The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 65 - Happy birthday. (twenty three)

When choosing the style of the spaceship, Mi He bought it himself.

Mi He said: “Although we are one, but I think it is my dream to open a restaurant. It is more meaningful to realize my dream slowly with my own hands, right? I can’t let you do everything. Help, I have to work hard!”

Freddy patted her head, “Since this is your decision, I respect you.”

Mi He raised his head and said, “When the time comes, you will be the captain, and I will be the cook!”

After the spaceship arrived, Anitan liked it so much that she kept clamoring for Xiaomi He to steer the spaceship. Later, knowing that the captain’s position had been taken by Freddy, Anitan said, “Then I will be the second-in-command. Bar!”

Yang Yin said, “Then I can only be a waiter?”

Taozi said: “You have thought about all the positions you can think of, so what do I do? I will try it!”

Seeing everyone, Mi He felt extremely happy. When he was a child, his dream was to drive a spaceship one day with his relatives and friends on board, sailing around the universe to open a small restaurant and cook for those who knew him.

This dream has now come true.

Mi He put his arms around Freddy’s waist, feeling that she was reluctant to even blink at this moment.

Everyone’s graduation thesis grades came down soon, and all of them passed. In other words, after the graduation ceremony was held, everyone really graduated.

Mi He’s more than ten years of targeted education career is officially coming to an end.

On the day of the graduation ceremony, Mi He and Freddy appeared together. Freddy hugged Finn, took Mi He’s hand, and attended the graduation ceremony with her, which caused an uproar.

Many people know that the light armor hero of the mecha department, Mr. Collins, was captured by an ordinary human from the nutrition department, and the two of them even came out with a child!

Even the classmates in Mi He’s class were stunned. It turned out that the speed of these two people was so fast, which made the jealous girls in the class very depressed. They were still betting that Freddy would be with Mi He for a long time. I thought they were so sweet.

And when the principal presented Mi He with an electronic diploma, he called out to Mi He, “It’s Mi He Yang, and it can be called Mrs. Collins.”

All the students in the school now know that the two of them are registered to get married!

Damn it, this ordinary human Mi Heyang is the real winner in life. In recent years, the university has really failed in vain. Studying, getting married, and applying for children have not been left behind! These Orienteering classmates feel like they have been taught how to go to college by an ordinary human…

After the graduation ceremony, the students began to pack up and prepare to leave.

The squad leader Zhuo Lan, Jingzi and the others have parted reluctantly with Mi He and the others. They have lived on the same floor for four years and have feelings for each other. Zhuo Lan patted Mi He on the shoulder and said, “Because I know you, let me think again. In view of the problem between orientation and ordinary people, I think that sometimes the relationship between people should not simply consider the IQ gap.”

After hearing this, Mi He was very happy. She said, “I’m very happy that you can think this way. I have hoped that one day there will be no more estrangement between directional people and ordinary people. We are all human beings.”

Jingzi said to Mi He, “I know you don’t like my way of life…”

Mi He said: “I respect your choice. Everyone’s way of life is different. You didn’t hurt others, you just lived your life. Although I don’t agree with this way, I understand your choice.”

Shizuko said, “Thank you.”

He said to her: “Actually, I have always envied you, because you didn’t please the directional people in the class, but were with Anitan and the others. Although you were rejected by the directional people in the class, you didn’t care at all. I’m still so happy. In the past four years, you have been studying together and having fun together. These are true friends. Instead, it was me who deliberately tried to please these targeted people. They actually looked down on me. In the past four years, I have instead A friend didn’t stay.”

But Shizuko added: “But I don’t regret it. How long can the friendship between directional people and ordinary humans last? Just like the friendship between a lion and a rabbit, how strong can it be?”

Mi He felt that the majority of people thought like Shizuo.

But after all, everyone has graduated, and at the graduation party in the class, everyone still hugged each other.

Even Teacher Yu came. At the end, Teacher Yu was a little sad. He shed tears, but his tears immediately stuck on his body, moisturizing his fish scales, and the tears made his fish scales sparkle. .

Teacher Yu said: “I hope to bring you the knowledge you have learned over the past four years, and to shine for the science of nutritional supplements.”

