The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 44 - Happy birthday. (2)

In some planting courses, the students majoring in plants were quite surprised that a Soros person came to take a class, but everyone in the grade knew about Anitan, but did not expect this sturdy Soros person to take classes more oriented than them. Everyone is still serious, and after a long time, the students majoring in plants are not surprised.

In the Star Alliance, respect all people who study hard, whether they are ordinary people or Soros people, Daqi people or Shepherd galaxy people, and therefore, the Star Alliance can accommodate all races in the universe.

When Mi He’s cotton seeds arched out small buds from the soil, the preliminaries for the mecha competition began.

As Mu Chen told Mi He at the beginning, the preliminaries are based on the place of birth. People like Mi He who were born in the remote countryside are very advantageous, because she has only one newborn in the world for nearly 20 years. , There are many people in the Tianqin Galaxy like Mu Chen’s birth. The Tianqin Galaxy itself is a very wealthy star field. Mi He feels that if it is described according to the situation of the provinces of the Celestial Dynasty five hundred years ago, the Tianqin Galaxy is somewhat like Shandong Province. .

There are many students in the galaxy, and the exams are strong, and there are many people who even participate in this mecha competition, because the mecha competition can increase their credits.

The qualifiers of the Alix Planet were held at the Alix Military Academy. It was the first time that Mi He entered the underground of the Military Academy. She used to pass by from the ground. There are only a few houses on the surface that look like houses, which look quite deserted.

After entering the elevator from a low above-ground building, going down to about 50 meters underground is the depth of the main body of the military academy. Unlike the depth of 500 meters in Mars, the deepest depth that the Alys approved the military academy to dig was 50 meters, and only the military academy could dig underground structures on the planet, because the Alix felt that the underground buildings would be damaged. The water and soil of their planet.

After Mi He heard this rule, he felt that Teacher Yu’s underground bath that could be connected to the Living River is really a powerful existence. Maybe it was specially approved by the school to take care of the special physique of the Murai fishmen? Or maybe in the eyes of the Alys, the Murai murloc is still a fish at heart, so his entry into the Living River is not considered damaging to the environment?

I walked out of the elevator of the military academy and entered the underground square of the military academy. This square is more than 30 meters high. The ceiling is flickering with artificial light. The light is on, so the square looks very bright and wide.

However, what attracts Mi He more is the people walking around in the square. Most of the people here are wearing military uniforms, walking like a tiger, and they are all directional people, tall, good-looking, and can be admitted to the military academy. All of them are excellent oriented people, and they all have the faint sense of superiority of this group.

Suddenly seeing so many orienteering people made Mi He feel like he was going to Mars for the first time when he was a child. I also feel a little unaccustomed to it, just like the feeling of a countryman going to a big shopping mall in the city.

Fortunately, because of the mecha competition, many people from this planet came to the military academy to participate in the competition, so the multi-racial combination of Mi He, Anitan, Taozi and Yangyin did not attract much attention.

Taozi looked around and said, “Wow, there are mostly handsome males here.”

Yang Yin said: “The women here are also very heroic.”

Anitan said: “The people here seem to be very combative? Suddenly I really want to drag one to fight!”

Mi He said to her: “If the fight is locked up, you will not be able to participate in the mecha competition.”

Anitan hummed twice, and his attention was attracted by the mechas placed in the middle of the square. There are passages connecting to other places around this square, extending in all directions. Like a transfer station in a subway station, many people walk around the entrance, but everyone needs to be identified to enter.

Mi He and the others who participate in the competition have a special competition channel, and they can enter directly as long as they identify their genes at the door.

Because Anitan wanted to go to other planets to watch the competition, she couldn’t wait to enter the competition channel, Taozi and Yangyin also entered with her, and Mi He was waiting for Mu Chen and Cousin Rita in the square.

The two of them also participated in this competition. After Mu Chen signed the starship, he encountered the battle between the Black Blood Monster and the Empire. He also made contributions and was highly valued. Before he officially graduated, he already had the rank of captain. He came back this time to prepare for graduation. Participating in the mecha competition seemed to him a leisure and entertainment.

And Cousin Rita, who also came back to deal with graduation matters, probably wanted to have fun in the mecha competition.

