The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 42.12: (12)

I’m here to study, not to be served by robots. If you want to be comfortable and happy, please go back to Mars. ”

After that, the crying and chirping sound ceased to make a sound.

Then Mi He went to take a bath and tried the legendary steam bath. There was even a mask on the ceiling to prevent hypoxia and suffocation…

Mi He also came out at this time. What Brother Chenchen said about ‘refreshing’ is nonsense at all, but ‘unforgettable’ is true. She knew what the mask that came down from the ceiling was for. Later, she tore off the mask and put it on so that she could stand in the water vapor and be washed away.

Although I suffered in the process of taking a bath, the effect is still good. After washing it out, I walked less than ten steps, and the water vapor on my body evaporated, my hair was dry, and I felt quite clean. I don’t know that. What is in the gas.

After taking a bath, she saw half of the water bugs left on the table. She closed her eyes and drank it. Since everyone has to rely on this to drink water, there is nothing wrong with her.

This monopharyngeal worm is mentioned in the admission manual. The skin of the worm can be recycled. After drying, it can be filled with water. As long as the water is filled and the worm is thrown back into the living river, the worm will still be alive. Mi He thinks, Alix people really take environmental protection to the core.

After taking a shower, Jingzi knocked on the door again to give Mi He a school uniform, and told him to meet downstairs tomorrow morning. Mi He saw Jingzi knocked on the door of another bedroom, and 8806 opened the door and a little girl with black hair and black eyes came out. Listening to the voice, this is Bi Danzhang who was confiscated by the robot and criticized for crying just now. Bidan said thank you to Jingzi. She also saw Mi He standing at the door, but she did not speak, and timidly closed it again. door.

Jingzi knocked on 8805 next to Mihe, but no one answered. Jingzi said, “This classmate hasn’t come yet.”

Shizuko put the clothes and nutritional supplements at the door, and said, “But she may not come.”

Mi Hegang asked, “Why?”

A voice came from the elevator entrance, and there was a crunching sound of walking. A girl with green hair, black eyes, and a mechanical leg in her right leg walked in. The girl was smoking a cigarette and said: ” Who said I wasn’t coming?”

Seeing the green hair and the mechanical legs, Mi He suddenly remembered, isn’t this the girl from the Soros tribe she met when she took the cosmic college entrance examination?

The green-haired girl glanced at Shizuo and Mi He. While setting the genetic door lock, she said, “There was something wrong with the spaceship when we came.”

When Shizuko saw her, she didn’t dare to speak, but said, “Today’s water, nutrients, and school uniforms are all for your door.”

The green-haired girl nodded with a cigarette in her mouth, and Shizuo left. Mi He thought that the green-haired girl had forgotten her and turned to leave. At this time, the green-haired girl suddenly asked, “Is that jerky delicious?”

Mi He turned around and saw the green-haired girl glaring at her. Mi He remembered that the last time we met, she was wearing a flowing black eye patch, but her eyes were very beautiful. temperament.

Mi He said honestly, “I’m a little scared. I didn’t dare to eat it. Dad ate it and said it was delicious.”

The green-haired girl grinned and said, “I knew you wouldn’t dare to eat it, scumbag.”

Mi He said, “But the candy I gave you is delicious.”

The green-haired girl said, “That’s right.”

She stretched out her hand to Mi He, “Okay, little counselor, what’s your name?”

“Mi He Yang.”

The green-haired girl raised her thick eyebrows and said, “I, Anitan Sauron.”

Anitan said, “It’s an honor for you to know me.”

☆、Chapter 69

On the first day of college, Mi He met her four new neighbors, and the next morning, she saw the last neighbor on their floor.

This new neighbor is a Dutchman. Mi He was about to go downstairs to gather after packing up his things, but when he opened the door, he saw the dark and round face of the one-meter-tall neighbor with a rainbow on his face. color bow headband, it was washing his face with his four long fingers.

Well, the Dutchman washes his face.

Mi He really couldn’t hold back, and looked at it several times, the more he looked, the more he collapsed, because the Dutch people are a race with many pleats as beauty!