He added: “I hope you will keep in mind what I said to you in the first lesson of the school. The responsibility of the science of nutritional supplements is very heavy. If you dare not eat it, don’t give it to others. This is a profession of conscience.”

In Teacher Yu’s last instruction, Mi He and the others were really leaving.

Anitan also asked Mi He, “Have you thought about the name of your spaceship?”

Mi He said, “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but I haven’t decided yet.”

Anitan asked Mi He again, “Where shall we go first?”

Mi He said, “Go to Earth! I will lead you to Earth to eat delicious food!” This answer was unanimously supported by everyone, who cheered.

Mi He thinks that they don’t think the earth is good, but that there is a good place to eat.

However, the problem facing Mi He is that after graduation, Doro is still a professor at the Star Union University. What should I do?

But when she saw that Doro was packing his luggage, Mi He shouted happily, “Duo Duo?”

Doro turned around, glanced at Mi He, then turned his back to her and said, “If I wasn’t there, I’d be very worried that you would teach little Finn bad, you messed up humans!”

When Mi He heard this, he smiled and hugged Duoduo from behind, saying the sweet words he often said since childhood: “Duoduo is the best!”

The best in the whole universe!

Later, Mi He asked Doro again, “Is the professor inappropriate?”

Doro said: “Originally, I don’t need to teach a group of undergraduate biology.” He glanced at Mi He again, and muttered: “What do you think I’m here to teach you idiots?”

Mi He smiled sweetly because you love me.

Although I was about to leave, I still made a lot of preparations, especially a lot of Lulus were prepared on the spaceship, all of which were brought back by Anitan from hunting, and a few pairs of male and female Lulus were prepared to be raised on the spaceship, to prepare for Doro rations.

Taozi looked at these Lulus and said, “You all have your own things to do, then I will manage the farming!”

In this way, in Mi He’s small spaceship, Freddy is the captain, Anitan is the deputy, Yang Yin is the waiter, Peaches is the breeding manager, Mi He is the head chef, and Doro is in charge of taking care of them and not allowed to teach bad Finn, and Little Finn is responsible for healthy and happy growth.

Her little spaceship, full of her dreams, took off.

☆、Chapter 157

After eating Mi He’s bowl of noodles, everyone felt as if a new world had opened up. When Mi He was on the spaceship, at everyone’s request, he made it again, but there was not much flour left. Only a few meals can be made, and any more will have to be planted in the planting cabin on the spacecraft.

Taozi patted his chest and said, “I will definitely look at the wheat seedlings every day and try to let everyone eat noodles earlier!”

Anitan said seriously: “I’m relying on you!!”

Taozi said, “Don’t worry, I am a serious Dutchman!”

The two are full of enthusiasm, as if they are doing a great cause.

Yang Yin, who had been eating noodles with his head down, suddenly asked Mi He, “Xiaomi, have you thought about the name of the restaurant?”

Mi He: “No…”

In fact, she thought a lot about names such as “Yang’s Private Kitchen”, “Mobile Planet”, “Blue Primitive”, but she was not satisfied.

Yang Yin said: “I think your selling point is the original taste of 500 years ago, how about calling it ‘Xiaomi Retro Cuisine’?”

As soon as Mi He heard it, at the critical moment, Yangyin was the most reliable! !

“Xiaomi Retro Cuisine…” The more I heard it, the more appropriate it became. Even Freddy felt that the name was better than Mi He thought. Mi He immediately decided: “It’s called this name!”

Peaches said: “In order to confirm the name, we have to drink some hallucinogens to celebrate!” But this suggestion was rejected by Anitan, on the grounds: “We are still sailing, even if it is an autopilot spacecraft, we must pay attention. Safety.”

Taozi reflected on herself and praised Anitan: “It’s rare for Soros people to be reliable.”

After the praise was over, the two twisted together again and pinched each other. Peach was tugged by Anitan and screamed. After a while, Peach would break off with Anitan again. A loser.

After confirming the name, Mi He was very happy, especially since he was going to see Colonel Yang on Earth soon, he was even more happy.

Colonel Yang had been waiting for them on the surface for a long time. As soon as the spaceship landed, he immediately greeted them. Seeing the little Finn who had been separated for half a year, he couldn’t wait to hug him.