However, when he met Cousin Rita, Mi He realized that Rita was not just for fun, but to read with the prince, because Miss Leoni, whom she liked, also participated in the mecha competition, and Rita said, “I want to talk to Lei. Oni was sweating in a field and playing together.”

Miss Leoni, so beautiful that Mi He didn’t dare to breathe hard. I remember seeing her at the aircraft platform when I was in Mars a few years ago. She was so beautiful at that time that she would never forget it. I will see her again in a few years. She is a real person, this Miss Leoni only smiled at Mi He, which made Mi He a little dizzy, and at that moment, her mind was even blank.

The power of beauty, after five hundred years, is still so powerful.

So Mi He suddenly understood Cousin Rita.

Leoni also said to Mi He, “I’ve eaten the spicy peanuts that Rita gave me. They were delicious. She said that her sister gave her to her. It’s nice to meet you, Mi He.” He stretched out his hand.

Mi He held Leoni’s hand, feeling flattered.

Oh my God! It feels like the president’s daughter told you the other day that it was nice to meet you…

Mi He, who is a commoner with a flat head, was really surprised. She thought Leoni would be very proud, but she didn’t expect her to be so easy to meet people, and she felt that being the only illegitimate daughter recognized by His Majesty the Emperor was really unusual. Prince Friedrich and Prince Dittmar also seem to be very approachable.

Rita was very happy to see that Leoni was so kind to Mi He, and felt that it was great that the two people she liked could get along so well.

After a few more chats, Leoni and her cousin went to Mars Division.

And Mu Chen also appeared.

This was the first real meeting between Mi He and Muchen after that birthday night.

Mi He thought they would be embarrassed, but when she saw Brother Chenchen, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time, she involuntarily cracked a smile, then stepped forward and shouted, “Brother Chenchen!”

Brother Chenchen scolded her: “I’m an adult, do you think I’m riding a two-headed chicken in the base?”

He patted Mi He’s head, and complained about her: “On your level, you actually came to participate in the mecha competition?”

Mi He said: “Isn’t it the mecha club that you asked me to join, and told me that the credits are good?”

Muchen said: “I’m just talking. I didn’t expect you to take it seriously? With your level, even if you get lucky and pass the qualifiers, you will be brushed down in the regional competition.”

Mi He said, “No matter what it is, getting more credits is a guarantee for me to graduate with more credits.”

Muchen took her nowhere, and said to her: “you…”

Rolling her eyes: “No promise!”

However, Mi He felt that it was still the familiar Brother Chenchen!

☆、Chapter 104

The two chatted for a while, and it was time for the game, so they had to hurriedly parted and went to their respective stadiums.

Compared with Mu Chen and Cousin Rita, where they have a large number of people, the earth arena is in a very remote corner, and it is only a registration office. There is no holographic projection at all. Mi He only verifies the genetic code in the robot, Having advanced directly from the qualifiers, Mi He was extremely happy compared to those who were struggling to get ahead in other arenas.

However, there are still a lot of people like Mi He who are easily promoted. Besides her, there are Moon people, Saturnians, Pluto people, etc., but for Mi He, it is the first time that she has grown so big. Meet the legendary and mysterious lunar man.

Five hundred years ago, human beings have landed on the moon several times. After research, it is determined that the environment of the moon is devoid of biological existence. Mi He has always thought so. It was not until she was a child that when she saw Lunar Man on Star Online, she was deeply shocked.

What does a lunar man look like?

Their adults are about half a meter tall, and their juveniles are only about 30 centimeters tall. Their bodies are a translucent substance that looks frosted, and their deep red internal organs are frosted. Wrapped up, it looks very weird.

Although the Lunar Man is not tall, height is not the determining factor in judging their strength value, because the Lunar Man can be atomized and deformed.

When Mi He was a child, he was stunned by a holographic video of a lunar man melting into a rock. Therefore, it was not that the human beings five hundred years ago did not discover the lunar man, but they did not see the lunar man at all.

In front of Mi He stood a living moon man. He was only less than half a meter tall. The white robe on his body covered his translucent frosted body, so he couldn’t see what his body looked like. But when the moon man was walking, Mi He felt that he didn’t walk, like there were a lot of pulleys under his body.

