The Richest Daughter is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 34

Chapter 30

Because the system sister upgrade will temporarily disappear for a day or two, during this time Miaomiao needs to pay attention to family data. Miaomiao was afraid of any accidents in his family. Every two hours, he had to check everyone’s data to make sure that none of them turned red, so he was relieved.

Qin Yu found that his little deskmate was a little absent. During the activity class, the four of them were playing flying chess. When it was her turn, she did not respond several times, even if it was Xiong Da Xiong Er who was rather careless, she was aware of it. It’s not right.

“Auntie, what’s the matter with you? I don’t seem to be in shape today.” Xiong Er asked in confusion.

The three of them stared at Miaomiao. Miaomiao was a little embarrassed to be seen, and said, “No…nothing, I’m just thinking about…studying in the future.”

Miaomiao thought of an excuse, and then the four children started discussing this topic even though they didn’t care about flying chess.

“What’s wrong with studying in the future?” Xiong Da was puzzled.

“…Mom said that we will have to go to elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university in the future. I think it seems to be very hard.” The topic started by herself, and Miaomiao could only rack his brains to continue.

Qin Yu nodded, “I heard that elementary school will take six years. Our kindergartens usually last three to four years.”

Some kindergartens have small classes, such kindergartens have to study for four years, and start with small classes for three years.

Xiong Eryi was surprised to hear that he was going to be in elementary school for six years. Forget it, he said: “We are now in big class. We are already five years old. After kindergarten, we will be six. Then we will be 12 years in elementary school. Years old. How about junior high school, high school, and university? Are they all six years old?”

God, don’t you have to keep reading?

“It seems that junior high school and high school are three years old. In college, different universities are different.” Miaomiao said.

Xiong Er has the final say, “That is to finish high school, we will be 18 years old. We are so pitiful, we have to go to school all the time.”

“Moreover, my mother said that high school and university are required to take exams. So after junior high school, we have to take an exam called the high school entrance exam. We have enough scores before we can go to high school. But my mother said, we can go to private schools, private schools. Schools can be bought. Xiong Daxiong Er, why don’t you also go? So that we can enter a school regardless of the scores of the high school entrance examination!” Miaomiao said with a smile.

Thinking of this, Xiong Daxiong Er nodded and said, “Okay, okay.”

After the four children agreed, they all started talking about studying together and making up lessons together in the future.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er went home that night and talked to Jiang Fangfang about it. The two of them persuaded their mother very tacitly:

Xiong Da: “Mom, my aunt and Qin Yu said that in the future, junior high and high school will depend on the test scores. We want to go to a school with my aunt, so we want to go to a private school that can be bought in.”

Jiang Fangfang: “…” Xiong boy, can’t you think that everyone will be admitted to a school?

Xiong Er: “Mom, as long as you agree, the four of us can choose a school to go to in the future. We can also take care of a little bit more in the school. We enter the school a year earlier than my aunt, so we can be seniors.”

Jiang Fangfang thought about it, and couldn’t bear to hit them, but still said: “Chaoyu, Chaopei, in fact, there is something my mother hasn’t told you.”

Xiong Daxiong two: “…? What’s the matter?” Aren’t we biological?

“Although you are half a year older than Miaomiao, and now you are one grade older than Miaomiao, you must be six years old when you enter elementary school. Schools usually start in September, so you must be six years old next September. That’s fine.”

Big Bear Two: “……?”

Xiong Da took some time to accept the news, and then asked: “Then can we celebrate our ninth birthday in advance?”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er have been older than Miaomiao for nearly half a year, and their birthdays are in November. Children still don’t understand the concept of one year old. They just remember that every time they celebrate their birthday, their one year old will increase by one year. They naively think that they can quickly reach six by celebrating their birthday early.

“It’s useless to celebrate your birthday in advance.” Jiang Fangfang said: “My original plan was to wait for your big class to finish, and then go to preschool.”

The pre-school class is specially prepared for children like Xiong Da Xiong Er who go to kindergarten in advance, but who are not yet full of age to go to elementary school. It’s just that the Little Star Kindergarten doesn’t have it, so I have to go to another kindergarten nearby.

Xiong Er immediately burst into tears, “Mom, are we going to be in the same grade as Auntie in the future? Will Auntie think that we are too bad, so we were relegated?”

“No.” Jiang Fangfang said with a smile, then thought about it, and said: “In fact, there is another way, that is, you go to preschool first, and after your birthday is over, you are nine years old, and then go to the first grade of elementary school. But in this case, you have to learn in advance the knowledge that other little friends learned in the first grade of elementary school, and you have to take an exam before entering school. If you fail to pass the exam, you will not be admitted.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er nodded immediately, “We will study hard!”

