The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1530

Chapter 1531 Thousands of Legion Battles Triggered

“Unqualified?” The Northern War God laughed, not angry, but his tone was a little joking, “The man who took me a punch and went to Half-Life, dare you to say that I am not qualified? Don’t you think this is a man? Is God a joke?”

It was actually three punches, but the Northern God of War must only say one punch. Of course, he is grand and majestic, watching the world, and people of all tribes shunned, who dare to say that he is not qualified, in his opinion, is unique.

“Ye Tian, ​​you don’t have the qualifications to say to me. I didn’t have it before, and I won’t have it in a thousand years. I gave you a chance, but you can’t help it! Kunlun has no regret medicine.”

The voice of the Northern God of War is as elegant as music, and he has an aura of being a man, and he can’t open it, but his elegant voice seems to have given the Tianxue Legion a judgement.

Death penalty book!

The Northern God of War waved his big hand, and the action was beautiful like playing a violin. However, this was the hand of the Reaper. Only one million soldiers remained behind him. In addition, the enemy troops formed four phalanxes, about 15 million soldiers. However, the four phalanx formations changed suddenly. They suddenly became cone-shaped formations. The cone-shaped formations were sharp and sharp. They all arranged sharp and powerful attackers. They were swift and sharp. They had nine levels of heart in one water. The two wings were surrounded by a group of strong and powerful people. The warriors have thick skin and thick muscles. There are not many people inside the two wings, but most of them are warriors who are skilled in the formation. One can supplement the defense of the two wings, and the other can increase the sharpness of the cone.

This shows the determination of the Northern War God to take the Yushen Division in a short time.

Sure enough, he yelled, “Give me half an hour to get it!”

half an hour? This sounded really ridiculous. If someone else said that, the defenders would have laughed out of their teeth, but now the man who said this was the Northern War God, and the soldiers suddenly turned pale.

The saliva of the Northern War God was a nail. He never broke his promise. It was from the time he appeared in the upper realm until now that there was no mistake in what he said and what it was.

Can you stop it? Everyone’s hearts were up and down, and the panic and anxiety made them tremble even more.

The four cone-shaped legions charged forward. On the cone-shaped legion, a layer of blue light exploded. The blue light was the formation method, covering them like a big cone-shaped sword that covered the earth.

Wherever the legion passed, the space seemed to be cut in half, and the blue light was sharp and sharp. One legion, half the number of the other legions, ran for a certain distance, and suddenly rushed into the sky. It was the Thunder Wing Legion. If their big swords descended from the sky, the space would be distorted, and the other two ground regiments would plow out a ravine wherever they passed, just like the ground cracked during an earthquake.

The formations, formations, and formations have long been wiped out, and there is only one formation, which now seems to be really weak like layers of paper.

Ye Tian was still calm and calm, watching the army charge, at a certain moment, he suddenly roared, “Catapult, bed crossbow, array cannon, launch!”

But seeing the huge energy projectiles flying out of the city, the energy projectiles are two to three hundred meters in diameter, colorful, and trailing out tail lights like missiles. Although there are only 800, there are The trend of covering the sky and the sun.

On each of the bed crossbows, there were more than ten huge arrows of kilometer long appeared at the same time, the arrows were also colorful, tens of thousands of huge arrows, like explosive rockets, rushed into the air.

At the same time, the thick laser of the array cannon spread across the sky.

For a time, only energy clusters, huge arrows and laser cannons were seen all over the sky.

This came down extremely suddenly, the power of the siege equipment was incredible, and every one of them carried an irresistible force, and the space began to rise and fall. Ye Tian was shocked to see.

Facing the huge arrow that dashed toward the head and face, the Leiyi tribe looked at a brilliant colorful light in front of them, what a beautiful sight, but everyone saw a ghost, their faces pale, they rushed fast, and it was too late to avoid them. Only a handful of people react quickly, and most can only watch themselves rushing towards the arrow.

The arrows penetrated into the Thunder Wing Legion like a sharp training. In a short time, the world changed color, and the screams were accompanied by blood. There was always a group of arrows. Within the straight line, a piece of thunderwing tribe appeared all over the sky. The sliced ​​pieces fell, and then, a huge energy bomb smashed down from the air and hit the legion. A huge mushroom cloud burst out immediately. The Thunderwing Legion had not yet reacted. The seventy had already been beaten. Eight falls, those energy bombs that crossed the Lei Wing Army’s gaps fell underground, bombarded, and blasted the world. The two legions on the ground faced a devastating blow that was caught off guard. Although they reacted quickly, they were still bewildered by the energy bombs of mass destruction. After that, huge mushroom clouds burst into the sky, and the sky was full of people’s stumps and broken arms.

One encounter, 15 million legions, immediately lost close to two million.

This is just something that happened within a few seconds, really horrifying.

The face of the Northern War God watching the battle from the rear suddenly became extremely ugly. Behind him, millions of heroes also stared blankly at the huge black pits with a radius of tens of thousands of meters in the ground. What caused the destructive power of this? Is there any reason?

Outside the city, there is no good place for an inch.

Not only did the Northern God of War not order the withdrawal of troops, but instead ordered, “Give me to continue the charge!”

This is the first time that he has suffered such a big setback. However, he is the Northern God of War, an undefeated man, and a godlike man in the eyes of others. This scene still cannot break his calmness. In his opinion, this battle Sure victory, this is just a small twist, a small episode.

He knew very well that such a powerful attack could not last forever.

