The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 51 - Happy birthday. (9)

This is no different from the real brother Freddy sleeping next to him, and even the temperature in his arms is the same, except for his heartbeat and breath.

He was by her side hundreds of thousands of light years away.

Mi He muttered: “It’s really black technology…” which made Freddy laugh sullenly. He hugged Mi He, who was smooth, tender, and bumpy. He tried his best to calm himself. But he still didn’t want to make it to the end in the hologram.

Later, when Mi He fell asleep, Freddy’s image disappeared for a while, and when he came back, the temperature on his body was a little cold.

Freddy sat next to him and waited for the temperature on his body to rise before he hugged Mi He again. Mi He subconsciously leaned into his arms, but as soon as Freddy touched her, he felt that the brother below raised his head.

He was extremely helpless. For the first time, he felt that the black blood monster’s kidneys were also a burden.

But seeing Mi He Tian sleeping, he felt very full inside.

This warm and swollen feeling made Freddy know that the relationship between people can actually be like this. This was something he had never experienced in all his years of life.

When he was young, he was looked after by many directional housekeepers and babysitting robots. His father only checked in regularly, and his mother passed away very early.

Dick was younger at that time, but Dick was favored by his father since he was a child. At that time, he thought that because Dick was younger than him and lost his mother earlier, his father paid more attention to him.

Later, when he grew up, he thought it was because both his father and Dick had blue eyes, and only he had green eyes, not like the traditional blue eyes of the Otto royal family, so his father liked Dick.

Now think about it, although I didn’t know about his chromosome problem before, but my father actually likes Dick more, right?

However, none of that matters now. The crown prince, the throne, and the country are no longer what he needs to consider. There are only three or four years left in his life. He only hopes to cherish the remaining days and be with Mi He. Even if he dies tomorrow, he will still Hope they are all happy before they die.

Don’t think about the past, don’t calculate the future, cherish the present, his girl.

No, it’s his woman.

When Mi He woke up, Freddy’s hologram had disappeared. She looked at her naked body, blushed, and quickly put on her clothes.

I think brother Freddy is really, old gray wolf, big color embryo!

When Freddie came out again at night, Mi He put on a lot of clothes to guard against him, and said, “Brother Freddy is really a jerk! Why didn’t I find out before? I thought you were a good brother with a sense of responsibility. ?”

She said, “You said, how do you look at me?”

Freddy unbuttoned his clothes and walked towards her. By the time he got to the bed, his shirt had been taken off, revealing his naked body, his pants were loose, and the mermaid line had spread, especially Want to find out what’s going on below.

Mi He blushed.

Freddie said slowly, “What do I think of you?” He posted it and said, “I’ve been waiting for you to grow up so that I can eat you into your belly, so that you can never live without me. .” After saying that, he pulled Mi He over.

Mi He was actually pulled over by his hologram, and was very depressed: “Why is the hologram so powerful? It’s not scientific!!!”

The black technology of the three hundred years of the star calendar is too annoying!

Although he said he was disgusting, his body was so honest that he was teased by Freddy and was panting. He turned into a pink prawn once again, and once again he would feel the thrill of fireworks in his body, and it was like this again. Sleeping in Freddy’s arms.

It would be great if time could extend them indefinitely.

Mi He told himself, don’t think about the future, don’t think so much.

Everything now is the best. So she didn’t think about why she had only been together for a few days, and she was already close to this level, because in addition to the fact that they had known each other for so many years and were familiar with each other, it was also because there was not much time left for them.

A few days later, Muchen came back from the starship, because Lieutenant Colonel Yang was going to hold a simple wedding with Aunt Linda.

Since he knew that Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s remarriage was his ex-wife, the Colonel had applied for a transfer, and the leader was probably very sympathetic to him, and soon agreed to his transfer application. The chief in charge of one place, but leaving Lieutenant Colonel Yang and his ex-wife obviously made him more comfortable.

So Lieutenant Colonel Yang not only wanted to marry a wife, but also became the acting chief of the earth base. And the leader also said that in view of Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s excellent performance, he would be promoted.