Jiang Fangfang succeeded in making his two sons firm in their belief in studying hard. They were satisfied and felt that he could also plan where their children would go to primary school.

Originally, she had decided to have a primary school, but now that Xiong Daxiong wants to have a school with Miaomiao, then she can’t just be herself, she must be with Fu Rou. But Miaomiao seems to still want to be with her little tablemate, so she has to bring that little tablemate’s parent to discuss.

So that night, after Jiang Fangfang told Fu Rou the matter, Fu Rou called Xia Chenxi.

The two families are in the same community, and the children are at the same table and often go to each other’s home to play, and there is already a contact method for both parties.

When Xia Chenxi learned that he wanted to discuss the elementary school the children were going to, she agreed. The three of them booked a box in a nearby restaurant. When they had lunch at noon the next day, they went there to eat and talk, and they would like to think of the ideal school in her heart. All made memos.

Everyone has chosen several schools, all of which are relatively strong in the city, with a high repetition rate, with three schools repetitive.

The first one: a public elementary school. It is about to move to a new campus next year. The environment of the new campus is very good. The teachers are very strong, and it is a famous and powerful elementary school.

The second is a public elementary school. The environment is relatively poor. It is an old campus, but the teachers are also very good, and the small class system is implemented. There are only 30 children in a class, which is convenient for teachers to teach.

The third is a private elementary school with good environment and excellent teachers. Similar to the Little Star Kindergarten, some art courses will be offered to allow children to develop in many ways, instead of just learning those cultural courses.

Judging from the family conditions of the four children, in fact, cultural courses are not that important to them.

The high school entrance examination is an opportunity for ordinary students to progress, because entering a good university and having a good degree is a stepping stone to entering society. It’s more convenient to find a job, but that’s only the case. The follow-up development depends on the company’s performance.

But for the rich and powerful, they don’t need it. Because… the highly educated people may work in their company.

For example, Wen Fuchen did not like to read when he was young. He didn’t study hard while he was studying. On the contrary, he was interested in doing business, and his academic performance was messed up, but he was born with great means in doing business.

Wen Fuchen doesn’t like to read. He asks for leave for three days or two. At the beginning, he was studying at a private school that could be bought with money. He belonged to the group of poor students. He asked for at least three days of leave for five days a week to study, and he didn’t go for more than five days. During the college entrance examination, he barely passed the college entrance examination, so he went to the university to sign up and hung up, and then from the freshman year, he entered his father’s company and followed his studies.

A person’s IQ can not only be judged by learning. Some people are good at reading, some are good at doing business, and everyone has their own advantages.

Many people may look down upon Wen Fuchen, who is a scumbag who graduated from a junior college, but in fact, he is just not good at the metamorphosis of those languages. It is better than doing business, and how many people can compare him?

Fu Ruan and Jiang Fangfang’s own learning conditions are not bad. Fu Rou is the oldest of the three. He studied liberal arts and had a score of more than 680 in the college entrance examination that year. Jiang Fangfang and Xia Chenxi were in the same class. Jiang Fangfang and Fu Rou studied liberal arts, with a score of 670.

What is shocking is that Xia Chenxi was the number one in science at their class, and so was her husband. In Jiang Fangfang’s class, there were indeed three champions in the province, one in liberal arts and two in science. Moreover, the scores of the two science champions were still high, as if they had been deducted less than 10 points.

Fu Rou sighed in her heart, if Qin Yu didn’t have a gene mutation, she would be terrible in the future.

Although the three of them have very good grades, they don’t have much demand for their children’s grades, as long as they are not bad. After all, for these children, their future jobs will not be compared with others for their academic qualifications, but they will learn a major at university. They will enter their own company during the internship period and begin to cultivate experience, and it will not be useful to the academic qualifications at all. .

Unless the family goes bankrupt.

So the tripartite parents discussed it and tentatively chose one from the first school and the third school.

Although the small class system of the second school is good, if the children are smart, 50 or 60 children can still learn well in a class. If the children are not clever, a class of 30 children will not be able to learn well.

If it is the kind of child who has to be stared at by the teacher before he is willing to learn, there are 30 children in a class, and the teacher cannot always supervise the child’s study like spinning tops.

So after Miaomiao went home that night, Fu Rou took her to see the pictures of the two tentative schools.

Miaomiao looked at the two schools curiously. Compared to the private schools with beautiful surroundings, Miaomiao actually prefers the first public school.

