The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 58 - Happy birthday. (16)

The power of natural selection. ”

Although she is looking forward to this child so much, if there is really no way to make this child die, then she has no choice. Whether it is five hundred years ago or three hundred years of the star calendar, living things are still things. God’s choice.

Hannah touched her head, “Since this is what you want, I will try my best to help you.” After speaking, she left the room to find Doro.

After a while, Mi He was called to lie in the medical cabin again to check his body. At this time, Doro was no longer in the room. Hannah extracted some private data from Mi He. After analyzing it, she and Doro After reading the data together, Mi He saw that the two of them had been discussing for a long time.

In the end, the two of them said: “From some data in your body, the embryo is safe now, but if it is taken out hastily, it will be a little unsafe. Our opinion is that it should be conceived in your body for a period of time.”

Hannah said: “Don’t be afraid, I was pregnant with Taura for three months and we will always be by your side.”

☆、Chapter 140

Although Doro and Hannah decided that the child should be conceived in Mi He’s body for a period of time, Freddy was still a little worried. It was Mi He who fell asleep before leaving.

It’s just twenty-four filial boyfriends, but it annoys Doro, because Freddy follows Doro and Hannah to see Mi He’s body data every day, and has to discuss it with Doro at night, Doro is simply impatient, saying He: “Your doctoral program is over!!” The implication is, don’t bother him, nasty human being! !

But compared with Freddy’s troubles, Mi He’s troubles are really troubles. Her question is, how should she tell her father about this?

Freddy didn’t see her troubles, and offered to let him speak. Hannah said next to him: “If it was up to you, I guess Gary would have wanted to kill you immediately.” After speaking, she added: “Of course, even if it wasn’t for you, he still wanted to kill you. It doesn’t really make any difference.”

Miho:  …

She felt that she was more worried, what should I do?

Taozi and Anitan came to see Mi He, Taozi also said, “Or when you say, I will dance beside you and let Yangyin sing a song for your father to ease your mood?”

Anitan also clapped his hands and praised: “This is a good idea!” and suggested: “If my uncle is still depressed and needs relief, I can join forces with him to beat Mr. Collins.”

Mi He thought: The legendary Soros people never fought alone, didn’t they always work hard?

Anitan also specially explained: “This is not a battle of honor for us Soros people, there is no need to say so many rules, and I am not here to be a helper for my uncle?” He said it very confidently.

Mi He especially wanted to tell her; just take a rest, you and brother Freddy are both savage women and bad men in the ranks of Dad…

Later, Mi He decided to sacrifice his father’s favorite Kaling bird first, and let his father have a good time first, and then talk about it.

As a result, the Jialing bird lost a little weight because of Mi He’s careless service during this period of time. In Mi He’s opinion, it was just fine, but Lieutenant Colonel Yang felt very distressed when he saw it, and said: “Wait for Jia Jia to come back, I have to catch some bugs for it!” He asked when Mi He would come back?

Mi He licked his lips and whispered, “Dad, I can’t go back this holiday.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang asked, “What’s wrong? Is there an internship?”

Mi He said, “No…”

“I am pregnant.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang didn’t react for a while, and his smile was still on his face: “What did you say?”

Mi He was about to say it again, when Freddy next to him suddenly appeared within the range of the hologram and called Lieutenant Colonel Yang, “Uncle Yang, Mi He and I have a child.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang naturally knew Freddie. He lived on Earth for several months when he was recovering from his injury, but when did he deceive his precious honey? This white-eyed wolf! ! !

Lieutenant Colonel Yang was furious in the hologram, and all the joints in his body rattled. When he stared at Freddy, it seemed like he was going to tear him apart. But he still suppressed his anger and turned to Mi He: “Honey, are you willing?”

As soon as Mi He heard it, both her father and mother asked her if she would like it in the first sentence. She was very moved, and she said seriously, “Yes, I do.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang glanced at Freddy again, as if to imprint the enemy on his heart, he threw a sentence: “Wait for me to pass!” and turned off the hologram.

Then Freddy’s father-in-law was on his way.

