I and your Uncle Collins still want you to come and live in Mars for a while, and Taura misses you too.” Then Hannah took out Taura, and Taura saw Mi He was there The hologram stretched out a small hand and called her: “Sister~”

Mi He immediately responded with a “Hey~”, clicked on the two-way hologram, and hugged the chubby Taura in the hologram. The three-year-old Taura was very smart. Mi He felt that he was in his teens when he was a child. It will crush her in terms of IQ, and now Mi He feels that she doesn’t have to wait for her teens, maybe she can crush his stupid old sister before she is ten…

Then the big family hugged again, and Hannah finally hugged Mi He in the hologram and said, “I’m proud of you, my child.”

Hearing that, Mi He cried again and said, “Mom, I’m not stupid.”

Hannah hugged her again and said, “Well, I know, you’re very good.”

This caused Lieutenant Colonel Yang to wipe his tears again.

Once again, Frady, who watched the whole process, felt that the relatives of the old Yang family did not treat him as an outsider…

Before the meal was finished, Rita and Mu Chen sent holograms over. Mu Chen saw Mi He took a hologram of his parents and said hello to them. The Colonel’s wife also said to him, “Wait for Mi He to go to Xinglian University to go to school. Now, you’ve got to take good care of her, like you two used to take care of each other on Earth.”

Muchen said: “does it need to be said? I will naturally cover him!”

He said to Mi He again, “I’m begging to wait for you at Alix Star.”

Mi He smiled and said, “Wait for me in the cave~”

Muchen said: “When you live in your dangerous building, let’s see what you say about my basement!”

Mi He laughed, and after Muchen’s hologram hung up, Rita’s also came, and said, “Congratulations, are my notes useful?” Then he said, “Don’t worry, Xinglian University. I still have someone I know who has already arranged a better dormitory for you.”

When Mi He heard this, he praised Sister Rita: “Sister Rita, you are really my sister!”

Rita said: “Who made me have only an ordinary sister like you? You were admitted to the Star Federation University with the qualifications of an ordinary person, which is not bad. As expected of my sister Rita Linley, it seems that I can’t talk about you in the future. Stupid.”

Mi He grinned: “I hate it, Sister Rita, I wasn’t stupid at all.”

Rita said: “Stupid or not, let’s wait until you take the course on nutritional supplements.”

At the time, Mi He didn’t realize what Sister Rita, who had been in Starlink University for a year, meant, and Freddy, who was next to him, didn’t say anything.

In short, news of congratulations came from all directions that Mi He was admitted to the Star Alliance University. Across hundreds of thousands of light-years, Mi He was extremely warm.

Finally, the hologram of Xiaolu, he was still wearing a mecha protective suit, and said: “I just got down from the top, and I know that you have been admitted to the Star Union University, sister Xiaomi, yes, if you go to study at the Star Union University, you can find us Ai Boys from Lux Military Academy are in love!”

Mi He said, “I hate it, Brother Xiaolu, I’m not yet an adult.”

Xiaolu said solemnly: “Love has nothing to do with age, just enjoy love in college!”

In the end, Xiaolu said: “Okay, you have also finished the exam, send me something delicious, my mouth will fade out of the bird!”

After turning off the hologram, Mi He also muttered to Freddy: “Brother Xiaolu is really, fall in love or something…”

Freddy said next to him: “You are still young, so you must focus on your studies first.”

Mi He said: “Yeah, besides, there is a huge gap between orienteering and ordinary people.”

When Freddy heard it, he paused and patted her head, “There is no difference, there is no difference between me and you.”

Mi He felt that Brother Freddy was comforting her, raised his head and said, “Brother Freddy is the best!”

After he finished eating, he wanted to go back to his room, and said to Mi He, “I also want to eat fish ball soup tomorrow morning, can you bring it to me?”

As soon as Mi He heard this, he could naturally agree to the small request of the sick number. He nodded without hesitation. The next morning, he deliberately took the fish **** from the fish left the night before, and brought them to the robot together with the robot. Freddy’s room.

