The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 75 - Happy birthday. (33)

It’s so sad, some things are missed, and all that is now is the best.

Muchen nodded, “That’s good.”

Mi He said, “What about you? I think you look tired?”

Muchen said: “Now that I have been promoted to the position of battleship control, all knowledge needs to be relearned, so I am a little tired, but I can handle it.”

The two chatted for a while about Colonel Yang and Aunt Linda. When Mu Chen was leaving, he touched Finn’s head, and Finn said to him obediently, “Uncle Mu Chen will come to play with me tomorrow!”

Mu Chen smiled and said, “Okay, uncle will come to play tomorrow.”

When Mi He and Freddy slept at night, Mi He was in his arms, his arms were always so warm and hard, she felt that she was very happy now, happy every day, she had her own dreams and career , she also wants Freddy to find.

She said: “Today I heard Brother Xiaolu and those in the regiment asking you to stay. Brother Xiaolu said that the commander of the fortress wanted to invite you as a coach to train new recruits.”

Freddy: “Yeah.”

Mi He said, “Shall we stay?”

Freddy said: “In my current situation, if I stay here, it’s easy for Dick to think more.” After all, he is the former crown prince. If he stays in the army, the current crown prince will still consider his purpose.

Mi He said: “My dream has come true. I hope you can be happy every day and find your dream.”

Freddie kissed her forehead, and then kissed her down slowly, “The happiest thing for me now is to hope to melt with you, all night, okay?” When it came to the last, his The voice was extremely low, and the magnetic voice seemed to melt Mi He’s heart, and it was so good that my ears fell off.

The two of them tossed all night.

The next morning, Mi He made bean curd fritters for everyone. This is what Anitan usually likes to eat, but this morning, her face was not very good, and she even felt nauseous after taking a bite.

Taozi was about to say if she had a bad stomach, but he suddenly remembered, “Are you pregnant? I remember that humans like to vomit when they are pregnant, isn’t it, Xiaomi?”

Everyone looked at Anitan, Anitan’s face turned pale when she heard the word pregnancy, only Yang Yin’s eyes lit up after hearing it, and she was looking forward to it.

Anitan said, “No way?”

Yang Yin said happily: “Your menstrual period has been delayed for half a month, I have been looking forward to it.”

Miho:  …

Yang Yin’s attention to Anitan made Mi He not know what to say.

Anitan was scanned in the medical cabin in the limelight, and it turned out that she was pregnant.

Freddy also decided to stay here.

After a year and a half of space travel, everyone is going to settle down here.

☆、Chapter 183

The fact that Anitan was pregnant made everyone jump up and down. Yangyin was so happy that she couldn’t wait for her whole body to shine. Mi He asked Anitan what she wanted to eat. Taozi struggled and said, “Okay. For the sake of the baby in your belly, I can’t bear to complain about you for the time being.”

Only Anitan, who has just been promoted to a mother, is still full of confusion. This powerful Sorosian, who firmly believes that he will become the king of Soros in the future, when faced with such a thing as giving birth to a new life, Also bewildered.

She touched her flat belly, “How could I be a mother?” She looked at the blessed faces of her friends, and the happy face that Yang Yin wanted to fly.

Yang Yin sat beside her, took her hand, and said, “Ani, we have a child, it’s true.”

Yang Yin asked her, “Do you want a boy or a girl?”

Anitan thought about Yangyin’s question and said, “Girl! Soft and fragrant like a little sweetheart, if she looks like you, she will definitely look like a little angel.” Thinking like this, she suddenly felt that even if she was pregnant Well, it doesn’t seem like a bad thing.

Yang Yin carefully circled Anitan, “Yes, like a little angel, we are about to have a sweetheart.”

At this time, Taozi said very unpleasantly: “What if there is a girl who looks like Anitan?”

Anitan rolled his eyes, Yang Yin said: “Like Ani is also very good, boys and girls are good. Boys will be a smart and cute baby like Finn, girls will be soft and coquettish little angel.”

After everyone’s blessings, Mi He went to prepare some gruel for Anitan. Doro asked Anitan to lie down in the medical cabin again. He came to further check the development of the embryos and decided to transfer the embryos. time.