The eyes of the Dutch are round and big, but they have no eyebrows. The skin on their bodies is drooping down and layered on top of each other. Mi He thought they looked a bit like Shar Pei, but the skin of the Dutch is smooth. , This is not quite like the Shar Pei.

So when a Dutchman with folds drooping down layer by layer washes his face, he needs to peel off his folds and wash layer by layer…

And there is no water on the Alix planet. The Dutch neighbor can only rub and rub with foam, and finally spray with water vapor, so it should be washed…

The Dutchman saw Mi He and said, “Good morning, my name is Taozi.” Mi He heard her voice was quite feminine. She felt that judging the gender of a Dutchman could only be distinguished from the voice. Because from the layers of pleats on the peach, there is no gender feature at all, and the **** of the female Dutch are drooping like pleats, and it is impossible to tell whether it is a breast or a pleat.

Mi He also reported her name and reminded her to gather to visit the school today.

Taozi said angrily: “I got up at four in the morning to wash my face, and I’ve only washed half of it now! Can this **** Alice planet give us Dutch people a good environment to wash our faces!”

Mi He did the math, um, from waking up at four o’clock until now, it took four hours to wash her face, so how many hours would it take for her to take a shower? Could it be that when Shizuko knocked on the door last night, Momoko was actually in the room, just taking a shower? Mi He was deeply moved, the Daqi people are really a race that loves washing…

While Mi He was chatting with Taozi, the neighbors in other rooms also came out. The acting squad leader, Zhuo Lan, saw Mi He and nodded slightly as a greeting. Jingzi and Mi He smiled and followed Zhuo Lan closely. Behind him, Bi Dan, who had been confiscated the babysitter robot in Room 6, also came out. Bi Dan secretly glanced at Mi He, but when Mi He looked at her, she quickly lowered her head and did not follow Mi He. He spoke, lowered his head and ran away.

Mi He wondered if he looked scary? Just as she was about to follow her out, the door of Room 5 opened, and the green-haired Anitan appeared. She saw Mi He said, “Yo, little counselor.”

Mi He said, “My name is Mi He, not Xiao Chenbao.”

Anita pulled the corners of her lips and said, “Does the little counselor still have a temper?” After speaking, she walked out with her long legs and saw Mi He who was still stunned, and said to her, “What are you doing? Come along.”

Mi He hugged her schoolbag and said “oh”, and quickly followed Anitan.

After going downstairs, Mi He first went to get a breakfast supplement. After getting his own, Mi He thought about it and took another one. , Mi He handed the nutrient to Anitan and said, “You forgot to get your breakfast.”

Anitan obviously didn’t expect anyone to think about it for her, so she grinned at Mi He and praised her: “That’s right, little coward.”

Mi He was too lazy to correct her, so she stopped talking.

The classmates in the class gathered one after another, and Mi He saw her classmate at this time. There were about twenty people in the class. The ratio of males and females was seriously imbalanced. There was only one boy. At the same time, he was also an ordinary human. The boy looked very slender. , the voice is also low, but his voice is particularly nice, not like Freddy’s deep magnetic male voice, but a voice between boys and girls.

When the slender boy introduced himself, he said that his name was Yangyin, and Mi He felt that the name was suitable for him.

When everyone got on the inter-school aircraft, they started a brief self-introduction in the car. Zhuo Lan, the acting monitor, spoke first, and then almost all spoke according to the grades. Mi He glanced at her and felt that her classmates were really the same. What Shizuko said was directed at people.

These young classmates all showed an air of alienation, politeness, and aloofness. Some even showed some contempt for Mi He and Shizuo, but when their eyes fell on Anitan, they were even more contemptuous. Woke up.

Mi He even heard someone whispering: “It’s really unfortunate to be in the same class as a Soros!”

Some people also said: “Can the Soros people also be admitted to the Star Federation? Isn’t it because of cheating?”

“Our interstellar exam is fair, and this Sorosian may be lucky.”

“No, maybe she beat up the Shepherds in the exam room, so they cheated on her.”

“After all, she must have cheated, right?”

“But do they have the money to study at the Star Union University?”

“You can take a loan from Xingwang, but seeing how shabby she is, it must be difficult to borrow credit points.”

“In any case, I don’t believe that the Soros people’s IQ can reach the average human level.”