Because the legs of the lunar man are not like human beings, they have many tentacles, and they feel like floating when walking.

Mi He looked at the lunar man in front of her after registering, and wanted to melt into the underground rock, because she saw that he had many translucent frosted tentacles sticking out from under his white coat, some of which had already started. Slowly misted.

But when he was half atomizing himself, Mi He heard a surprised “Huh” in the air, and then the atomized body of the moon man materialized again, obviously something stopped his atomization, and then he He tried to cross the wall on the ground, but failed, so he had to continue to walk slowly on the ground with his tentacles.

Only then did Mi He know that the shiny stone on the ground was a material that could be used to atomize the lunar man.

After seeing the Moon Man, Mi He went to someone else’s competition area. She first went to the Soros competition area to see Anitan. When she entered, Anitan was already in the competition area. There was a holographic projection of the players in the middle of the arena. , there are projections of two mechs in the hologram.

But from Mi He’s point of view, the feeling of their fighting back and forth is like watching Optimus Prime and Megatron fighting in a movie…

The voices of the contestants could still be heard in the hologram, and Mi He heard Anitan shouting: “The Kira family, when I was thirteen years old, you didn’t know where I was! I advise you to surrender as soon as possible. , I can still give you a breath, so that after I return to Soros, we will not meet well.”

Anitan threatened again: “It’s not that you don’t know, my knife doesn’t have eyes.”

Taozi complained from the side: “She has said this to several Soros people now, and she doesn’t know why she knows every Soros person?”

Yang Yin said: “But Anittan seemed to be very good in Soros when he was a child…”

Because not long after she said that, her opponent surrendered.

But before the opponent stepped down, he said to Anitan, “Don’t be complacent, your brother Qiying also participated in this game, and you will meet eventually.”

Anitan listened and said lightly; “If he also participates, that would be great.”

After seeing Anitan’s victory, Mi He went to other venues. She went to Mars first, and found that Rita and Leoni had gone to the next game respectively. Mi He saw that the movements of the two were very neat. , especially Leoni, the state of that operation is very fast, not like a novice at all, she knocked down her opponent in a few seconds after she took the stage. Rita was a little slower.

Later, Mi He went to the Tianqin Galaxy arena to see Muchen.

As a result, she saw Freddie’s brother as the referee in the holographic projection in the field.

He hadn’t seen him for a long time, sitting on the high referee’s bench, the corners of his lips were lightly pursed, and his expression was cold.

But Mi He couldn’t look away.

I don’t know why, but I thought of the laurel fruit he sent, which looked a little burr, but actually tasted sweet and soft.

And brother Freddy’s gentle side, didn’t he only show her?

Mi He sighed and told himself to stop thinking about it.

Looking back at Brother Chenchen in the arena.

☆、Chapter 105

Brother Chenchen’s operation is also very powerful. Mi Hegang didn’t sit in the auditorium for a while, and his lightsaber removed one arm from the opponent’s mecha in the hologram, and then he was judged to win.

After the holographic repair, the opponent’s mecha immediately returned to its original appearance, and Brother Chenchen also came out of the holographic cockpit and was just about to walk to Mi He’s side.

At this time, Freddy in the hologram commented on the test just now, and when referring to Muchen, he said: “The movements are very smooth and the reaction is fast. Mr. Muller has the potential to become a first-class mecha driver.”

Muchen looked at Freddy, and he thanked him. However, Freddy’s eyes turned to Mi He, who appeared in the holographic range. She sat in the audience seat behind Muchen and smiled at Muchen.

Freddy’s eyes sank, and he didn’t take his eyes back until the hologram ended the projection of Muchen.

Mi He didn’t know that he had been seen by Freddy, and congratulated Brother Chenchen for defeating another opponent with a grin.

As an earthling who did not need to compete to advance, Mi He was stunned: “The Tianqin Galaxy is really amazing, so many academic masters!”

Muchen glanced at her and said, “Don’t be too happy, don’t you know that planets with few people like you still need to participate in a screening competition to enter the preliminary round like us??”