But in the face of the embryo transfer, Anitan said: “I don’t want to grow in a machine, I want to give birth myself.”

Taozi said: “It’s good to give birth by yourself. We Dutch people all give birth by ourselves, and we can give birth to three or four at a time. It’s just that your human skin is not very resilient. After giving birth, your belly droops down, like We Dutch people have the same pleats, when you give birth and your combat effectiveness drops, I can still pull your pleats.” Taozi obviously wanted to persuade Anitan to use a safer fertility machine.

Yang Yin said: “There are professors here, embryos are very safe in the fertility machine, you can see how smart Finn is.”

Anitan said: “When I was a child, when I knew that my mother committed suicide after giving birth to me, I decided that if I was pregnant in the future, I would have to give birth myself. I wanted to see how much pain she could not bear. suicide.”

Everyone was silent after hearing this, Anitan was always haunted by the fact that her mother left her to commit suicide, Yang Yin hugged her gently, “If this is your decision, I respect your opinion. ”

Since Anitan decided to have children by herself, the Robotech fortress, which often has battles and preparations for battles, is not suitable for fetuses. After a discussion, everyone decided to settle down on the nearby planet Yuan Longping.

Yuan Longping Planet, as the name suggests, was named after the great scientist Yuan Longping. The name of this planet was five hundred years ago in recognition of the great contribution made by this great scientist to mankind, and a distant planet was named after him. ‘s name is named.

Unexpectedly, entering the star calendar era, after the footsteps of human beings have spread throughout the universe, the distant planet Yuan Longping still shines in the entire universe with the title of “Imperial Granary”. The rice grown here feeds the people of half the empire. Whether it was five hundred years ago or three hundred years ago, the name Yuan Longping is wonderfully associated with the countless people who feed it.

Mi He has been fond of this planet since she was a child, because the name makes her so kind, and it is the pride of their country.

Countless flickering historical figures have all disappeared in the long river of history, such as President Kennedy, Emperor Kangxi, XX superstar, etc., in this cosmic age, no one has even heard of it.

On the contrary, those scientists who have made great contributions to the progress of human science, such as Einstein, Newton, Yuan Long and other great scientists are still shining with their brilliance.

In addition to being famous for its important status as an imperial granary, Yuan Longping is also famous for being the planet with the lowest divorce rate in the empire. There are many families who are willing to bring their children to settle here, because on this planet, you can still find the old customs of human beings about marriage contracts and human relationships five hundred years ago.

Many young people on Xingwang think that this place is too old-fashioned, but it still follows monogamy. It does not advocate open marriage and multi-person marriage. It also advocates parents to give up babysitting robots as much as possible, and have more contact with children, and advocates that human beings should work more. , can’t hand over all the labor to the robot, and even some rice fields are still planted here artificially, which is simply unbelievable in the five hundred years of the star calendar.

But after Mi He heard these customs, he was full of goodwill here.

When Mi He’s spaceship first arrived at Yuan Longping planet, someone was waiting for them at the registration office.

Waiting for them was an Alix man, who was wearing a red robe, and immediately greeted Doro when he saw Doro coming out, “Professor Pytha McCann!” The red robe hugged Doro excitedly, “I know. You are going to settle on the planet Yuan Longping, and everyone at the Rice Academy of Sciences welcomes you very much!”

“I haven’t figured out if I want to work at the Academy,” Doro said.

Hongpao said happily: “I hope you can come to the Academy of Sciences to study rice genes with us, so that more races can eat better food.”

The red robe was obviously very excited because of Doro’s arrival. He spoke Alix very quickly, but Mi He, Finn, and Freddy could understand it, while Anitan and the others silently followed behind them.

The red robe led everyone out of the registration office, and Mi He saw a row of beasts with wings lined up at the entrance of the registration office. Judging from the appearance of the beast, how could it be a bit like a cow that has mutated for a long time on earth?

Seeing Mi He’s surprised gaze, Hongpao said, “Yuan Longping is the planet with the highest acceptance of mutant animals and plants in the entire empire, especially this mutant cow, which is the main means of transportation here, and the locals call it flying cow. ”

Just as he was talking, a robot brought a few flying cows over. Finn clapped his hands with joy when he saw the flying cows. He could understand the red robe’s Alix language, so he shouted in Alix language: “I too To ride a flying bull!”

