The Richest Daughter is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 24

Chapter 20

Qin Yu was still wondering, but Miaomiao sighed helplessly like an adult, and said: “The other little pot friends are so pitiful, taro, your old kindergarten friends, if you don’t have pocket money, what? Buy snacks?”

“There is no kiosk in the kindergarten. Even if you have money, you can’t buy it. You can only buy it when you go home.” Qin Yu said: “It should be because everyone can’t count it yet.”

“I could only count my fingers and toes before. It seems that there are still many small friends like me.” Miaomiao was relieved when he heard it, and then said: “My mother said that many girls are good at Chinese and English, boys are better at math. Are you taro too?”

“No, I think it’s quite simple.” Qin Yu blinked innocently.

Miaomiao: “…” Suddenly it feels a bit sour.

Qin Yu saw Miaomiao’s aggrieved little expression, and quickly comforted: “Actually, it is not absolute. Because what everyone is not good at is different.”

Miaomiao nodded his head, and then said, “Anyway, I have to study hard. I will ask you if I have something I don’t know in the future. There are also Xiong Da and Xiong Er. I have three little teachers!”

Qin Yu let out an “um”, but thought in his heart: You won’t have a chance to find Xiong Daxiong Er.

This weekend, Qin Yu came to Miaomiao’s house, Xiong Daxiong Er also came down, and the four children were waiting in Fu Rou’s usual yoga room. After the two dance teachers came, they began to teach them to dance.

The teacher is a male and female, corresponding to the male and female dance steps respectively. The group of Miaomiao and Xiong Er jumped with the female teacher first, and the group of Qin Yu and Xiong Da jumped with the male teacher on the other side.

The beautiful dance teacher originally saw Xiong Er a boy dancing with him, and thought it was a bit strange, but thought that this should be agreed by the elders, so he ignored it.

According to Miaomiao’s request, the two teachers taught dances of a male and female combination. In the early stage, men and women need to practice separately. After about two or three classes, the children are familiar with the dance they want to dance, and they can dance together.

The dance is relatively simple. The duration of the dance is about three minutes, and a short period of it is repeated. In addition, the dancing speed is not very fast, in fact, there are not many movements.

The teacher let the children do all the movements separately, and made sure that the four children can complete these movements separately, without the need to adapt the dance, and then start to decompose the movements to teach.

Miaomiao’s fleshy little face is full of seriousness. Because the children’s physical strength is relatively poor, so a lesson is only for forty minutes, and the first eight eight beats of the decomposition movement have been taught, and they can be separated at a normal speed. Skipped. If you want to be coherent, it depends on the children’s memory.

Before leaving, the dance teacher said: “Miaomiao, I heard that you have WeChat. The teacher will skip the content taught today and record it as a video for you. You can watch the video if you have time and remember the sequence of actions, but don’t Keep practicing and pay attention to your body.”

“Yeah, I will!” Miaomiao quickly nodded his head.

After the teacher left, the four little guys played hide and seek at home.

When the little pot friends play hide and seek, the hiding place is very simple, nothing more than the closet and some corners beside the bed.

The first person caught in hide-and-seek last time was Qin Yu, and this time he was the first to be a ghost.

Little friend Qin Yu faced the wall and began to count down: “Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight…three, two, one!”

After yelling “one”, Qin Yu immediately turned around, his chubby body looked around.

He counted down in the living room. Before they wanted to play, Fu Rou went upstairs to chat with Jiang Fangfang, and the helpers also went out to buy food.

Anyway, it’s upstairs and downstairs. If something happens to the children, they can contact directly.

Qin Yu’s small head looked left and right, and looked down at the sofa. The space underneath was too small for anyone to enter. Then he went to the master bedroom and went around the wall next to the bed, which is the master bedroom’s own. The cloakroom.

The cloakroom was very large with adult clothes. Qin Yu looked at the translucent cabinet and was sure that no one was in it. He was about to continue to look, and found that a corner of his clothes was exposed…

Look at the color, it’s the little pink skirt Miao Miao wore today

Qin Yu: “…” Isn’t this too careless?

Little friend Qin Yu pretended not to see it, and opened several large cabinets to check.

Miaomiao, who was hiding in one of the small cabinets, shivered after hearing the sound.

Why did taro come here so quickly? QAQ, am I going to be a ghost?

However, Qin Yu just randomly selected a few cabinets to open, and then ran out of the cloakroom with small thick legs, went to the bathroom and looked around before changing places.