Mi He was quite happy to tell Freddy about this, she said: “When you and Brother Xiaolu were promoted to lieutenant colonel, he was very depressed, thinking that young people are so powerful, he is still standing still, Well now, he’s going to be promoted to colonel too, double happiness is coming.”

Freddy smiled lightly and thought: My little turtle is happy.

Muchen came back in a military uniform and looked extremely handsome. He was as tall as Lieutenant Colonel Yang, and he was about to be promoted to the post of Colonel Yang. It might take a few years before he could catch up to the level of Lieutenant Colonel Yang.

At this time, Muchen faced the uncle who had grown up with him, and said in a manly way: “Uncle, you must give my mother happiness, if you fail her, I will not let you go, even if Xiaomi intercedes Neither.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang patted his shoulder and said, “Good boy, can you threaten me now? But don’t worry, my mother and I have gone through so many things, and you all know what you want. We can be together because of a lot of consideration. Yes. I’ll be nice to her!” Said, showing dazzling white teeth, and smiling like twenty years ago, full of stupidity. But everyone was infected by his silly smile.

This makes Muchen feel that Mi He’s smile is so warm, it is also inherited from Lieutenant Colonel Yang.

The wedding of Lieutenant Colonel Yang and Linda was very simple. A small ceremony was held in the base. Their witness was a maintenance engineer at the base. He said loudly: “You are both fine, you will grow old.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang and Aunt Linda looked at each other and smiled. He hugged her horizontally and said, “I’m going to be the groom tonight! Don’t bother me!”

There was even a female soldier who said regretfully: “Can we still enjoy your male dog waist in the future?”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, “That was all before I had no daughter-in-law. In the future, I will only belong to my daughter-in-law. You can find another one!” It made everyone laugh.

So Mi He felt that sometimes people in the 300th year of the star calendar didn’t take **** so seriously. It is estimated that people from 500 years ago would never have imagined such a joke, and they could still continue to work together.

After the ceremony, Mi He wanted to make a delicious meal in the evening and have a small gathering with everyone. She also wanted to go to the deep sea to catch some devil crabs to eat, and said to Freddy, “You said I would go there again. , can you still see the pair of Lapra goldfish entering the sea?”

Freddy thought: I don’t care about Lapra goldfish or something, but Muchen is back, I have to take care of it.

Muchen also wanted to accompany Mi He to the deep sea to catch crabs, but his terminal kept ringing. Muchen only attended the wedding and had to rush back before he even had time to eat.

Mi He also felt that Brother Chenchen is so pitiful, although the future is bright, the starship is enough to bind people.

☆、Chapter 122

Later, Lieutenant Colonel Yang went to the sea to catch the big fish. Aunt Linda wanted to cook and asked Mi He to stop it. “Today, you and Dad are the protagonists. Let me honor you. Enjoy.”

Linda listened, smiled slightly, and there was a slight wrinkle at the corner of her eyes, but she was still in her fifties in this three-hundred-year-old star calendar. She was very comforted and felt that choosing Lieutenant Colonel Yang was a man or a child. , are very correct choices.

But thinking of Mu Chen’s look at Mi He just now, she sighed in her heart. She doesn’t know now, was it right or wrong to persuade Mu Chen back then? But now, seeing that Mi He doesn’t have the same feeling towards Chenchen as he did when he was a child. Alas, she is no longer involved in the affairs of young people.

Mi He didn’t know Linda’s thoughts, so she prepared dinner in the kitchen wholeheartedly. Because she invited some acquaintances from the base, she prepared a lot, such as fish hotpot, fish dumplings, croquettes, etc. Although the fish in the deep sea mutated , But the taste of fish has not changed, unlike the beasts on land, not only mutated, but also the taste.

At the party in the evening, Freddy’s hologram also popped up. He accompanied Mi He by her side, as if he also participated in the celebration.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang drank a lot of hallucinogens, and almost always refused to come. A female soldier even said to him, “Thank you for your care in the past, both physically and mentally.” Everyone laughed.