When Lieutenant Colonel Yang arrived, Taozi felt that she had been rescued by Freddy once, so she suggested, “How about we accompany Teacher Collins to pick up Uncle Yang?”

Anitan said, “Alright, we have to be a helper for my uncle.”

Yang Yin said: “It’s better to be peaceful… Of course, we have no problem raising children.”

Inside Freddy:  …

Mi He’s Duo Duo is very annoying to him, Mi He’s mother is rude and polite to him, Mi He’s friends are still here waiting to raise their children after kicking him away, and now Mi He’s biological father is here to tear him apart. Shattering his angry father-in-law…

Freddy felt the biggest challenge of his life was coming.

Later, it was Freddy who led Anitan and the others together, because Taozi and the others had to go with them, so they went together.

As a result, when Freddie came back, his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

Mi He was startled, but Freddy didn’t say anything, Mi He only had time to look at him before being carried into his arms by Lieutenant Colonel Yang.

Aunt Linda also came, and followed Colonel Yang to greet Mi He.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang gently wrapped Mi He in his arms, and asked with concern, “Is it hard for Honey to feel sick? Is the child good? Why not transplant it into the machine?”

He glanced at Freddy next to him, and said, “Get out of here, don’t let me see you, or I’ll beat you again!”

Freddy glanced at Mi He, Mi He gave him a wink, which meant: you go first, take good care of yourself!

Freddy was about to leave when Lieutenant Colonel Yang added, “You brat named Collins, let me tell you, this is not over, you will be waiting for me outside tomorrow morning! Let’s make some moves!”

Freddie responded before he dared to leave. At night, Mi He could only have a hologram with him. Freddy also comforted Mi He: “It’s all flesh wounds. As long as uncle can calm down, it’s nothing.”

The next morning Freddy was waiting for Lieutenant Colonel Yang at the door. Lieutenant Colonel Yang was very dissatisfied when he saw his still bruised nose and face: “Why didn’t you use the anti-swelling spray? Who are you still showing this look? Are you pretending to be pitiful? ”

Freddy thought to himself, wasn’t he afraid that he wouldn’t like it when he was cured?

Lieutenant Colonel Yang didn’t care about him, and beat him again for a month in a row. Freddy’s nose was bruised every day, Mi He was very distressed, but seeing that her father’s anger towards Freddy’s brother hadn’t subsided, she didn’t dare to directly Said, and pleaded with Aunt Linda in private.

Aunt Linda responded with a smile, but also said, “Don’t worry, your father knows what he knows.”

And there are many father-in-laws in the legend who say it every day when he beats Freddy: “I’ll beat you to death, so that the child only belongs to our old Yang family!”

Freddy felt that Lieutenant Colonel Yang was serious when he said that…

Later, Aunt Linda persuaded Lieutenant Colonel Yang in private, saying: “Xiaomi really likes him, I think this young man is also very good, he has been beaten by you for a month, and he has not fought back, otherwise, with his strength, You can still counterattack, you can stop when you feel relieved, right?”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang hummed angrily, “Who said I’m relieved? I’m not relieved!! My precious daughter, who was raised so dearly, was humiliated by him!! Thinking that Xiaomi is still working hard to conceive his child, I’m even more angry!”

Aunt Linda said, “Didn’t Hannah also say that Mi He is okay? After a while, the child will be transplanted.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang snorted a few more times, rolled over to sleep, and did not speak.

However, he still had a shorter period of attack, and agreed that Freddy could visit Mi He for a longer period of time, but it had to be done under his nose! It was because Mi He left his sight that he was deceived by this bad boy!

Anitan had a lot of fun during this time. Every morning, she came to Doro’s house to watch Lieutenant Colonel Yang beat Freddy, and she applauded Lieutenant Colonel Yang from the side, and occasionally commented: “Uncle this Good punch!! The strength of that leg is particularly good!”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang had a bad impression of the Soros people. Otherwise, when Mi He was taking the college entrance examination in the Shepherd Galaxy, he would not have told Mi He to stay away from the Soros people.

But when I saw Anitan this time, I also felt that the child was quite angry with him, especially when it came to hitting Freddy, the two of them were in perfect harmony. Drinking two bottles of hallucinogens with Lieutenant Colonel Yang, the relationship between the two people is much better.