Although he has been away for half a year, Finn sees his grandfather in the hologram every day, and he can call Colonel Yang: “Master!” Good grandson is so smart!” After making out with Finn, he took everyone back to the base.

Anitan and the others came to the earth for the first time, and everything they saw was very novel. However, the most exciting thing was to see two mutated crabs about one meter prepared at Colonel Yang’s house. Anitan could not wait to lie on the crabs. , she said with tears in her eyes: “Ever since Xiaomi’s twentieth birthday, I have eaten roasted crabs once, and I have been thinking about it all the time. Crabs must be a gift from the God of Truth to mankind!!”

Soros people, who have no sea in their hometown, love crabs very much, especially after Mi He took out his housekeeping skills and made a table of crab feasts, including crab yellow buns, crab meat porridge, spicy fried crab, crab meat tofu, boiled fish, Fish and meat hot pot, dishes made from these earth-specific mutant crabs and mutant big fish, after being cooked by Mi He, are so delicious that everyone can’t wait to eat them.

Anitan sucked the fresh and salty juice from the crab bun, and was very pleasantly surprised, especially when the crab meat bun exploded in her mouth, the wonderful taste made her feel like heaven is nothing less than this. I was moved to tears, wiping my tears while eating buns.

Since being wanted by the Soros, Anitan’s burden as a Soros has disappeared…

Even the peaches are digging their heads to eat the fish fillets. The fish fillets are as thin as paper, and they roll up and turn white in less than two seconds after being placed in the hot hot pot. Then dip them in peanut butter and soy sauce and stuff them into the mouth. , that taste almost made him explode.

Peaches also said, “It’s more orgasmic than having **** with the sexiest Dutch male!”

Yang Yin next to him scolded him: “Don’t say such things in front of Finn, it’s easy to teach children bad.”

Tao Zi immediately reflected, “I must pay attention in the future!”

However, Finn next to him doesn’t have time to talk to his uncle/aunt Peach now, because he is obediently waiting in Colonel Yang’s arms to be fed crab buns. Mi He is worried that he will have to take gram medicine after eating the mutant crab. , Colonel Yang said with a heart: “You often eat these things when you were young, and it’s fine to eat once in a while, otherwise Finn will tearfully watch you eat delicious food, I can’t bear it.”

Freddy also said at this time: “The drug can be given to children, it’s fine.”

Mi He also let Finn eat with him at ease. Finn was very happy. He had a round belly in his grandfather’s arms, and then fell asleep again amid the happy voices of uncles and aunts chatting.

After everyone was full, Yang Yin said, “Xiaomi, have you thought about how our small restaurant will operate?”

Mi He said: “I haven’t thought of it yet, I want to hear everyone’s opinions.”

Yang Yin said: “I thought about it, how about I become a prototype to advertise for you?”

As soon as Mi He heard it, the big star Maxi’s advertising fee was sky-high, and Yangyin rarely advertised, because the money people earned from singing was very awesome. The three hundred years of the star calendar paid special attention to copyright, and the people of the whole empire You have to pay to listen to Yangyin’s songs, but it’s not like the piracy of the Chinese dynasty 500 years ago, so Yangyin is actually not worried about the source of income at all.

And there is another point. When a celebrity advertises a certain product these days, they have to bear a very serious joint responsibility. If the advertisement is not true, the celebrity will also be punished. Therefore, most celebrities are very cautious when advertising.

Mi He felt that he and Yang Yin didn’t get along with him because of his status as a big star. If he was asked to advertise, wouldn’t it be nice?

Yang Yin clearly saw Mi He’s concerns, he said, “If you really feel bad about it, then make us more crab buns? Anni likes to eat so much, and if she is happy, I am happy too.”

At this time, Anitan, who had been eating with Taozi until she was standing beside her, raised her head and glanced at Yangyin. She was also moved by Yangyin, her eyes were extremely soft, but at this moving moment, Anitan said no. Talked out.

Mi He was very happy to hear Yang Yin’s words. On the one hand, it was for the true feelings between Yang Yin and Yang Yin as good friends, and on the other hand, it was Yang Yin’s feelings for Anitan. Even such a small thing, he was thinking about it. Anitan, she felt very good, so she didn’t talk to Yangyin, and responded directly.