Mi He was taken aback: “Screening competition?”

Mu Chen said: “Yes, the players with low birth rates on planets such as the Earth, Moon, Saturn, Pluto, etc., have to conduct a small screening competition. Only after this screening can they enter the preliminary round with us.”

When Mi He heard this, he still wanted to compete, and slumped his shoulders, “Ah? Still want to compete?”

Muchen said: “When you went to register just now, didn’t you see the game time that would appear after scanning the genetic code?”

Miho:  …

“I just visited the moon people…”

Just as she was talking, her terminal rang, which was to inform her that she would participate in the competition in two weeks. It was clearly written that her opponent was a lunar man named Guoguo.

So, the dwarf who tried to penetrate the wall and failed just now is her competitor?

When Mu Chen saw that it was a lunar man, he also said: “I heard that the lunar man will be atomized. When you are fighting, will he suddenly atomize and melt into the mecha, and then give you a kind of like fighting against ghosts. a feeling of?”

Mi He: “It doesn’t sound good at all…”

As he was talking, Mu Chen’s classmates gathered around to talk to him. As the head of the grade, he signed a contract with a starship and took the lead in being promoted to captain. He was the object that many students of the same year wanted to communicate with.

Mi He looked at Brother Chenchen who was chatting and laughing in the crowd, decided not to disturb him, and left silently.

After leaving the arena, Mi He wanted to find Anitan and the others, but he ran into Brother Xiaolu, who was walking by. He was wearing a military uniform and a pair of military boots under his feet, which made his long legs want to be two meters long, and he followed behind him. A few people who also wore military uniforms with military rank, at first glance, were not simple students, like veterans who had gone to the battlefield.

When Brother Xiaolu saw Mi He, he waved his hand to her happily: “Yo, little sister Xiaomi, I’m looking for you.” He held Mi He’s neck and said to the few people behind him, “Come on, let me introduce you. Come on, this is my little sister Xiaomi, she made the spicy peanuts and soy sauce fried rice that you have eaten many times.”

These people didn’t respond at first, but after listening to Xiaolu mention these food, they all immediately became laughing, “It’s the sister of the team flower, I still left a message for you on the terminal! Thank you. The food is delicious!”

After Mi He greeted them, the men also said, “As expected of the sister of Team Flower, she is soft, small, and looks cute.”

Brother Xiaolu said again: “She is also the sister of your former team leader. Before he went to be the referee, he specially told me to take good care of her.”

As a result, when the group heard Freddy’s special instructions, they immediately said to Mi He: “The head of the regiment and the sister of the team flower are also our sisters. If there is anything wrong with sister Xiaomi, don’t be polite to us!”

Seeing that they became serious when they heard Brother Freddy, Mi He felt very warm for some reason, and at the same time felt a little sad for Freddy, who is obviously such a powerful person…

Corresponding to Freddy being selected as the referee of the Lyra Galaxy Division, Airy, the light armored hero who has now become the acclaimed hero of the whole empire, was also invited to be one of the chief referees of the mecha competition this time. Before the game, the holographic projection where he read out the rules of the game will appear at the venue, which is very eye-catching.

Xiaolu asked about Mi He’s competition again. Mi He told her that he was going to compete with the Moon Man in a few days. Brother Xiaolu immediately patted his chest, “Brother will guide you! It’s a piece of cake!”

As a result, at night, it was not Brother Xiaolu who appeared in the hologram, but Brother Freddy who was far away in the Lyra Galaxy.

Freddy said to Mi He, “Xiaolu went to train the freshmen of the military academy, and I don’t have time to help you.”

Mi He lowered his head and said “Oh”.

Freddie asked her in a low voice, “Why, not happy to see it’s me?”

Mi He: “No, how could it be?”

She added, “It’s just that I thought you would never talk to me…”

Freddy was suddenly silent, and then his hologram walked up to Mi He and gently touched her head.

Mi He felt a soft touch on her head, but she didn’t speak.

Freddy looked at her aggrieved look, a little distressed, and couldn’t help holding her in his arms.

Even if the two-way holographic device is adjusted to the maximum, it can’t convey his inner feelings, and he just wants to hug her into his arms quietly like this.