Aunt Linda pursed her lips and smiled slightly, then glared at Lieutenant Colonel Yang, Lieutenant Colonel Yang shrank his head, went up to hug her again, and whispered something in her ear, which made Aunt Linda smile shyly, Lieutenant Colonel Yang hugged her. She kissed like crazy, not at all restrained.

Mi He felt that his own father really set fire to the old house, and it was very enthusiastic.

When everyone saw how sweet this pair was, they also started booing. Three hundred years of the star calendar, it is very blessed to meet a loving couple, because there is nothing wrong with being single in this era.

Later, the climax of the party was that Lieutenant Colonel Yang suddenly took out a small ring. It was a diamond ring. Since the empire discovered diamond planets in several galaxies, diamonds, which were very expensive five hundred years ago, are not so expensive.

In fact, many of the existing mineral deposits on the earth are almost exhausted, and Lieutenant Colonel Yang and his team’s mission in this base also has the task of protecting the mineral resources on the earth. As long as it’s not a matter of stealing and selling it, everyone will turn a blind eye.

Like Lieutenant Colonel Yang, this ring is only one carat in size, and the cut is very rough. If it wasn’t for the style that resembled a diamond ring, no one would have guessed that it was a diamond ring.

Later, Lieutenant Colonel Yang said shyly: “I cut it myself with a laser knife every night, and the cut is not very good…”

When Aunt Linda heard it, she didn’t care whether the ring was ugly or not. At their age, the most important thing was their intentions.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said at this time: “Linda, we have known each other for so many years. In fact, when you borrowed weapons from me, I fell in love with you. I thought you were very interesting, and I liked a sturdy woman like you.”

He said, “The two of us will be fine together in the future. In another twenty or thirty years, when I retire, we will travel around the universe. If you still want a child, we can also cultivate one.”

Aunt Linda blushed, but she still leaned on Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s shoulder, smiled slightly, and said softly, “Okay.”

I saw everyone holding up hallucinogens and blessing again.

Seeing how his father was happily hugging Linda and laughing with everyone, Mi He was also very happy for him, and his father also found his happiness!

At this moment, Mi He looked at Freddy next to him and smiled, she also found the happiness that belonged to her!

Freddy’s holo grabbed her hand and leaned over to kiss her forehead.

After Lieutenant Colonel Yang got married, there was still marriage leave, and it was rare to go out to play. Lieutenant Colonel Yang and Aunt Linda decided to go to Lapra to play together. They had to bring Mi He with them, but how could Mi He be so colorless, Dad I went on a honeymoon with my aunt, and she was a daughter and used to be a light bulb!

He justly refused, saying that he would study hard at home and accompany Jialing Bird, “Dad and Auntie, have a good time, I won’t go.” Lieutenant Colonel Yang and the others persuaded several times, Mi He was very firm, and later they The two went by themselves.

Before leaving, Lieutenant Colonel Yang was still very worried and explained a lot to her: “Don’t forget to go to the surface to catch bugs for Jia Jia, Jia Jia is at the age of learning to hunt.”

Mi He thought to himself, how can it fly up to prey on it when it is so fat now…

After Lieutenant Colonel Yang left, Mi He really read a book at home, and occasionally went to the deep sea for a walk. After staying on the dry planet Alix for a long time, he still missed the beauty of the deep sea of ​​the earth.

That day, she turned on Freddy’s hologram, and the two went down to the deep sea together. Mi He had been eating devil crabs with all his heart. When he went to the trench, it was still dark, and Freddy’s hologram explored the way in front of Mi He.

Later, Mi He squatted down to catch crabs, and when he turned back with half a bag of crabs, he found that he was standing behind her.

Mi He hadn’t noticed anything unusual. When he was in the submarine, Freddy suddenly turned on the submarine’s comprehensive protection. In front of her, he slowly opened the helmet of the protective suit, and then, under Mi He’s stunned silence, She opened her protective helmet again.

Holding her head, he kissed her fiercely.

The real touch and eager lips made Mi He’s thoughts slow for half a beat before he realized that Brother Freddy was really here! !

“Brother Freddy!!”

Freddy let her go, he liked her lips rosier with his kisses, and her eyes gleaming with his presence.