When the red robe heard Finn speak the Alix language, he looked at him a few more times. He saw the patterns on Finn’s hand that were inherited from Doro, and the red robe said to Doro, “I also heard about you here. Accepting a human being as your inheritor and being baptized, I didn’t expect it to be true.”

“It’s true, Finn is my heir,” Doro said.

The red robe said, “Since you have been baptized, you are our clan.” After that, the red robe treated Finn more enthusiastically, and pointed out how to ride the flying bull next to Finn.

Two and a half-year-old Finn is very curious about everything now. After he rode on the Flying Bull with Freddy, he curiously reached out to touch the Flying Bull’s ears and body, and he also asked the red robe in Alix language, “Will the flying cow bite me? What is the principle of the flying cow’s flight? What is the current wind speed?”

This inquisitive way of asking questions by Alix children actually made Hongpaoba recognize Finn a little more. He very seriously told Finn the area after the flying bull’s wings were opened, and the difference between today’s wind speed and the power of the flying bull. The principle of time, and a formula for measuring flight resistance, which made Mi He dizzy, but Finn listened very carefully. Every time he learned new knowledge, his big eyes flashed and flashed, as if Serious thinking.

The two-and-a-half-year-old Finn had already killed the seven-year-old Mi He. When Mi He was in the Orienteering Primary School, he was devastated by learning four languages ​​at the same time, but the two-and-a-half-year-old Finn had no such worries at all. At a young age, he was able to communicate with people proficiently in Alix, Daqi, and Imperial, and his ability to learn quickly made Mi He amazed.

After Mi He and the others followed the red robe and rode on the flying cow, they flew out of the registration office. The flying cows don’t have to be too fast, they don’t fly too high, and they seem to enjoy flying under the canopy of trees.

It is probably the harvest season for Yuan Longping planet, because Mi He looked down and saw the yellow rice in his eyes, which was connected to the horizon in the distance.

Mihe occasionally saw people working in the fields. When he flew closer, he found that most of the laborers were robots. They were harvesting rice and threshing and drying the rice at the same time. Rice is stored in sealed bags and can be shipped directly to all parts of the empire for sale.

Hongpaozi introduced to everyone: “It will be the annual harvest festival soon, and it’s a good time for you to come.” As he was talking, Mi He heard a voice not far away.

It was in a rice field near the foot of the mountain. Several adults led their children to harvest rice in the field. The adults were clumsily cutting the rice, and the children were picking up wheat ears in the field. Mihe and their flying oxen flew over. When she was at the time, she also heard the adults tell the children to cherish the food.

The red robes led them to a stop halfway up the mountain, where there was a house in mid-air, those houses were very similar, they were all supported by a large pipe more than one meter thick, and all the houses were built in mid-air , does not occupy the floor space.

All the houses have a Chinese antique style in appearance. These houses even have simple bucket arches and hanging roofs. The four corners of the roofs are raised, and the tiles on the ridges have some rice patterns.

Such a building made Mi He look familiar and familiar. After a while, Mi He saw the red robe walking out with a robot. The robot was carrying two pieces of black things that were one meter square. The red robe said to them. : “Come and choose the foundation of the house.”

It is actually very simple to choose a house foundation on Yuan Longping Planet. They choose those pillars without houses on them. The so-called house foundations are actually those pillars, which are those pillars supporting the houses above.

After Mihe and the others had chosen the foundation of the house, the robot printed the house with the two black substrates it carried. It printed out the building blocks of the house like printing building blocks, and then quickly assembled the house. Came out and assembled two houses according to Mi He’s request.

It took less than two hours from choosing the foundation of the house to assembling it, which made Mi He really amazed.

Their house was chosen next to two big trees. The house is right next to the canopy. They can touch the leaves outside their windows and hear the sound of insects. The roof overhead can automatically filter the sunlight from the roof, so that The house maintains a constant temperature and bright light.

There is also a device for automatically printing furniture in the room, and Mi He printed the bed and cabinet according to the size of the room. Then everyone took a shower and went back to their respective rooms to rest.

