The Reverse Life of Jiujiu

Chapter 224 - :get lost? Wild bath!

After thinking for a long time, Ruan Jiujiu calmed down. She suddenly remembered something and asked Bei Mingxuan: “Then Qianyin saved the emperor was also arranged by the prince?”

Bei Ming Xuandao: “That is her own choice. She believes in your medical skills, so she is willing to gamble for herself.”

Ruan Jiujiu smiled: “She is still really smart. It seems that I have chosen the right person. From today onwards, Qianyin is really not the previous Qianyin.”

There were many people in the Hua Palace this night, but there was no lively atmosphere.

Emperor Tianlong was stabbed. Although he was not injured, the people around him also saw blood. This is a major event. How dare those princes and ministers laugh!

Don’t say it was a laugh, everyone lived in the Hua Palace, and they didn’t even dare to say much.

This is the case on their side, Beiyue, Tanglin and Nanliang are also very quiet.

On the North Yue side, Xuanyuan Ling wanted to come to Ruan Jiujiu for revenge after waking up, but Xuanyuan Chengzhen, she couldn’t do it at all!

So Beigong is also very quiet.

The East Palace is also quiet, and it is naturally quiet, because the eldest princess of Tanglin is not a busy person, and the people around her are also very quiet.

When Emperor Tianlong was assassinated during the day, Di Mingyue further ordered that people around her should not talk too much. After all, they were on the territory of others, and they would lose their words. She believed this very much.

As for Nangong, although Nan Mingzhu was not stopped by him, and he was not a safe master, he was surprised by Ruan Jiujiu during the day.

And the main purpose of her coming to Tiansheng this time is to choose a concubine. Today, she finally saw the rumored and unparalleled God of War Pluto. He is more perfect than she thought, and she also attracts her attention, so other things, she You can just ignore it, and wait for her to become Princess Ming. If she wants to do anything, is there anything she can do?

Therefore, the only place in the Hua Palace that was considered relaxed and cheerful was the Xuan Palace.

Bei Mingxuan is the same as usual, not talking and cold, but Ruan Jiujiu is also the same as usual, not too noisy, but not a quiet master.

She found that the food delivered by Xuan Gong was particularly suitable for her, so she ate very happily, and then because of the antidote, she finally had a direction and was a little excited.

After dinner, Ruan Jiujiu felt a little bit braced. Hearing Xinger said that the scenery of the Hua Palace was particularly good, he was excited to take a walk to see the scenery.

She also invited Bei Mingxuan by the way, but of course she was rejected, but this result was exactly what Ruan Jiujiu wanted.

Go for a walk with the cold guy Bei Mingxuan? She is not looking for abuse, okay!

So Ruan Jiujiu was very happy to take Xing’er for a walk, and the other three girls also wanted to follow, but Ruan Jiujiu refused. If it weren’t for her fear of getting lost, even Xing’er would not be taken.

After the two of them left the mysterious palace, they walked into the garden.

Along the way, Ruan Jiujiu found that the scenery here is indeed quite good, but it is also similar to places like the Palace Ninggung. It looks exquisite, but it is too tired to see too much.

Ruan Jiujiu thought of the paddock before, and after the paddock is the forest hunting, she was a little interested.

For her modern person, hunting is an unprecedented experience in the future.

“Xinger, let’s go to the hunting ground.”

Xing’er was taken aback: “Why are you going there?”

“I saw that the scenery there is pretty good today, and there is nothing to see if I have come over here, go there and have a look.” Ruan Jiujiu said casually.

Xing’er didn’t feel very good, but Ruan Jiujiu knew the way and had already gone forward, so she had to catch up while shouting.

Ruan Jiujiu walked fast, also to prevent Xinger from stopping her.

The two arrived at the paddock very quickly, and as soon as they entered the paddock, Ruan Jiujiu went straight in the direction of the hunting forest.

Until the stable, Ruan Jiujiu went around again.

Seeing her coming, the palace man who raised the horse hurriedly saluted: “See Princess Changning, Princess Qianshui.”

“Bring the white horse I rode today.” Ruan Jiujiu ordered.

The palace man didn’t know what Ruan Jiujiu was going to do, but he didn’t dare to ask more, just obediently led the white horse.

Ruan Jiujiu walked over, patted the horse’s head, and gave others a name and said: “Little Bai, I’m here again.”

Xing’er hurried over and said, “Girl, do you want to ride a horse?”

Ruan Jiujiu directly admitted, and said, “Yes, I want to go to hunting forests. It’s safer to ride a horse.”

Xing’er almost cried when she heard this, she was afraid of it, okay? The girl admitted so directly, and told her to go hunting in the forest.

“Girl, you can’t go. If you let the prince know, the prince will not spare the servant.”

“It’s okay, you just wait here, we go back, the prince won’t know.” Ruan Jiujiu said and turned on his horse.