“The Soros people are no longer human, treat them as robots!”

Someone laughed and said, “You’re right.”

Mi He saw Anitan sitting not far away, and saw her hugging her arms, leaning on the back of the chair and squinting, she was probably asleep.

As a result, just as they were laughing, Anitan suddenly opened his eyes, and a fist slammed into the wall of the aircraft, and the metal wall immediately sunk into a large bag.

Then Mi He saw Anitan standing there in that position, looking around at everyone in the aircraft. Those who mocked Anitan just now stopped talking, and their faces were not very good.

Seeing this effect, Anitan raised her chin a little proudly and fell asleep again.

When Mi He saw the students who were suddenly silent, he felt that whether they were targeting people or ordinary people, they were all afraid of force.

When they got off the spacecraft to visit the school, Shizuo took a few steps behind Mi He and said to her, “Even if you are not with the Orientee, you can’t be with the Soros.”

Mi He thought that it was about the morning when she handed Anitan’s nutritional supplements, which made people misunderstand that she and Anitan had a good relationship, but compared to these somewhat arrogant orientee classmates, the rude Anitan did make people more comfortable. a little.

Mi He asked her back, “What happened to the Soros people?”

Shizuko couldn’t believe it, and said to her: “The Soros are a race that is not even comparable to the Dutch. They are warlike and poor.”

She muttered again: “There are not many Soros people in the entire Star Union University. You have to be careful, don’t let other students misunderstand because you have more contact with her, it will not be good for you.”

Mi He knew that this was Jingzi’s good words. Although everyone behaved differently, Mi He still thanked her.

Later, when the tour was coming to an end, Anitan was reported to have been criticized for destroying the intercollegiate aircraft, and many credits were deducted as punishment.

Anitan’s expression did not change after hearing about the deduction of credits. With a “tsk”, she took out a cigarette and smoked it. Although the faces of the classmates next to them were retouched, everyone was obviously gloating.

After visiting the school, the class started in the afternoon. Mi He read her class schedule on the terminal and didn’t feel anything when she read it, but after starting the class, she was very depressed. Why is she a major in nutritional supplements? , What astronomical mathematics and nutritional chemistry do you need to learn?

Obviously, the profession of nutritional supplements is not just blending delicious and functional mixed liquids, right? Nutritional chemistry and what the **** is celestial animal farming?

And nutritional chemistry is their most credited course throughout their four years of college.

Mi He flipped through the textbook depressedly, and found that the whole book did not mention anything about making a good-tasting nutritional supplement. The whole book was full of various chemical formulas, which made people confused.

However, when the teacher walked into the classroom, Mi He was even more confused. How could her nutritional chemistry teacher be a huge fish?

The teacher’s fish is covered with a small vest. The lower body has not fully evolved into two legs, but they are still connected. However, the pair of fins under the teacher’s feet are separated. He uses the differentiated fins. The body shook violently while walking, and there was a rattling sound when walking.

Mi He found that wherever the chemistry teacher Yu walked, the ground was a little wet.

She was really worried for this fish teacher. How could he keep it moist in such a dry place on the Alexa planet?

Later in class, Mi He found that Teacher Yu had a portable magnetic field device on his body, and every ten minutes, he took out a small bottle and sprayed it on his legs and tail. After spraying, his body was shiny.

Mi He felt that the liquid he sprayed seemed to be a special kind of mucus, which could protect the moisture on Teacher Yu’s body. She felt that this thing was amazing. She had only been here for two days, and she felt very dry. She was already thinking about how to talk to Teacher Yu. Make a good relationship and ask him where to buy it.

Only then did she get to know Teacher Yu together. The pair of raised eyes on Teacher Yu’s head saw Mi He was deserting, and the big eyes glared at Mi He several times, making Mi He so frightened that he quickly returned to his senses and listened to the class.

The most frustrating thing about the fish teacher in the nutritional chemistry class was the pair of eyes on his head. They could rotate 360 ​​degrees. Even if the teacher turned his back, he knew what was going on behind him.

Mi He even wondered if it was because of his skill that he was hired as a chemistry teacher?

