The Richest Daughter is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 30

Chapter 26

The little guys originally planned to have lunch at Miaomiao’s home at noon and take a nap and go swimming. However, the flying chess battle was fierce and Miaomiao was not happy that she had been losing. So after waking up from a nap in the afternoon, she still flew in a decisive battle. Chess, the four children continue to fight each other.

Today, Miao Miao only won two games in total, and grievedly recorded the data on his notebook. Xiong Da and Xiong Er went upstairs first, but Qin Yu stayed and comforted Miaomiao: “Miaomiao, you are amazing, I only won one game today.”

Miaomiao glanced at Qin Yu with pity, and suddenly felt that she found some comfort. Although she is not very good at chess, Taro seems to be worse than her!

The one who wins the most each time is either Xiong Da or Xiong Er!

Miaomiao felt that Qin Yu was too pitiful, and couldn’t help but comfort him: “Taro, don’t be sad, we will be playing very well in the future, so we can stop playing with Xiong Daxiong Er, and go find other little pot friends, other little pot friends. We have not played as many times as we have, and maybe we will lose!”

Qin Yu: “…good.”

The summer vacation was full but a bit boring. Although there are teachers who come to teach Miaomiao every day, only Miaomiao is in class at home, and there are no other little friends. Miaomiao always finds no fun.

Fu Rou seemed to have discovered this, so she wanted to stop Miaomiao for a week. She and Jiang Fangfang went on a trip with their three children.

As for my husband…if they have so many things in the company, just work overtime in the company. After they took the photo and posted it to the family group, they both took a look and assumed that they were participating in it.

After Fu Rou made the decision, she discussed with Jiang Fangfang, and the two finally decided to go to the beach to play.

Wen Fuchen and Wen Fanchu learned from their wives that they were going to travel with their children. The expressions on their faces were hard to describe. They felt abandoned by their wives and children!

Miaomiao and Xiong Daxiong Er were very happy. Miaomiao still hugged Wen Fuchen’s leg and said, “Dad, Miaomiao will take a lot of pictures. When Dad sees it, he will take a trip with us!”

Wen Fuchen smiled stiffly, “Okay, Miaomiao must remember to go out to play, not to run around naughty, you have to follow your mother, you know?”

“Hmm!” Miaomiao hurriedly nodded his little head.

That’s how Miaomiao’s second trip began.

Fu Rou took out the pink and yellow swimsuits that Miaomiao bought before, and said, “We will leave temporarily, baby, you will wear the previous swimsuits first, and if there are good-looking ones, I will buy them for you. New ones. If you don’t look good, just wear these two.”

“Hmm!” Miaomiao quickly nodded her head.

Miaomiao wears a lot of clothes, and basically they wear different patterns every day. But in fact, the freshness period for her clothes is far more than one day. Sometimes she looks at the new clothes so beautiful and wants to wear them quickly, but some of them want to wear the ones she likes very much in the previous clothes.

Too much clothes is also a kind of distress!

The plan this time is to go out and play for nearly a week. On Sunday, Miaomiao wants to go out to play with Qin Yu, so he decided to leave on Monday morning and come back on Saturday night.

Fu Rou packed up some cute clothes with cool materials to wear on Miaomiao, and brought the small fan and power bank he bought before, as well as cooling spray, and sunscreen for adults and children.

She prepared everything well. When she set off the next morning, she hurriedly changed clothes for Miaomiao, put on baby sunscreen, and put on her a small straw hat.

Miaomiao wore a small floral sling skirt today, with two cute fleshy arms exposed, the skirt reached her knees, and a pair of cute sandals on her feet, showing her round and cute little feet.

“Mom, shall we take Dad’s private jet?” Miaomiao asked.

“Yes.” Fu Rou replied. Then after thinking of something, she looked at Miaomiao and said, “Baby, do you want to be Dad’s plane?”

When ordinary people hear this, they may only think that it is their mother asking her daughter if she likes it, but Jiang Fangfang, who has already brought Xiong Daxiong Er out, hears this, but subconsciously stares at Miaomiao nervously.