The first one to be found was Xiong Er.

Xiong Er didn’t know where he heard recently: The most dangerous place is the safest place!

So he hid in the kitchen and stood beside the refrigerator without entering the cupboard.

As soon as Qin Yu entered the kitchen, he turned his head and saw him standing there with his eyes facing each other, and Xiong Er smiled awkwardly, “Which one am I found?”

“The first one.” Qin Yu answered honestly.

Xiong Er: “…” The most dangerous place does not seem to be the safest.

Xiong Da hid under the small desk in Miaomiao’s room. After he entered, he blocked Miaomiao’s small chair in front of him in an attempt to cover his body. However, the space under the small desk was very small. As soon as Qin Yu entered Miaomiao’s room, he immediately saw him.

Then, Qin Yu rushed back to the locker room, pretending that he had searched the whole house and didn’t see it. Then he remembered that he had only opened a few cabinets in the locker room, so he came back to look again.

After Miaomiao came out, he educates Qin Yu: “Taro, how can you be so careless, you don’t even open all the cabinets to take a look.”

Qin Yu: “…” If I open all of them, you will be a ghost next!

Qin Yu was wronged, but Qin Yu didn’t say anything.

Seeing him silent, Miaomiao thought that what he said had played a role. He began to reflect, and immediately raised his hand to pat his shoulder, and said, “Taro, you should pay attention to it in the future.”

“Well, I know.” Qin Yu said tangledly.

For two consecutive weeks, on weekends, the four children will take dance lessons together. The decomposition movements have all been handed in, and the children also watched the dance video in private and memorized all the movements clearly.

Qin Yu lost weight very quickly during this period. Since Miaomiao added his health value to 80, he has been able to lose three catties a week. For a child, this weight loss rate is too fast. Miaomiao monitors every day. He eats eggs to supplement the so-called protein.

Qin Yu’s weight is now less than 40 kilograms, and he is thinner than the average child, but not particularly fat.

On Sunday, Qin Yu is going to buy clothes with his mother during the day, so the dance class is in the afternoon.

While choosing clothes for her son, Xia Chenxi exhorted: “Baby, you are very thin now, don’t try to lose weight anymore, you know? Starting from today, you will eat half a bowl of rice for every meal. You are not allowed Quietly touch it, next time, mom will go and talk to your little deskmate, and let her supervise your meals in the school.”

Qin Yu’s face was a little red, and he said, “Mom, I won’t be the same as before.” Miaomiao likes meaty children, he can’t be too thin, so Miaomiao likes it.

Xia Chenxi didn’t believe what he said, but changed the subject and asked him what kind of clothes he liked.

Qin Yu’s appearance is as Miaomiao said, she will look good when she loses weight. His parents’ genes are just fine. Before he became fat after he got sick, he was also a very cute milk doll. Now that he loses weight, he looks better.

Xia Chenxi happily chose children’s clothes for him according to his preferences.

The temperature has been slowly rising recently, and it is already in the changing season. You have to buy new clothes for spring, and prepare clothes quickly for summer. After all, spring and autumn are relatively short, but winter clothes can be prepared for the children in autumn.

When Xia Chenxi bought it, she couldn’t stop. She swiped and left the address to let people mail the clothes. He only kept a sportswear, which was for Qin Yu to put on immediately.

In the afternoon, Qin Yu came to Miaomiao’s home. When Xiong Da and Xiong Ercai saw him, they were a little bit afraid to recognize him.

Qin Yu and Miaomiao meet six times a week, but Xiong Da and Xiong Er only see each other once a week. Because they were all taken by the teacher to practice chorus in their activity class this week, they didn’t have the time to come. The last time they met was the weekend of last week.

“Qin Yu, you are thin again, you are so amazing.” Xiong Er looked at Qin Yu with some admiration, “My mother dare not eat more every day, saying that it is difficult to lose weight if you are fat. You can lose weight so much. Quickly, that’s amazing.”

Qin Yu blushed a little shyly, and said, “Actually, I am not that great. I used to lose weight very slowly, but I have lost weight a bit recently.”

As he said, he looked at Miaomiao expectantly, “Miaomiao, can I be thinner, okay?”

Miaomiao shook his head frantically, “Taro, you are so cute that you are so cute, and you can’t eat less as before.”

Qin Yu thought for a while and nodded.