As a result, when Freddy opened the door, he had just woken up, his shirt was in his hand, and some scars were still clearly visible on his bare chest, and he was wearing a pair of baggy pajama pants.

Mi He covered his eyes and looked at Brother Freddy’s sturdy upper body through his fingers. He thought that Brother Freddy was in good shape. He had a tiger back and a bee waist, with long arms and legs. His legs were long and straight. The abdominal muscles are so hard to see, there is even a mermaid line! It’s a pity that I can’t see it in my pajamas…

Mi He blushed a little and said, “Brother Freddy, put on your shirt quickly.”

Freddy put on his white shirt, buttoned it casually, and sat at the table to eat with Mi He.

But Mi He thought, why didn’t he find Freddy’s brother so good-looking in a white shirt before? Is it because he buttoned the buttons too tightly in the past, and now it shows more?

Mi He automatically compares his body with the men he has seen. In his life, apart from his father, he seems to have only seen Prince Dittma’s naked upper body on the hologram. It seems that Brother Freddy looks better than that two. The prince is in good shape…

Freddy glanced at Mi He, who was beside him who didn’t know where to put his eyes, and ate the smooth and fragrant fish ball soup and steamed buns expressionlessly.

I thought to myself: ^^

☆、Chapter 65

Since the results were released, Mi He began to relax completely, and Freddy’s body was basically in good shape, so the two of them went to heaven and earth to play on earth.

The two also drove a bubble submarine to search for relics in the deep sea. They drove more than two hours away near the Great Wall and saw the Oriental Pearl Tower. Half of the tower was submerged in the seabed, and the exposed half was also tilted.

The two of them were sitting on the top of the Oriental Pearl, and the surrounding fish were swimming above their heads. Mi He turned on an aurora lamp, and the colorful lights illuminated the marine life above his head beautifully. Mi He held his cheeks. , Looking at the broken walls near the Oriental Pearl Tower, he wrote with emotion: “This is a city where human beings used to be very brilliant.”

Freddy wrote: “Any brilliance leads to silence.”

Mi He glanced at him, and felt that Brother Freddy was actually very sad about being replaced, but he looked calm on the face. Thinking of this, she felt a little distressed for him and put her head on his shoulder. superior.

Freddy looked at Mi He’s head next to him and put a hand on her shoulder.

Then Mi He wrote: “Brother Freddy, don’t be sad, let’s eat something delicious later!”

Freddy went to the surface with Mi He again, in a place full of reefs and stones by the sea, most of the stones on the ground were smooth, some were black, some were red and black, big and small. distributed.

Seeing that Mi He took out a small bag of salt grains, and then sprinkled salt grains near the stones, the two waited for a while, and then the stones changed in front of Freddy and Mi He.

It turned out that those red and black stones were crabs buried in the beach. Stimulated by the salt particles, these crabs thought the tide was high, and they pulled their legs out of the sand and rushed into the sea.

Mi He pointed at the large and small rock crabs, “Brother Freddy, hurry up and catch the crabs!”

Freddy quickly bent down and started picking up crabs, but these mutant crabs are different from ordinary crabs. Ordinary crabs can be caught with their hands by their crab covers because of the angle of the crab shell and the big clip. But the clip of this mutant crab can rotate 360 ​​degrees, and it will be clamped wherever it touches it.

At the beginning, Freddy was almost caught in his hand, and Mi He stood there laughing and shouting, “Brother Freddy, hurry up, the crab is going to run away!”

Freddy turned around and picked up two wooden sticks that were not too thick from the side. He used the two sticks to clamp the crabs that were about to escape. His hands were very fast. In a small bucket, after a while, large and small crabs accumulated a bucket.

Mi He clapped his hands and shouted, “Brother Freddy is amazing!”

At this moment, Mi He suddenly felt her feet vibrate, and then she felt that her eyes seemed to be getting higher? Then, the stone under him moved! !