Because she knew that this was Fu Rou asking if something happened to the plane.

Although the probability of an aircraft accident is very small, once an accident occurs, it is easy to die.

Miaomiao blinked innocently, and said, “Miaomiao likes it. There are so many snacks on the plane! Dad’s plane is amazing!”

Miaomiao didn’t notice the tension and relaxation of her mother and sister-in-law, she just thought it was because her mother asked her if she liked airplanes.

The sister of the system is very clear in her heart, always staring at the data of Miaomiao’s family to prevent accidents.

The flight was indeed very smooth, but this time with her mother, Miaomiao didn’t eat much snacks because her mother didn’t allow it. Miaomiao could only ask to drink a few more glasses of juice, only to go to the toilet twice during the flight.

When the plane was about to land, Miaomiao looked at Fu Rou, “Mom, wait for the hotel to go to. Isn’t it the same hotel as before, the things in the room are so tall?”

Miaomiao thought of the hotel where she stayed last time, frowned in distress, all the furniture was too high, not suitable for a small friend like her.

Fu Rou just remembered this. It’s just that the hotel outside would not prepare children’s things in a suite. She nodded at the moment, “It should be. Then mother will buy you a small bench, and Miao Miao will do it. Just step on the small bench.”

Miaomiao nodded his head. Although he was very excited to go out to play, he could see different things, but every time he had to step on a small bench, it was troublesome!

After the plane landed, Miao Miao took her mother’s hand and got off the plane with his sister-in-law and his nephew.

They brought three assistants with them this time, who were responsible for carrying luggage and other tasks.

Stepping on her short legs, Miaomiao got into the car after walking out of the airport. Sitting in the car, she sent all the photos she took with her iPad to Qin Yu.

It was still morning, and before Qin Yu had started class, several children used ipad voice chat and began to talk about the situation.

This time Fu Rou specially found a suite in a luxurious resort hotel, with three bedrooms, the eldest of which was for three children. There were small benches beside the bed and in the bathroom, and the remaining two were only a little smaller than that one. , Fu Ruanhuang and Jiang Fangfang put the luggage in.

This time Miaomiao’s things are packed in a small suitcase, and her clothes are stuffed inside. In the room, Xiong Da and Xiong Er are just one suitcase. The three little guys got together and opened the luggage. Box, and then Xiong Da and Xiong Er are so envious of Miaomiao.

“Auntie, your clothes are still so cute and beautiful.” Xiong Er said sourly: “My brother and I wear simple clothes and pants.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er looked at Miaomiao’s clothes enviously. There were small dots, cartoon patterns, small hearts, and various patterns.

There are sling dresses, pleated skirts, shirt skirts…

All kinds of tricks, girls’ clothes are really different!

Miaomiao proudly raised her chin, and said, “My mother chose these for me! My mother will choose!”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er can’t wait to become a girl now. Their clothes are either cartoon or striped, and they are a combination of tops and shorts. It’s just that the top may be a vest, it may be a t-shirt, it may be a shirt.

Hey, is this also a kind of trick?

Reluctantly count QAQ!

Miaomiao looked down at the little floral skirt on her body, then took out a spectacle case from the suitcase. After opening it, she took out her cute little sunglasses from inside.

She put on her sunglasses, and then put on the cute little straw hat, and then turned around, “Is that good-looking?”

“Good-looking and good-looking!” Xiong Da and Xiong Er nodded immediately, “Auntie looks good in everything!”

Miao Miao usually watches TV, and no one in TV can wear sunglasses. It seems that those wearing sunglasses are some very powerful characters. They look terrible, and a group of younger brothers are following them!

Thinking about this, Miaomiao stopped smiling, tried to put on a serious expression, walked to the small bench, sat down, and thought about it, raised Erlang’s legs, folded his hands on his chest, and said, “Xiong Daxiong Er, you guys quickly give it to me. Take a picture!”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er immediately began to take pictures of Miaomiao with an iPad.

The two little guys each hold an iPad in their hands, stand in different positions, and take pictures of Miao Miao from different angles.