Little friends don’t know how to appreciate the beauty of the environment. Miaomiao thinks that the teaching building on the new campus of the public school is beautiful, and wants to study in it.

Fu Rou felt helpless about the reasons she chose the school, and children really couldn’t count on too much.

In the evening, after washing, Miaomiao changed into a cute little pajamas and lay in the warm bed. She was about to go to bed. The system sister’s voice sounded: “Miaomiao, I have finished upgrading.”

Miaomiao opened his eyes immediately, and a brand new system interface really appeared in front of him.

Except for the table of contents on the left and the space on the right, nothing seems to have changed.

Miaomiao was a little puzzled: “Sister System, it looks like nothing has changed this time.”

“You just click on someone and have a look.” System sister reminded.

Miaomiao clicked on “Mom”, and then Fu Rou’s data appeared on it.

In addition to the previous data, another data has been added: the original life span.

The number following is 36.

Miaomiao: “……???”

“This refers to the original lifespan.” The system sister’s voice is very serious. I only added this data when I upgraded this time. But Miaomiao, I have a lot of information here. It is because your family was originally without the help of the system. Happening.

“Meaning, if there is no system sister, can my mother only live to be 36 years old?” Miaomiao burst into tears, but she couldn’t bear the tears.

Fu Rou is already 30 this year, and will soon be 31 years old, not a few years away from 36 years old.

System sister said: “I will tell you in detail. Originally, after you were trafficked, I wouldn’t be with you. Then you returned home and didn’t know your father’s physical condition. My father was very busy at work. The scheduled physical examination didn’t take time at all, so he didn’t find out that his health was wrong so early. He was not hospitalized during the Chinese New Year, so he wouldn’t be afraid that you were worried and asked you to travel with your brother and sister-in-law’s family.”

“So, my brother and my sister-in-law and my two little nephews were killed in a plane accident during that trip. The family was very sad because of their deaths. Every day you cry for two little nephews and your brother and sister-in-law, and my dad was treated as your own. The nephew that the son thinks has passed away and has been smoking continuously, causing his condition to worsen. When he had time to go to the hospital for a check-up, his lung cancer was in the mid-stage and close to the advanced stage.”

“After that, your father was hospitalized, and his health is more important than money. He handed over the company to others, but he and his brother were lost in the company. The rival company took advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes, resulting in bad company conditions. Because of this, my father was worried that his condition worsened. The treatment had not been good. He died at the age of 40. At that time, my mother was 35 years old. After finishing his father’s funeral, his body changed because of the successive shocks. Very bad.”

“And grandparents couldn’t bear the death of the remaining son, so they followed. At this moment, my mother’s natal family went bankrupt, the eldest uncle and aunt were in debt, and the company that my father left behind was also in jeopardy, and my mother eventually fell ill. When you passed away, you were with your elder uncle and aunt, but because your elder uncle and aunt owed a lot of money, you stopped studying and went to work to earn money after graduating from junior high school. Until you become an adult, the only information I know so far is this.”

When Miaomiao heard that her brother, sister-in-law and two little nephews had passed away, tears could not help streaming down.

She sniffed and cried, “Sister System, are you fooling Miaomiao? Miaomiao’s family won’t leave Miaomiao so early. Dad and mother won’t want Miaomiao, they won’t lose it. Drop mine.”

The system fell silent, and she also hoped that this was not true. First, the elder brother, sister-in-law and two little nephews went, then the father, then the grandparents, and then the mother.

In just six years, the six closest people around the child had all left her. One can imagine how scared she was when she was only nine years old.

“Miaomiao, this is what should have happened, but now you have a sister, I will help you.” System sister’s voice is very firm and gentle: “We change the future together, the death of brother and sister-in-law and Xiong Daxiong Er It’s changed. Dad’s condition has improved and he has quit smoking. They haven’t passed away, and grandparents won’t die because they couldn’t stand the shock. As long as the mother’s natal family doesn’t go bankrupt, the mother will definitely not leave you so early. of.”

“Hmm!” Miaomiao wiped her tears, and then asked suspiciously, “Sister System, why are the eldest uncle and auntie not in Miaomiao’s family list?”

Is it true that family members are only counted on the father’s side, not on the mother’s side?

The system was silent for a moment, and said: “It should be because of your aunt. In fact, I noticed that your aunt…has a very strange system on her body. Huh…Krypton Gold Raising Cub app?”

Miaomiao: “…????? What is the Krypton Gold Raising Cub app? Is it raising a baby?”