It turned out that the big rock she was standing on turned out to be a huge mutant crab. After the crab started to move, its eyes stretched out from around the crab shell. Mi He felt that it had more than 20 eyes. The shell was full of its eyeballs, which shocked her.

The multi-eyed mutant crab, which is more than one meter wide, also obviously found Mi He on its back. It paused for a while, and stretched out a huge clip to attack Mi He, which scared Mi He and wanted to jump off. .

At this moment, Freddy picked her up and shoved the crab from behind with one foot, kicking the crab to the ground.

Mi He pointed at the big crab, and said ambitiously, “Brother Freddy, catch it!! Let’s eat the big crab!!”

The big crab was very dexterous, and quickly turned over from the ground. Its more than 20 eyes looked at Mi He and Freddy together, and it was also strangely infiltrating. Mi He had been hiding behind Freddy.

At this moment, Freddy took out the lightsaber from his body, swiped it, and the laser bounced out of the handle. Mi He felt that when Freddy took up the sword, he always seemed to be a different person.

He pursed his lips and took a few steps to get closer to the crab. The crab also adjusted its position according to Freddy’s angle. Thinking of rubbing the clips a little sharper? ?

She also wanted to remind Freddy to be careful, and saw Freddy tap his foot lightly, and the whole person bounced out, and then saw that he only had one sword, and the lightsaber went straight through the crab’s mouth. In his body, the other end of the lightsaber was pierced from the back cover, and the giant crab was pierced in opposite directions.

Mi He clapped his hands beside him, thinking that Brother Freddy deserves to be a fighting hero, he’s too powerful, it’s simply overkill to deal with a mutant crab or something.

She said next to her, “Brother Freddy is so smart. If the crab cover is not damaged, we can eat the roasted crab roe!”

Seeing Mi He’s drooling appearance, Freddy touched her head, feeling that the little girl was really soft and cute.

But Mi He didn’t eat the huge crab right away. She said, “I want to take it home and eat it with everyone. Let’s eat these small crabs first, okay?” Freddy naturally followed her and didn’t have any opinions. .

Mi He dealt with those little crabs, saying they were small crabs, but they were not too small, some of them could be as big as a small pot, she didn’t dare to start, or Freddy took the dagger and cut the crab’s claws and eyes. After coming down, Mi He dared to pry open the crab shell. After prying it open, he found that it was full of yellow and red, and it was tempting to look at.

When Mi Hejia caught fire and started grilling crabs, he saw Freddy next to him placing crab legs and eyes in two rows, took a photo of Xiaolu and sent it to him.

Xiaolu didn’t know each other at first, so he asked, “What is this? An evolved black blood monster?”

Mi He took another picture of the crab shell that was being grilled. After the crab yellow was cooked, it turned into a red and attractive appearance. The juice rolled in the shell with the temperature of the fire, and the fragrance was separated by dozens of Ten thousand light years can pass into Xiaolu’s nose.

Xiaolu replied: “Humph!”

Said: “I don’t care! I’m going to Earth for a kidney transplant too!”

Mi He laughed, and Freddy turned off Xiaolu’s hologram and ignored him.

Mi He also asked Freddy, “Did you have any different reactions when you put on a new kidney?”

Freddy said: “There is no rejection for the time being, and the body integration is not bad.”

Mi He said, “Have you ever felt that your skin has turned black? Or your blood has turned black? Or what about your teeth?”

Freddy :==


Mi He asked again: “Black blood monsters can regenerate their limbs continuously, can you also regenerate them in the future?”

Freddy said, “No.”

Mi He said, “What if it happens?”

“No, I don’t have that reaction,” Freddy said.

Mi He: “Then what’s your reaction?”

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Freddy, smiling.

Freddy said, “Do you really want to know?”

Mi He: “Is there anything I can’t say?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Mi He immediately felt that the sky turned upside down, and she was pressed down by Freddy. She could only see Freddy’s face in front of her eyes. Mi He felt that Freddy’s brother’s body was rigid, I didn’t realize what was going on, but this position always felt a little, unsafe…

Freddy glanced at her and said, “Don’t you want to know what’s going on?”