He said, “Why, don’t you like it?”

Mi He was very surprised, “Why are you here?”

Freddy said, “Why would I let my little turtle be alone?”

Mi He complained to him: “You just want to see that Dad is gone, and you want to attack me.”

Freddy said, “Since you have said everything, if I don’t do anything with you, will I be too sorry for me?”

After speaking, he started to take off his protective clothing, and soon revealed his strong and hard chest, and then pulled Mi He and kissed it. It’s been almost a month since they were separated. Is it good to get in touch?

The skin-to-skin contact, the fervent desire, and even the sweet entanglement between his lips and tongues made him want to get more.

Mi He was kissed by him, and the protective suit was untied before she knew it, revealing a pair of steamed buns that were folded into a snow peak. Both hands were pressed on top of his head by one of his hands, and this posture made her chest more forward, trembling, as if she was inviting him.

Freddy looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him, the snow-capped mountains were a little red, delicate and tender, and couldn’t help but say, “Actually, after you counted the wrong number at that time, I really didn’t want to give you an antidote, and I especially hoped that you could stay at that moment. , even every time you shake in front of me, I frantically suppress the desire to overwhelm you.”

Mi He said to him: “I think I have to get to know you again, brother Freddy.”

Freddy buried his head and teased her with his lips and tongue. He was very satisfied when he heard her shrill voice. He said slowly, “Especially in terms of body, we should get to know her again…”

Later, Mi He was in the bubble submarine and was savored by Freddy from top to bottom. Her body was covered with red dots. She didn’t even have the strength to resist, because she had softened into a pool of water.

However, Freddy finally restrained his desire, and finally pressed Mi He to help him solve it with his hands.

When Mi He calmed down, she was so shy that she wanted to put on a protective suit, but was pulled back by Freddy, hugged her naked, and sat in a submarine in the deep sea, with only Freddy on her neck. The emerald necklace that Di once gave her, the dark green color made her skin whiter and tenderer.

But no matter how expensive gems are, they are not as dazzling as Mi He’s white and soft body, white as snow and smooth as satin, which makes him love it. In Freddy’s eyes, all gems are just her foil. The treasure is her own.

Mi He said to him: “I always feel that I met a fake brother before, and I feel more and more that I was deceived by you.”

Freddy grinned, “You’ll find out more about me in the future.”

Mi He snorted, her voice still lingering, soft and weak, so she should not understand the hints in his words.

He put his arms around her, and they both looked up at the dazzling ocean above their heads.

The light from the outer walls of the bubble submarine attracts many light-loving fish and plankton, and even swarms of glowing jellyfish swim around the submarine.

These luminous jellyfish that came along with the ocean currents glowed white in the water, their bodies were transparent, and they swam with the fluctuations of the sea water, and groups of jellyfish gathered together, as if countless stars lighted them surrounded by the same.

Freddie put his arms around her and gently placed a kiss on the top of her head.

Even if he just hugged her, shared each other’s warmth, and stayed together quietly, it made him feel that his heart was at peace that he had never had before.

Later, they still put on protective clothing, and Mi He suddenly asked him, “Brother Freddy, where did you get this emerald necklace?”

While pushing the joystick of the submarine, Freddy said casually, “My mother gave it to me.”

Mi He has never heard him mention his mother, but what does this sentence mean to him?

“She broke up with your father?” Divorce was not a thing at all in the 300th year of the star calendar, so Mi He’s first reaction was this.

Freddie said: “She died when I was very young. This was a piece of jewelry that she liked very much when she was alive, and it was left for me to remember.”

Only then did Mi He know the value of this gift. Although she knew that she was liked by Brother Freddy a long time ago, she was so cherished at that time, which made her heart warm, and took the initiative to encircle Freddie. Rydy’s waist, then tiptoed and kissed his cheek.

Freddy was very dissatisfied, “If you want to kiss, you have to kiss in the right place, right?” He put one hand into his arms and deepened the kiss.

Lovers are always so eager to meet, and they don’t even want to be separated for a minute.