Mi He felt that if it weren’t for the difference in seniority, Lieutenant Colonel Yang would be worthy of Anita’s brother.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang has been here for more than a month. Every day apart from fighting Freddy, he is guarding Mi He’s side, or driving an aircraft to hunt in the desert with Anitan and the others. He is very happy. They are all laughing.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang also calculated that the Earth base did not call him back, was it because of the sentence he wrote when he applied: “I’m going to kill the **** who made my daughter pregnant!” Maybe the leaders also sympathized with him, so they gave him to him. Take such a long vacation.

Mi He felt that his father was actually quite lonely when he was at the base. Now that everyone is together, it is lively and lively every day, and he is also very happy.

Freddy was beaten for two consecutive months before Lieutenant Colonel Yang really stopped. That morning, Lieutenant Colonel Yang said to him: “Okay, don’t let me today, show your real skills and show me a game. .”

Fremy listened, should be: “Yes.” But he thinks that Yang Zhongcai is listening to the mouth, he doesn’t dare to give his father-in-law, so it is still more , In the end, he skillfully lost to his father-in-law. After being bored for a few times, his father-in-law continued to vent his anger, and his father-in-law smiled and said to Linda, “I’m still young!”

Freddy tidied up his clothes and winked at Mi He, who was a little worried, meaning he was fine.

Mi He was really moved when he saw Freddy’s dedication to Lieutenant Colonel Yang in the past two months. In this 300-year calendar, even the relationship between love and marriage is weaker, not to mention the level of father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law. relationship, few people take it too seriously.

But Mi He now knows that if the other party really cares about you, whether it was 500 years ago or 300 years ago, he not only attaches great importance to you, but also your family.

Putting aside Freddie’s true identity, it’s very, very rare for an ordinary person to endure so much for his father-in-law to fight for two months, not to mention that Freddie is still the prince of the empire, with an identity above hundreds of millions under one person. .

Mi He felt that although there were all kinds of sweet words between them when they were in love, Freddy’s actions this time really made her feel more confident in both parties, and it also made her feel that the relationship with Freddy was even stronger. It was true, she felt a lot more at ease, and felt that she really did not choose the wrong person.

So one day, when Lieutenant Colonel Yang didn’t see it, Mi He leaned over and kissed Freddy. The two hadn’t made out for a long time. Freddy was suddenly kissed, and his eyes were very warm with a smile. His dark green eyes seemed like a spring breeze. As if brushing, he still held Mi He’s hand and whispered, “Little turtle…”

But then my father-in-law found out, “You stinky boy, let go of your dirty hands!!”

On such a lively day, Mi He was three months pregnant. In the early stage, she would also be a little nauseous and have no appetite, but this 300-year-old maternity food has a nutritional supplement specially designed to suppress morning sickness. Mi He didn’t vomit after eating it, and she had a big appetite, which made her feel very comfortable. This made her deeply realize that if this kind of black technology was sold 500 years ago, it would definitely be sold out of stock all over the world.

Therefore, in the past three months, Mi He did not have much pregnancy reaction, but his lower abdomen was slightly bulging. The only time Freddy was approved to touch Mi He was to touch Mi He under the eyes of his father-in-law. Belly, because Lieutenant Colonel Yang felt that the child’s father had to communicate with the child a bit, which would be beneficial to the children of their old Yang family, so he agreed.

However, the baby didn’t actually move at all at this time, but Freddy still carefully touched Mi He’s belly every day and read poems to the child.

Mi He feels that when it comes to prenatal education, it is the stage of raising the level of education…

She herself likes to tell children childish fairy tales, and the children’s father likes to read poems in more than ten languages. Mi He can barely understand four of them. Later, when Freddy read the strange-pronounced languages, she didn’t listen to them at all. I don’t understand, it reminded her of the lovely Taura’s famous saying: “I can call my sister in ten languages!!”

Therefore, Mi He feels that her baby may be born in more than ten languages ​​in the future, and she also feels that the baby is very tired. Only later did she realize that her idea was still a little naive.

