The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1521

Chapter 1522 Break the city

The suppression of the long-range sky light had an unexpected effect. The energy flow in the trench was cut in half, the barrier swayed, sometimes illusory and sometimes real, and it seemed that there was no successor. The hidden monster in the trench also roared. A large number of casualties.

Ye Tian took the lead and led the charge. Numerous laser cannons shot from the fort, densely packed, almost forming a huge laser net on the ground.

Casualties inevitably appeared. The four clans of the cover army continued to fall and became corpses on the battlefield. Faced with fierce artillery fire and casualties, almost all of them blushed in the **** air.

The Moon Ape Clan knows the battlefield situation very well. On this occasion, if the fortress is not eliminated, it will be difficult for the main force to get close to the city, more and more deaths will occur, and their advantages will no longer exist.

The leader of the Moon Ape Clan shouted, “If you are not afraid of death, give me my life for a bunker. You can save ten lives and a hundred lives with one life.”

The roar of the Moon Ape tribe continued. They were unexpectedly brave. Some clansmen jumped up and directly pounced on the fortress, detonating small laser cannons. The people and the fortress were all blown up into pieces. Stepping forward, physically blocking the laser cannons, and blocking the attack for the people behind them. The laser shot through their chests like submachine gun bullets, and their bodies were instantly riddled with blood holes the size of a thumb. , The blood “pupu” splashed, but they did not fall down, but waited until the tribe behind them rushed over and pounced on the bunker, only then did they smile and slowly lay on the ground.

In this way, the Moon Ape Clan, not afraid of life and death, regardless of the cost, used life as a bargaining chip, some blocked, some fluttered, cooperated, and died quickly. At the same time, the formation was also destroyed at an extremely fast speed.

This scene shocked everyone’s hearts. Everyone knew that the time had come to desperately. The long-range skylight was consumed extremely intensely. They stuffed their mouths one after another, keeping the fierce firepower.

On the city wall, the array artillery has a long range and began to attack the long-range sky light. The team of the long-range sky light seems to have been thrown into a grenade, the body exploded and flew up, the stumps and limbs continued to fall in the air, and the blood was sprayed. It’s all on the face and body.

But everyone was blushing, with a cold face, without saying a word, without taking a step back.

In fact, as long as they retreat for a few miles, they can avoid the attack range of the long-range array artillery, but no one does that. They stand there unwaveringly, with only the formation in their eyes, and the soldiers and friends next to them fall one by one. , They did not make a sound, but attacked more violently. Some people even broke their legs and were still lying there to release the sky. Some people were half of their bodies lost, and they were still standing tall and upright, attacking frantically. They are using the last light of their lives to illuminate the main force’s way forward.

Long-range must maintain the firepower, only in this way, the main force can charge past.

Ye Tian led the main force and galloped forward desperately. Only by rushing to the city wall at the fastest speed would the soldiers suffer the least casualties.

Ye Tian’s eyes were blood red, and he couldn’t control the killing intent in his heart. The Supreme Immortal Venerable has seen countless war scenes, and there is nothing in front of him, but no matter what time, such a comrade-in-arms’ act of dying, it makes his blood boil.

Regardless of the casualties, Ye Tian’s tactics were very effective. The formations and trenches did not cause much damage to the main force.


The array artillery on the city wall was turned around and aimed at the main force, the warriors of the fish gods, and began to strike in all directions.

The roar suddenly exploded at the city wall, shocking the world.

Ye Tian exclaimed, “The Heavenly Bull and Tyrannosaurus Legion broke through the city gate, and the eighth-level heart and the ninth-level heart cover! Qiankunxin and me attacked the hollow of the city wall, full coverage and indiscriminate attack!”

Before the words fell, Ye Tian jumped up, and a blue light curtain on the city wall suddenly pressed down. The formation barrier stopped Ye Tian. Ye Tian didn’t panic. He sacrificed thirty-six swords. The flames burst, and the formation barrier was suddenly blocked. After rushing out of a big hole, thirty-six swords were like a long dragon, slamming through the big hole and crashing into the city wall. The wall suddenly shot through gravel, and nearly a hundred figures flew out.

