The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1623

Chapter 1624 Supernatural beast

Jiebao is rare, and the same is true in the upper bounds of Kunlun. Especially high-level Jiebao can be encountered but not sought. When Ye Tian saw this treasure, he inexplicably liked it, and asked, “Shall I take the map of mountains and rivers?”

Huang Devil shook his head to stop, “This baby has a magical nature, you can’t control it now.” Speaking softly the origin of the map of mountains and rivers, “This world treasure can also be regarded as a legendary experience, and it is really a helpless product of war and killing. Bao is transformed by the mountain-belly soul stone, and has been washed by the evil spirits for thousands of years. He wants to enlighten himself and become a precious body. Before, many people wanted to suppress it and prevent it from becoming a big success, so as not to cause harm to the world, but now look at it. After all, it failed. As long as there is a large amount of dead souls absorbed, every time you absorb one, the baby’s power will be stronger. Now it is fully formed, you want to control it, unless… you take a hundred dead souls every day to raise it, and at the same time It takes at least three thousand two hundred days to cultivate the essence, blood, and soul power before it can truly recognize you as the master.”

“Three hundred and two hundred thousand souls! I want to kill three hundred and two hundred thousand people?”

Old Fairy Huang Devil replied, “Theoretically, this is the case…” Ye Tian kept shaking his head, and Old Fairy Huang Devil said again, “Don’t be mad, you can find a place where the dead soul lives, and the same can be done.”

In fact, this is very difficult. Once a person dies, he rarely survives in the form of a dead soul, or becomes a ghost-like existence and continues to practice, or his soul is scattered, and he rarely continues in the form of a pure soul.

The Old Fairy Huang Demon also knew, and said, “You can absorb the Transitional Vein first, I have a way to temporarily lock it, and it won’t be a problem in a short time.”

Ye Tian can only hold on to the idea of ​​luck. It is a pity that such a baby can’t be obtained by himself.

The old fairy Huang Mo told Ye Tian some methods for absorbing the map of the mountains and rivers to change the veins of the sky. In fact, they are not methods. They are just some skills to communicate with the magical treasures of the map of the mountains and rivers. Among the rushing big river, the big river originally flowed towards the end of the scroll, but in an instant it flowed backwards, venting violently towards Ye Tian.

In the picture scroll, a long river rolled out of it turbulently, mighty and mighty, trying to swallow Ye Tian, ​​but an extremely strange thing happened, the big river rushed to Ye Tian, ​​but suddenly disappeared, like an encounter The dam was immediately cut off, and it sucked the river water clean like Ye Tian’s body.

In fact, this kind of communication method is not so strange, just like the communication between humans and dogs or cats, it requires skills and experience, but these skills and experience are extremely difficult to control.

With the absorption of the changing sky veins, Ye Tian felt that his five-element **** imaginary sky light had an unspeakable change. Because of the relationship of the immortal order, the five-element **** imaginary body had turned into a colorful tree monster, which was like a desert. The plants in extremely short of water, the energy of changing the sky veins is transmitted in, and it is like a sweet spring water, it takes root in it at once, and it slurps and swigs. At the same time, the dryad’s body begins to undergo incredible changes, first the dryad Gradually, his body became transparent and looked empty, like an illusory shadow.

The old fairy Huang Mo hurriedly pointed out, “This is the phantom body of the sky light, which is close to transparent, and it will be covered by dust in a while.”

Sure enough, after just half an hour, the empty dryad’s body was like an old house that had gone through decades, covered in various dusts, cobwebs, etc. The old fairy Huang Devil called it “a pearl covered in dust”, he said This is a good phenomenon, which proves that the impurities in the sky light are being discharged, and the impurities also contain “ignorance”. If the uncivilized “ignorance” is removed, the sky light will be more intelligent.

After about ten hours, the dust gradually crusted and fell off, revealing the crystal clear, amber-like body of the dryad inside, even if every branch and leaf are like carved out, glowing with warmth. Before Ye Tian had time to take a closer look, suddenly, the tree monster’s body burst out with a strong colorful light, and the dangling person couldn’t open his eyes. After more than ten seconds, Ye Tian’s eyesight finally recovered, but there was nothing in front of him. , The Five Elements God Void disappeared, and was shocked and suspicious, the Old Fairy Huang Devil cried, “Don’t panic, this is an empty phantom body, you have removed the obstacles, now is the time of emptiness, and it is also a necessary stage for the achievement of the heavenly powers. You only need to absorb and change the celestial pulse steadily.”

Ye Tian did as he did, and the change of the celestial veins at this time had shrunk by more than half than before, and there was no such surging feeling anymore.

As time went by, the change of the sky channel turned into a small river, the small river turned into a trickle stream, and the stream became thinner and thinner, turning into a small water ditch. At this time, the tree monster appeared without warning, and it was no longer radiant. , No longer dazzling, some are just plain, returning to the original taste, it looks more like an ordinary willow tree, but only people with a high level of cultivation can perceive it, which contains indescribable powerful aura, sometimes exists, Sometimes it disappears and merges with heaven and earth.

Old Immortal Huang Demon cried, “Assimilate all the Heaven-changing Meridians, now is the critical moment to achieve magical powers.”

Enlightenment of supernatural powers is the initial stage of the supernatural powers of the sky, followed by the supernatural powers of consciousness, and then the supernatural powers of Zhengguo. Enlightenment is just a preliminary insight, which will double the power of the sky light. Naturally, you have a deep understanding of the magical powers. At this point, you can absorb the corresponding energy and increase the power, such as fire, thunder, and Zhengguo. Supernatural powers are powerful. They can absorb the supernatural powers of various monsters and even cultivators to form unique characteristics of their supernatural powers. For example, some can be directly transformed into the human body’s blood to stimulate a certain special bloodline and cause people to produce various physiques.

This is very scary, and Ye Tian was also very surprised. This is a bit similar to activating spiritual roots, so Zhengguo supernatural power is a watershed.

Before I knew it, a little bird appeared next to the tree fairy. The bird was about the size of a sparrow. It was extremely beautiful. It had pure white feathers, a clear blue beak, and seven tails. They were red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. They were cheerful. The tweet.

“This is your supernatural power beast, it’s really weird, how can it be a bird, this is not a powerful supernatural power beast.”

The supernatural power beast is related to the understanding supernatural power and the true fruit supernatural power in the future. The stronger the supernatural power beast, the more powerful it will develop in the future.

Huang Devil’s old fairy screamed, “With your talents, shouldn’t you… shouldn’t…” sighed, “You are already very good for Immortal Dao Erqing’s supernatural powers, leading a lot of people. At least better than the half-hearted Chen Zhangshi, his name is supernatural power, but he doesn’t even have supernatural power beast.”

At this time, the enlightenment of supernatural powers is considered complete.

Ye Tian didn’t care about this. Cultivation is also a matter of man’s work. There are no weak supernatural powers, but he can’t develop it. At this moment, there was a shout, and the old fairy Huang Devil laughed, “It’s Sui Guan Shi Ba Xiang. Let’s call Zhi.”

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