Because Doro also joined the prenatal education army, he read a paper to his stomach every day…

Doro said: “These are the papers I have published over the years that I have compiled. There are probably thousands of papers, of which there are more than 100 papers that have major scientific breakthroughs. I will start reading from the award-winning works.”

Hannah also praised: “It’s still the teacher’s idea!”

Doro also ignores Hannah. Since a bunch of people often gather at Doro’s house, Mi He feels that Doro’s dislike of humans has deepened. Except for Mi He, he loves others. To be fair, Freddy and Hannah were the most serious. Basically, they said ten words to him, and Doro could answer one.

But Doro likes the Kaling bird who lives in his house. He often likes to let the Kaling bird sing and accompany him when he is doing experiments. Therefore, the Kaling bird has a high status whether it is in Lao Yang’s house or Doro’s house. High.

Later, Anitan knew that Jialing Bird had won such a victory, so he pulled Yangyin over and said that he would sing for Professor Doro, and Doro also accepted. However, Lieutenant Colonel Yang, Linda, and Hannah didn’t know Yangyin’s identity, so they were all stunned by Yangyin.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang also said, “I think you sing better than that big singer!” This made Mi He and the others pursed their lips and laughed.

Anitan also deliberately went to the River of Life to pick a lot of thorns to give to Doro. Later, Mi He learned that the pair of brothers and sisters Sonny and Huanhuan that Anitan brought from Soros, the boy was sent by Anitan. I went to serve as a soldier at Brother Xiaolu. After the girl brought her over, she huddled in the dormitory with Anitan. Later, Doro helped Huanhuan to find a temporary job in the school’s teaching staff and helped to patrol the campus, which was considered a gift for this girl. Already working.

Anitan is particularly grateful to Doro, because she said: “Huanhuan is still young, if I support her directly, she will be useless in this life. If Professor Doro can help provide her with a job, she will be able to pass her own efforts. It helped her to support myself, and it also relieved the guilt that weighed on my heart.” Because the two siblings were Soros who left because of her involvement, Anitan felt obligated to arrange them well.

Doro didn’t say anything about it, but when Mi He mixed the thorns and put it in front of him, he didn’t say anything and ate it.

Time flies, the day of the transplant has arrived.

Hannah and Doro cooperated together that day. Freddy wanted to help, but Mi He was really embarrassed and refused.

Hannah also said: “Reject what? Let him see how hard you have done for him!”

But Mi He is really ashamed to be seen by him…

This process is under general anesthesia, and when Mi He wakes up again, the embryos have been transplanted.

☆、Chapter 141

After Mi He woke up, a group of people gathered around Mi He’s bed, and everyone greeted her.

Later, Aunt Linda pulled Lieutenant Colonel Yang several times before Lieutenant Colonel Yang asked Freddy to come over. Freddy gently touched Mi He’s hand, and under Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s stare, he said to her, “What’s wrong with your body? ?”

Mi He felt a little pain, but it was bearable.

Hannah also said: “I gave you a little medicine, and it won’t hurt in a while.”

Doro said: “Even so, you have to rest for a few days.”

Mi He thought that this kind of transplant was actually equivalent to the little yuezi five hundred years ago, and naturally he also attached great importance to it. But at this moment, she wanted to see the child even more, “Where’s the baby?”

Freddy pushed Mi He’s bed next to the cultivation column so that Mi He could see the child.

The three-month-old fetus is only the size of a lemon, but the limbs can already be seen, and the facial features are not very clear. His whole body is a small ball, floating in the amniotic fluid. will move.

Although he knew for a long time that he was carrying a boy, every time he moved, Lieutenant Colonel Yang shouted, “Aiya, my grandson moved!! My grandson is too smart!!”

Even Hannah didn’t ridicule Lieutenant Colonel Yang at this time, because she took it so seriously, Doro and she had seen countless embryos, and even many children were born from their hands, but when they saw this little boy who was connected with her flesh and blood. In life, that feeling is different.

This child has been loved by everyone since conception.

Taozi’s loud voice even whispered, “He looks so small.” Then he said to Mi He, “You don’t work too hard, at least you have three or four babies at a time, right!!”