Miaomiao raised her chin, pursed her pink lips, trying to put on the look of cold clothes.

Miaomiao: Now I am the powerful characters on TV! Do not accept any rebuttals, huh!

Xiong Da and Xiong Er took several photos of Miaomiao, then Miaomiao took off his sunglasses and began to choose photos. I picked one on Xiong Da’s side, and Xiong Er’s side also picked one, and then let them send it to the family group.

Wen Fuchen, who was in a meeting in the company, saw that his mobile phone showed photos from the family group. While listening to the reports of his employees, he opened the phone and brought coffee to his mouth.

Enter the family chat interface and click on the picture. After seeing his little princess in the picture, Wen Fuchen spit out the coffee in his mouth. He coughed a few times while holding it. Wipe your mouth with a paper towel while wiping the table.

Wen Fanchu sat next to him and saw the pictures on the phone. He couldn’t laugh or cry. He stretched out his hand and patted Wen Fuchen on the back, “Uncle, are you okay?”

“It’s okay, cough cough cough…” Wen Fuchen coughed a few times and got better, and decided not to open the family group to look at the pictures in the future.

The photos taken by my little girl… well, the style is quite strange. Wouldn’t it be too embarrassing to be snatched next time?

“Go on.” Wen Fuchen said.

The meeting proceeded as usual.

At this moment, Mrs. Wen, who was still at home, saw the picture she received on the ipad, and she couldn’t help but laugh when she clicked Open. “Old man, take a look, Miaomiao, this photo is so cute!”

The eyesight of the elderly is not very good, so Wen Fuchen prepared ipads for his parents and adjusted the font to the largest size, which is convenient for the elderly to use.

Mr. Wen leaned over to take a look, smiled, and said, “It was taken by Chao Yu Chao Pei.”

“should be.”

Miaomiao felt that these two photos were very beautiful, but her mother and sister-in-law didn’t know what they were doing. They didn’t seem to have seen it. At the moment, she ran out with her iPad and said, “Mom, sister-in-law, Miaomiao’s photos have been posted to the group, take a look!”

Immediately afterwards, regardless of the smiles of his mother and sister-in-law after seeing the photo, Miaomiao went back to the room and asked, “Xiong Daxiong Er, do you have a Wechat for Taro, help me send the photo to Taro.”

“We didn’t add Qin Yu!” Xiong Da scratched his hair innocently.

“Then how do I send the photos to Taro?” Miao Miao frowned slightly in distress.

She will only post the photos in the ipad, but no one has ever taught her how to forward the photos posted by others.

“I will!” Xiong Da quickly took Miaomiao’s ipad, forwarded the two photos to her, and downloaded the photos to Miaomiao’s ipad by the way.

Miaomiao exited, clicked on Qin Yu’s chat box, and found that it was really posted. He immediately felt so magical and looked at Xiong Da admiringly: “Xiong Da, you must be amazing!”

“Auntie, I will too!” Xiong Er was dissatisfied that his brother was showing up in front of Auntie, and quickly began to teach Miaomiao the various chat functions of WeChat.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er basically don’t study during the holidays. The two children are just playing around. They are more aware of the daily entertainment functions of WeChat and ipad, and are now constantly explaining to Miaomiao.

After Miaomiao listened, she felt that her two little nephews were really amazing!

Qin Yu made a voice call in the middle, and the four children chatted again.

After Fu Ruan and Jiang Fangfang put everything in the room, he was about to go to a nearby Japanese food store for lunch.

It is the first time for Miaomiao to eat Japanese food and also the first time to see such a shop. After everyone entered, they were divided into several private rooms, and their shoes had to be taken off at the door of each private room.

Miaomiao took her mother’s hand, followed behind the waiter sister, and took off her shoes at the door of the box. After entering, she found her mother sitting cross-legged, so she curiously imitated her mother’s posture and sat down cross-legged.

The waiter’s sister left the menu and said softly: “You can scan the code to order here.”

After the waiter sister went out, Miaomiao asked curiously: “Mom, why do you have to take off your shoes for dinner here?”

