The Reverse Life of Jiujiu

Chapter 437 - : Lan Ruo\\\'an

Ruan Jiujiu also raised his eyebrows.

Connecting all the things that happened today, it can be seen that Madam You jumped over the wall because she was unable to implement the previous plan after she met Madam Mu and was afraid that she and Madam Mu would develop an antidote.

She first asked her maid to enter the palace to induce poison, but was afraid that the maid would fail there. Guessed that if the maid’s poisoning was revealed, she and Madam Mu would definitely come to Jin’s palace, so she poisoned Xiao Fengyin’s room again. Fragrant.

Needless to think about this poisonous incense, the most important role is to trigger the poison on her and Madam Mu, but she and Madam Mu had long suspected King Jin and his wife, so they avoided being poisoned.

At this point, Madam You can certainly think of it.

Mrs. You can start planning for a thing more than ten years ago. He is definitely not an incomplete person, so she must have thought that she and Mrs. Mu would discover her conspiracy to put poisonous incense, so Mrs. You definitely still has it. The third trick.

Ruan Jiujiu pondered for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, and asked the King Jin and his wife: “Uncle Wang, you really don’t know where Mrs. You took Xiao Fengwu?”

King Jin shook her head, and Princess Jin curled her eyebrows and said: “She didn’t say that, we were in a panic and didn’t even bother to ask, because we believed her, we wanted her to take Awu to detoxify quickly.”

Ruan Jiujiu’s eyes fainted and asked, “Have you heard her mention the three words Lan Ruo’an?”

Madam Mu listened and glanced over, her eyes confused.

King Jin shook his head and said, “I didn’t listen to her.”

Ruan Jiujiu nodded, and said to Mrs. Mu: “Mother, we are afraid we have to go to Lan Ruo’an now.”

Mrs. Mu was puzzled: “Brother Wang said he didn’t hear her Tilan Ruoan?”

Ruan Jiujiu smiled clearly and said: “She is a cautious person. It is normal if she didn’t mention it. If she mentions it, then it might be a smoke bomb that deliberately led us.”

Madam Mu nodded, but said again: “Ajiu, you don’t want to go anymore. You are pregnant now and are tired today.”

Ruan Jiujiu knew that Madam Mu must be scared, and she had never thought that Madam You would place poisonous incense in Xiao Fengyin’s room to calculate her and Madam Mu.

But she must go.

Madam You was indeed aimed at her and Madam Mu, but she just wanted to resolve the matter quickly. She felt that if it was not resolved, Madam You would do things that she could not think of.

“Mother, let’s go together, I’ll be fine.”

In fact, Madam Mu knew that she couldn’t persuade Ruan Jiujiu, and sighed: “Well, mother will take care of you.”

Xiao Fengyin said on the side: “I want to go too.”

King Jin and the princess also planned to say, but Ruan Jiujiu said: “The prince and princess, you should stay in the palace. Mrs. You is bold and secretive, saying that she might not come back again, so stay here. “

After hearing this, King Jin nodded helplessly, and Princess Jin had no choice but to say: “Then if you see Awu, you must…”

“Don’t worry.” Ruan Jiujiu said quietly, “Madame You’s target is not Xiao Fengwu, Xiao Fengwu should be fine.”

There was a shame on the face of Princess Jin, and she wanted to say something, but she didn’t say anything in the end.

Ruan Jiujiu, Madam Mu and Xiao Fengyin left the Jin Dynasty Palace and went to Lan Ruo’an.

Lan Ruoan was outside the city, although it was not too far away, it was already afternoon when Ruan Jiujiu and Madam Mu arrived.

Mrs. Mu brought dozens of Suwei with him for fear of accident.

Lan Ruo’an is at the foot of a mountain and backed by a green hill. It’s not too big, but not small. The house is simple and elegant. Although you haven’t entered, looking at the gate, you have a feeling of peace of mind.

This is a very nice place.

Xiao Fengyin twisted his eyebrows and said, “If that woman really came here, it would really ruin a good place.”

Ruan Jiujiu and Madam Mu both nodded.

Madam Mu asked Suwei to call the door.

Now they are still not sure if Mrs. You is here, so it’s better to behave first and then fight.

However, Suwei went to shoot the door for a long time, and shouted for a while, but there was no movement inside, and the gate of the um was still kept still.

Xiao Fengyin raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise, “No one?”

Ruan Jiujiu felt a little bad, and said: “Maybe people are really here, and there were also Master Qin and Aunt Youqing who said they had rushed here before. If this is the case, they can’t be silent.”

Madam Mu nodded her head with deep eyes, and looked at Ruan Jiujiu worriedly.

Ruan Jiujiu said, “Jump someone in from the wall and open the door.”

A Suwei responded, stepped over the wall and entered, and soon the gate opened.

Madam Mu asked Su Wei to go in first, and she and Xiao Fengyin accompanied Ruan Jiujiu in the final.

As soon as they entered, they found something was wrong.

The nunnery was too quiet, as if there had never been anyone.

But Ruan Jiujiu glanced around and said: “There are people here, the display of things here, and the cleanliness, you can see that there were people walking around here not long ago.”

Mrs. Mu nodded after listening.

Xiao Fengyin curled his eyebrows and said, “Then they all ran away?”

