The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1533

Chapter 1534 Fierce battle in the city

“The leaking of the house is always rainy nights , and the boat is late and hit the wind”, “Fortune Wushuang comes, misfortune never comes singly”…

The Tianxue Legion nearly collapsed due to the betrayal of the Red Ears. Such a vicious blow was more damage than a direct confrontation with the Northern God of War. Just like a wife betraying her husband, two people who are on the same front and comforted each other in their lives suddenly find that the other party has never cared about your life.

The battle of life and death is about to begin, and the Tianxue Legion, which has less than 30% chance of winning, has almost no hope in sight.

Ye Tian had a murderous heart, and at this moment, he made a ruthless decision, as long as he didn’t die, he would destroy the Red Ears!

Ye Tian called ten to come, “Ten , this is a thousand beast charms of the first-class Universe Heart Monster Beast. It must be used at the most critical time. Monster Beasts are nothing. It keeps the elite of our army. important.”

Buffidier and Bihanming face coldly. They have never been so angry or flinched like this. They feel that they all look down on themselves, and the eyes of the other tribes are cut on their bodies like a knife.

They would rather die, just die like this, nothing is more useless than this.

There were more than half a million soldiers following Buffidier and Bihanming. They were all spirited men. They were not greedy for life or fear of death, and went to stop the imperial concubine and the red ear king.

The red-eared people who were afraid of death accounted for the majority, and soon suppressed Buffidier and Pehanming, the concubine and the red-eared king. Unexpectedly cruel, they killed a large number of comrades in the city without blinking their eyes. a bit.

At the time of the fight, the millions of legions in the Heavenly Dao had already fallen into the city under the rainbow.

Li Meiyi shouted, “Gryphon Legion, E Clan, blocking in the air.”

“The Tianniu tribe is ready to charge!”

“The Overlord’s Army, the Five Cities Allied Forces, the Milan Army, and the Hongyao Army form a phalanx to resist the main force!”

Countless griffins, E tribes, and flying machines rushed into the air, and they fought fiercely over the city. It didn’t take long for a large number of griffins and flying machines to fall down. There were also the corpses of Thunderwing tribesmen, and their blood was sprayed underground like a rainstorm. .

The Thunder Wing Clan has been upgraded through the Heavenly Dao, and its strength is not trivial. The Sky Legion is gradually unable to support it.

Facing the millions of soldiers who fell from the heavenly path, the Tianniu tribe launched the first wave of fierce assault, and the four legions formed a square formation to follow.

The warriors who come down from the heavenly way are all elite soldiers and strong generals. They are almost all of the Sulong tribe. The Sulong tribe has two horns on their foreheads. When they fight, the horns flicker. With the help of the heavenly way, they become extremely brave and addictive. Blood is like a demon, covered with fine scales, unafraid of magic weapons.

The impact of the 500,000 celestial cattle race was raging like a tide, but the tide rushed into the formation for only more than a thousand meters, as if it was shot on a dam, and it seemed to hit the steel plate, and stopped suddenly. The Sulong clan formed into one piece, like an ancient barbarian dragon, half a million celestial cattle clan, persisted for less than 30 seconds, and all turned into fleshy flesh, while the fallen Sulong clan was only 100,000 or so.

The gap is so big that it can almost be said to be devastating.

The Sulong clan began to charge into the phalanx.

In the center of the phalanx is the Allied Forces of the Five Cities, which are relatively weak. On the two wings are the Tyrannosaurus Rex Corps and the Hongyao Milan Corps, which are real strong players.

The Sulong tribe was the first to enter the middle of the legion, and some of them were like a broken bamboo. The 50% of the allied forces were retreating steadily. However, the Sulong tribe was introduced into the Fangzheng, and suddenly encountered a frantic attack by the two wings.

The phalanx is the first to lure the enemy deep with weakness, and sacrifice for victory. There is no way. War only has victory and defeat. The kindness in war is cruelty to oneself.

The ninety-eighth-level Tyrannosaurus suddenly merged into one hundred and eighty nine-level monsters, and the thirty-nineth-level Tyrannosaurus transformed into sixty universe and first-level monsters, cooperating with the two wings and killing frantically.

The smell of blood spread like a gust of wind in the city.