When Xing’er saw it, he was anxious, and she stepped forward to pull Ruan Jiujiu, but Ruan Jiujiu was holding a horse, and rushed out with a “driving”, she couldn’t help it.

Ruan Jiujiu was quite proud, and the feeling of riding a horse was quite good. She hadn’t ridden a horse before, at most she was riding in Beimingxuan’s carriage, or being carried around by him.

Riding a horse is a strange feeling to her, and she likes it.

She drove the horse in the direction of hunting.

The white horse was very vigorous, and soon led Ruan Jiujiu into the hunting forest.

Ruan Jiujiu didn’t expect to hit any beasts, but he also wanted to hit hares and pheasants.

The more she thought about it, the more interesting she got, and she ran deeper and deeper.

Although this season was not the hunting season, Ruan Jiujiu got deeper, so he still saw a lot of animals along the way, but it was almost as she expected, a few wild gray rabbits, and a few pheasants.

She didn’t bring a bow and arrow, but she was known as a “stinger” and her acupuncture could kill everything in seconds, so Ruan Jiujiu hit a few gray rabbits and hung them on the horse. She originally planned to go back, but when she turned around to go back, Suddenly hearing some noise in the grass of the front plane, she was immediately shocked and decided to explore inside again.

In case there is a little fox or something, she would call one.

Thinking about this, she chased after the sound. At this time, the sky was already dark, and she couldn’t see what was running ahead, but the sound made her more and more excited.

Before he knew it, Ruan Jiujiu had already run deep and he didn’t know how deep he was.

In the end, she chased and lost her prey. Ruan Jiujiu was unwilling to ride the horse in the forest for a long time, but she couldn’t find anything. Finally, she looked up at the moonlight above her head. It was not too early. , I’m afraid that Xing’er girl will die soon, if she is very anxious, go back to Bei Mingxuan, then she will lose out.

So she decided to go back.

Riding the white horse back and forth, but after running for a long time, Ruan Jiujiu suddenly found that something was wrong there, because she didn’t know the scenery on either side.

“Isn’t it lost?” Ruan Jiujiu stopped, looked around, and patted the white horse under him again, “Xiao Bai, don’t you know the way?”

The white horse snorted twice, indicating that it did not know the way.

Ruan Jiujiu was a bit speechless.

She looked up at the moonlight, and then roughly estimated the direction of the Hua Palace according to the position of the moon, and ran in that direction.

But after running for a long time, there are still invisible woods around, and you can’t see the Huagong at all!

Ruan Jiujiu was sadly sure that she was really lost, and it was estimated that she had traveled too far, so even if the direction was correct, she was afraid that she would not be able to return to where she was.

This is really no one.

She just got tired for a day today, wanting to have fun at will, unexpectedly encounter such a situation.

It’s too bad, okay! And who can tell her why the horse in the paddock doesn’t know the road?

Ruan Jiujiu was depressed, and suddenly felt a little thirsty. She ran this way without knowing how much sweat she had.

She looked around, and she didn’t have to be anxious to find the way at this time.

She said to Baima: “Xiaobai, I don’t count on you when I go back, but you can find me some water to drink.”

Bai Ma seemed to understand it, and without Ruan Jiujiu pointing the direction, he ran away with her in a different direction.

But after a while, Bai Ma took Ruan Jiujiu to a stream.

Under the night, the stream was clear, and Ruan Jiujiu did not hesitate. She has always been a special event, and this ancient stream may be purer than modern pure water!

She jumped off the horse and patted Xiao Bai’s head, letting it graze while walking to the stream.

She squatted on a rock by the stream, first washed her hands, then took a drink of water.

Ok! The entrance is sweet!

Ruan Jiujiu drank several sips without worry, and stopped until he was full.

After drinking the water, she got up and was about to leave, but she was stunned when she looked at the clear stream.

At this time, she felt uncomfortable with the stickiness of the army. The weather was not cold at this time, and it was still a bit hot. She hasn’t bathed yet. Anyway, she doesn’t know how to leave the forest, and there is no one here, she Why not take a bath in the wild?

Thinking about this, she looked around. Not far away, the white horse was grazing leisurely under the moonlight, and when she listened carefully, there was only the sound of insects all around, no other movement.

environment safety!

Ruan Jiujiu was sure, so he undressed and undressed, then chose a place and walked into the water.

As soon as she got into the water, she couldn’t help but sighed softly. She had to say, it was really comfortable.

In the Ming Palace before, the maids were serving the bath. Although it was a fragrant petal bath, some people were not as comfortable as they were when they served.

Ruan Jiujiu was very comfortable. She didn’t want to get up after washing. She wanted to soak for a while. At this time, she was bathed in clear water and the moonlight on her head was a great pleasure in life! While he was soaking, when he heard a noise not far away, Ruan Jiujiu was startled, he immediately hugged his body, and then he hooked his clothes with one hand, and hurriedly draped it on his body.

Although this wild bath is comfortable, it is better to be careful.

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