The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1526

Chapter 1527 Defensive battle opened

Outside the city wall, drums rang together, and the majestic enemy troops lined up in front of the city. The roar of anger swallowed the mountains and rivers.

The enemy army is nearly seven million, and the Fish God tribe accounts for the majority. The Thunder Wing tribe has sent 2 million legions. The Thunder Wing tribe is a monster-like tribe. The most notable feature is the pair of golden wings behind them and the figure on the forehead. The tattoo is engraved with an unknown text or symbol.

Ye Tian looked at the Thunder Wing Clan and said, “It’s almost the same as our military strength. It’s just two million Thunder Wing Legions that can fly, which is more troublesome.”

Ren Qingxian smiled softly, “You don’t need to worry about that. We listened to Huaxian and Luofen’s suggestions, and built an array of artillery against the Flying Corps. There are so many.”

Ren Qingxian pointed to the Fish God Legion, “But one thing, their city lord is here. The Qiankun fourth-level heart is strong, and the Leiyi clan is only an auxiliary, but only a third-level heart.”

Ye Tian looked at it from a distance, and saw the fourth-level strong man sitting on a sedan chair. The sedan chair was flashing blue, and only dozens of people were able to carry it. There was a Baoguang Canopy on it. The canopy was strange. The light hangs down, forming a veil, and people are vaguely invisible.

Suddenly, a strange light shot out from the sedan chair, like a sharp arrow, directly at Ye Tian at the city wall. Because of the emergence of the sharp arrow, it was very cold between the sky and the earth. It seemed to be cold like a snow suddenly, and the arrow did not arrive. A layer of ice formed outside the city wall, but when the arrow shot in front of Ye Tian, ​​he suddenly turned a corner, rushed into the sky, and exploded suddenly in the air, “Within three days, your army will be defeated.”

These morale-damaging methods are not uncommon, but a voice suddenly rushed out from the formation, “Tianxue Legion, do you think the Fish God Division City is so easy to occupy?”

“I will keep you trapped for three days. I will exhaust all your formations and formations. The materials are empty. I see how you defend the city!”

After this sentence, the Tianxue Legion’s formation immediately caused a commotion. If they were to fight a war of attrition, their side and the city would be far away, and they would not be able to replenish them in time. However, the Thunderwing Fish God is different. The city is here. It is inexhaustible.

But Ye Tian was not in a hurry. Instead, he shouted in a deep voice, “You sleepy me. If you want to consume me, you will consume me. To tell you the truth, I haven’t done anything recently by Ye Tian. I just concentrate the power of the city and reserve a lot of city defense materials. , Let alone three days, three years and five years are enough.”

Ye Tian’s words are naturally exaggerated, but if he owns Lun Coins, he can continue to buy materials from Kunlun precious treasures and support them for a period of time without any worries.

Ye Tian’s morale was low, and he directly purchased nearly 100 billion of materials from the precious treasure consignment panel. When he released it to the city, the treasure was soaring. It was so dazzling in the city that the Tianxue Legion screamed loudly. As for the Thunder Wing Fish Gods, a hint of surprise flashed across the soldiers’ faces.

The voice in the formation yelled again, “Less slanderous words. We have time and some fighters, and we have an endless stream. This is how we consume you. I can see whether you are uncomfortable or we are uncomfortable.”

Ye Tian’s eyes were condensed in the distance, and he saw the person who spoke. He was a fish **** clan, covered in red armor, and about fifty years old. He had a third-level heart in the universe, and he had a general attitude, calm and comfortable.

Ren Qingxian said beside him, “This is the general of the Fish God Clan.”

After the General Fish God finished speaking, they were in the formation and gave way to a road that was several kilometers wide. Suddenly, a tide of beasts rolled in, a total of 800,000 monsters, flying in the sky, and running underground. , Boom boom boom, trembling in the earth and sky, rushing towards the city wall.

At this time, the dense formations, formations, and beacons worked together. The formations were concealed without dead corners, and they attacked flexibly. They were on the first line of defense. The laser artillery nets shot out densely, leaving almost no gaps, countless monsters, Immediately screamed and fell to the ground, some of the necks were broken, and some were covered with blood, and could not get up again. The formation greatly increased the long-range attack range. With the formation of the fort, the light was overwhelming. Falling into the ground, swiping on the monster beast’s body, a large swath of monster beasts, flesh and blood flew.