Later, they caught fish in the deep sea. Mi He wanted to make dumplings for him before, and made him a delicious fish meal in the evening, which made Freddy very satisfied.

At night, Mi He let him sleep on the sofa in the living room, Freddy showed a look of loss, and said, “I want to hug you, just hug…”

Mi He said, “Liar, you’re lying to me.” He will definitely do something about it.

“We haven’t seen each other in 28 days and I miss you so much,” Freddy said.

Hearing what he said so earnestly, Mi He’s heart softened, and later he said, “Then put your arms around me and don’t take off my clothes.”

Freddie smiled and nodded, but when he was sleeping, he took off his shirt while walking, revealing his red chest again, and Mi He said to him, “Why, why did you take off your clothes again?”

Freddy said, “I’ll take mine, but not yours.”

Mi He snorted and squeezed the pillow between the two to try to resist him. But after she went to bed, she was kissed by him unknowingly, and then she was hugged in his arms again, but he was still merciful and didn’t strip. she.

Because if it goes on like this, he will definitely be unable to bear it. In fact, he does not know how long he can restrain himself.

The appearance of Freddy made Mi He feel that everything during the holiday had become better. The two of them played wildly on Earth together when Lieutenant Colonel Yang was away.

However, because he appeared secretly, he had to be very careful not to be seen when entering or leaving the base. Freddy also brought the pixel invisibility cloak on purpose. not to him.

Mi He said to him again: “You had a plan.” Freddie’s slight smile answered her.

In addition to going to the surface to bask in the sun and mountain climbing, the two like to go to the deep sea to play, because many cultural monuments have been submerged in the deep sea.

One day, they even found the place that was 5,000 meters deep in the sea that was once swallowed by the big fish, but there are no big fish there for a long time.

Freddy said, “That’s where you hugged me.” Then he asked her, “Did you like me a little bit?”

Mi He said, “Don’t put your face on, I just thought you were pitiful at that time, and I needed someone to comfort you and treat you like a brother.”

Another line of typing was written on the terminal, “Who knows what you are trying to do to me like such an old gray wolf!”

Made Freddie laugh again.

With his little turtle, he laughs more than ever before.

Later, Mi He hugged him here again and put him in his arms.

As it was then.

Freddy was still taken aback when he was hugged. Immediately, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

That’s great.

Such beauty and happiness, how can you be willing to let go?

I wish time could last forever.

After the two got on the submarine, Freddy took off each other’s protective masks again, and he said, “When you comforted me, I thought, if you want comfort, it has to be adult-style comfort. Hug or something, it’s too childish, isn’t it…”

Mi He said to him: “You old gray wolf! At that time, people were very serious about trying to comfort you!”

Freddie kissed her and said, “I’m also very serious, like being comforted by you.”

Then, the voices of the two were once again drowned out by each other’s enthusiasm.

A few days later, Lieutenant Colonel Yang returned from his honeymoon.

Freddy’s good days are over.

The two were reluctant to part.

Freddy suddenly said to Mi He, “Let’s go to Lapla as well, shall we?”

“Revisiting the old place, this time, it’s just the two of us, okay?”

Seeing what he was looking forward to, Mi He thought that she was going to start school too, so she could leave a few days earlier, so she softly agreed, “Okay.”

☆、Chapter 123

Later, Mi He told Lieutenant Colonel Yang that he was going to go back to school two days earlier, on the pretext that he had made an appointment with his classmates to have a small gathering. Lieutenant Colonel Yang was quite disappointed, but he was newly married now. Attracted by his new wife, he now thinks about carrying Linda back to the room every day, unable to speak.

Seeing that the door of his father’s room was closed again, Mi He felt that his father was really awesome. He was worthy of being the famous male dog waist of the base. Aunt Linda worked hard.

But she has also learned a lot about men and women these days. After all, she and Freddy are tired of being together almost every day, and they have done all kinds of intimate things. Whenever she thinks of it, Mi He blushes.

