The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 Into the smart

The completion of the disconnection between the Ren and Du Meridians indicates that the most mysterious and unfathomable obstacles in the body have been eliminated. It is equivalent to the replenishment of the congenital defects of the meridians of the human body, breaking through the most important limit of the physical body, and no congenital limitation. , As long as the aura is sufficient, then the tyrannical degree of his physical body will increase indefinitely, reaching the level of Superman in Marvel, but it is only a matter of time.

“The methods of finding and connecting broken veins on earth should all be in the hands of martial arts families like the Song family in Yunzhou. In a world without cultivation civilization like this earth, it is equivalent to that of the Xuantian realm. The Xianjia Baodian is a treasure they regard as life.”

Ye Tian couldn’t help but sighed. For him, such classics were extremely crude and dismissive, and even the lowest level cultivation technique in the Profound Sky Realm was tens of thousands of times stronger. It can be seen that if you cultivate on the earth, there is almost no possibility, he may be the only true cultivator in the true sense of the earth.

Broken veins are like dead blood. They exist after the combination of essence and blood to form a fetus. However, dead blood is easy to find, while broken veins are hard to find. During the war, a country had conducted thousands of living experiments in China, and it was impossible to find it. The exact location of the broken pulse, ordinary people have never even heard of such a meridian.

“As soon as the meridians are connected, it’s not a problem for me to practice martial arts in the realm of comprehension!”

Anyone who knows a little bit of Chinese medicine knows that the Ren Du two meridians are actually the two main lines of the human body. There are countless meridians and collaterals separated from the two main lines. When these two meridians are connected, the aura that is absorbed into the body will be produced. A large cycle automatically circulates with meridians and collaterals, so that the aura in the body can be invoked and brought into full play.

Previously, Ye Tian just stored the aura in the meridians and used it for some simple use. It was like slashing with a knife. Now Ye Tian, ​​with the meridians all over his body, he has learned a set of offensive and defensive swordsmanship. The aura is complete. Circulating operation, this is also the basis for him to practice the martial skills in the Shi Fang Qi Refining Jue, and even the simple sword art afterwards.

This is the effect of the combination of the Yin and Yang veins of the human body after the interrupted vein is connected and the Ren Du vein changes.

“Sure enough, it is the ten-party qi refining tactic, and it is not lost as the qi refining fairy code of the Profound Sky Realm. After all the meridians are opened, he can feel his extraordinary!”

“Well, there are almost no impurities in the body!”

Looking at the black sweat on his skin, Ye Tian nodded in satisfaction. The impurities that were deeply ingrained in his body before and could not be tempered were also discharged out of his body. He stood up abruptly, feeling as light as a swallow, and he seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden. He held his breath, the hairs all over his body were trembling slightly, instead of breathing in his nostrils, even if he throws Ye Tian into the water now, he can breathe the oxygen in the water through his pores without suffocating. Not only that, since then, he has also been able to slowly discharge the impurities left in the body through the pores of food, drinking water, and air, so that there is no trace of impurities left in Ye Tian’s body, just like a flawless jade, and it can also make Ye Tianbai. It’s not a problem if you don’t get sick, and your life expectancy will increase by several years.

All his meridians are opened up, and the spiritual energy circulates. It will excrete all the impurities hidden in the deepest part of the body, and will gradually make up for the weak parts of the body, such as suffering from congenital diseases, physical weakness, etc., these symptoms will slow down After slowly disappearing, after the body approaches the perfect state, the biggest obstacle of the Vajra Body Refining Jue also disappears, and slowly cultivates to the fullest. But if it is an ordinary qi refining technique, it is impossible to do this at all. There will always be some impurities in the body. Maybe there is no problem now, but when the cultivation level reaches a high level, even if it is only a small amount of impurities, It will prevent his physical body from reaching the peak of cultivation, which is a huge hidden danger on the path of cultivation, and even a fatal element when crossing the catastrophe. Ye Tian in the previous life made this mistake, only knowing that he was brave and diligent, and did not know how to accumulate his wealth, which led to the tragedy of the failure of the triumph.