Anitan said to him: “That’s what you Dutch people can give birth to! It’s normal for us humans to have one child at a time.”

Yang Yin beside them scolded them: “You two don’t make trouble in front of the child, the baby is still young.”

He added: “I can sing to the baby every day.”

Peach said, “I can dance! Make him feel happy.”

Anitan said: “I can practice some simple moves in front of him, and when he is born, he will be born with kung fu.”

When Mi He heard this, he felt that being born with kung fu sounded unreliable…

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said: “Our baby has to listen to stories. In the future, he will be like a mother who loves to laugh.”

Hannah said: “I also have to read more papers to my children and arm the brain with knowledge.”

Doro nodded and agreed, “I just read the paper “Hippocampus and the Possibility of Memory Transplantation” yesterday, and there are many other papers at hand.”

Mi He feels that the baby is very busy…

After all the relatives expressed their opinions on the prenatal education of the baby, Freddy, the father, said: “I just hope he grows up healthily.” Mi He also nodded.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said: “It’s the child of our old Yang family, of course it will grow up healthily!! Only the genes of your Collins family are weak!”

Mi He was under the care of Hannah and Linda again and spent a long time in the house. She raised her confinement completely according to the memory of her previous life, and Doro and Hannah gave her a lot of postpartum supplements. , made Mi He feel that his physical condition was quite good, and even his slightly bulging belly slowly retracted.

But now Mi He is more concerned about the health of his child than he is about himself. The child is more than three months old, and growing up day by day, his uncles, aunts, grandparents, grandparents, parents, and mothers are surrounded by the training column every day, especially Lieutenant Colonel Yang. He stayed there every day, and even beat Freddie less often. In his words: “Anyway, you are also the father of my good grandson. I have to give my good grandson some face.” God knows that his good grandson is only three years old. It’s more than a month old, and even the facial features are not completely clear, where is the face at all?

Even if the child’s facial features haven’t fully developed yet, Lieutenant Colonel Yang says every day, “Look, the baby looks like honey! It’s exactly the same as when she was a child, isn’t it, Hannah?”

At this time, Hannah also had to say with her conscience: “Well, it’s quite similar!”

After the child was more than four months old and the hair was a little fuller, Lieutenant Colonel Yang was a little puzzled when he saw that the hair was yellow, and whispered to Hannah: “Mi He and I both have brown hair, and the child’s father has black hair. But why does the baby have blond hair?”

Then Hannah’s face was calm, but she was actually waiting to see Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s joke, she said: “Because Freddy is not Collins at all, his full name is Friedrich von Otto, His Royal Highness the Prince of the Empire. , so your good grandson will have Otto’s iconic blond hair.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang reacted a bit, and felt that he didn’t understand what Hannah said. How could that Collins **** be a prince? “You’re kidding, aren’t you?”

Hannah said, “You know me, I’m never joking.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang was stunned.

“King, prince? Prince Friedrich? Once crown prince of our empire?”

Hannah said, “Yeah.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said, “How could he get along with us Xiaomi?”

Hannah said, “This is the arrangement of the God of Truth.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang also specifically asked Mi He about this, and he said, “Is Hannah kidding me?”

Mi He said: “What my mother said is true, he is indeed that identity.” He added: “I didn’t tell you at first, because I was afraid that you would be under pressure, so I didn’t say it, and he also hoped that you would treat him as an ordinary son-in-law. to be treated.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang was in a state of panic. He even called His Royal Highness “Bastard, bastard, bastard, shameless…”

This is nothing, what’s more important is that he beats up the prince of the empire to the point of bruising his face almost every day… But the empire is the prince! The one who used to be the crown prince! The second most powerful man in the universe!

Oh my God! !

Lieutenant Colonel Yang felt that he had really caused a big problem!

As a result, at night, Lieutenant Colonel Yang called Freddy out and beat him again. He said angrily: “Who cares who you are? Bullying my honey can’t work!!”

But he hasn’t beaten Freddy since that day. Just ignored him.

Later, Lieutenant Colonel Yang discovered that Doro and Hannah not only checked Mi He and the baby every day, but also checked Freddy every day. He remembered the reason why Freddy stepped down from the crown prince. It was said that he was seriously ill. It’s quite healthy, how could it be sick?