It only took half a day from the decision to move to the decision.

The move in the three hundred years of the star calendar is also so awesome.

☆、Chapter 184

Compared with Mi He who had no reaction when she was pregnant, Anitan’s pregnancy reaction was very serious from the beginning, sometimes she felt disgusting when she smelled the rice porridge, and she couldn’t eat it now. She fell off the meat, which made her very painful.

Still, Anitan insisted not to transfer the baby to a fertility machine. Doro had to formulate some pregnancy supplements for her according to her physical condition.

A few days after everyone moved to Yuanlongping Planet, the new neighbors came to say hello. It was a father and son from Hele, and the father brought the child here.

It was the first time that Mi He saw the Hele people. The legendary Hele people were the local race of Yuan Longping planet. They had already lived here before humans came. Their skin was dark green, and they looked at it. Looks slippery.

Mi He remembered learning about the Hele people when he was a child in the Orienteering course. Their skin seemed to be able to change color, and their eyes were so large that they seemed to occupy one-third of their faces. The Hele man’s father kept blinking, and Mi He was worried that his eyeballs would fall off easily.

Their neighbors looked very kind, and they also gave Mihe a large bucket of Hele people’s drink, a green liquid like grass juice, which smelled like freshly mowed turf, Mihe smiled thanked the father and son and invited them to come and sit at home.

Finn looked curiously at the Heller child.

Mi He looked at the child and wanted to laugh. Compared with the adult Hele people with long hands and feet, the Hele child looked like a big comma, with a round head, dragging down below. It has a small tail, and its limbs are thin and short. The Hele child called Dian Dian shyly hid behind his father’s slender legs, but peeked at Finn from behind.

Finn was very curious when he saw Diandian. At the age of two and a half, he was very good at showing goodwill. He invited Diandian to see his toys, those little airplane toys that Uncle Muchen and Uncle Xiaolu gave him. Diandian heard that there were toys available. After playing, he was no longer shy, and stretched out his thin little arm to hold Finn’s hand.

Finn touched his hands a little and felt slippery, he suddenly hugged Xiaodian’s big head and rubbed his face hard, feeling slippery fun, Finn giggled and praised: “You are so comfortable. what!”

Mi He felt that his son’s way of complimenting people was a bit wrong. Who praised people and said they were comfortable?

In the end, he was still shy. He stretched out his slender arms and touched his big naked head, and said, “You are also very comfortable…”

Mi He thinks: So the world of children, such as ignorant adults, cannot be understood at all.

Hele’s father was very happy when he saw the pair of children who got along very well as soon as they met. He said, “Ha, they are very happy.”

Hele’s father said, “It’s very time for you to move in. It will be our harvest festival in a few days.” He also said, “Our village happens to be short of manpower. If you move in, you can help us.” .”

Later, when Hele’s father went home beforehand, he threw the child at Mi He’s house and let Diandian play with Finn, not at all worried about what the new neighbor would do to his child.

Dian Dian played with Finn until late, and even ate at Mi He’s house. Mi He made steamed cakes of bunny and small flowers for him and Finn. The sweet and soft steamed cakes made Dian Dian especially like them. A soft voice called Mi He: “Thank you Aunt Mimi~”

Hearing Mi He’s heart softened, he couldn’t help reaching out to touch his bare head, but found that his son said that it was very comfortable to hold. It was not a lie at all. It felt soft and slippery, like a big baby. Same.

Mi He said, “I will often come to my aunt’s house to play in the future.” He also packed a big box of steamed cakes for Dian Dian and took them back as a gift to the neighbors. Hele’s father was very embarrassed to accept the gift, but he was very embarrassed to accept the gift. They are more enthusiastic.

Mi He and the others became familiar with their neighbors in less than a week on Yuan Longping planet. Their village number is village number 104. There are many small villages like this on Yuan Longping planet. In order to facilitate management, they are all recorded with numbers. .

Doro was invited by the Planetary Rice Academy of Sciences several times. Later, the dean even came to their house to invite Doro. When the dean came to their village, the village chief was also alarmed, and many villagers came out to watch. This surprised Mi He.