“Although the physical body is only the foundation of the foundation, the first step in cultivation I have built is indestructible, surpassing the previous life, and the road to cultivation will be long, and the regrets of the previous life will be supplemented a little bit. I will definitely be able to stand beyond the previous life. peak.”

A dazzling light seemed to light up in Ye Tian’s eyes. Although the earth’s aura was exhausted, his heart was ignited with confidence that he had never had before.

“Next, guide the aura to circulate in the body to really stabilize the agitation period!”

The sweat on his body was not dealt with. Ye Tian sat cross-legged again, his tongue pressed against his palate, his **** contracted Yin, and his meridians were unobstructed. The aura from all over the villa gathered at dozens of times the speed before, stirring the surroundings outside the villa. The mist slowly floats and wanders like a cloud, undulating up and down, making the villa look like a pavilion in the cloud, a land of immortal homes.

Countless auras poured into Ye Tian’s seven orifices and circulated in the meridians. The tempered body became stronger and stronger, the meridians became more tenacious, and the aura that it contained increased.

About four or five hours later, Ye Tian’s eyes suddenly opened, and a group of brilliant lights shot out like a dart shining with cold light. It was fascinating and sharp, like an unsheathed sword, but Ye Tian immediately As soon as he recovered his momentum, he returned to the basics, and returned to his ordinary and ordinary appearance, but when you look carefully, there is a deep smell on him, which is unpredictable.


Ye Tian gave a long roar, and a white pike rushed out from his mouth, like a white arrow, and shot on the villa’s vintage iron chandelier. With a “bang”, the whole chandelier was broken into fragments. There is more to it. The white pike was carried. After that, he crashed into the roof, and immediately a black pit the size of a plate, cracks and cobwebs spread, and the lime and cement on the roof fell rustling.

This is the skill of exhaling and killing. Although he was able to do it before, it has never had such a powerful effect.

Ye Tian nodded with great satisfaction. He did not feel sorry for the wrought iron chandelier of the villa at all, and muttered to himself: “If I exhaled before, it would be nice to be able to break a wooden stick, and the aura in my body would consume seven or seven. Eighty-eight, now it only consumes 20-30%, and this effect has been achieved.”

Ye Tian collected the aura of his whole body, and his whole body was like a hot red soldering iron into the water. With a “chicks” in the Qiqiao and the pores of his whole body, a slightly yellow mist was sprayed out, which was the foulness in his body.

“Huh? Some impurities are discharged from the body.”

“I didn’t expect the Shi Fang Qi Refining Art to be so magical, I underestimated it!”

Even Ye Tian was a little surprised. At this moment, there was actually a foul gas discharged. It should be the deepest foul gas hidden in the internal organs. The previous dirty stools and sweat were excreted from the body. The impurities in his body have almost disappeared. Now they are actually excreted in the form of gas. The removal of impurities in the body, from the inside to the outside, is indeed the ultimate in the extreme.

“Finally stepped into the agile period!”

Ye Tian exhaled a long breath. It has been nearly two months since the earth was reborn. He finally passed a small pass. Although in the Profound Sky Realm, two months are enough for him to break through the foundation building period and enter the spiritual virtual period, but the earth resources Exhausted, he was fairly satisfied with the result.

It was the darkest moment before dawn. Ye Tian’s thoughts floated away, and he couldn’t help but miss Tang Xue, the love of his previous life and the life-dependent Tang Xue.

“Sher, we should be able to meet soon.”

Ye Tian clenched his fists, full of confidence, and looked at the dark sky and muttered to himself: “When the time comes, I will use these fists to protect you, so that the tragedy of the previous life will not repeat itself.”

“And your royal family, it’s time to have a break!” Thinking of the next family banquet, the Wang family who had humiliated him in the previous life, and Wang Zihan who was still arrogant to him in this life, a cold light flashed in Ye Tian’s eyes.

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