This week is Qingming, so there is an extra day off, and the children can almost dance very well. After this class is over, the tasks of the two teachers are completed, and the rest is up to the children to practice on their own.

On Monday, when Qin Yu was wearing cute new clothes and carrying a small schoolbag, when he got out of the car and entered the kindergarten, many girls were watching him.

Qin Yu lowered his head and walked towards the small class with some unconfidence. Miaomiao came earlier, she sat in a good position, and she was wearing a blue dress today.

Qin Yu looked at the dark blue sportswear on his body, and felt that the color was also very nice.

He put down his small schoolbag and said, “Miaomiao, good morning.”

“Good morning.” Miaomiao raised her head, and Qin Yu realized that she was eating a bun, which was a bean paste bun, and the bean paste filling felt very sweet at first glance.

Miaomiao took a sip of milk, and then said, “The aunt at home is away today. Mom can only buy me an outside breakfast. I didn’t finish it in the car.”

The community is only about three kilometers away from the school, it is more convenient to go to school, but it is too late for the children to eat breakfast in the car. Half of Miaomiao’s bean paste hadn’t been eaten, and Qin Yu, who was already full, felt a little hungry.

Qin Yu is looking at Miaomiao, and other little friends are also looking at him.

A little girl in a tutu ran over, “Qin Yu, this is for you.”

When she fell asleep, the little girl handed a lovely pink candy. Her face was flushed, and she looked very shy.

The girl who gave the candy was named Zhou Lan, Zhou Shu’s cousin, only one month older than Zhou Shu. Zhou Lan is the most popular girl in the class because she is cute and smart. Before Miaomiao took the 3% exam, she was the teacher’s favorite child to praise.

Qin Yu glanced at the candy and said, “I can’t eat too many sweets, you can eat it yourself.”

Zhou Lan didn’t know that it was Qin Yu who didn’t want to accept her gift, so she tactfully refused. She just nodded and ran away shyly, thinking about giving him another gift tomorrow.

Miaomiao blinked, and then asked a little strangely: “Taro, why did Zhou Lan give you candy? Doesn’t she dislike you?”

The classmates in a class never talked about Qin Yupang because of Miaomiao, even if they felt that Qin Yu is fat, because although Miaomiao didn’t have a good relationship with other little friends, she never quarreled with them. Over the shelf, and the little friends are actually Yan Kong. Seeing Miaomiao’s cuteness, she still has a good impression of her.

But Zhou Lan is an exception.

Since the beginning of this semester, the teacher has always praised Miaomiao for her cleverness, and praised her a lot less often. It feels like something has been taken away by Miaomiao. Because I hate Miaomiao, and even the fat guy at the table who hates Miaomiao.

But the little fat guy looks good after he loses weight!

Qin Yu also didn’t understand, “I don’t know, but my mother said that if you are not a good friend, you can’t eat other people’s food casually. If you don’t want other people’s things, you can share it with friends.”

Miaomiao quickly nodded her head, just like she likes the chocolate taro gave her!

The next day, Zhou Lan changed to give a small bread, but Qin Yu still refused.

On the third day, Zhou Lan gave a small bottle of mineral water, but Qin Yu still refused.

Zhou Lan looked at him aggrievedly, “Qin Yu, don’t you want to accept my gift?”

Qin Yu looked at her strangely, “Are you just seeing it now?” So stupid.

There were tears in Zhou Lan’s eyes, but she resisted, “You…you are too much, you don’t want it, just say it earlier.”

Qin Yu scratched his hair suspiciously, “But, my mother said, girls have very thin skins, so they must tactfully refuse.”

Before Qin Yu fell ill, he was a handsome milk doll. At that time, he was in a small class in the kindergarten. Although two-year-old children do not know what they like, they will also have a good impression of long, good-looking children.

There are many small friends who give gifts to Qin Yu, boys and girls. Qin Yu didn’t like accepting gifts from others, so he refused directly. However, a few girls cried directly after being rejected by him. They kept crying and couldn’t stop. The teacher thought he was bullying the girls and called their parents.

It turned out that the girl cried because he refused to accept the gift, and the girl was thin-skinned.

Xia Chenxi had educated him that he could be tactful if he refused.

But now it seems that what my mother said is not quite right.

Euphemistically, people don’t seem to understand, and they blame him on the contrary.

Zhou Lan ran away with anger, and “hum” unhappily at Miaomiao before leaving.

Miaomiao frowned suddenly, “Why did she want to’hum’ me? I didn’t do anything.”