The nutritional chemistry class rarely made Mi He doubt her life from the beginning of the first class. She was admitted to the university, so she should be able to relax a little and start a new and interesting life, but after taking a circle of nutrition courses , Mi He suddenly remembered what Cousin Rita said, “After taking the course of nutritional supplements, you will know whether you are smart or not…”

Does this tragic college life feel like an infinite continuation of the third year of high school?

A few days later, the acting monitor Zhuo Lan posted a message on the hologram in the class: In order to welcome new students, the school will organize a freshman party, and students who can participate in the performance will be given credits depending on the quality of the program. I hope everyone will actively participate.

After the information flashed out, a ding sound was heard. Someone had signed up. When Mi He saw it, it turned out to be Anitan next door. After a while, Daqiren Taozi also signed up.

In class the next day, Mi He heard someone whispering: “That Soros person has also signed up. Can someone like her still be able to perform and dance on stage? The legs and feet aren’t very dexterous.”

Seeing that Anitan didn’t hear anything, Mi He lowered her head and was reading. As the only Soros person in the class, Mi He felt that Anitan was studying very hard. She often watched her come back from the reading room late at night, and The crunch of her mechanical legs is also hard to ignore.

After there was no class in the afternoon, Mi He also planned to go to the self-study room on the 80th floor to study. At this time, he heard a loud singing from the next room. The door panel of the 300-year-old building could not stop the sound, and Mi He heard Anni. There Tan shouted, “Be a real man… be a real man la la la…”

The whole floor could hear it, and Momo, who had opened the door, immediately closed the door.

Mi He: ==

Suddenly thought of Anitan’s spaceship called “Real Man”, and gained a deeper understanding of this new classmate.

In the evening, Mi He came back with the book and heard Anitan practicing her voice in the room, looking like she was seriously preparing for the show.

After Mi He took a bath with steam again, she sat at the table while watching the terminal and drinking water bugs. After so many days of life, she was able to get used to the bugs, but if the bugs moved while drinking water, She still wanted to throw the slobber on the ground immediately.

At this time, Freddy, who was hundreds of thousands of light-years away, looked at the terminal in his hand. In front of him was a hologram of Mi He. He looked at Mi He with a smile and closed his eyes slightly.

It was pitch black all around him, and there was not even a sound, as if in a corner that had been forgotten by the world, suddenly he was the only one left in the world.

Quiet and lonely.

He thought that he could still find that calm feeling in the deep seas of Earth.

His terminal reminded him “whether to broadcast the holographic communication”, but in the end, he also did not send out the holographic invitation.

☆、Chapter 70

Mi He didn’t know what happened to Freddy hundreds of thousands of light-years away. She was a little overwhelmed in the face of the new environment and difficult learning content when she started school.

She said to Rita, “Why do you need to study astronomical biological farming for a nutritional supplement major? Nutritional chemistry is too difficult. There is no word ‘nutrition’ at all, it’s all chemical formulas.”

Rita said: “The major of nutritional supplements is very difficult. It was originally a very popular subject at Starlink University. It has only cooled down in recent years, and fewer people have passed the test.”

Mi He asked: “Why are there fewer people? Because the course is too difficult?”

Rita said: “Because many formulas of nutritional supplements are prepared by robots, there are also many formulas developed by robots in research and development, which are even more stable than those developed by humans. The nutritional supplements you receive from school are improved by robots. The formula that came out, although the taste is not good, is indeed the most suitable for the human body.”

Mi He: ==

I thought I would be able to sit back and relax if I was admitted to the Star Alliance University…

As a result, the employment situation in the three hundred years of the ephemeris is so severe!

Rita added: “But don’t worry, the application of this major is still very wide. Even if you can’t go to a big company after graduation, you can still mix hallucinogen drinks yourself. Don’t you want to open a small restaurant? Learn something. This aspect of things is always right.”

Mi He’s restless heart was comforted a lot by Rita’s words, and she rubbed her cousin Rita in the hologram. Rita was the same age as her. After entering the military school, she changed a lot, and she became even more than the proud little girl when she was a child. A lot stronger, Mi He really likes her more and more.

Rita added: “Don’t think that you are an ordinary person or anything. The targeted people who have been admitted to your nutritional supplements are not elites. You are even better than them in some aspects! You have the blood of our Linlai family. , was not born the same!”