After she packed up her luggage, and brought the kaling bird and flower pot to the Saturn space station by Lieutenant Colonel Yang and Aunt Linda, she waved goodbye to them, and felt guilty for telling a little lie to her father, but Seeing the back of my father walking back with Aunt Linda in his arms, I felt that it was actually quite good.

Dad took care of her for so many years, and now he should have his own time to enjoy happiness. Although a little lost, she will not be the most important person in my father’s life in the future.

But the moment the hatch of the spaceship closed, she was suddenly hugged from behind.

The familiar breath made her open her mouth and shout, “Brother Freddy?”

At that moment, Mi He felt again, but she would be an important person in brother Freddy’s life in the future.

Freddy said, “I haven’t seen you in a few days. Did you miss me?”

Mi He said, “I saw it in the hologram yesterday.” He still hugged her to sleep!

Freddy said: “It seems that you don’t miss me very much, I need to do something to wake up your memory.” After speaking, he pressed her against the wall behind him and fixed her in his arms, He bowed his head and kissed.

It wasn’t until the two of them were panting that he let go of her and said in a low voice, “Now, do you miss me?”

Mi He blushed, and there were people watching, he was so direct! Even his ears turned red.

Freddy buried his little turtle in his arms and stroked her soft hair, feeling more and more that no amount of intimacy was enough.

Mi He later said in a low voice: “Think, think about it.”

Freddie smiled, very satisfied.

This is Mi He’s second trip to Planet Lapla. It has been eight years since he first came here, but there is almost no change here.

Even the position of the free fishing rod at the entrance and exit of the planet did not change. After the two got off the spaceship and passed the pass, Freddy carried two fishing rods and found Mihe’s Kaling bird and flower pot in the storage place. He was also very worried about the Jialing bird and asked, “Is it okay to store it here?”

Freddy glanced over, and the service staff immediately said, “We provide live storage, and we will take good care of this bird.” After promising a few more words, Mi He was assured of keeping the bird there, and then packed lightly. Went out with Freddy.

But this time, instead of going directly to the beach, he went to a villa first. Freddy said, “This is the villa of the Collins family in Lapla, and it was borrowed from Xiaolu on purpose.” The robot kept the house clean.

Freddy led her to a very large and open bedroom. The most conspicuous thing when entering the room was a huge bed. There were floor-to-ceiling windows facing the golden sea, and when the window was opened, there was a large balcony. , There are two deck chairs on the balcony, you can sit there watching the sea and sunbathing, very comfortable.

However, Mi He still blushed when he saw the big bed, which was too obvious… She glanced at Freddy secretly, and Freddy glanced at her naturally.

Mi He’s heart beat faster by two beats, and she blushed to stop herself from thinking too much. They are already so close, she is actually looking forward to it…

However, her shyness made Freddie particularly want to press her on the big soft bed immediately, but he still restrained.

His little turtle deserves the most serious and cherished treatment in this world.

He also opened the wardrobe, and there were all kinds of clothes hanging in it, all prepared for her in advance, Mi He was stunned, but he scolded him: “Brother Freddy, don’t waste money, don’t waste your pension, I Usually I can’t wear these clothes.” In school, it is usually enough to wear only school uniforms, and buying so many is a waste. Although it is still sweet.

But when Freddy pulled out a piece of clothing and handed it over, he said, “This is a swimsuit. Let’s go swimming in a while?” Mi He’s face was covered in black lines. Why is this swimsuit just a few ropes? Is this a super bikini? ?

Freddy smiled slightly and asked her, “Does it look good?” She was so angry with Mi He that she almost threw the clothes in his face and pushed him out of the room. She found a very conservative swimsuit and put it on herself. Conservative to the point of being like a diving suit, it even covered the flesh of the whole body.

However, the close-fitting design makes this dress stick to Mi He like a second skin, fully showing her bumpy figure. Especially the chest that got bigger after the wrong calculation, even if it shrunk into a C cup, but under the foil of the slender waist, the huge and beautiful shape makes people want to take a bite immediately.

Mi He’s eyes became much deeper when she saw Freddie. They knew each other so well these days, and she knew what he was thinking. She felt that she was wearing a very conservative dress, but his eyes looked like she had no clothes on. Same!