“I became more post-aggressive,” he said.

He only let go of Mi He, the two sat up, and Freddy said in a low voice, “It’s become more aggressive, I’ve been suppressing it.”

When Mi He heard this, she felt that Brother Freddy was really pitiful, but just now, she felt that Brother Freddy was a little different. Her heart beat a little more.

Mi He asked worriedly: “What should I do? Would you like to talk to a lot and think of a way?”

Freddy said: “I’ll be restrained, and it’ll be good to let off some energy once in a while.”

Mi He said: “I know some holographic games can vent people’s anger, you can try that.”

After just saying a few words, she went down again and mentioned: “There is also the kind of holographic game where you can fight with beautiful women. It is said that it is very popular.”

Freddy :==

“What are you thinking about in your little head? Didn’t you read books and study hard?”

Mi He: “Oh, you have to know the news after studying.”

Freddy said: What is this news?

Mi He added: “Speaking of the news, in the past two days, His Majesty the Emperor has added a title to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, as if the planet Lapla was assigned to the Crown Prince as a fief.”

Freddy said, “Duke Lapra.”

Mi He said, “That’s right, that’s the title.” She sighed, “As the crown prince’s title increases, it will be even more impossible to open holographic data.”

Freddy :==

Why do you always want to look at a man’s holographic data!

Soon the crab shells were cooked, and the crab yellow inside filled the entire crab shell. At this time, the two of them turned on the magnetic field device around their bodies, and then opened the masks of the protective suits a little, holding a small pot as large as The crab shells began to be eaten, and there was no need to add any seasonings.

After eating, I lie on the beach in a big shape and bask in the sun. The sun is warm and my stomach is full. I don’t need to study or worry. I think this little life is really beautiful!

The two enjoyed this happy moment together for a while before Mi He chatted with Freddy: “What’s the university like?”

Freddy thought about it. “An interesting place.”

Mi He was obviously dissatisfied with such a simple answer, “You can’t describe in detail, such as your life in the Allies Military Academy.”

Then Freddy briefly described: “We all live in basement dorms, you know this, we either go to classes during the day, or go to the surface for training. At night, there are mech training courses, and the path is more I love going to the club to participate in activities.”

Mi He was curious: “What club did Brother Xiaolu join?”

“Close Fight Club,” Freddy said.

Mi He thought of the way Brother Xiaolu had seen in the past few years slashing black blood monsters with two swords, and felt that he seemed to be a good match for this club.

“Then what club did you join?”

Freddy said, “Me?

As soon as the light armor was mentioned, Mi He remembered the fact that he was replaced. Obviously, he worked so hard to become the light armor driver, but the result was still the same.

Seeing that Freddy also squeaked, Mi He thought that he was also sad, so she reached out and held his hand. Although she couldn’t touch each other’s skin through the protective clothing, she felt that this would comfort him, she said : “Brother Freddy is so powerful, no matter what field he is in, he will become a top talent!”

Freddy held her hand and felt that her hand was so small that he could wrap it in it. Like hers, it was soft and small, and he felt that he wanted to put it in his pocket and take it away.

He said, “Am I so powerful in your heart?”

Mi He said seriously: “Of all the people I know, you are the most powerful. When I’m by your side, I don’t think I have to worry about anything, because I don’t think anything can trouble you. The monster swallowed it, and because of you, I’m not afraid.”

After listening to Freddy, he felt that he had heard countless gorgeous words of praise since he was a child, but there was no serious and simple answer from Mi He that made him feel happy. This little girl is really…

He suddenly thought of Lieutenant Colonel Yang drinking too much hallucinogen and began to praise their honey as a sweet and warm treasure.

Well, little sweet, little warm treasure.

I really want to take it with me.

Mi He asked him again, “What are your plans in the future?”

Freddy thought for a while, then stretched out his hand to cover the dazzling eyes above his head, and said, “I want to walk around and take a look. The empire is so big, I want to have a good experience.”

