The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 South China Shangjia

At noon, a BMW 5 Series galloped on the road leading to Lingdong County, Song Tai drove, and Ren Yinghao was sitting in the co-driver.

They want to enter Nuling Mountain, reach Huren Lake, and go to Lingshan County. Instead, they have to enter Dashan from Yeongdong County in Jeju City.

Sitting in the back seat, Ye Tian saw the two people who had been a little nervous since entering Jeju City. He couldn’t help being a little curious. He didn’t understand why these two high-ranking masters had such emotional changes.

“What’s wrong with you two?”

When the two heard the Yulong boy speaking behind them, they seemed to let go of a lot of heart and said, “Master Ye, we have already entered the boundary of East China South. This is no better than West China South. Everything is better to be cautious.”

Nuling Mountain belongs to the Daxing Mountains and is also the main peak of the Daxing Mountains.

The Daxing Mountains have an average elevation of more than 1,000 meters, with a length of more than 500 kilometers from north to south, dividing South China into two halves, so there has always been East China South and West China South.

Yingzhou, Yunzhou, Bozhou, and Nanzhou, these four cities belong to West China South, and Jezhou City naturally belongs to East China South.

Song Tai, who drove, also said, “Yeah, Master Ye, don’t think that Master Ren and I have a small reputation in South West China, but it’s really worth it when we arrive in South East China… Well, we don’t have that much face. Activities here.”

Ye Tian couldn’t hear the timidity of the two people’s words, but he was also very curious about what it meant that the two of them did not dare to be too ostentatious, and asked: “Song Tai, isn’t your Song family also in East China and South? I heard that I am quite capable!”

“Oh!” Song Tai sighed, and said, “I don’t care about the strength of my Song family!”

“East China and South China are incomparable to West China and South China, Master Ye, let me make an analogy, don’t be upset.”

“If you compare East China South to the city center, our West China South in Yingzhou can only be regarded as a suburb.”

“Of course, I’m not only talking about economic aspects. East China South occupies seven-tenths of South China Province. If nothing else, Jezhou City alone is three or four times the size of Yingzhou City. We are here. Dongxian is also a county-level city, not much worse than Yingzhou.”

“The most important thing is that there is no so-called martial arts family in South West China. That’s because almost all the families are gathered in South East China. Don’t say our Song family is in South East China. Even in Jeju City, it can only be counted. It’s medium.”

“Don’t say anything else, just a Shang family in Jeju City will suppress my Song family’s head.”

Ye Tian was also slightly surprised when he heard that because of many businesses in his previous life, he had also been to South East China, but at that time he was just an ordinary person. Those martial arts families, giant crocodiles across politics and business, are considered to be another world to him, not only I can’t reach the level of contact with them, and I haven’t even heard of it.

Ye Tian followed with a smile and said, “Don’t worry, it’s all right.”

The two masters knew Ye Tian’s magical powers, and they hurriedly slapped them up.

The three got off the car at the largest hotel in Lingdong County. A half-bald middle-aged man stood behind the hotel door and waited. He immediately responded.

“Boss Yu, the rooms have been arranged for us!” Song Tai asked immediately when he saw him, with an arrogant posture and full master demeanor.

In the face of Ye Tian, ​​Song Tai bowed his knees, but after all, he is a master of the generation. He is also quite a nickname in Jeju, and he is also a unique figure in Jeju City. The boss naturally respects him as a god.

Hearing the questioning, Boss Yu immediately suffered from a bitter face, and said with tears in his eyes: “Master Song, I’m sorry!”

“Here…Here is full!”

“What?” After listening to Song Tai’s anger, he shouted violently: “Didn’t I tell you to arrange a room for me? You put my words on your ears?”

Boss Yu looked at Song Tai in horror, and said tremblingly: “Master Song, how dare I not listen to you, but, but my hotel has been booked, I dare not offend him!”

“Who is it? Get him out of me!” Song Tai may be very cautious in Jeju City, but in Yeongdong County, he has no such scruples. After all, there should be no one he can’t afford to offend here, and his body There are also figures like Ye Tian and Ren Yinghao beside him, and he is even more confident.

Even a place to stay was improperly arranged, causing him to lose everyone in front of Ye Tian and Ren Yinghao, but what he was most afraid of was to make Ye Tian unhappy, and the sky would collapse.

Obviously, Ren Yinghao was also afraid that Ye Tian would be angry, and then he shouted: “Which thing does not have eyesight!”

Boss Yu dared not speak, as both sides were unreasonable to offend people, and the tangled scene was about to be entangled.

As soon as Ren Yinghao finished speaking, he heard a shout.

“Oh? Who is talking here!”

“Dare to insult my Shang family, I don’t know whether to live or die!”

Four or five middle-aged men came not far away, and they surrounded a young girl with stars holding the moon in the middle.

Seeing these four, five, forty men, Ye Tian couldn’t help but pick up his brows, just because these men’s eyes flashed brightly, and a pure aura came out all over his body, surging and mighty. No less than the two masters Song and Ren next to him, they were both masters of the half-step transformation realm, and they were only half a step away from being able to enter the ranks of masters.

However, the most eye-catching thing is that girl, wearing a Dior western-style white suit, with half-length sleeves showing jade-like arms, and a section of jade legs exposed by nine-point pants. The white and tender lines are so beautiful. The whole set of clothes perfectly outlines her tall lines, not only looks exceptionally capable, but also has a celebrity temperament. At first glance, it has a dazzling feeling.

This young girl was about the same age as Ye Tian, ​​but she was surrounded by several half-step transformation masters, which shows how special her status is.

Ye Tian gave a soft “Huh”, and suddenly felt that there was a very strange aura in this girl.

The girl frowned when she saw Ye Tian’s gaze fixed on her body, but she had obviously been accustomed to seeing that gaze frequently, but the disdain and disgust in her eyes were undoubtedly obvious.

Several masters came to Song Tai and shouted coldly: “Song Tai, are you trying to drive us out?”

“Do you still insult my Shang family for not having eyes?”

When Song Tai saw these people, he yelled at Yuanjia Luzhai. He did not expect that the Shang family mentioned earlier would actually appear in such a small Lingdong County. He could not offend the Shang family and hurriedly gave up his hand. , Accompanied the smiling face and said: “Oh, the flood rushed into the Longwang Temple. I didn’t know it was Miss Shang Qingqing who contracted this hotel.”

“Otherwise, how can I have the courage to speak like this.”

These few people are fierce, and none of them is worse than Song Tai, and they dare not say anything when they are standing there.

Song Tai didn’t care about Ye Tian’s presence, and he kept apologizing. It seemed that he was extremely afraid of the Shang family.

A few people didn’t get too embarrassed, they just scolded a few words and snorted coldly: “You are also a master somehow, wink!”

After a few people said, respectfully invite Shang Qingqing to go to the hotel, who knows that when he got to Ye Tian’s side, Shang Qingqing finally couldn’t help Ye Tian staring at him, and shouted: “Look again, I dug your eyes. !”

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