Miaomiao had gone out to eat many times before, and it was the first time she encountered a restaurant that wanted slippers.

“This is the rule here.” After Fu Rou finished speaking, she scanned the code and handed her phone to Miaomiao: “Baby, take a look at the picture and see if there is anything you want to eat.”

Miaomiao looked at the phone curiously and found that there were many small pieces on it, the inside was white, the outside was wrapped in dark things, and some had something on it, and asked suspiciously, “Mom. , What are these?”

“This is sushi, and the white one is rice, with sauce and meat on it, baby just order whatever you like from the picture.”

“Yeah!” Miaomiao nodded her head. Looking at the picture, she ordered the corn warship and a pink cherry blossom roll. She thought it was rice, so she couldn’t eat much, so she ordered these two. Fu Rou felt that the girl couldn’t understand the words above, so she just ordered a few more. Here you can order food at the same time with two mobile phones, and you can see each other’s order, Jiang Fangfang is also ordering.

In addition to sushi, there are other Japanese dishes. Although there are only two adults and three children, they still order a full table.

After Miaomiao went to wash his hands, there was already sushi on the table. The chopsticks here were too big to use, so Miaomiao could only hold it with his hands.

Her meaty fingers pinched a small cucumber roll, dipped it with some vinegar, and then bit down half of it with her mouth. The sourness of the vinegar and the sweetness of the salad dressing on it were eaten. The cucumber was also very chewy.

Miaomiao ate the remaining half of the cucumber roll, and tried other warships and hands, as well as bibimbap and soup.

After Fu Rou finished eating, she realized that her little girl had turned into a little cat with salad dressing and ketchup around her mouth. She took a wet tissue and wiped her away.

“Mom, Miaomiao still wants to come to such a store in the future.” Miaomiao looked at Fu Rou expectantly. Children would always feel fresh when trying fresh food. Seeing that she liked it, Fu Rou nodded and agreed.

When the three children took a nap that day, Fu Ruanhuang and Jiang Fangfang discussed the specific itinerary for the past few days.

They had planned where they would go, but they hadn’t decided where they would go.

Miaomiao woke up at about two o’clock in the afternoon. He sat up and rubbed his eyes in a daze. Seeing that Xiong Da and Xiong Er beside him were also awake, and they were all out of bed and put on clothes, they went happily right now. Find clothes to wear.

When Fu Ruan and Jiang Fangfang heard the movement, Miaomiao was changing clothes.

Fu Rou smiled and said, “Baby, let’s go to the water park here today to play.”

Miaomiao didn’t understand what a water park was, but she knew what an amusement park was, and immediately asked excitedly: “Mom, is the water park an amusement park?”

“Similar to amusement parks, there are a lot of things to play, but they are on the water. So we have to bring swimsuits.”

Not only have to bring a swimsuit, but also wear waterproof sunscreen.

When we arrived at the water park, it was almost three o’clock. The sun was not too big, but there was still sunshine. Miaomiao put on a cute little pink swimsuit, and when she went out with her mother, she saw a lot of slides.

Her eyes suddenly lit up, her **** eyes were full of excitement, and her fleshy fingers pointed at the large slides, and asked: “Mom, are those tall and big slides all the slides? Miaomiao? Can you play?”

Fu Rou squeezed her cheek, and said, “It’s a slide, but that little friend can’t play. There are height and weight restrictions. Baby, you can’t go up yet. It will take a few years.”

When Miaomiao heard this, she felt wronged, “Why? Is Miaomiao not tall enough? Or is Miaomiao not fat enough?”

Hey, Miaomiao has already eaten so much, can’t he even go to play?

Fu Rou rubbed her hair and comforted: “Yes, so the baby has to eat obediently and grow up early, so he can come and play later.”

Miaomiao: “…” It’s really that I am not fat enough. Then maybe the taro can go up as soon as it comes, okay.

Miaomiao looked at the huge slide over there with greedy eyes.

When I walked nearby, I heard the voices of many older brothers and sisters.