Even Ye Tian was quite surprised by the density of the defense facilities. Only half of the monsters broke through the two barriers and rushed to Fengsui, leaving the rest to become corpses.

These monsters are not powerful, most of them are seventh-level hearts, only a small part of eighth-level hearts and ninth-level hearts, the purpose is to consume the Heavenly Snow Legion.

The monster’s charge only destroyed a few of the city’s defense facilities. The Fish God Thunder Wing had no beast charms, and it was impossible to control the monster beast as he pleased. Moreover, the monster beast has always been unobedient, especially when it kills the red eye. For the brutal and bloody, I only know how to fight indiscriminately.

This time the city defense expanded far away. Only by crossing the beacon can the trench be attacked. However, the beacon is an extremely powerful defensive facility, and it is not so easy to break through.

The monster’s eyes were red from the blood, but no matter what the beacon or not, they rushed upward one by one.

Fengsui is mostly a square pier of four to five meters, built parallel to the city wall, and connected into a beacon line of tens of thousands of meters.

This makes Fengsui’s attack power and flexibility greatly increased, not only can all Fengsui be excited together, but also according to the number of enemies, some or even several.

The moment the monster crossed the beacon, a fierce flame suddenly spurted out of Fengsui’s mouth. The red flame was like magma, and the flames between the beacons formed a wall of fire.

The flames were terrible, many monsters were immediately burned to ashes, and only a small part of the monsters, covered in fire, were tumbling and struggling underground.

The situation was very good, but Ye Tian kept his eyes on the torpedo Thunderwing Legion in the distance, but seeing these people motionless, especially the leaders, the old gods were there, and he was unbelievably calm.

These monsters were completely wiped out and clean, and even Ye Tian was quite surprised. He admired the quality of everyone’s construction in his heart, but why they were calm and composed, as if everything was just a game, it seemed… as if he was bound to be defeated.

“I will lose?”

Ye Tian thought of this, the whole person was agitated, and hurriedly said to Ren Qingxian, “Send someone out to inquire about the news, don’t let go of any clues.”

Ren Qingxian nodded, aware of the seriousness of the problem, and immersed himself in operating the identity chip.

Ye Tian once again ordered, “There should be no slack in the whole army. The strings of life and death are tightened for me. Moreover, the soldiers on the pier of the city wall asked them to cheer up and pay attention to every dead corner. In addition, send people to it. Below the city wall, detect if there is any activity under the ground.”

Ye Tian suddenly felt uneasy. This feeling is hard to describe. It seems that no matter how he arranges it, it is not enough. He hasn’t felt this way for many years.


Suddenly, there was a sound of killing outside the city wall, but when the Thunderwing Fish God clan separated a part of the legion and attacked the city wall, the fort, the tower, and the trench played a role together, but the enemy was very clever and moved in. Retreat, do not cover a large area, but focus on destruction little by little, so that casualties are minimized, and the fortress is pushed forward one by one, and the fort is slowly eaten away. The efficiency is actually not low. Of course, the enemy army The casualties are not small, the dense defense facilities, the pressure that needs to be resisted is great.

In just ten minutes, most of the fort was gone, but the enemy had at least 300,000 casualties and 150,000 deaths.

Ye Tian looked at the opposing generals again, and found that they were still indifferent, even talking and laughing. What was it that made them turn a blind eye to such casualties. With so much confidence, Ye Tian felt that he had become a turtle in the urn.

Ye Tian’s heart was even more worried. Divine Intent entered the Kunlun precious treasure, and there was no information about the wealth of the gods, and he was vaguely uneasy. Didn’t the gods of the wealth say that he almost retrieved the things from the ruins tonight? Why haven’t you come yet?

When the enemy did not move forward, they did not attack hard, but retreated, rested for half an hour, discussed new countermeasures, and attacked again. In such waves, they could not break through repeatedly and defeated and fought again and again. The soldiers in the sky snow in the city. I was so excited, wouldn’t it be right for the enemy to be so weak.

Only Ye Tian squeezed his sweat secretly, but at this moment, a loud shout rang out, “City Lord Fish God, dare you to fight?”

Ye Tian was annoyed, who is making trouble at this time? Is the old birthday star eating arsenic-looking for death? Can’t you see the weirdness of the situation?

Who else could be the King of Red Ears.

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