Lieutenant Colonel Yang asked Mi He about this again, and said, “Is that Freddy really suffering from an incurable disease? Is it because he didn’t want to be emperor, so he lied?”

Mi Hecai told Lieutenant Colonel Yang the truth about Freddy’s short-lived life, and Lieutenant Colonel Yang realized that the stinky man who stole his precious daughter was not only the prince of the empire, but also a short-lived prince! ! Life is only three or four years! !

Lieutenant Colonel Yang was very confused.

He was so angry that he said to Mi He, “This bastard, he knows his life will be soon, so why bother you?”

But after a while he said: “It’s also very poor…”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang suddenly got better with Freddy.

Mi He came out of the little confinement and everyone celebrated the evening of eating barbecue together. Lieutenant Colonel Yang handed Freddy a bottle of hallucinogen and said, “You stinky… uh, you are quite a man. Yes, even if I recognize you.”

That night, Freddy was very happy, because Lieutenant Colonel Yang did not forbid him to contact Mi He, and he began to accept Freddy slowly.

Later, Mi He often deliberately mentioned in front of Lieutenant Colonel Yang that Freddy was raised by a robot and a nanny when he was a child, and that the queen died young, and the king had limited energy and did not take good care of him. After hearing this, Lieutenant Colonel Yang increased the contact time with Freddy intentionally or unintentionally, and the two even went hunting in the desert together.

After returning from hunting, Lieutenant Colonel Yang was blushing, and he was very happy with his prey. During dinner, he even gave Freddy a few pieces of meat. Good grandson, I will be good to you…” He wanted to make Lieutenant Colonel Yang call Freddy one at a time like he did Mi He, but he couldn’t do it.

Knowing that Freddy was the prince of the empire, and his growing environment was not easy, Lieutenant Colonel Yang regretted having beaten him for too long. If the prince of the empire didn’t like Xiaomi, he wouldn’t have let him beat him for so long. Not much to fight back.

Mi He said with some distress in private: “Brother Freddy, does Dad hurt?”

Freddy didn’t care: “It’s all skin and flesh pain, just spray some anti-swelling spray. When I was learning martial arts as a child, every day was worse than this, and I even had to lie down in the medical cabin for two days a week to repair my bones. ”

Mi He listened, put his arms around him, and told him in his arms why Colonel Yang had treated him so much recently.

After Freddy knew the reason, he thought it was no wonder Mi He was so warm, probably because he inherited it from his father-in-law.

In fact, he didn’t hold a grudge against Lieutenant Colonel Yang, because in this era of weak family and love, there were not so many fathers like Lieutenant Colonel Yang who cherished their children, not to mention that he and Mi He were almost dependent on each other at the Earth Base for more than 20 years. He was raised by Colonel Yang, a rough man, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he put his life on it, so Colonel Yang can understand why he is so angry with him.

Freddy said: “Sometimes, I am also very envious of his affection for you. In the future, I will be better for our children.”

However, Freddy soon had new troubles, because Lieutenant Colonel Yang was trying to release some warmth to him. Lieutenant Colonel Yang was probably not used to it, so he practiced starting with a smile every day. Therefore, Freddy came to see Mi He every day. When the time came, Lieutenant Colonel Yang gave Freddy a stiff smile.

Freddy felt that he still needed to adjust to the fascinated smile from his rough father-in-law like a big bear…

After Anitan and the others saw the color of the child’s hair, they didn’t suspect Freddy’s identity. Instead, they said to Mi He in private, “Have you mistaken the child’s father?”

Miho:  …

All good friends are close, right?

But in the end, after discussing with Freddy, she decided not to confess her identity to Anittan Peach and the others for the time being, and wait until after graduation, because in case his identity was accidentally exposed during his studies, he would not be able to stay in the school. down.

Mi He explained to them that the child had inherited Hannah’s hair color, because Hannah had golden brown hair. Although this explanation is a bit unsatisfactory, Anitan and the others didn’t think much about it. What color hair does he care? The most important thing is that babies have feelings for them!