Mi He said; “Brother Freddy, we…”

“We’re still the same as before, okay?”

A relationship that is close and happy together, can share secrets with each other, laugh together, and even give the greatest support and help when you need it most.

Freddie felt even more pain when he heard it.

How he wanted to give her an honest relationship, wanted to announce to the world that she was the girl Friedrich von Otto cared about most, wanted to announce their relationship to the whole universe.

However, he can’t.

In the long term, there may be five or six years, and in the short term, there may be three or four years before he will disappear into this universe forever.

It will disappear from her life completely.

He can’t, can’t be so selfish.

He could only watch her shrink in her shell, he hugged her shell and hugged her too.

Holding his little turtle, guarding her until the last moment of her life.

He said softly, “Okay, we’re still the same as before.”

As long as he can be by her side, he is very satisfied.

After he finished speaking, Mi He also hugged him and buried his head in his chest.

Even if the two-way hologram can’t convey his breath, his temperature, but this is the embrace of Freddy’s brother, he is back.

Mi He said in a sullen voice, “That bay laurel fruit is delicious.”

Freddy said, “I’ll buy it back for you.”

Mi He said, “I want other delicious food.”

Freddy smiled slightly and said, “Okay, I’ll send it to you.”

Mi He said, “Brother Freddy, why are you so kind to me?”

Freddy wanted to say: Because, you live in my heart.

But Mi He said again: “No, don’t tell me the answer.”

She said, “I want to ask you another question, are you still so good to others? Other girls besides me.” When she asked, she was very nervous, although she already vaguely knew the answer.

Freddy said firmly: “No, I’m only so good to you, and I only care about you.”

When he heard him say this, Mi He hugged him even tighter.

My heart was so sweet that it seemed like fireworks had exploded, and it was so dazzling that an aurora appeared.

Even if you deceive yourself, even if it is a little turtle, just enjoy the beauty of this time.

No matter whether they will stay with each other in the future, maybe there will be a new lover or a new marriage partner, but at this time, she really doesn’t want to let go.

I don’t even want to define their relationship, orient people and ordinary people, and don’t think about it for the time being, can I? Let her steal such happiness!

After that day, Mi He felt that Alex’s sky became clearer, the red trees became more vivid, and he was not so anxious to even have a mecha match with the Moon Man.

Anitan said to her: “Yo, did the promotion make you happy?”

Peaches said, “I smell a feminine scent on you.”

Yang Yin said: “It’s better for Xiaomi He to be happy like this.”

Mi He said, “Am I unhappy before?”

Yang Yin said, “I’m happy too, but a little silent.”

During the day, everyone continued to watch the competitions in the various competition areas. Muchen had competitions for several days in a row, and Mi He went to the Tianqin competition area to watch the competition every day. She looked very serious. In fact, she was watching the referee. Freddie of Seat.

I don’t know why, but now I don’t think Brother Freddy’s face is ordinary at all, but I think he is the best in the world!

But even if she was always watching Brother Freddy, when Mu Chen was in the game, she watched him very seriously. When Mu Chen came out of the holographic cabin, Mi He told him, “You just pulled out The posture of the lightsaber is very handsome, how does it operate?”

After listening to Mu Chen, he was really happy and told Mi He about the operation of this pose very seriously. Mi He also said: “In a few days, when I compete with the Moon Man, I will also do this pose, which is very handsome. Woolen cloth.”

Mi He also said: “When I play, you have to come and record it for me. I will appreciate it carefully later.”

Muchen laughed and said hello.

At night, in the hologram, Freddy opened a small stove for Mi He, fought with her seriously, and guided her in the operation of the mecha.

After the guidance, the two of them would sit together, and Freddy would tell Mi He something about the Tianqin Galaxy, which Mi He enjoyed with relish.

A few days later, Freddy sent her many packages one after another, all of which were eaten. In addition to bay berries, there was also a hard-skinned nut that was as big as a watermelon and had a hard shell. It was so thick that Mi He couldn’t knock it open at all. Later, Anitan kicked it with her mechanical leg, and it smashed it open with a single kick.

