The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 1682

Chapter 1683 Extract spiritual roots

Except for the copy space, the mountain inside is nothing but nothingness, just like the earth around the mountain has turned into gas, except that it seems to be buckled out and inserted in the space, it looks very dry, cold, withered, and monotonous. However, Two people who just hugged each other tightly added color and warmth to this ruthless space.

Tang Xue was surprised at the appearance of Ye Tian, ​​”Why did you come and walked down the road of the world?” The voice followed sorrowfully, “Ye Tian, ​​I don’t want you to die, but…”

Ye Tian nodded, “I know, everything is not what you think.”

Ye Tian told them all about Huoluo and his own tribulation. Tang Xue’s tears fell instantly, “I always thought that Huoluo was the future you, and I thought you would become a demon in the future, you It will be my fault to destroy Kunlun. If I kill you in the past, but let Living Lot succeed, I will almost cause a catastrophe.”

Ye Tian shook his head gently, “I said, no matter what you do, I won’t blame you for the next thousand and ten thousand years.” Looking at her carefully, she didn’t want to miss an inch of skin, Tang Xue has become Old, with more silver threads in his hair, wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and drooping cheeks, it looks like he is about fifty years old.

This has a lot to do with the three curses on Tang Xue. Ye Tian hurriedly took out the jade of fate, and after obtaining the lower soul orb on the road of the world, he combined the upper and lower soul orbs into one.

The jade of fate is like a lavender crystal, with blue clouds hanging in the upper part and yellow clouds in the lower part. It looks like the sky and the earth, and the color is beautiful but not exaggerated, and it is immortal.

Ye Tian immediately threw the fate jade into the air, and the fate jade turned into a cloud. In the middle of the cloud was a hollow, filled with mist, and suddenly a blue and yellow beam of light was projected from the hollow, which fell on Tang Xue. .

Tang Xue’s body trembled, feeling that she had become a baby wrapped in amniotic fluid, warm and safe, with a black qi rising from his body, and screams and curses came from the rising black qi, which was cursed before he perished. Screaming, Tang Xue’s loose skin was firm and moisturized as visible to the naked eye, and his complexion was getting better and better, and people were growing backwards.

The fate jade really worked, Ye Tian’s heart finally fell to the ground, his face was full of joy, and his heart was very grateful to the happy fairy.

About ten minutes later, Tang Xue’s curse was exhausted, and his peerless face recovered, the Nine Heavens Divine Stone urged, “Ye Tian, ​​quickly remove Tang Xue’s tribulation roots and integrate this root into yourself. Only in the spiritual roots can you complete the last step of your triumph.”

Ye Tian knows the powerful relationship. Only after this step can he become the ancestor of the tribulation. At that time, the powerful force is no longer understandable by the world of cultivation at the level of Kunlun. Kunlun has no ability to assimilate him, but is assimilated by him. .

Even if Ye Tian has become a golden pill and has achieved a golden core, the golden core is just a general term. For example, whether it is butter bread or chocolate bread is bread, he still does not know what his spiritual root is. This is very strange. Normal cultivators have long known the type of their spiritual roots. Ye Tian was the final touch because of the catastrophe, and Tang Xue’s spiritual roots were the first point that caused the butterfly effect.

Knowing all this, Tang Xue was naturally willing to help Ye Tian cross the catastrophe, but the extraction of spiritual roots is an extremely complicated matter. The process is more difficult than any head-changing surgery. As long as there is a slight deviation, you will win the lottery. The luck of the first prize also turned out to be paralyzed, and most of them became walking dead or died directly.

Fortunately, Ye Tian has six hundred years of cultivation experience, and he is still a half-crossing robber, and with the help of the Nine Heavens Divine Stone, there is generally no problem with the successful extraction of this spiritual root.

Tang Xue let go of all his minds and turned off the automatic protection of his body. Ye Tian used the spiritual root disintegration technique. This technique was regarded as an evil in the Profound Sky Realm, and it was specifically designed to harm people’s spiritual roots. Ye Tian was slightly involved in the technique. Make changes to make it less harmful. It acts on Tang Xue. From Ye Tian’s perspective, Tang Xue’s body is covered with criss-crossing veins, like tree roots, entrenched in every part of her body, no matter the physical body. Dantian or Shenhun are connected by these contexts, and this is her spiritual root.

Fortunately, even if Tang Xue’s spiritual roots were extracted, Tang Xue’s cultivation base would not immediately drop.

What he was worried about was the future life, for fear that it would come out to cause chaos or hurt Tang Xue at a critical moment. Now it is dormant and hidden in the dark, which is a big hidden danger.

The Nine Heavens God Stone also reminded, “It’s too subtle to extract spiritual roots, but now you’re alive and watching, don’t worry, slow down.”

After Ye Tian performed the Spiritual Root Disintegration Technique, his hands became translucent, different from human hands, and a mouth and an eye were born on the hands, which are much smaller than ordinary eyes and the mouth is a bit scary at first glance. , Also somewhat beautiful.

Slowly put his hands on Tang Xue’s body, and at the same time pay attention to the movement, his hands released a faint white light, where they touched Tang Xue, electric sparks appeared, his eyes and mouth separated from the palm of his hand and became The light body penetrates into Tang Xue’s skin, each eye and each mouth form a partner. The eyes explore the way in front, the mouth follows behind, and a beam of light shoots out from the eyes, similar to a laser, shining on the Linggen veins. Above, light spots appear in the Linggen veins. These light spots are like the key to the intersection of various veins. When you see the light spots in your mouth, you will attach them, and continue to absorb them, and the light spots will be sucked into the mouth, and the veins will follow together.

This process is not slow, but for Ye Tian, ​​living is like years, and the consumption of his mind is also extremely huge. In this copy space, Ye Tian sweats like rain, and it is still a bit difficult to activate this technique.

As Ye Tian’s power became stronger and stronger, the copy space began to distort, and it looked like the scenery in the water was being stirred, and the Nine Heavens God Stone shouted, “Ye Tian, ​​pay attention to controlling the power. If you push the golden core like this again, the time vortex Or the time cliff will appear.”

It’s not that Ye Tian doesn’t want to control it, but that the energy needed to disintegrate the spiritual root is huge, and it needs to be carefully controlled. It is no less than an ordinary person holding a hundred kilograms of brush to paint a beautiful landscape painting. The energy is huge, compared with that. Before breaking through invisible walls, it was more than ten times stronger.

The first signs of time vortex and time cliff have undoubtedly added a lot of variables to Ye Tian’s extraction of spiritual roots. Ye Tian can only slightly reduce his strength to stabilize the distortion of the copy space. It is impossible to restore it unless Tang Xue pays the price of life. .

Ye Tian is really dancing on the tip of a knife, as if walking on a steel wire on a cliff.

The extraction speed of the spiritual roots is still very fast, and in these few minutes, the interlaced veins have been reduced by nearly half.

But at this moment, a sneer came, like a screaming ghost, which made Ye Tian’s hairs stand up. This sound is too familiar to him, it is Huo Luo, and he will finally make a move when there is no problem at all. .

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