Mi He felt that Brother Freddy was sad and wanted to travel to adjust his mood. He nodded in agreement, “Yes, you have to be happy. Life is short, and happiness is the most important thing.”

Freddy murmured: “Is life too short…”

Mi He thought about it, life was short five hundred years ago. In the three hundred years of the star calendar, the natural age of human beings can live to 120 years old, and with some technological means, they can live longer, like many injections. Some of the people who received the precious ‘gold oil hormone’ of Lapra goldfish even lived to be more than 200 years old.

She changed her mind and said, “It doesn’t matter how long a person’s life is, it’s still interesting to be happy, otherwise, no matter how long he lives, it’s boring and painful every day, isn’t it interesting?”

Freddie sighed and said, “Yeah…”

☆、Chapter 66

Back from the beach that day, Mi He and Freddy came home with a one-meter-long mutant crab.

Everyone got together again. The table in the living room of Lao Yang’s house was filled with a one-meter-long crab. Mi He didn’t cook any other dishes. The main dish was grilled crab roe. Everyone took The spoon digs and eats, and the mouth is full of oil.

Mihe also cleaned up the little crabs he brought back, and made crab buns with the crab roe and crab meat in the small crabs. The thin skin reveals red crab roe and white crab meat, and there is a small opening in the pinch. , a straw was inserted on it, and each person was only given one crab yellow bun, and one bun was as big as the mouth of a bowl. First, the soup was sucked, and then the meat was eaten.

Eating it into your mouth feels like you have eaten the entire ocean into your stomach, satisfying and happy.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang began to feel sad after drinking too much hallucinogen, “In the future, if the honey is gone, I will not be able to eat such delicious dishes. Before the honey is gone, I can’t bear it.”

The Colonel’s wife can actually understand Lieutenant Colonel Yang, because she doesn’t care much for Muchen than Lieutenant Colonel Yang does to Mi He, so she said at this time: “Since the life of human beings becomes long, children are no longer those of us. We are only in our fifties, and the children are all grown ups, so they should have their own way of life, so don’t let it go.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang sighed, “My honey is so good…”

When Mi He heard it, she was so moved that she almost cried again.

A few days later, Hannah sent Mi He a large package of things from Mars, which was prepared for her to attend the Star Alliance University. The regulator, and even the moisture condenser, Mi He took the moisture condenser and looked at it for a while.

Freddy next to him said: “The planet Alice is very dry. Even if you use a moisture condenser to collect the water vapor in the air and convert it into water, the effect is not very good.” He pointed to the gravity device and the humidity regulator, “This is Two are very practical, because the gravity of the Alice planet is more than ten times higher than that of the earth, you will be uncomfortable when you suddenly go there.”

At the bottom of the package is a beautiful box, Mi He opened it, and with a “wow”, it turned out to be a red pure cotton ribbon dress! Above is a sentence written by Hannah on the card: “I hope you will leave the most beautiful shadow at your most beautiful age.”

Mi He looked at it and suddenly thought that when Cousin Rita was admitted to high school, her grandfather gave her a red cotton skirt. The last time Rita attended the Crown Prince’s Adult Ball, she also wore a red skirt. Actually quite envious.

Perhaps her envious eyes were seen by Hannah, so I gave her one at this time. In the three hundred years of the star calendar when a handmade lace wedding dress can become a family heirloom, a red cotton ribbon skirt is really a very luxurious item.

But more important than credit is Hannah’s thought for her, which Mi He cherished so much that she almost cried while holding the skirt.

After being moved for a while, she carefully carried the skirt, compared it to her body, turned it around happily, and asked Freddy, “Does it look good?”

Freddy looked at her with a beautiful smile, soft brown hair resting on her shoulders, those big smiling eyes were a little moist because of being touched, and now they looked shiny, and her pink lips were like The Queen of Mars is as beautiful as the flowers.