The dean is also an Alix, and the dean was accompanied by the red-robed Alix who came to pick up Doro that day. In fact, Mi He was not at all surprised that there were Alys in this kind of academy, and the red-robed also specially asked the dean. After introducing Finn, the dean saw the pattern on Finn’s hand, patted his head kindly, and said, “What a lovely little child, you are the blessing of both the Alix and the human race, don’t let it go Pytha McCann has a heart for you.”

Finn still doesn’t quite understand the complex relationship between Alix and humans, but he said seriously: “I will be filial to Grandpa! I like Grandpa the most!” Doro felt warm when he heard Finn’s words beside him. He was so irritated, but he still pretended to be serious and said to the dean, “The child is still young…”

The dean kept laughing and said, “It seems that your thoughts are not in vain.”

After the dean left that day, Doro agreed to be a consultant to the planet’s Academy of Sciences, and began to officially go to work every day.

At that time, Mi He knew why everyone came to watch the Academy of Sciences. It turned out that in this planet, the Academy of Sciences has a very high status. In addition to their own knowledge, the personal morality of scientists who can work in the Academy is also very respected.

The popularity of the Academy of Sciences is even more popular than that of the planetary government. Even the most important festival on the planet, the Harvest Festival, is organized by the Academy of Sciences.

After Doro went to work, Finn was a little lonely. Sometimes he was grinding Doro to take him to work. Doro, who doted on Finn, agreed, and Mi He couldn’t stand it, and scolded Finn: “Don’t be right. Grandpa made excessive demands!”

Doro said, “It’s better to take him to have a look. Did you grow up in my laboratory when you were a child?” In this way, Mi He really grew up in the laboratory, and when he was a child, he rode a pair of bicycles. The head chicken was running around in the lab, and Hannah would always scold her at that time.

Doro said again, “I’ll take him to meet the clansmen in the Academy of Sciences.” With that said, it’s not easy for Mi He to stop him.

After Doro was brought to the Academy of Sciences, his fluent Alix language and his smart and eager to learn made those Alix scientists gradually accept him. At the beginning, there were some who did not recognize his identity, and because of Finn’s eagerness to learn, especially It is the cleverness and sweet-natured personality of making inferences about others that conquered him.

Finn also played with Duni, the son of the red robe. As a new generation of Alix with a very low birth rate, there are not many children of Alix on this planet. Duni is very precious, and he is also very shy. , I don’t like to talk to people very much, and I bury myself in my own little world all day long, often muttering formulas in my mouth.

Doro commented on Duni, “He is a standard Alysian child like this, and he has shown great talent in a certain subject since he was a child.”

When Finn was just playing with Dooney, Dooney didn’t accept him as a human, so Finn showed Dooney the pattern on his hand, but Dooney ignored him and said, “Even if you are baptized, Not Alix.”

Finn said, “Then how am I an Alysian?”

Duni pulled a book from the side, it was a book for orienteering junior high school mathematics prepared by Hongpao for five-year-old Duni, he said: “If you can memorize this book within an hour, I will admit you. It’s an Alix.”

Finn took the book, “If I take it down, you have to play with me.”

Douni said seriously: “Yes, as long as you memorize it.”

Then Finn lowered his head and read the book seriously. The adults watched the childish dialogue between the two children the whole time, and some people asked Doro worriedly: “Can Finn memorize it? Are the words in the book recognized? ”

Doro said lightly: “The family often takes him to tell stories, and by the way, he taught him to recognize some characters.”

The red robe is still rounding out, “Whether he can take it off or not, Finn is the only human being baptized.” But if Finn doesn’t stand the test, then even if he is the only human being baptized, among the Alix people The level of attention will inevitably decline.

The two children didn’t know that the adults were so worried, Dune was playing all the time, and Finn was still reading with his head down.

Mi He also brought meals to Finn and He at noon. The family, Freddy accepted the invitation of the Battlestar garrison and became a training instructor for the recruits, leaving early and returning late every day.

Doro goes to work in the Academy of Sciences every day, and his work is quite busy. Anitan vomited violently during pregnancy, and Yang Yin surrounded her every day. And Taozi, who was supposed to be the most idle, was called by their Hele neighbors to help in the village two days ago. It is said that the village chief’s family is going to move to another planet, and there are not enough members of the village committee, so I asked the idler Taozi to help. .