Miaomiao raised her head, looked at her mother, and said, “Mom, Miaomiao knows, isn’t that a slide for adults? Miaomiao is a little friend who can only play a little slide for a little friend. That slide is so big, you have to grow up to play.”

Fu Rou could only nod her head.

Miaomiao clenched her small fist and said seriously: “Miaomiao must grow up quickly!”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er actually don’t like to play slides that much. They saw someone not far away who bought a water gun and was playing a water fight. They were a little excited and took Jiang Fangfang’s hand at the moment, “Mom, let’s go buy that gun, okay? We want to play that!”

Jiang Fangfang turned his face to look, and found that there was a small stall over there that sold children’s toys.

So I bought water guns for all three children, and also filled the store with water by the way.

Miaomiao curiously fiddled with the water gun, pressing the button, and the water shot out suddenly, hitting Xiong Er’s back.

Xiong Er was taken aback, turned his head and looked behind him, and saw that his aunt was still holding the “tool of committing crime” in her hand, and immediately began to fight back, not to be outdone.

Xiong Da was not happy that only his younger brother and younger aunt were playing in the water battle and joined the battle.

Fu Ruan and Jiang Fangfang took pictures of the three children with a mobile phone in a transparent waterproof bag.

This day Miaomiao stayed in the swimming ring and asked her mother to take a lot of lovely photos. She thought to herself that not only did her father and brother not come to see the photos, her little tablemate could not come out to play, and she was still learning very poorly every day!

At the moment Miaomiao said: “Mom, you can take a few more pictures of Miaomiao, Miaomiao wants to show Taro the photos.”

Fu Rou took a crazy photo of her with her mobile phone. Fortunately, her mobile phone has enough storage capacity and her camera skills are also very good. It is very beautiful to take pictures of her little baby.

After returning to the hotel, Miaomiao sent all the pictures of her mother in the group as taught by Xiong Daxiong and sent them to Qin Yu.

She has not only reposted it, but also forwarded a number of messages directly.

Select all the pictures and forward them to Qin Yu separately.

So, during dinner that day, Qin Yu’s WeChat was bombed by Miaomiao!

“What’s the matter? It’s not my WeChat.” Xia Chenxi was a little confused.

“It’s not mine either.” Qin Yu was also puzzled.

The couple looked at their son.

Qin Yu said shyly: “Miaomiao went to travel, she took a lot of pictures of me.”

Xia Chenxi felt that her son’s tone… why did it sound like she was a little proud?

You are traveling at the same table and sending you photos. What’s so good about it?

After Qin Yu had dinner, he rushed back to the room and looked at the picture Miaomiao had sent to himself.

He looked up from the bottom up, each one was open and large, looking at the cute photos of his little tablemate, and finally he brushed the two photos with sunglasses she sent during the day.

Qin Yu couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth. His little angel is so cute. His skin is white and tender, and his cheeks are squishy. Even if he wears sunglasses, he is also the cutest little angel!

When Miaomiao took a bath that night, Fu Rou prepared a bubble bath for their three children.

Seeing so many bubbles in the bathtub, Miaomiao said excitedly: “Mom, take a picture of Miaomiao! Miaomiao washed this for the first time. I want to commemorate it.”

“Okay.” Fu Rou smiled and took out her mobile phone, pointed the camera at the three children, and said, “Look at the camera, 3+4=?”

“Seven!” The three little guys replied at the same time, smiling by the way.

Unsurprisingly, the photos were not only sent to the family group, but also to Qin Yu’s side.

Qin Yu felt a little bit sour in her heart as she watched Xiaotong take a bath with her little nephew.

I really envy Xiong Da and Xiong Er. You can take a bath with Miaomiao. He has only washed twice.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu decided that he had to go swimming on Sundays this summer vacation! If you have time, you can also go to the swimming pool in the morning from Monday to Saturday, and then he will go to Miaomiao’s house, take a bath with Miaomiao and go home!

Everyone is a good boy, and you can’t just yourself without the chance to wash together!

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-07-2320:54:49 2020-07-2420:58:31

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 459011691 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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