The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 5

Hannah knew immediately that Mi He had brought back a pot of plants from the surface, and she also knew that she secretly went to the surface.

Hannah looked at Mi He standing by the wall with a sullen face, and said to her, “Why don’t you know the severity? It’s not like I haven’t told you how dangerous the surface is, so how can I ask Professor Doro to take you up there?”

Doro was also embarrassed, especially seeing Mi He standing in the corner with his head down. It was unbearable for a small person to be low.

Just as she was about to plead for Mi He, Hannah threw the conversation on Lieutenant Colonel Yang again. Said him: “You too, you are such an old person. When you see Mi He on the ground, you don’t say to bring it back quickly, and you are still playing with her on the surface! She is four years old, and you are four too?”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang has a good temper and can still smile at Hannah with a drooling face, “Don’t dare next time, Hannah, please forgive us.” Seeing Hannah’s raised eyebrows, he immediately changed his words: “Professor Lin Lai, forgive us. Bar.”

Even a calm person like Hannah, after becoming a biological mother, is more chatty and angry than before.

Hannah didn’t teach them any more lessons on the face of Professor Doro, and finally said, “Ask me in advance if you do such a dangerous thing in the future!” Professor Doro also nodded before letting them go.

Seeing that Hannah was no longer angry, Mi He pointed to the white lotus flower brought back by the plant collector next to her and said, “Mom, the flowers are fragrant, and the baby wants to smell the fragrance for you.”

Hannah thought of Mi He wherever she went, and her heart softened again. Although she was still angry, her brows and eyes softened, but she still had a stern expression to maintain her dignity.

She also said: “Be careful of radiation for things brought down from the surface!”

After letting Mi He go, at night, Hannah went to Mi He’s room and specially gave her a large transparent box, which was a microcirculation flower pot.

This is the most popular intelligent recycle flowerpot sold on After the plant is planted, the flowerpot will automatically adjust the light, moisture, humidity and other factors according to the characteristics of the plant. The person who buys the flowerpot is only responsible for viewing it. If you want to put fertilizer If you throw some protein waste into it, it will be automatically converted into fertilizer for plants.

It is very easy and labor-saving. It is the No. 1 flowerpot in Xingwang. Some people buy it as a trash can.

Mi He put his arms around Hannah’s neck at once, kissed her cheek loudly, and said coquettishly, “Mom is the best!”

Hannah said to her: “Okay, let your dad help you plant the flowers.”

Mi He called Lieutenant Colonel Yang, Lieutenant Colonel Yang actually knew that Hannah was coming, and kept listening. When he heard the call, he immediately walked over, and when he saw Hannah, he showed a warm smile.

“Professor Lin Lai, you are here.”

When Hannah saw Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s white-toothed smile, he felt that he was a bit stupid, but if his IQ was ignored, his strong muscles would still be willing to take a look.

Although Lieutenant Colonel Yang has an oriental surname, in the course of hundreds of years of reproduction, he has long been mixed with Western ancestry. His brown eyes are also European-style, with a deep sense of contour. They seem to be full of power.

However, what is most often heard in the mouths of women at the base is that Lieutenant Colonel Yang is said to be a male dog waist…

Of course, Lieutenant Colonel Yang didn’t know that Hannah would consider his gossip in a few seconds, but he also knew his advantages. Obviously, he was just planting flowers, so he ripped open a few buttons on the front of his shirt, revealing a hard chest muscle.

Even though Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s IQ is not as high as Hannah’s, his level of observation is no worse than hers. Naturally, he noticed that Hannah’s eyes had wandered on his chest and waist.

Sure enough, after he showed his chest muscles, Hannah’s eyes turned around him, and Colonel Yang was secretly proud of himself.

When Hannah was about to leave, Lieutenant Colonel Yang also specially said: “Next time you go to the surface to collect specimens, I will be your escort. I am more familiar with the landscape than others.” When it comes to work, he is serious again.

Hannah naturally wouldn’t lose face on such a trivial matter, and nodded in agreement.

When Lieutenant Colonel Yang saw that she had agreed, he regarded it as a date. He thought that all previous appointments with her to watch holographic movies had been rejected, but this time it was the right appointment.

After Hannah left, Lieutenant Colonel Yang also said to Mi He, “Dad is after Mom, you have to help Dad, you know? If you have nothing to do, let the robot take you to the laboratory more, and mention me more in front of Mom.”

Mi He agreed in a crisp voice, and Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s cute appearance was extremely rare.

With this task, Mi He always ran to the laboratory when he had nothing to do. Hannah didn’t realize that Mi He was here to see her, thinking that Mi He was here to find Doro.

Fortunately, Mi He never disturbed things in the laboratory, and she was very quiet. She usually only stayed in Hannah and Doro’s laboratory. Usually, she didn’t say much after saying hello to the mean flaxen. The other orientation people were also much kinder to her than to the other children.

The state of the white lotus is very good after being planted in the microcirculation flowerpot. The circulating flowerpot is much larger than the collector. The lotus leaves can also stretch out in it, and the flowers can still remain open all the time. The filter floated out, making Mi He’s room very fragrant.

She smelled the fragrance of flowers every day, and her mood subconsciously became happy, so she cherished this white lotus even more, and carefully observed its changes every day, for fear that it would not decay at all.

Mi He is actually pondering, and thinks that this flower grows on Mount Everest. Even if Mount Everest has become a hill now, it is still a mysterious Mount Everest. The white lotus is so beautiful and fragrant, maybe it is because of Mount Everest. The soil is different, and the species are also excellent!

After some time, the white lotus still bloomed very well. Mi He also threw the leftover earthworms into the bottom of the flower pot several times. After a few days, he opened the drawer for throwing garbage and found that the contents were all disposed of by the flower pot. It became fertilizer, and the flowers bloomed better. Through the transparent cover, I could see the honey hanging on the flowers, and the fragrance was sweeter.

A few days later, Mi He was playing in Hannah’s laboratory and saw that Hannah was growing a box of eggs in the incubator. She was surprised to confirm with Hannah, Hannah said, “Do you still know this is an egg? These are Eggs are hard to come by. They are ancient-earth eggs that were once dormant with freezing technology. If it wasn’t for a rich man who had woken up from freezing technology and wanted to eat ancient-earth chicken with pure taste, I would not be able to get this almost extinct egg. “

When Mi He heard this explanation, there were countless black lines in his heart, eggs were going to become extinct!

But she also made an excuse for Hannah’s question: “The robot showed me, and that kind of clucking bird.” Her little hand was placed in front of her mouth, imitating the look of a chicken.

Although her words were inaccurate, Hannah immediately understood what she meant, “Oh, I saw a hen.” She added, “I will also use these eggs to hatch chicks, and I hope that after hatching, there will be An individual close to the original gene.”

Mi He quickly understood the meaning of Hanna’s words, because after the egg broke, the chicken that came out either had three legs, four wings, and one or even two heads…

Mi He felt like KFC’s horror mutant chicken…

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