Taozi watched Yangyin and Anitan look at each other affectionately, she was depressed beside her, and muttered, “Wait until I find a beautiful male to fight for 300 rounds…”

Later, I don’t know if Taozi went back to the room and fought 300 rounds in the hologram, but that night Yangyin and Anitan fought for 300 rounds, because the next day, Anitan was yawning all the time, while Yangyin fought for 300 rounds. radiant.

Anitan said depressedly: “I still have to get it right, so that I can let you try the taste below.”

Yang Yin thinks that Anitan is always thinking about his chrysanthemum, which is particularly dangerous…

Since she decided to shoot an advertisement, everyone woke up the next day and started preparing. Mi He also specially made noodles, because noodles were the main dish of the restaurant she wanted.

In fact, the shot is very simple, just shoot Yangyin to eat a mouthful of noodles, and then boast: “Xiaomi retro dishes are really delicious.” But this idea was complained by Taozi for a long time, saying: “This is more direct and rude than us Dutch people. ”

Anitan said: “It works!” As a result, the several of them argued for a long time because of the problem of the shooting idea. Yang Yin, who was photographed, became a prototype and sat there and ate two bowls of noodles. Later, Yang Yin said : “Why don’t we continue shooting tomorrow?” Because he was too full…

Colonel Yang and Aunt Linda, who came back from the deep sea with Finn in their arms, came back to see Yangyin’s prototype and were shocked for a long time. Why did the big star Maxi suddenly appear?

Colonel Yang didn’t react at all. It wasn’t until Yang Yin’s familiar voice sounded that he realized that this big star turned out to be the gentle boy Yang Yin!

Aunt Linda was also so surprised that she was speechless. The former crown prince of the empire, the cosmic singer Maxi, was gathered in this small room, my God! What’s more surprising?

Finn’s reaction when he saw Yangyin was to stretch out his small arm and make an “ahah” sound, meaning “I want this beautiful uncle to hug me!”

After entering Yangyin’s arms, because of the familiar aura, Finn even arched back and forth in Yangyin’s arms, and even touched Yangyin’s face with his small hand, obviously obsessed with Yangyin’s delicate and angelic appearance. Curious, big eyes blinked.

Anitan said to Finn: “This kid also likes to be pretty.” When Xiaolu hugged him back then, he also liked to touch Xiaolu’s face.

Yang Yin said: “If I knew if Finn liked it, I would have become a prototype earlier and waited for him to come.”

On the first day, because the model was too full, the shooting plan was postponed to the second day.

The next day, Mihe cooked an authentic Sichuan dish, spicy chicken, saliva chicken, boiled fish, fried Bran sweet peppers, and a bowl of Dandan noodles. .

Taozi said enviously beside him: “How about I make an advertisement for you too? I’m still the little prince of the Dutchman…”

It took three consecutive days of filming, everyone was very amateur, and the pictures were very simple. At least three advertisements were collected.

Yang Yin posted a holographic video on his personal terminal. Yangyin is the type that rarely sends messages, but with his popularity in the whole universe, every time he sends a message, it is easy to get a hot search.

The sound of him eating noodles was first heard in the hologram, and then the camera showed a close-up of the noodles in the video, and the steam from the bowl of noodles was perfectly restored by the hologram, and then Yang Yin appeared in the video. His narration: “This simple bowl of noodles is actually not simple at all. It is noodles made from wheat flour that has repaired genes. It has a strong taste. When you eat it, you can feel the elasticity of the noodles. Juice, this ordinary bowl of noodles was actually placed in front of me over five hundred years ago. This is the taste of five hundred years ago. The millet retro dish perfectly restores the taste of the earth.”

Fans look, wow, the taste of retro dishes? What does that feel like?

And their idol Maxi eats so deliciously that it looks delicious!

However, where is the millet retro dish? Are you in Mars?

There are thousands of messages below this message at once.

Later, Yangyin posted another message, saying: “Xiaomi Retro Cuisine is a restaurant moving in the universe. It adopts an appointment system. Everyone is welcome to make an appointment. Maybe we will meet by chance.”

Not long after Yangyin was sent out, people started making reservations on Mi He’s terminal. The first person to make an appointment turned out to be very close, that is, in the solar system, to be precise, on Saturn.