Ruan Jiujiu shook his head faintly, just said: “This nunnery is quite deep, let’s go inside and take a look.”

Madam Mu really wanted to persuade Ruan Jiujiu to leave, but after a glance at her, she had to agree.

Let Suwei clear the way first, and the three of them walked behind.

This nunnery was deeper and bigger than they had estimated before, and it didn’t end after several layers of courtyards.

Suddenly a Suwei who was fighting a front battle rushed over and said anxiously: “Your Highness, they are all in the back of the Buddhist room.”

“They?” Ruan Jiujiu raised his eyebrows.

Na Suwei said, “It’s Aunt Youqing and others.”

Ruan Jiujiu’s eyes condensed slightly, and he stepped forward to walk in the direction Suwei said, but Madam Mu grabbed her wrist and said, “Don’t worry, since people are there, you can’t run away.”

Ruan Jiujiu also realized that he was too anxious, turned his eyes and smiled at Madam Mu, calming himself down.

“You lead the way.” Madam Mu ordered Suwei.

Soon, when I walked to the door of a compound, I heard movement from inside.

As soon as Mrs. Mu and the others walked to the door, they heard the sound of footsteps, and it was You Qing who brought people over.

“I have seen Your Highness and His Highness, Princess Fengyin.”

Madam Mu raised her hand, You Qing got up, and said directly: “Your Highness, You Lan is here.”

It really is here.

When Ruan Jiujiu heard this, Xiduo was too surprised.

As long as you find someone, everything will be easy.

But she looked very strange at You Qing, thinking that Xiao Fengwu was still in Mrs. You’s hands, and asked: “Is she taking hostages to threaten you aunt?”

Youqing nodded and said, “Yes, she came with Xiao Fengwu, but now Young Master Wenren is also restrained by her.”

“What?” Ruan Jiujiu was surprised and asked urgently, “What’s the matter?”

Youqing said with ashamed expression: “She brought Xiao Fengwu with her when she came. At that time, Master Wenren was talking with Master Ruoan of Lan Ruoan in the meditation room. Because she was holding Xiao Fengwu, slave servants, and Master Wenren to throw rats, she didn’t dare to do anything to her. After she entered the meditation room, Master Ruoan said she wanted to talk to her. She agreed, and then she asked Master Wenren to be nearby. Later, she released Xiao Fengwu, but she poisoned Master Wenren. Young Master Wenren took her hostage.”

Ruan Jiujiu frowned.

Madam You naturally felt that Xiao Fengwu was not enough, so she changed Wenrenyouqin, and her method of poisoning was superb, and Wenrenyouqin was impossible to guard against.

She faintly felt that she was in trouble.

“Where’s Master Ruoan?” Ruan Jiujiu asked when he thought of it.

You Qing said: “Now Youlan is in the Zen room, the door is closed, Master Ruoan persuaded her inside, but after almost two hours, Master Ruoan could not persuade her either.”

Ruan Jiujiu sneered and said, “How can she listen to her after planning for so many years?”

Madam Mu’s eyes were faint: “I didn’t expect that the person who harmed me back then turned out to be her. Now that she poisoned our mother and daughter again, this palace wants to see her. I don’t know if she will see the old master of this palace again. What is the reaction.”

Ruan Jiujiu looked at Mrs. Mu in surprise.

Madam Mu just patted her hand lightly, and said, “It’s okay, it’s coming anyway, go in and take a look.”

Everyone entered the yard, and they saw that the Zen door in the large meditation room in front was closed tightly. The people brought by Youqing and Wenrenyouqin were guarding outside. When they saw Madam Mu and the others, they all saluted together.

Ruan Jiujiu asked You Qing: “It’s been two hours since you entered Master Qin?”

Youqing said with a solemn expression: “More than two or three hours.”

“So long?” Ruan Jiujiu twisted his eyebrows.

You Qing said: “Yes, during this period, the slave maidservant asked several times in the past, but Master Ruoan asked the slave maid to wait outside and said she would persuade You Lan.”

Ruan Jiujiu’s eyebrows narrowed when she heard it. She looked around and asked, “Where are the people in this nunnery?”

You Qing froze for a moment and said: “The slave-maid doesn’t know. From the slave-maid and Master Wenren here, there are no people here, only one Master Ruoan is here. Master Ruoan too saw us coming, so he invited us in. I didn’t see anyone else in the Zen room.”

Ruan Jiujiu felt very weird, but a little unclear. It seemed that something flashed in her mind, but she couldn’t catch it.

She glanced at Madam Mu, Madam Mu just held her hand and did not let go of her.

Ruan Jiujiu was a little helpless, but Madam Mu said to You Qing: “Go and ask.”

You Qing nodded, walked quickly to the door of the Zen room, and said loudly: “Your Highness and the Little Hall are down, Youlan, don’t you want to see Your Highness?”

There was no Mrs. You’s voice, only an old female voice, calmly said: “Donor, please wait for the poor.”

Youqing’s expression condensed, and he said, “Master, if it doesn’t work, you should stop insisting.”

“It’s okay, poor nuns try their best.” Master Ruoan’s voice is still steady and clear.

Ruan Jiujiu heard Master Ruo’an’s voice, but suddenly it became clear in his mind.

She knows what’s wrong!

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