After Mi He was born, he started to go to class again, but unlike before, he went to the library to play with everyone after class. Now he hurried back to the child after class and observed him every day.

She often likes to put her hand on the culture column, and then softly called “Baby!”

Sometimes the baby really reacts and moves in the direction of the sound in the amniotic fluid. Every time he moves, Mi He’s heart softens.

Doro and Hannah check the child’s data every day and find that the child is currently developing well, which gives them confidence in the child. At the same time, they are also checking the physical data of Freddy and Mi He. Mi He has recovered well after the transplant and is no longer a problem.

However, Freddy’s physical data has not changed from the original. Hannah and Doro originally thought that since Freddy has a child, and the child is currently developing normally, maybe Freddy’s body may have a turnaround?

But unfortunately, his body is still the same as before.

Doro said: “Treasure Xiaomi, she gave you the miracle of life.”

Freddy responded, “Yeah, the miracle between me and her.”

When the child was five months old, a very shocking event happened in the empire. The queen seat, which had been vacant for more than ten years, will once again welcome its new owner, the one who has been the emperor for more than 20 years. Shirley Himmler, an underground lover, is also Leoni’s biological mother.

The ministers objected to the establishment of this lover as queen, on the grounds that her family background was not deep, but His Majesty the Emperor’s reason was even more sufficient: “I have lived more than seventy years old, and my life is not long with me. , at least when it comes to choosing my own wife, I have to follow my heart.”

The minister still objected, and the emperor said: “After all, I don’t have as much time left as you!”

Freddy knew about it long ago when the emperor had this intention, but he didn’t stop it, because as Xiaolu said, now all this has nothing to do with him, what empire and throne and so on It’s not his responsibility.

Now he just needs to take care of his little turtle and their babies. This is his whole world. After all, compared to his father’s life, he is the one who really has a short time. Every day, Freddy feels When the time is tight, such precious time is not enough to be happy, how can it be used to do those messy things?

But about the matter of Lihou, he also had to express his support on the star network. If he didn’t pay attention, it would be easy to understand that he was against Lizi.

So Freddy specially recorded a holographic video and sent it to the publicity office of the palace, and they released the news in a unified manner. At almost the same moment, the statement of him and the second prince Dittma was released, and they both chose the same choice. Support the emperor.

Later, the ministers could not beat the emperor, so they agreed, and the empire once again welcomed his new mistress.

When the ceremony was held, Freddy was also recalled to Marse to participate in the celebration to show the harmony of the royal family, but Freddy was actually impatient with these things at this time, and only thought that he was far away in Alex. The Mi He and the children of the planet return to their hearts like arrows.

After the ceremony, Freddy quickly returned to Planet Alix. He felt that even though he saw the child in the hologram every day, he still felt that he was growing very fast. There is no conscience to say that the child looks like Mi He, because the child looks like Friedrich.

With the rising tide of her biological mother, Leoni, the famous illegitimate daughter of the empire, has officially become the first princess of the empire, and she is also the fourth in line of succession, but the first in line Freddy is not included. , Leoni should be the third heir.

☆、Chapter 142

As her biological mother became the queen, Leoni officially became the first princess of the empire, and her past was officially revealed on the star network. Just like other princes of the royal family have a special page, Princess Leoni also has a special page of her own. Royal page.

Xingwang even comprehensively reviewed the growth experience of this princess who has been beautiful all the way from childhood to adulthood, including her education, and even the force of the armor, so that the people of the empire realize that this is a princess with both beauty and strength. She is a princess who deserves the pride of all the people.

And the princess’s many suitors are also talked about, the most notable of which is her current love Ellie Goering, this young hero who is also famous, both handsome and charming, was named in Leoni Not long after the princess, their wedding was officially put on the agenda.

Because their combined child has been in the fertility machine for three months, Airy even laughed a little silly when he announced the news, saying: “Our child is healthy, and he combined me and Leo. All Ni’s virtues are a healthy and handsome little boy.”

Star Network’s report on this matter is: “The fifth-ranked heir to the empire is already in the process of being conceived.”

After Lieutenant Colonel Yang saw the news

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