Later, Mi He was still cowardly, and put on a sunscreen towel, which seemed to be a little safer.

As a result, when she got to the seaside and entered the sea, she realized that she was really naive.

Because this swimsuit is also a black technology for three hundred years of the star calendar! ! ! This is a black technology that can hide the fabric according to the seaside scene! ! And the design is so cool!

How much is the wave? Even though she is clearly wearing clothes, the fabric can be invisible, revealing the skin under her fabric. This function is the same as the pixel invisibility cloak.

Just now Freddie didn’t know how to get her clothes on, and suddenly she found that her conservative swimsuit had turned into a bikini. She was obviously wrapped under the fabric, but now she was wearing a suit. The white bikini with very little fabric was almost like her chest was about to stretch open, and she was about to collapse in an instant.

“What is this operation?”

Freddy smiled slightly: “This is a new swimsuit, I knew you would like it.”

Mi He: ==

She really needs to get to know Brother Freddy again! ! !

The previous swimsuit with a few ropes was just to confuse her, and he just wanted her to wear this! !

Mi He said, “Get it back for me!”

Freddy looked puzzled, but still said in a gentle tone: “Why? That’s good, and that layer of fabric actually exists, and it can protect against sun. Your skin is still so fair.”

Mi He blushed: “But I’m sorry.”

Freddy leaned closer to her and said, “It’s just the two of us here, no one else can see it.”

Only then did Mi He notice that there were no people on this beach, only a few robots were picking up pearls and corals on the beach. She also remembered the time when she was a child when there were so few people on the beach. At this time, she suddenly realized that Brother Xiaolu is indeed a relative of the royal family and can enjoy the private beach!

Freddy saw that her face relaxed a little, and then said, “I like that you dress like this, it looks so good… Here, it’s just for me to see.”

He wrapped her in his arms and said softly, “Little turtle… When you return to Planet Alix, you won’t have the chance to play at the beach.”

As soon as Mi He heard his tone of voice, his heart softened and he said, “You know I have a soft heart and always like to talk to me in this tone!!”

Freddy smiled slightly: “I know, my little turtle is the best.” Then Mi He surrendered and said to him, “You promise, you won’t be impulsive outside.”

“I’ve never been an impulsive person,” Freddy said.

Of course, the next sentence is: I am not a person when I am impulsive.

But Freddy still restrained, even when he was swimming with Mi He in the sea, when she was next to him, his black blood monster brother was already high, but in the water, he could still be quiet…

Later, he simply sat on the beach and caught fish. In the evening, he and Mi He were sitting on the beach blowing the sea breeze, watching the artificial moon gradually rise, and drinking fish soup together.

The taste of Lapra Goldfish is still good enough to make people feel as if the brain has set off fireworks, but it is still not as good as the happiness when a pair of lovers are together.

When the artificial moon fully rose, they held hands and walked on the golden sand. The soft sand rubbed the soles of their feet. It was very comfortable to walk. The sea breeze was also very comfortable. connected together.

Mi He said, “I don’t know how the golden beach is now?” Freddy took her hand and came to the golden beach again.

The two of them evaded the robot guards in pixel invisibility cloaks and entered the range of the golden beach. The moon had just risen, and everything here was silent.

The two sat on the beach, quietly waiting for the Lapra goldfish to return to the tide.

Mi He leaned against Freddy’s arms, and the two of them squeezed into an invisibility cloak. Mi He said, “Why is there only one invisibility cloak?”

“There’s only one piece left in the villa,” Freddy said.

Mi He said depressedly: “You did it on purpose.”

Freddy smiled slightly, “I’m holding you, isn’t it the same?”

Mi He snorted twice, thinking that Brother Freddy is too cunning!

Said him: “Since you changed to the kidney of the black blood monster, you have changed, and your mind is full of that kind of thing!!”

Freddy said solemnly, “No.”

Mi He just wanted to say I didn’t believe it, but before she could say it, Freddy said, “Even if I don’t have a kidney transplant, I’ll still be restless for you when I see you.” His deep eyes made Mi He’s eyes face red again

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