Since there was business, everyone quickly left the earth, and Colonel Yang reluctantly sent them away.

However, when Doro left, Dr. Linse, who had not seen him for a long time, also came to say goodbye to Doro. She came to resign. She said, “After staying in this remote place of the earth for more than 20 years, I don’t want to waste any more time. Now, I want to leave.”

Doro nodded, and made a rare comment on Dr. Linen’s scientific research, “I hope that after you leave here, you can also make progress in your future scientific research, even if you are far away, I hear your comments. The results will also be happy for you.”

Linen bowed to Doro, thanking Doro for teaching her so long, and left.

Everyone left at once, and Colonel Yang was still very disappointed. Aunt Linda comforted him for several days before he recovered.

When they left Earth, everyone took a submarine across the ocean, and Anitan watched the fascinating depths of the sea, with glowing jellyfish swimming around their submarine, like a little starlight, very beautiful.

When they passed a tropical current, a group of cherry blossom shrimp came along the current. Those cherry blossom shrimp were pale pink, and the pale pink cherry shrimp reflected light under the light from the outer wall of the submarine.

Those swarms of sakura prawns are like sakura petals blown off by a gust of spring wind, scattered in the deep blue sea, so beautiful that everyone is speechless.

Yang Yin also said, “The earth is so beautiful.”

Taozi said with emotion: “Life is really amazing.”

Anitan, who was born from Soros, who had no ocean, only looked at the charming scenery.

Doro looked at these beautiful sakura prawns. Occupational disease attacked everyone and explained the habits and life cycle of sakura prawns. Little Finn listened with great interest.

The group quickly left the earth, came to Saturn, and began to welcome the first guest of “Xiaomi Retro Cuisine”.

☆、Chapter 158

Mi He and the guest made an appointment to stop at the Saturn space station. Everyone was curious about the guest, but he could not be seen from the guest’s terminal.

When this guest appeared, he was different from what everyone thought before. He looked in his fifties, with a smile on his face and a very green jade ring on his hand.

However, the deepest first impression he gave was that he looked white and plump, so white that it made people feel like he was a new born baby, but he didn’t look very good, a pale color. The second impression is that he has no hair. When he got closer and observed, he found that he not only had no hair, but also no eyebrows. He seemed to have lost all the hair all over his body.

Overall, this is a white and hairless person. It looks a little strange, but he has a smile on his face, which makes it seem like he has a good temper.

The restaurant where this guest boarded the spacecraft was transformed from the manned space in the original cabin. Mi He cooks behind the bar, and guests can sit near the bar or sit at several tables next to it. It’s not too big, but it’s very cozy.

After the guest sat down, he didn’t even look at the menu and said, “Just give me a bowl of noodles. I saw the video on Xingwang. I want to taste the taste of five hundred years ago.”

Mi He nodded and started to get busy. The dough that has already been made is like the soil in the hands of a sculptor, as if it is alive. She deftly stretches the dough, and with a few efforts, the noodles are stretched into thin noodles, and they are put into the boil. In the boiling water, on the other side, she put the prepared peanuts into the bowl, took out the bean sprouts that had been tumbling in the boiling water a few times, and put them into the bowl, and then started to fry the pork in an orderly manner.

Sitting at the bar, guests can directly see the cooking process of Mi He. He smelled the aroma of chicken soup and said, “This chicken soup tastes great and the heat is very good.” His eyebrowless face began to look expectant. .

When Mi He heard his comment, she felt that the guest was an old eater. She calculated the time in her heart, and then fished out the noodles. The pork jerky was also fried at the same time. She put a spoonful on the noodles. , and finally pour in a spoonful of fragrant chicken soup, and this bowl of signature pork noodles is done.

Mi He put the noodles in front of the guest, but the guest quietly watched the steaming bowl of noodles without moving his chopsticks. Mi He also concluded that the guest can’t use chopsticks?

But then, the guest picked up his chopsticks and started taking his first bite.

When he had just finished his first mouthful, Mi He saw that he began to cry.

It shocked her, and everyone in the spaceship was also frightened by the guests here.

Peaches almost asked: “Is this moved or do you think the taste is inappropriate?”