Mi He felt that what Cousin Rita persuaded her to say was good at first, but later on, why did it involve the glory of Lin Lai’s family…

She thought of Brother Xiaolu and Mr. Collins again, they were also very proud of their family, and thought of herself, um, she was also proud of the old Yang family.

On the weekend morning, Mi He went to the library with her schoolbag to read. As soon as she went out, she saw Anitan in a melee armor walking out with a large black bag. She saw Mi He and said hello: “Yo. , Xiao Chenbao, help me get the nutritional supplements back these two days.”

Mi He nodded, and Anitan hurried away.

When Anitan came back, it was two days later.

In the 300th year of the ephemeris, the seven-day working day that humans are used to is still carried out on each planet. The rotation and revolution time of each planet are different. At this time, the jet lag regulator appears, which can adjust the body’s biological clock. Hannah also I specially prepared one for Mi He.

On Monday morning, Mi He didn’t see Anitan when she went out to class. When it was time to go to class, Anitan hurried back to the classroom from outside. It was like a battle, except that she was still carrying a black bag, and the contents of the black bag were moving.

All the classmates saw it, but no one dared to ask. Later, the acting monitor Zhuo Lan stood up, walked to Anitan who was putting on the school uniform, and said, “The school does not allow housework robots.”

Because there have been several recent criticisms of new students with babysitting robots, everyone agreed that the black bag contained a small housework robot.

Anitan said, “I know, my pets are here, and the school allows pets.” After that, she carried the black bag, and she saw that the contents in the bag were struggling even more.

Zhuo Lan didn’t say anything, and added: “I am the acting squad leader, and I have to guarantee the honor of our squad, please don’t think too much.”

“As an oriented human, I appreciate your fact-based style,” Anitan said. “We Soros like to be straightforward.”

Mi He felt that these students in the class seemed to breathe a long sigh of relief after the class leader walked back to their seats in good condition, and she couldn’t help but want to laugh.

At this time, Anitan said to Mi He, “Little counselor, where is my nutritional supplement?”

Mi He hurriedly handed her a few nutritional supplements. After Anitan poured two in a row, she touched her mouth and said, “I’m exhausted…”

But soon, Mi He’s attention was not on Anitan, because the teacher was about to come in.

Mi He is really confused about the courses of the nutrient major. In addition to celestial mathematics, astronomical biological breeding courses, and nutritional chemistry, which do not seem to be related to nutraceuticals, there is actually a molecular biology course, Mi He thinks? They also have to study whether the flesh and blood of the black blood monster can be made into a nutritional supplement to eat?

When she thinks of molecular biology, she misses Doro a lot. Since the beginning of school, every time she has a hologram with him, Doro has been very busy and doesn’t like to pay attention to her. She has never been like this since she was a child…

Mi He feels that when he grows up, he has to face not only future employment risks, but also the crisis of falling out of favor.

She was thinking wildly when the teacher came in.

A directional person walked in. The standard directional person with blonde hair and blue eyes was standard. The teacher looked around and was about to speak when Mi He noticed that the automatic platform in front was suddenly slowly rising.

Then she heard the orientee point to the podium and say, “This is your molecular biology teacher, Prof. Doro Frankenz Bidamecca, he never teaches undergraduates, this is a rare opportunity, I hope you Treasure, all of you who can be admitted to his doctoral students in the future will develop in molecular biological sciences.”

At this time, Mi He’s eyes had already fallen on Doro, who appeared in front of everyone with the lifting of the podium. He was still wearing that white scientific research uniform, and his big oval head was slightly raised, watching everyone fight. Greeted, “Hello.”

Then he also saw Mi He, but turned a blind eye to Mi He, as if he didn’t know him.

But Mi He almost burst into tears in the audience, and Doro actually came! !

Her eyes glistened with tears, and Doro glanced at her on the stage, sighed, and said, “Okay, all cheer up and start the class!”

Because of Doro’s appearance, many people in the audience were excited. It was like the Nobel Prize-winning writer Mo Yan suddenly appeared on the podium to teach you about writing, and everyone would be excited.