Qin Yu also said that he didn’t quite understand.

In this day’s activity class, the teacher took other students to rehearse. Miaomiao and Qin Yu were about to leave, and the teacher said: “Miaomiao and Xiaoyu, you guys wait first.”

The two children stopped, and the teacher hurriedly followed up and said, “You guys also come to the chorus, now Xiaoyu has lost weight, and the clothes are his size.”

Qin Yu squeezed his fists. Although he lost weight to get on stage, he didn’t want to agree to the teacher. But Miaomiao… would she think about it?

Qin Yu was worried in his heart, so he heard Miaomiao say: “We don’t sing in a chorus or dance the previous dances. We have our own programs.”

“Huh? What’s your own show?” the teacher asked suspiciously.

“We rehearsed the dance ourselves, Qin Yu and I, and Xiong Da and Xiong Er. The four of us performed.” Miaomiao replied triumphantly.

The teacher frowned, “This is impossible. By then, the graduation ceremony will have all been arranged, and there will be no performances in class, Miaomiao, don’t get angry, okay?”

“I didn’t have a temper. If no one is watching our performance, we will dance by ourselves! I will let my parents record it, and I will dance for my parents to watch!” Miaomiao said capriciously, pulling Qin Yu up. Hand, “We are going out to play.”

The teacher watched them leave in astonishment.

It is common for the little friends in the kindergarten to have conflicts with the teacher, because there are always so few naughty children who will not listen to the teacher. But Miaomiao has always been very well-behaved. Because Qin Yu didn’t perform with other children in the class, it was the first time she didn’t listen to the teacher. This was the second time.

The teacher shook his head helplessly. The children of the rich are self-willed. The graduation ceremony programs are all regulated. Where can I add programs casually? Even if there are moms and dads on the scene, when someone else’s performance ends, the curtain will be pulled up, how to shoot? No one plays music for them, how do you dance?

Children are children, I didn’t think so much. Since you don’t want to participate, let them go. Anyway, she had already invited, and they found that they had no chance to perform on stage. It was them who were crying, so she could explain to the parents.

Miaomiao walked out of the class, still muttering, “I originally liked the teacher, but I like her so much.”

Qin Yu asked in confusion: “What’s the matter?”

“You are not allowed to participate when you are fat, and you can participate when you are thin. What is this? What kind of vision?” Miao Miao patted her head, she couldn’t remember the word for a moment.

“Discrimination?” Qin Yu asked.

“Yeah, yes!” Miaomiao quickly nodded his head and said, “That’s it! The teacher is not fair at all, and she keeps saying that she is equally good to every little friend. No!”

As she said, Miaomiao became a little angry again, “When we left before, she didn’t care about us. Now seeing you lose weight, she wants us to go back. We won’t go back! We can dance by ourselves! Our performance is better than They look better! Humph!”

Qin Yu listened to Miaomiao’s willful words and nodded, “Our performance will definitely go smoothly!”

The graduation ceremony was held in May, and the small friends from the big class officially graduated in early June.

During the Labor Day holiday these few days, Qin Yu and Xiong Daxiong came to Miaomiao’s home to continue their practice. Now they don’t need a teacher to teach, they just dance by themselves.

Miaomiao said after today’s practice: “Can we prepare clothes? I want to wear a cute little skirt. Xiong Er, what do you wear?”

“I’m the same as my sister.” Xiong Er said shyly. He has been coveting those cute clothes from Auntie for a long time. As long as Auntie likes them, they must be very cute little clothes. He will definitely like them!

“Then I will ask my mother to give me money, let’s choose together.”

After Miaomiao made a plan, she went to Fu Rou. Fu Rou took her to a place selling children’s performance costumes. Miao Miao chose two cute little skirts. The styles were very similar, but slightly different. Xiong Da and Qin Yu came on stage in their own little suits.

When Fu Rou saw that she wanted two cute little skirts, she only thought that Miao Miao liked both of them, so she didn’t take it seriously.

At this moment, Fu Rou had no idea how she would be initially shocked when she saw the child’s performance next week.

“Mom, the teacher said, the kindergarten performances cannot be increased casually, so when Miaomiao, Xiong Daxiong Er and Taro can only wait for the other little friends to finish their performances before they can go on stage. Maybe no one will stay and watch. When we perform, mom, would you let dad watch Miaomiao dance, okay? My brother and sister-in-law will also come, and taro will call his mom and dad.”