But the guest then began to eat noodles in big gulps, as if he had never eaten in his entire life and couldn’t wait. With his white and fat face, tears were streaming down his face while he buried his head in eating noodles. That scene suddenly moved everyone.

When he even drank the soup base, he said to Mi He, “One more bowl.”

When Mi He started to make him the second bowl, the guest said, “Little girl, the noodles you made are delicious, it really reminds me of the taste of five hundred years ago.” He took out a handkerchief and wiped his tears.

Said: “I lost my temper, and I made you laugh.”

“You must be wondering why I cried like this after eating a bowl of noodles?”

He pointed to himself: “Are you also curious, why do I have no hair? Because, I am a cryo-resuscitator.” The long-term freezing sleep caused his hair to fall out, and his skin became very pale.

“I slept for five hundred years. After I woke up, the world has changed. Technology has progressed like this, and human beings and the universe have also changed. However, what surprised me the most is that even the food has completely changed. .”

“Can you understand how people feel when they discover that the world has turned upside down after a big dream? For me, the greatest luck is that I bought the stock of the Mars Great Company before I fell asleep, and the dividends for so many years are enough for my life. Yes, but I madly miss those friends, relatives, and even the food I once had.”

“I also spent a lot of money to restore the taste of chicken, just because this era, even eggs are extinct.”

When Mi He heard this, he thought that Hannah had just taken a frozen egg from a frozen rich man when she was a child, and then restored the broiler chicken’s genes through those eggs. Could it be this guest?

Mi He said, “Could it be that the scientist you found at the time to repair the genes of broiler chickens was Hannah Linley?”

The guest said, “You know her too?”

Mi He said: “I am her daughter! When she hatched those frozen eggs, I also fed those chicks!”

When the guest heard it, it turned out that the two of them still had this connection, and he was very happy immediately, “This is really fate!” He said, “My name is A Kuan, you can call me A Kuan.”

Mi He immediately called him “Uncle Ah Kuan!”, Ah Kuan was very happy, not only did the two have such a small fate, but also because Mi He’s noodles were so delicious, when he ate the second bowl of noodles, he ate them While complimenting Mihe: “It’s a genius!”

When he flipped through the menu of the restaurant and found many Sichuan recipes on the menu, he was even more excited, “Oh my God, I found a treasure trove!!” Just after eating noodles, he ordered saliva chicken and Kung Pao chicken.

When he had just eaten the two dishes that Mi He made now, he stood up from the bar excitedly, took Mi He’s hand and said, “How much do you want, shall I buy you?”

Freddy next to him came up and pulled Mi He over, “She doesn’t sell it.”

Ah Kuan scratched his big round head and said awkwardly, “No, I mean, I want to hire you to cook for me, you can pay as much as you want!”

Mi He said: “But my dream is to cook for more people.”

A Kuan was a little disappointed, and kept asking her: “I will give you a lot of money, do you really not think about it?”

Mi He shook his head, A Kuan was extremely disappointed, he sat down and continued to eat, the numb and spicy taste of saliva chicken and Kung Pao chicken cured him.

He was eating spicy, salty and fresh dishes, and while he was eating, he was gasping for breath, but he couldn’t stop his chopsticks at all, and his lips were red from the spicy food. After he finished these two dishes, he commented: “The saliva chicken tastes like 500 years ago. Kung Pao chicken uses Bran bell peppers instead of cucumbers, and the taste is a little worse.”

Mi He said: “The cucumber has mutated, there is no way.”

Ah Kuan said sadly: “Yes, those vegetables and fruits that we were familiar with have all mutated, and those familiar things have disappeared. It’s really sad.”

Mi He can actually understand his mood, because she came here in such pain.

She said, “Uncle Akuan, the reason why I didn’t agree to your offer is because I want more people to eat my food and let more people know that there was a splendid country called Huaxia five hundred years ago.”

When Akuan heard it, he felt that Mi He really knew Huaxia five hundred years ago. This commonality made him very excited. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he couldn’t help holding Mi He’s hand again. His name for Mi He has become “Big niece! Uncle must help you!”

A Kuan said to help, and later brought in a large group of friends, many of whom were cryo-resuscitators, because these new customers also had pale skin and sparse hair. Occasionally one or two had hair, and they were also wigs implanted in the scalp. Their hair looks real, but they still don’t have eyebrows on their faces.