So with a large family, Mi He was idle instead.

Mi He came to bring some food to Finn and Doro. She didn’t know that Finn was being tested. She happily called Finn and Doro to come to dinner. Today, the village is divided into old and dead flying beef, and Mi He has spent a long time. , stewed a pot of fragrant beef in sauce, the part of the tendon connected to the meat was stewed softly, and it was chewed without biting into the mouth, and the fragrance was full of mouth.

When Finn saw his mother coming, he was still a little anxious, and called out at the beginning: “Mom!” He wanted to come over and ask Mi He to hug him, but he continued to read the book patiently, he said to Mi He; “Mom wait for me for a while. !” That serious look made Mi He want to laugh.

Later, I learned from everyone that the two children were betting, and Mi He didn’t take it seriously. It was like Finn and the Hele people a little bit. The children quarreled today, and they can reconcile tomorrow. The bad point, adults can’t always guess.

Finn turned the book less carefully afterward. He roughly glanced at it and turned it over. He flipped through the book hastily, and then ran over and threw himself into Mi He’s arms. His actions made the adults laugh, thinking that he was only a two-and-a-half-year-old child after all, how could he know so much?

Five-year-old Duni said, “Have you read it all? It’s not been an hour.”

Finn said, “I’ve read it, I’ll recite it to you?”

“You are not allowed to lie,” said Duni. “We Alysians never lie about science.”

Finn bit his lip and began to memorize the book slowly in Alexa. When the first formula came out of his mouth, the adults were stunned, but he didn’t expect him to actually memorize it. But this is just the beginning, and memorizing a few pages is nothing. Orientation people can do it.

Little Douni also interrupted him: “You can memorize it, but will you use this formula to calculate the flying speed of the flying cow?”

Finn nodded, pointed to the red robe, and said, “Uncle taught me that!” After speaking, he clearly recounted the method that the red robe used to calculate the flying speed of the flying cow that day, the area of ​​the wings, the resistance of the wind and the speed of the flying cow. wind speed, etc.

After listening to Finn’s conditioning analysis, Little Douni nodded, “Although I don’t quite understand it yet, I think you really know it, you can continue to memorize it.”

Finn nodded. He didn’t think it was a test at all, and he didn’t know what it meant to him after passing the test.

The dean of the Academy of Sciences and the red robe have been looking at Finn who is reciting fluently. At first they just thought he could memorize a few pages, but as he became more and more fluent, everyone fell silent, and the corners of Doro’s mouth even rose slightly. Oh, his little Finn is so good!

In the entire laboratory, Finn was only heard reciting the Orienteering Junior High School mathematics textbook in Alexa. Even if he recited it to the point where he only glanced at it later, he was very fluent until he finished the whole book.

Little Dune stepped forward and took Finn’s hand. “You did it. I admit you’re from Alix. My name is Dune Soderbergh. What’s your full name?”

Finn said earnestly, “Finn Biddah McCann Collins.”

After the two children passed the test, they began to happily decide to be friends. Little Douni also told Finn that he would prepare a small plane that could carry him, and invited Finn to join him. Do it yourself.

Mi He listened to the whole process by the side. She always knew that Finn was very smart, but she didn’t expect to be so smart. For him, learning was as simple as entering data into a computer.

Mi He felt that Freddy, as a university tyrant, gave birth to a son and was a super academic tyrant. So the whole family is a school tyrant, is she the only idiot? Mi He is very worried about his future.

In the face of such a smart Finn, the dean patted Doro on the shoulder and said, “We will all recognize him, he is indeed qualified to be a Alexis.”

In the evening, Freddy came back from Battlestar and came to the Academy to pick up Mi He and Finn. Finn was having fun with Little Douni and had forgotten to go home.

Finn saw Dad running over excitedly and climbed on Freddy like a big tree. Freddy hugged him and heard Finn chatting to him about using a steel printing pen with Little Douni during the day. At least the plane thing, as for the part of the endorsement in front of adults during the day, I didn’t even mention it.