Mi He also asked her: “You can’t break the pulp inside, it won’t taste good if you break it. Be careful, but it can’t be too light, or the shell won’t open.”

Anitan said dejectedly: “It’s just that you have demands on me, a Sorosian, all day long.”

Mi He said, “So, do you want to eat the pulp inside?”

Anitan said: “I want to eat!”

Mi He: “Then can I ask you something?”

Anitan said: “Yes! I agree to whatever you ask.” Then he added: “Although I have no choice now, I have to let you.”

Mi He laughed.

Later, in the hologram, I told Freddie this paragraph, and Freddie gently touched her head and said, “I’ll let you go too.”

Mi He said: “You have been letting me.”

“Then I’ll always be nice to you,” Freddy said.

Miho nodded.

And just like that, they were closer than ever.

☆、Chapter 106

After a few days, the qualifiers for each arena ended, and several of them performed very well. For example, in the examination of the Tianqin Galaxy, Mu Chen’s performance was very conspicuous, and he was promoted to the preliminary round with a complete victory. In the Mars competition area where the strong are like forests, it was unexpected that Miss Leoni, who was famous for her beauty and illegitimate child, won the championship in this competition area.

Taozi said directly: “Is it because she is too beautiful? Competitors dare not start?”

Anitan said: “No, I’ve seen her hologram, and it’s very neat. It has nothing to do with beauty, but ability.”

Yang Yin said: “He looks so beautiful and so powerful. Sure enough, even an illegitimate child is a member of the royal family.”

Mi He nodded, agreeing with Yang Yin’s statement.

The entire match was broadcast live on Star Online, and Miss Leoni became even more popular. It felt the same as the Super Girl 500 years ago when everyone watched the 2005 show. To make an inappropriate analogy, Leoni and Muchen is the champion of each province, and has been particularly sought after and hotly discussed by the audience from the very beginning.

But this has nothing to do with Mi He, because she is concerned about her deserted screening competition after the preliminaries.

Before the game, Freddy comforted her in the hologram, saying, “It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, don’t worry.”

In fact, Mi He didn’t take it too seriously, because her original purpose of participating in the mecha club was to earn credits easily. Even if she didn’t pass the screening round, it didn’t matter. At least she already had two credits after passing the preliminaries. It’s quite stress-free.

But seeing everyone around her comforting her, she was a little embarrassed and said, “You have taught me for so long. If I lose, I feel sorry for your professional guidance.”

Freddy said, “Well, yes. So if you lose, I’m going to punish you.”

Mi He said, “What is the punishment?”

“You’ll find out when you lose,” Freddy said.

When Mi He heard this, he didn’t know why, but his face blushed. Fortunately, she couldn’t see it in the hologram, so she turned her face away and said, “I will work hard!”

When it came time for the game, in their poor arena, there were only relatives and friends of the two players watching. Of course, the scumbag team went to cheer on Mi He, as well as Muchen, Rita, Brother Xiaolu, and his comrades-in-arms.

Compared with the lively crowd of people on Mi He’s side, Mi He’s opponent, the Moon Man, there are only two Moon Man on the other side, and they are all dressed in white clothes, with white hats, revealing a pair of black beans. s eyes.

But Brother Xiaolu said next to him: “Today is the most lunar man I have seen. It is said that this race is about to become extinct because of its low reproduction rate.”

When the game was about to begin, the moon man Guoguo made a little noise with Mi He, but Mi He couldn’t understand it, so Taozi next to him said, “I heard that the moon men communicated by divine sense, they don’t need to talk, Xiaomi. He Kuai uses his divine sense to communicate with him.”


Who has that kind of thing?

Yang Yin was already scolding Taozi: “Don’t tease her, she’s very nervous.”

At this time, Sister Rita handed Mi He a cosmic language translator. Mi He put it on and immediately understood the words of the moon man. The moon man said, “Are you here to compete, or are you also competing with relatives and friends? Earth people are really stupid. There has been no progress in thousands of years.”

Mi He later picked up the translator silently, but he still couldn’t hear it…

The game started soon. Both Mi He and the Moon Man entered the holographic cabin. Because Mi He was trained by Freddy for many days, after entering, he threw out the sword-drawing posture taught by Mu Chen with great ease.