Miaomiao looked at Fu Rou expectantly, “In this way, our performance will have six spectators! Although there are fewer than other little friends, Miaomiao will also be very happy.”

When Fu Rou heard this, she felt a little bit sour, but she still smiled and said, “Okay, mom will inform dad, let dad handle things in advance, so that I can watch Miaomiao perform.”

“Thank you, mother.” Miao Miao snorted on Fu Rou’s face.

Fu Rou rubbed her little head with a smile, but thought in her heart that no matter how much money she spent, she would have to let the kindergarten free up a stage for her daughters to perform.

Her baby is so hard to practice dancing, how can there be only six audiences? All the spectators who go to participate don’t even want to leave! Leave it all to me to watch my daughter dance!

At this moment, because the teachers who planned the graduation ceremony in the school stayed to work overtime, several teachers chatted with each other.

Teacher Zhu of the second class of the small class looked at the first class teacher: “I heard that Qin Yu, who was transferred from our class to your class, has lost weight? Is your class’s chorus going to temporarily add people? Is there time to rehearse? Can you keep up with the progress? ”

Teacher Hu in the small class 1 shook his head helplessly, “Don’t worry, I asked them and I don’t want to be on stage. It is probably because of previous events that I was irritating with me. He also said that he had prepared a show for the show. They went on stage to perform on their own. The children were too naive, and when the performance was over, the curtain was pulled up directly to free up the little space in front of them, and no one played background music for them. How could they perform a dance? ”

“Then what to do?” Teacher Zhu was puzzled, “didn’t you tell them?”

“What can I do? They wouldn’t listen if I asked them to come back to perform anyway. They just said that they were going out to play. These wealthy people’s children are very temperamental. When they find that they can’t perform anymore, they must cry. I I can only wait for that time to explain to their parents.”

Teacher Hu was a little unhappy thinking about this, “Miaomiao’s child is usually very good, but I didn’t expect her temper to be quite big. I didn’t stop her from performing, but Qin Yu is really too fat, so I don’t want Qin Yu to go on stage. That’s it, he doesn’t have his clothes at all, it seems like I did it on purpose.”

Teacher Zhu on one side smiled awkwardly. In fact, she also knew the argument that Teacher Hu refused. That is to say, Qin Yupang does not have clothes of his size, but the clothes for the children’s performances have not been officially finalized until now. Before, they only roughly determined what style to order, and they did not place an order! There is no time to change the clothes.

Even if it is too late to change, those who can afford the Little Star Kindergarten can add money to make a new set of suitable clothes. There is no possibility of clothes of the size that Qin Yu wears. It’s just that Teacher Hu doesn’t bother to do that.

She had asked Qin Yu not to come on stage directly for this reason, instead of contacting Qin Yu’s parents. What was the right approach.

Despite the thoughts in his heart, Teacher Zhu saw the indifferent look on Teacher Hu’s face and did not remind her. I must have said that, she would not take it to heart.

The author has something to say: Recommend a book: “After Terrorizing the Movie King, I Unexpectedly Boom”

Author: North II


Ye Jiuqing is an eldest lady who can predict the future and has a carefree life.

However, one day, she foresaw that she was going to marry Ji Jingyao, the scumbag actor and actress in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, she airborne the entertainment circle in tears—

Netizen: It looks like a vase at first glance, and I can eat shit!

Ye Jiuqing: Thank you for your invitation. I don’t want to be popular at all. If it weren’t for the purpose of blocking the knife in time, who would want to come to the muddy water.

As everyone knows, she is red when the knife is next to each other—

Participating in the draft, she blocked his bastard: “Don’t get close to him!”

Netizen: Wow, true temperament, I really like it!

When making a movie together, she checked Via for him: “Tie tight, dangerous!”

Netizen: Wow, I love it, I love it!


Ye Jiuqing: Hmm… the feeling of red is not bad, who said to eat shit?

Netizen: I am eating now…QWQ


Ye Jiuqing continued to praise him, Ji Jingyao frowned, how could it be different from what he heard?

What the woman clearly said was:

“When you chase the car privately, you will be killed immediately.”

“Via is loose, you fall to death immediately.”


Ji Jingyao: I was intimidated, none of you saw it?

Netizen: What? what did you say? [I can’t hear it anymore]

Ji Jingyao: … [died]

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-07-1723:40:28 2020-07-1821:13:34

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of gluttonous food; 1 bottle of white jess and little fairy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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