After Freddy led Mi He and Finn away, Duolu stayed in the laboratory because he had to work overtime. The dean said to him, “Collins…Is he the one?” Although he didn’t say it clearly, everyone knew it.

Doro nodded, and the dean said, “What a pity…”

Two days later, even Mi He had a new task, and she was invited by the Academy of Sciences to participate in the Harvest Festival.

☆、Chapter 185

The Harvest Festival was originally celebrated to commemorate the birthday of Academician Yuan Longping. Later, in the evolution of five hundred years, the Harvest Festival has become a festival that people like to eat and drink.

When Mi He received the invitation of the Harvest Festival, she was actually invited to cook food for everyone to eat during the few days of the Harvest Festival.

The harvest festival has requirements for the ingredients made by the chefs. They require the chefs to use the ingredients related to rice to cook food for everyone. It is mainly to promote rice to all races in the empire, and it is also to commemorate academician Yuan Longping. huge contribution.

Since she received the invitation, Mihe began to study the use of rice for food. She made a bowl of rice noodles with water-milled rice milk, and boiled a pot of beef soup with the big bones of flying cows distributed to the family in the village. In the beef soup, the taste of rice noodles is different from that of ordinary noodles. It tastes more sticky and more elastic, especially with a mouthful of fragrant beef soup. .

Taozi praised Mi He without hesitation: “Xiaomi is a genius in food!”

Yang Yin said: “Thank you for your hospitality!” He also spontaneously took a photo of beef rice noodles and sent it to his terminal, writing: “The latest dish of Xiaomi Retro Cuisine, I’m fortunate to try it first, it’s delicious. .” All his fans left messages below, hoping to eat rice noodles, and more hope to hear his new song.

Yang Yin’s attention has been on Anitan recently. Anitan’s morning sickness is still severe. She smelled the beef soup and threw up several times. She usually thinks that the dishes are very fragrant, but now she has a little Can’t eat it either.

Yang Yin comforted her: “It must be a girl who is such a picky eater.”

Anitan had no choice but to comfort herself. Mihe also specially made her a bowl of rice noodles with bean sprouts as the soup base. It was light and nutritious. Although there was no meat, Anitan didn’t vomit.

She touched her slightly curved belly and said, “It’s really not easy to get pregnant in October. I felt so difficult in less than three months. I can gradually understand my mother’s mood.”

Yang Yin put her arms around her and kissed her forehead, “Being a mother is not easy. Think about how difficult it was for her to insist on giving birth to you under the circumstances.”

Anitan listened to Yangyin’s words, and she became very weak, leaning on Yangyin’s shoulder, “Maybe the idea of ​​giving birth to me supported her through October to get pregnant…” She sighed, “She is just an ordinary orientee after all.”

She murmured to herself, “I should have put it down…”

Although Anitan is still a little confused, it doesn’t affect everyone’s expectation of the child in her belly. Mi He is changing patterns every day to prepare delicious food for Anitan. Yangyin, the silly father, started to look up dictionaries for the child. When I came up with the name, I wanted to hold Anitan to sing to her belly every day. I sang while writing. I was very passionate and had a particularly good quality of creation. I wrote several songs specially for children.

And Anitan, a pregnant woman who can’t move, is bored to the point of madness, because pregnant women can’t walk fast, jump, or use force, which makes Anitan simply collapse.

Just like Finn’s time, the Kaling bird also sang to Anitan, but the Kaling bird has liked to sing the song “The Song of the Younger Brother” that Yangyin taught him in the past two years. The lyrics are the devilish younger brother and younger brother. The ‘younger brother’, Jialing Bird sang very smoothly, and Anitan was also very collapsed when he heard it, and said to Yangyin, “Can’t you teach that broken bird to sing a “Song of My Sister”?” Tian Tian was called his brother, What if it was a boy?

It made Mi He and the others laugh unbelievably.

Chefs participating in the Harvest Festival will also receive the ingredients distributed by the Academy of Sciences, and they can also go to pick them on the spot. Mi He went to the experimental field of the Academy of Sciences to find ingredients, and found that there were several experimental fields planted like small saplings. The, uh, rice.

It is about two meters high, and it looks like rice, but the rice pole can have

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