Some of these frozen people have been frozen for 500 or 400 years. After eating Mi He’s dishes, they were so moved that they hugged each other and cried with tears in their eyes.

In fact, Mi He can understand them very well. They are not crying because of this smell, but because of the life that this smell represents five hundred years ago. The world they once lived in was real.

Among those frozen guests, there is a bald, dark-skinned guest who looks to be in his 70s or 80s. He eats slowly and likes sweet dishes like Uncle Akuan and the others. Spicy dishes, he didn’t eat a single bite. The dish he most often ordered was Braised Lulu Pork, and he could eat it for a week without getting tired.

After Akuan and his friends ate for a week, they invited Mihe to their planet, Titan.

Saturn itself is not suitable for human habitation, but Saturn’s moons such as Titan have many human immigrants, which is the closest immigrant planet to the earth.

Mi He originally booked the restaurant on an appointment basis, but as a result, the first guest, Uncle A Kuan, brought a large number of new guests. Mi He was overwhelmed these days, and the guests who booked from distant galaxies were simply unable to attend.

Freddy said: “When we want to play in a certain galaxy in the future, you can open reservations for that galaxy. Now you can only make reservations around here.” Mi He decided to follow his advice, their small restaurant is very good Small, there are too many people to take care of.

Uncle Akuan not only attracted a large number of new guests, but also posted his eating experience on Xingwang. At first, no one paid attention to him. Later, Maxi, the big vest of Yangyin, reprinted his thoughts, so that all his fans saw it. , fans are more curious when they know that someone really went to eat this retro dish, and the taste is said to be so delicious that people want to cry.

Mi He’s terminal reservation is about to explode. The small restaurant has just opened, and the reservation order will be lined up for next year, which makes her sigh about Yangyin’s charm as a big star.

There are many guests, and the ingredients have to keep up. Peach and the nanny robot are busy packing their breeding cabins. In order to store the ingredients, they not only keep Lulu, but also broiler chickens in their cabins. Mihe bought a lot of new ones. Circulating pots and growing wheat in the spaceship to supply the noodles in increasing demand.

And in her special recycle flowerpot, cotton continues to be planted, slowly transforming its genes, this little flowerpot is planted with her expectations, Freddy asked her: “Why didn’t you plant it? food?”

Mi He said: “Because I want girls to wear a pure cotton skirt and make lace cheap, everyone can wear beautiful lace skirts.”

Freddy touched her head and praised her: “This expectation is really beautiful.”

A Kuan led his friends to eat on Xiaomi’s spaceship for a week. At the end of the checkout, he wrote a check to Mi He. Although he was already a resident of the Galaxy Era, these remnants of the previous era were , and a lot of old-fashioned habits.

Mi He took the check and found that there were six zeros written on it, and Ah Kuan gave one million! ! This was too much, and Mi He quickly returned it to him: “It’s too much.”

Ah Kuan said: “You have given us all the feelings that money can buy.”

He said to her again: “Take it, after I woke up, my relatives and friends were dead, and only these numbers were left.”

Mi He later received the check and took out part of the money to continue to repay the instalment of the spacecraft, most of which was donated to the “Lonely Children Aid Foundation”. She felt that the world would still be a better place.

In this way, under the leadership of Uncle A Kuan, everyone went to Titan again.

☆、Chapter 159

The reason why Uncle Akuan opened the invitation, Mi He and the others agreed, is because Titan is actually a very famous travel planet.

Unlike Lapla Planet, which sells luxury travel and luxury food, Titan’s selling point is: We are like heaven! Come to heaven to find angels to play! Come to Titan to experience the feeling of being a god!

When Mi He and their spacecraft flew to the low-Earth orbit of Titan, the giant advertisement projection of Titan immediately flashed in front of them.

It was a boy with silver hair reaching his waist and a face as delicate as an angel. His slender body was dressed in white flowing clothes, and a pair of snow-white wings spread out behind his back. He smiled slightly in the hologram. If he flashed behind him again The words of the Holy Light will make people feel very holy.

Yes, the representative of Titan’s planet image is the big star Maxi.


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