Chanzi had already yelled, “I’m going to the city gate!” With a large group of troops rushing to the city gate, at this time, the city gate has been opened with a one-meter wide gap, and countless soldiers of the Tianxue Legion tried to avoid opening the city gate. It’s bigger, the face bursts with blue veins and pushes the city gate. The pressure outside the city is huge. Many people’s blood vessels protrude from the skin like earthworms, and blood rushes. In order to delay the time, the people use their bodies to block the gaps in the city gates. The sword slashed on his body, and he held it forcibly, letting the enemy slash without any movement. An extra second was a second, just to buy time for the army in the city.

The members of the Tianxue Legion had already made a mortal determination. Even if they lose, they must lose decently. The defeat is magnificent.

This practice of ignoring life and death actually blocked the city gates with corpses. Many people were chopped down. There were enemies outside the city, and enemies inside the city. They were slashing their fragile flesh madly. Delayed.

Chanzi saw this scene, his head was suddenly empty, and he roared with King Zhen, and joined the battle group desperately. Their eyes were blood-red, and they had forgotten life and death and fear at this moment.

At this time, the only ones who didn’t do anything were the Northern War God, the Fish God King, and the Sulong King!

People fall one by one. At this moment, life is like grass, and death is so easy, like dust.


Under the front and back attack, the city gate inevitably opened, and the influx of a large number of enemy troops made a major reversal of the situation on the field.

The phalanx, which had already had the upper hand, was outflanked from the left, right and the rear. Li Meiyi hurriedly ordered, “Retreat, go to the city lord’s mansion!”

Chanzi’s army was rushed by the influx of troops in seven and eight chaos. In the chaos, countless warriors died tragically, Chanzi shouted, “All retreat and join General Li!”

The city has become a one-sided situation. The enemy forces are surging like violent waves, and the Tianxue Legion quickly retreats, and the soldiers continue to fall back on the road.

The situation seems irretrievable, and victory has become a dream that can never be realized.

King Su Long roared, “Are you still not surrendering? The reinforcements of the Su Long and Lei Yi tribes are coming soon. You have no chance of winning, and you will have nowhere to go when you want to run!”

Li Meiyi immediately shouted, “To be your daydream, we would rather die in battle. As long as Ye Tian doesn’t say the word ‘failure’, none of us surrender!”


Ye Tian has floated in the world of good fortune, with Chaoyuan Dao stick floating around him, and the body of Chaoyuan Firewood, a big emerald green tree, and both Demon Jiamo and Demon Famo around the giant egg. Spinning.

Countless fresh lotus flowers flew out from the Chaoyuan Taoist rod and landed on the giant egg, seeming to comfort it.

The Dafa Master said that the body of the child of disaster is the “spirit”, and the Eighteen Immortal Skylight is superior to the ordinary skylight, or that it has the ability that ordinary skylight can’t have, that is-there is no “spirit” and no absorption.

That’s right, Ye Tian intends to integrate the Son of Disaster into the Eighteen Immortals.

At the same time, the dome shell “pop” cracked, and a pointed head was exposed, “click, click,”, is it possible to bite the eggshell with one’s head, as if there is no more important thing in the world than this.

This head became bigger and bigger, like a red demon. Ye Tian only felt a murderous intent that made his soul tremble, and he didn’t dare to look any further, if he didn’t kill him at this time. , Will completely time and space.

Chaoyuan Dao staff shook, his head screamed and turned into a cloud of mist, followed by Chaoyuan Dao staff “buzzing”, both Yao Jiamo and Yao Famo chanted something to the fog, Ye Tian took his body The canopy of the big emerald tree drooped down, and the fog began to drill into Ye Tian’s nostrils.

In an instant, countless killing intent, violence, resentment, and all kinds of negative thoughts completely smashed Ye Tian’s heart. Ye Tian’s mind instantly fell, his eyes were pitch black, there was no white eyes, and he actually grabbed the eggshell and gnawed it.


Fish God divides the city.

The Northern War God glanced around the city and shouted, “Where is Ye Tian? Dare to come out for a fight!”

However, there was no answer, as if he was overwhelmed by his aura, he didn’t dare to say anything.

“Ye Tian, ​​get out of here! Otherwise, all three of your cities will be wiped out and you will be taken care of!”

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