Freddy suddenly realized that the little girl she had known since childhood was no longer the twelve-year-old girl she had met in Mars.

Although they got along day and night these days, he also knew that she was an eighteen-year-old girl, but there was no moment when she stood in front of him with a beautiful dress, and the slight restlessness in his chest made him understand deeply.

His dark green eyes were deep, but his face was calm. He nodded and said, “It’s good-looking, very good-looking.”

Mi He’s eyes smiled like a crescent moon, very happy.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang came home in the evening and saw the new dress that Mi He had specially put on for him. The stupid father also praised his daughter for her good looks. After the praise, Lieutenant Colonel Yang was very worried and worried that he would look like a delicate flower. Daughter, will be snatched by some stinky man or wild woman!

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said to her seriously: “Honey, you are also eighteen years old, and you are going to college by yourself. No matter how much my father worries about you, he will have to let you leave my life alone. My father has some warnings to tell you. , you are outside, don’t trust any man or woman casually, don’t put your own safety at risk, and be careful when making friends, don’t make friends with everyone, but although you are a soft-hearted child, you have always been very measured, this point, I’m very happy.”

Mi He sat beside him obediently, he raised his hand to touch his pretty little honey, and said with emotion, “Oh, you are leaving, and Dad is so reluctant to give up.”

Mi He put her head on Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s shoulder and felt that her father and everyone in this life really made her so happy.


Lieutenant Colonel Yang added: “You have a good relationship with that Freddie Collins, I have no objection, but you are all grown up, you are no longer a twelve-year-old girl, and when you are with men other than me, you must Pay attention to the gender gap. Although in this era, gender no longer represents anything, women are inherently weaker than men and are vulnerable to injury, which remains unchanged.”

“So I hope you, protect yourself well, and pay attention to the distance with any man.”

Mi He listened, nodded, and agreed.

When Mi He was sleeping at night, he thought of what Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, and felt that what his father said was right. They have grown up and are no longer children. Even if brother Freddy is a brother whom he has known since childhood, he should pay attention to the difference between genders.

Moreover, Mi He thought that when Freddie suddenly pressed her down on the beach that day, his rigid body, as a big brother who had known him since childhood, he must have no idea about her, brother Freddy is so gentle People, probably stimulated by the gene of the black blood monster.

Thinking about it, he is also very pitiful. The genes of wolves inherited from the family like Brother Xiaolu can be dominant in his appearance. Brother Freddy, who is suddenly affected by the gene segment of the black blood monster, must be It was unbearable for a while.

Mi He listened to Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s words and began to avoid too much physical contact with Freddy.

Freddy apparently found it too, but he didn’t say anything, and then one day when he was doing a routine check at Doro’s place, he heard Mi He and Doro chatting and said, “I’m a big girl, Pay attention to the distance…”

Freddy listened, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he did not speak.

Two days later, Freddy offered to go with Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s base inspection team to inspect the surface. He and Lieutenant Colonel Yang started the armor together. Not long after they reached the surface, Lieutenant Colonel Yang couldn’t help but discuss with the ‘Collins boy’, even though he knew Freddy was a light armor operator and a fighting hero, but Lieutenant Colonel Yang couldn’t help but want to play with him.

For several days, Lieutenant Colonel Yang was carried home by Freddy in a mess.

One day later, Lieutenant Colonel Yang said to Mi He: “Your brother Freddy is really good, just like your brother Chenchen, you can be trusted, you can see a person’s character by turning on the armor!”

Mi He felt that Colonel Yang really said that wind is rain…

When Freddy and Mi He went to play in the deep sea again, the two climbed the Great Wall together. The steps of the Great Wall in the deep sea were slippery, and Mi He was walking unsteadily. Freddy turned around and stretched out his hand to her. Mi He watched With his dark green eyes, he felt that she was too caring. Brother Freddy was so good, he always treated her like a little sister. If she hurt him because she was too careful, it would be her fault. .

Mi He put his hand on his, and then Freddy’s lips curled slightly, holding her hand tightly.

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