All the classmates in that class were very serious, including Anitan, who had just returned from the outside. Mi He saw that there was a wound on her face that was dripping with blood, but Anitan didn’t care. Later, the drop of blood When they got to the table, Anitan wiped his face with his hands indifferently. When Mi He saw it, he felt that Anitan was really serious about his studies…

Mi He also condensed his mind and began to listen to the class seriously. However, Doro’s lectures have a characteristic, that is, he talked about the doctoral course according to the textbook. Everyone in the audience was confused. It was only when he grew up beside him that he could barely understand.

When the get out of class was over, a group of people gathered around Doro, and Mi He didn’t come over. When the crowd dispersed, it was almost time for the next class, and Mi He didn’t speak to Doro.

But on this day, she was very happy.

After class in the evening, she sent Doro a hologram, and Doro returned an address. Mi He boarded the inter-school aircraft according to this address, and arrived at the teacher’s apartment. Compared with the 300-year-old dilapidated building where Mi He lived, the teacher The apartment looked a lot more high-end. Doro actually lived in a single-family house, and it was a standard house for humans. Mi He thought she had to squat to climb into Doro’s house.

As soon as he entered the house, Mi He hugged Doro, with tears in his eyes, “Too is the best!”

Doro patted her with a small banana hand, “I was originally a professor at Starlink University. It’s normal to come back to give lectures. It has nothing to do with you.”

Mi He rubbed his big oval head and said, “Yes, yes, but I’m so happy to see you!” Tears all brushed against Doro’s head, and Doro said to her: “Okay, I see. You’re almost an adult, pay attention to your emotions!”

Mi He hugged the warm Doro, and felt that she was cherished by all the relatives and friends around her during the three hundred years of the star calendar. This feeling really made her feel that she was really like a child in the past 18 years. Growing up, she is really grateful for all this.

These days when the school starts, the contempt of orientee classmates, difficult studies, and unknown employment seem to be no longer a problem. Family and friends are all together, let the orienteering and the difficult nutritional chemistry go to hell!

She just wanted to simply open a small restaurant in the future, and the cooks wouldn’t have to cook in front of the chemistry lab!

Thinking about it this way, the grievances of going to school these days are suddenly enlightened.

He waved his little hand and said, “Let’s make something delicious to celebrate!”

Doro pointed to the kitchen and said, “Make me an authentic Alix Lulu meal.”

Mihe rejoiced: “Okay!”

Doro can directly use the underground river water of Alix, but this kind of river water cannot be eaten, so he made a special meal for him. When Doro eats, Mi He sits next to him and eats nutrients. It’s delicious, but she’s also delicious.

Later, Doro pointed to his pile of luggage and said, “Okay, your food is in the luggage. Lieutenant Colonel Yang asked me to bring it for you. Go and look it up yourself.”

Mi He opened Doro’s oversized box, which was full of food from the earth. Lieutenant Colonel Yang brought her half a box of water, and the spicy peanuts Mi He prepared for him, all of which Lieutenant Colonel Yang brought to her.

Seeing his father’s concern, Mi He was so moved that he almost cried again.

She returned to the bedroom with her stuff at night, feeling warm in her heart. This dry and lonely planet of Alix was different for her.

In the evening, she gave Lieutenant Colonel Yang a hologram first. The father and daughter were touched by the two-way hologram. Lieutenant Colonel Yang listened to Mi He’s talk about the daytime, and he was also very happy. He was more relieved that Doro could go to Planet Alix.

At the end of the call that day, Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, “Honey, Dad thinks that you should treat Professor Doro as good as Dad in the future.”

Mi He said, “Do you still need to say that? Duo Duo is very good.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said: “Yes, although in this era, the feelings of upbringing and filial piety have faded, but our family was Asian when we were on the ancient earth, and we also paid attention to knowing kindness and filial piety.”

Mi He nodded, and Lieutenant Colonel Yang added, “You have been doing this very well since you were a child. Dad won’t say much.”

After finishing the communication with her father, Mi He felt warm in her heart. She wanted to chat with her relatives and friends, but Muchen and Rita went to training at night. After thinking about it, Mi He sent a hologram to Freddy. Application, she didn’t respond after she applied last time, and later Freddy’s brother didn’t reply to her either. Are you busy?