Seeing that Ye Tian’s blow worked, the hearts of all universes were extremely powerful, and they were immediately shocked. They attacked the city wall and completely broke the formation barrier. Only then did they vacate their hands and cover the empty space of the city wall with firepower.

The pressure of the Tianxue Legion that broke below the city fell sharply and began to violently attack the city gate. On the city gate, every time it was attacked, there would be ripples and waves. The city gate and wall remained intact, because the protective array had already been opened, only It takes a while to break through this formation to truly attack the gate.

However, the Tyrannosaurus Legion is really a huge surprise. The tyrannical body is unbelievable. The body was only slightly injured in the artillery fire and did not affect the attack power at all. Their attack power is extremely terrifying, especially the Thirty-ninth-level Tyrannosaurus. Every time each head hits the protective array, a huge ripple swells, like a boulder thrown into the lake, sometimes even the protective cover at the impact site is sunken in.

The array artillery on the wall and the cultivator’s attacks became more intensive. Qiankunxin, a powerful squad, was under pressure suddenly. Ye Tian commanded thirty-six flying swords, vertically and horizontally, opening and closing left and right. Successively, with powerful lethality, Ye Tian was immediately targeted, and countless artillery fires and Tianguang encircled and suppressed thirty-six swords.

Ye Tianjing’s timing was right, the blue electric arc “cracking” all over his body, and he carried thousands of tens of thousands of array artillery, thirty-six swords merged into one piece, and fiercely made a gap in the city wall, and the earth and rocks were flying. In the middle, Ye Tian took the opportunity to jump up the city wall, and the thirty-six swords were immediately extinguished by a wave of more violent attacks.

The consumption was too violent just now, and now both Demon Jiamo and Demon Lingmo are urged to struggle, the core energy is no longer enough to use the Wuwai Yujian Jue, but with this rush, Ye Tian jumped into the city wall and fell immediately. Into the enemy group.

The enemy didn’t want him to be so unstoppable. With only one person, he dared to face the fish-god master, and everyone was stunned.

Ye Tian did not hesitate to launch an attack. With his physical body alone, there was no one to join him. His fists danced into the wind, and the shadows of the fists were overwhelming. After a while, it was like a whirlwind blowing on the city wall. The formation artillery that was launched also continued to collapse, and the appearance of Ye Tian instantly caused the enemy’s position to become chaotic, destroying their rhythm and attack intensity.

The morale of the Universe Hearts immediately rose, taking this good opportunity, in one burst, to transport the attack with the highest intensity, and immediately boarded the wall one by one.

The first step to breakthrough, the hardest step is finally over.

Qiankunxin is an extremely powerful team. In just a few minutes, the battle began to lean towards Snow City. Ye Tianruhu entered the flock. The Fish God Clan had seen him kill the leader before, knowing that it was powerful and irresistible. They evaded one after another, and even the strong people in the fish gods did not dare to fight. The lieutenant really had no spine. Perhaps he was a good hand at playing power, but at this moment, seeing the enemy enter the city, the face-to-face confrontation of life and death, fearing, was actually disregarded. The fish **** warrior jumped off the city wall first, trying to escape for his life.

Ye Tian caught a glimpse of the lieutenant running wild in the city and smiled to himself to see how far you could run.

There was a loud bang, and the city wall was shaken like an earthquake, and then a large area collapsed. The city wall was intact, and it immediately appeared decaying and dilapidated.

Ye Tian lowered his head and looked down, only to see the city gate shattered, and the fragments filled the air with a “swish” sound. The city gate finally broke. Under the wide open, under the leader of the sky beetle and the Tyrannosaurus legion, the soldiers A torrent of water poured into the city.

Immediately afterwards, the Moon Ape Clan and the other four-city legions also completed their missions, and the army followed them into the city.

Suddenly, the shouting and killing sounded loudly.

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