The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1553

Chapter 1554 The magic weapon that changes reincarnat

When other people heard that the pebbles of other worlds could prove longevity, they were immediately excited, gearing up one by one, as if they had won hundreds of millions of lottery tickets to receive the prize.

Indeed, such an opportunity is unique, or only once in a lifetime. Not everyone can come to the cycle of rebirth.

Everyone stood next to a piece of pebbles, nervously like a father-to-be standing outside the delivery room, putting their hands on the pebbles one by one. The white pebbles suddenly lit up in various colors, and some turned into yellow waxstone. Some become luminous stones, there are malachite, agate, sapphire…

Suddenly, a red light burst into light, which was particularly conspicuous among the various colors, but seeing that General Hanmu was there, the pebbles under his hands turned red, looking like a bloodstone.

After Huifeng saw it, he quickly stepped forward and exclaimed with ecstasy, “Sure enough, Han Mu is the most outstanding talent among the younger generation of my clan. You still have a special saying in this destiny, which is called Tiangang Fire Destiny.”

Seeing that the city lord was happy, Han Mu was extremely excited. It seemed that the destiny that appeared in his reincarnation circuit should be very strong. I can’t say that the city lord would treat him differently in the future and asked, “My king, what is Tiangang fire fate.”

“I don’t know the specifics, but I can tell you clearly that the fate of Tiangang fire is much more precious than the fate of Jinqiao Yaochi. Tiangang fire means that you can live for at least one thousand years in this life, and it is also a kind of chance to escape from reincarnation. The destiny, and the destiny of the Jinqiao Jade Lake, only has seven or eight hundred years of life, and there is no chance to escape from reincarnation.”

Everyone immediately leaned forward and congratulated them. The attitude towards this general was obviously different. Who doesn’t know that after at least a thousand years of cultivation, he will definitely be an unshakable overlord-level figure, even aspiring to Kunlun Lower Realm.

More than a dozen people of the Nandou tribe are like children who find new toys. They keep trying, but one person secretly uses the power of the soul to engrave words on the pavement beside the pebble without others knowing. On a whim, go wild and see what strange things will happen.

There was a lively chat, but Ye Tian felt boring, and he didn’t even have the intention to try other world stones. Destiny is constantly changing. “Sometimes in fate must be there, and there is no time to force in fate.” This sentence is actually ambiguous and self-satisfaction. It can be said that you don’t necessarily get what is in your fate, and you don’t necessarily get what’s in your fate. Some results will change little by little with time and the general situation. It seems like changing your fate against the sky. Very tall, it’s just an effect of dripping water through the stone. With every detail changed, a qualitative change in life will eventually be ushered in, or what was originally in the fate is gone, or what was not in the fate, but it’s given to you. Was born.

Ye Tianzheng thought about this wildly. As soon as he raised his head, the sweat suddenly came down. Fuyu was like a ghost. I don’t know when, standing next to him pretty, his eyes were more watery than Qiu Shui, as if the charm of the whole body was in these eyes. , Desperately seduce Ye Tian, ​​directly making Ye Tian unacceptable.

Fu Yu carried a bit of resentment and coquetry, “Men have to take the initiative, but women also want to do it. You have to be able to’bully’ women, even if you use a bit of a strong person, you can accept it.”

Ye Tian couldn’t hear such a direct suggestion. He shivered and naturally didn’t dare to climb along the pole. He hurriedly pretended to be silly and haha, and then changed the topic, “You Nandou clan stepped on the cycle of reincarnation, looking for Qinggao. What does the clan do?”

Ye Tian just asked casually, but he didn’t expect Fu Yu to say it without evasiveness, “Others don’t know, our Nandou clan has another name, called the reincarnation clan. Let’s look for the power of the previous life.”

Ye Tian frowned. The name “Reincarnation” seemed quite simple. Who didn’t want to have a resounding name, but he knew that if you dare to call this name, there must be something unusual.

Fu Yu’s next words surprised Ye Tian, ​​“Our race, as long as we find the Qinggao clan and enter the yellow spring water, we can find a certain power in the past life in the yellow spring water. This power will use the power of reincarnation as the carrier. The yellow spring water is used as a bridge to pass to us.”

Obtaining the power of the previous life, this is really mysterious and mysterious, indescribable, involving very deep underlying rules, and the Nan Dou clan actually hides such a big secret.

“I heard that even if you don’t get the power of the previous life, you can still satisfy an ordinary wish of our Nandou clan.”

Ye Tian looked at Fu Yu incredulously and asked, “Is this the circuit of reincarnation that you walked for?”

Fu Yu shook his head and said, “Of course it’s not all for this reason. We have to take great risks to gain the strength of the previous life. Another important reason for this action is a magic weapon in the yellow spring.”

Ye Tian’s body was shocked as if being electrocuted. This is the key. Characters like Nan Dou Wang can ignore even the strength of his previous life, but he never ignores this magical soldier, “A magical soldier in the yellow spring?” what is that?”

“I don’t know about this. I just heard that if you get this magic weapon, the lower realms are all pediatrics, and you can change reincarnation.”

Ye Tian’s hairs stood up all over his body, “Change reincarnation? It’s a big tone.” With this kind of magic weapon, heaven does not allow it to exist, but… it is impossible for King Nan Dou to be ignorant of this, so it can only prove that, This is real. ”

Then he asked, “Where did this magic soldier come from?”

“It is automatically condensed in the yellow spring water. It seems to have existed for many years, but no one has the ability to obtain it.”

Ye Tian twisted his eyebrows and said, “Qing Gao Clan is also incapable?”

“Ha…” Fu Yu suddenly laughed, “The fun is here. The Qinggao clan guards the yellow spring water every day, but their clansmen can’t touch that magic weapon at all. It is said that they are innately opposed to them.”

When the two of them were talking about this, Han Mu’s voice suddenly rang, “Ye City Lord, do you want to try this other world stone, you who are like the world, you must have a good destiny.”

Ye Tian turned his head and looked, my goodness, he was almost frozen by that gloomy look, and saw Han Mu staring at him 10,000 times, wishing to kill him. He wanted to see himself and Fuyu together, let He was furious, and Ye Tian wanted to tell him that you don’t need this. I’m not interested in Fu Yu, but I really don’t bother with such a person. The so-called words are not too speculative, and I don’t want to say a word to him.

Seeing that Ye Tian didn’t speak, Han Mu shouted, “Ye Tian, ​​I’m talking to you, don’t put on airs with me, you are not qualified yet.”

He knew that he was the fate of heaven and fire, and that he had practiced for a thousand years, and instantly felt that he was invincible.

Ye Tian watched him frown, and wanted to refute a few words. When he saw Huifeng’s glamorous look, he suddenly lost interest. When arguing with someone like Han Mu, doesn’t it appear that he is short in front of Huifeng. On the one hand, he ignored the next level of his subordinates, and just put on a leisurely state of “you are strong, you are strong, and the breeze is blowing on the hills”, but it is not light.

I don’t want Huifeng to say suddenly, “Ye City Lord, just have a good time. How about I try this other world stone with you?”

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