It took a long time to apply for the hologram. Mi He thought that Freddy didn’t see it again. He was about to withdraw the application, but he was connected again, and Freddy’s hologram popped up.

Freddy, who hadn’t seen him for a few days, was wearing black clothes. When he looked at Mi He, his eyes were a little pale. Mi He thought that he had not seen him for a few days. Brother Freddy seemed to have changed a bit?

Mi He said, “Brother Freddy, where are you?”

“Kampas is 1.5 million light-years away from Alex,” Freddy said.

Mi He sighed: “That’s really far.”

Freddy asked her, “How’s school going?”

Mi He started telling him interesting things about going to school. He also told him that there was a Soros man in the class, and that Doro also came to the Starlink University to be a teacher. Freddy listened to her talking about these with great interest. It was as if he had suddenly returned to a warm world.

Gradually, it became more popular.

This girl, still like this, makes people feel warm inside.

When Mi He mentioned that the directional people in the class seemed to despise but were afraid of the Soros people, Freddy asked her, “Did they treat you well?”

Mi He said, “It’s alright, I’m just an ordinary person, and although I’m looked down upon, I don’t want to play with them yet.”

Seeing that he was not in a good state, Mi He asked him, “Are you not feeling well?” He told him that his body would only recover, so he should be careful not to get tired.

Freddy said lightly: “I am challenging some limits of life, and I want to experience a variety of different scenery and ways of life.”

Mi He said, “Then how do you feel?”

Freddy thought for a while: “If you feel it… it’s a bit boring.”

Mi He suggested: “Kampas planet is not a tourist destination, I haven’t heard of anyone who travels to Kanpas, why don’t you go to Lapra, where you can blow the sea breeze, eat goldfish, green sky and golden The ocean seems to be in a good mood.”

Thinking of the beach and goldfish, Mi He sighed: “I really want to go to Lapra again.”

Freddy suddenly said, “Would you like to, together?”

Mi He waved his hand, “I’m going to school, and I have to go back to Earth after the holiday. I don’t have time to go to Lapla. Have fun, have fun.”

Freddy didn’t speak, Mi He waved to him, indicating that she was going to read a book, and it would take more time to keep up with the orientation course.

So they ended the communication.

Freddy was sitting in the cave under five hundred times the pressure of Campas. Liang, he seemed to be sitting next to a lake, this underground lake was shining with silver light, and those colorful lights were swimming around in the Milky Way lake.

He looked at such a dreamy scene and said in a low voice, “That little girl must like it when she is here…”

☆、Chapter 71

Because of Doro’s appearance, Mi He’s mentality changed, and she became happy all day. When she went out, she even smiled at the always serious Zhuo Lan. After adjusting her mentality, she changed back to The happy one on earth.

Two days later, the New Student Orientation Party of Xinglian University was held.

As an ancient university similar to the founding of an empire, Starlink University still follows the rules of human beings on earth in many traditions. For example, the way of class is to sit in the classroom and listen to the teacher’s face-to-face lectures rather than the holographic classroom. in the auditorium.

It is said that Mars the Great gave speeches here, and even Alix and Mars the Great held friendly ceremonies here.

In the evening, after everyone came back from the library, they went to the auditorium and sat down according to their profession. Even in this environment, there were a bunch of directional people, a bunch of ordinary people, but in their class, Jingzi’s interpersonal relationship was better than Mi He, Sitting behind Zhuo Lan, Mi He sat with another ordinary boy Yangyin, Daqi’s Taozi, and Soros’s Anitan.

Taozi sat down and straightened her drooping folds first. Mi He felt that her actions were like tidying up a beautiful layered cake skirt. At first, when she looked at Taozi, she felt irritated, but every day she watched him earnestly in the dormitory. After washing her face, she started to get used to it.

Dutch people speak more directly, Taozi said directly to Anitan: “I heard you practice singing in the dormitory for several days, and you will be on stage in a while, are you ready?”

Anitan was holding a cigarette but didn’t light it. Smoking is prohibited here. She just enjoyed it. She said confidently, “Get ready!”

But Mi He remembered hearing Anitan’s desolate voice in the bedroom every day

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