Muchen was still beside him and praised Mihe for his good learning. Xiaolu said, “When little sister Xiaomi is driving the mecha, she looks quite decent.”

As a result, I only praised two words, and I couldn’t hold it anymore. Because of the other lunar man, he deformed his body.

Facing the holographic operation, the Moon Man Guoguo did not atomize himself, but chose to lengthen the tentacles under his body, and then the whole body was more than one meter taller. Mi He could not see the operation scene of the Moon Man, only She felt that the attack of the mecha on the opposite side had become very ferocious. Before she could react, his lightsaber penetrated the mecha she was operating, and she lost the game inexplicably.

The process was very fast, and Mi He didn’t even use Freddy’s trick to solve it.

Mi He came out very frustrated. However, she thought that she should not let everyone worry about her, she kept a smile on her face and didn’t take it seriously.

Xiaolu said, “I don’t blame you for losing. If it were us, we might not be able to win him.”

Brother Chenchen said: “He extended the tentacles. When you are still reacting to which wrench to fire, people have tentacles on all important control devices, which saves time for thinking and reaction, and is very fast.”

“Although the moon’s population is small, it has a natural advantage,” Anittan said.

This is how Mi He ended her first mecha competition in her life.

In the evening, Lieutenant Colonel Yang also specially comforted her, because he had been waiting on the star network to watch the live broadcast of Baby Honey, and he comforted Mi He, “It’s okay, let’s continue next year. In fact, this is mainly my father’s fault. Your father didn’t specialize in this area when you were young. Train you, otherwise, these people are not your opponents!”

However, Mi He thought: She is already twenty, and her father is still so used to her, is it really okay…

But my heart was warm, and I even acted coquettishly with my father in the hologram. Afterwards, I told myself that I was an adult, so I should pay attention to the frequency of coquetry.

After Lieutenant Colonel Yang comforted Mi He, he went to see the Jialing bird on a routine basis. The Jialing bird is now very close to Lieutenant Colonel Yang. Seeing that Lieutenant Colonel Yang was going to give him a new song that he often learned, Lieutenant Colonel Yang was moved to tears and said to Mi He: “Look, as much as you invest in your child, you will gain as much.”

Mi He always felt that her own father had called her a little early when it came to educating the third generation. She didn’t even think about the child…

After Lieutenant Colonel Yang saw the Jialing bird, he hesitantly said to Mi He, “Honey, Dad wants to tell you something…”

Mi He hadn’t noticed his father’s mood yet, so he was quite casual, “What’s the matter?”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, “Didn’t my father tell you before that I’m on a blind date?”

Mi He nodded, and Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, “Dad wants to have a result with the other party.”

Hearing this, Mi He reacted for a while before realizing the meaning of this sentence, and asked in surprise, “Dad is getting married?”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said: “I have already discussed with the other party. I want to register first, and then hold the wedding when you come back from vacation.”

Mi He didn’t notice Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s ‘you’, and asked, “What kind of person is the other party?”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang was a little shy at this time, and he was a little hard to say. He rubbed his hands in the hologram, and finally said: “You know it too…”

Does she know too? Mi He didn’t turn around all of a sudden, could it be Dr. Linen?

Lieutenant Colonel Yang has already said, “Yes, Muchen’s mother.”

Mi He was surprised: “Aunt Colonel?”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, “I will no longer be the Colonel’s wife, but the Lieutenant Colonel’s wife.”

So she will call the colonel’s wife mother in the future? Mi He thought about it, and after calling her aunt for more than ten years, she really couldn’t change her words. Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, “I have discussed with her. After we get married, you should call her aunt, so that we can all adapt. Including Muchen. Over there too, he also calls me uncle.”

Mi He felt that tonight’s news was really heavy, much more heavy than when she participated in a competition and was defeated by a half-meter-tall moon man.

For a while, there was no response.

After finishing the hologram with Lieutenant Colonel Yang, Muchen’s hologram application was also sent to Mi He at the same time. After she saw Mu Chen’s hologram, her first sentence was: “I just found out about the news.”

Muchen didn’t speak, he looked at Mi He with a very sad look, for a long time.

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