The legions followed the order and charged again. As expected, the energy bombs and huge arrows did not appear. The Northern War God laughed, “Before the next attack, we must take this city.”

While speaking, the huge self-confidence makes people convinced that the words of the Northern War God are destiny, he said for half an hour, that is absolutely not bad for a second.

The Northern God of War shouted to the millions of soldiers behind him, “Dragon Legion, Chaser Legion, it’s time for you to take action!”

Behind him, the Million Army Corps took orders loudly. The Million Dragon soldiers began to pinch their hands. Not long after, a huge bag was summoned in the sky. The bag was big like a cloud and dark yellow, just like Feng Bo’s wind belt. Same, open mouth, whine.

The trekking legion did not see the shadow at all, as if it did not exist, but if you stood beside the Northern War God and listened carefully, you would hear the rustling of the ground, and the ground quickly swelled up with extremely fine soil bands, no If you look closely, you can’t find it.

Ye Tian frowned and looked at the enemy troops charging under the city, and asked, “Qingxian, how long will it take to prepare for the next giant weapon attack?”

Ren Qingxian has been responsible for contacting all parties and hurriedly shouted: “Twenty minutes!”

twenty minutes! ?

Ye Tian was taken aback. The length of time was beyond his expectation. Can the Tianxue Legion last for twenty minutes?

No one knows, maybe God thinks that this is impossible.

However, only Ye Tian firmly believed that a miracle would happen.

Who is he, the Supreme Immortal Venerable, the great power of crossing the catastrophe, once dominated the existence of the galaxy.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy army had already arrived in front of the trench, only a few kilometers away from the city wall. Ye Tian called out, “Long-distance sky light, prepare!”

The enemy has already reached the city, will the long-range sky light cause enough damage? It was just a delay, everyone’s palms were squeezed with sweat.

Near the trenches, huge thorns, like thick vines, suddenly grew to hundreds of meters in the trenches. Each one was as thick as an adult’s thigh, like a creeper, directly covering the city wall. The thorn demon worked.

The enemy did not want to have this strange monster beast, and they were immediately slapped. The body was either rolled or directly penetrated, killing a few, but many were blocked and imprisoned. The attacks of the long-range sky light began to cover, and they were shocked. Hong violently rises, shocking Hong falls in the enemy, like exploding fireworks, brilliant, but cruel, accompanied by blood lasing, there is a cruel beauty.

The city was temporarily dragged down, but there was no support for the crossbow in the sky, only the formation cannon, which immediately fell into the wind. The Thunderwing fighters are very good at air combat, and their bodies are erratic. They have considerable experience in dealing with the formation cannons. While playing the game, the army is like a golden cloud, quickly approaching the city wall. It would be a disaster if more than one million Thunder Wings were to fall into the city.

Must hold the air.

Ye Tian decisively released 690,000 griffins and hundreds of thousands of A two-star and three-star aircraft, but did not cause the E clan to attack. He still wanted to retain these powers as much as possible. After all, monsters and aircraft can continue supplement.

Ye Tian’s judgment was still accurate. The appearance of the griffon and the aircraft immediately stabilized the situation. The rumbling explosions and the skyrocketing fire made the sky look like hundreds of volcanoes erupted together.

The speed of casualties increased sharply. Almost every minute and every second, there were constant casualties. The fragments of the aircraft, the corpses of the monster beasts and the Thunderwing tribe fell into the ground like hailstones.

Ye Tian turned around and began to pay attention to the huge “wind sock” behind the legion. What is this?

Don’t think about it, this must be the killer of the Northern God of War, and the insidiousness of the Northern God of War can’t hold back any good tricks, and it will definitely be fatal if you think about it.

Ye Tian’s observation was extremely meticulous. He saw all the tiny bumps on the ground, and hurriedly said to Ren Qingxian, “The listening team quickly explore the underground!”

But for more than ten seconds, Ren Qingxian’s face changed drastically, “The enemy is digging tunnels!”

Oh? Do you have to come from underground when you see such a powerful city guard?

This is really a good tactic. The tunnel goes directly under the city wall, or even into the city. You only need to enter a small part of the enemy from the tunnel, and you can wreak havoc in the city. There are many buildings in the city. The deep lanes and small roads are very flexible in battle. Strong, it is absolutely different from a city battle. Even if it is just a small group of people, it will completely disrupt the situation and make people feel frustrated. They will be attacked inside and out, and they will destroy the city defense equipment. Ye Tian is basically lost.

Ye Tian calmly said, “Let the listener determine the exact location of the tunnel, and wait for them at the exit!”

“Ye Tian, ​​let the Tyrannosaurus army guard the tunnel crossing. The tunnel must be the elite among the elite. The ninth-level heart is affirmative. If there is a universal heart, ordinary soldiers can’t stand it.”

Ye Tian shook his head, “No need!”

Ren Qingxian suspected that he had heard it wrong, “Ye Tian, ​​you think about it clearly, we can’t afford to fail!”

Ye Tian smiled, “Did you forget what we have?” Pointing to the black iron box on the corner stage, Ren Qingxian was overjoyed and began to arrange secretly, and suddenly hundreds of teams were divided on the city wall, carrying the black iron box. , Go down to the city to meet with the listening team.

Arrangements were made here, and the sound of “woo woo” in the “wind sock” suddenly became louder, a cloud of yellow and dark green gas, covering a hundred li, drifting toward the city wall.

Ye Tian frowned when he saw it, “It’s poison gas!”

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