“Yes, it’s just not a doll like Miao in real life, but in small icons similar to those on mobile phones and ipads. The small square that Miaomiao usually clicks when watching cartoons is called an app . Different apps have different functions. Auntie, it should be the person who spends money on her own to raise the people in the app.”

“From the perspective of the system, it is not possible to raise a normal paper man. There is only one possibility that the system can keep an eye on her, and that is, that your aunt raises, and is the world’s air transporter. This is possible. It has something to do with Fu’s bankruptcy in the future. So Miaomiao doesn’t need to take care of her mother’s natal family. It should be no problem to hand it to the aunt.”

“Wow! Auntie is still so good!” It can prevent bankruptcy!

Although Miaomiao didn’t understand the meaning of “bankruptcy” at all, it must be a great thing to make her mother take a big hit!

And if the aunt can stop, then the aunt is great!

“Well, she is the person who owns the system, so her data will not appear on your interface, and your eldest uncle should only have the catastrophe of bankruptcy. As long as the Fu family can be prevented from going bankrupt, the eldest uncle will have nothing to do. , That’s why it didn’t appear. Generally, those who can appear in the family directory on your left are people who will have trouble.”

When Miaomiao heard it, even if he was still young, he heard the problem, “Now my brother, sister-in-law, Xiong Da, Xiong Er, as well as father, mother and taro have all happened. But Miaomiao’s grandparents, Nothing seems to have happened yet.”

“Yes, in the information I got, grandparents went because they couldn’t bear the death of their grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and sons, but now the process has changed. They won’t be hit, but other things should happen. , Otherwise it won’t appear on the list. So Miaomiao must be strong and Miaomiao must protect her family.”

Miaomiao clenched her small fist, frowned solemnly, and said, “Okay! Sister System, let’s protect our family together!”

Miaomiao’s family must not be allowed to leave Miaomiao!

“Eh? Sister System, in what I just said, there seems to be no taro.” Miaomiao asked in confusion, “Why did taro appear on Miaomiao’s list?”

System sister was silent for a moment, and said: “According to the original information, there is no such person as Qin Yu in the world.”

Miaomiao: “……???”

“In fact, there is still one thing I haven’t told you. Qin Yu’s mother… is also the owner of the system.” There is envy in the voice of the system sister. “It is still a very powerful system. The learning system for making money has been updated to investment. Qin Yu’s mother should have used that system to make money. In the future, if Miaomiao is interested in making money, she can buy a house with her aunt. The house she bought will definitely add value.”

After all, it’s your future mother-in-law, who definitely doesn’t mind taking you to make money together.

“What opportunity should Qin Yu’s mother have? It is most likely to be born again, that is, to return to a few years ago after he died. So Qin Yu would not be born originally because his mother did not marry his father before he was born again. After his mother was born again, he was with his father, gave birth to him, and appeared by your side.”

“As for why Qin Yu appeared on your family list, this update, I still don’t know.” System sister thinks that it is too early to tell Miaomiao that Qin Yu will marry her in the future.

Children don’t need to know these, just let everything develop naturally.

Maybe it would be a bad thing to know in advance.

Miaomiao could hear it in the cloud, but still said, “Rebirth means like Miaomiao’s little goldfish. First died, then Miaomiao prayed, and it will be resurrected, right?”

System sister: “…Yes.” In fact, your little goldfish has not been resurrected at all, it is a new little goldfish.

Miaomiao thought that he understood everything, and then said, “There are so many systems in this world, sister system, you know each one, do they also know you?”

The system pondered for a moment, and said: “I don’t know it. I don’t know why, it seems that only I can perceive the existence of other systems. The two systems I ate before were shocked when I caught them, because they both thought I am the only system in this world.”

“Wow! The system sister is a very powerful special system, things that other systems can’t do, you can do with the system sister!” Miaomiao admired.

When the system sister heard it, she subconsciously became proud, “That’s for sure!”

If she has a body, she might have to look up and show her pride now.

Miaomiao feels that her system is very good, which is beyond the reach of other people’s systems. As a host, is she also an excellent host?

Hehe, it must be!

When Miaomiao went to Little Star Kindergarten the next day, Qin Yu had already arrived. Miaomiao put down her small schoolbag, and Qin Yu said: “Miaomiao, my mother showed me two schools last night. Did your mother show you too?”

“Yeah! Look!” Miaomiao nodded quickly, “I chose a school with nice colors for the teaching building.”

Qin Yu: “…” One of the school’s teaching buildings is brown and monochrome, which doesn’t look good. Miaomiao chose another one, with a combination of yellow and blue. The teaching building looks like this. Quite cute.

Miaomiao asked excitedly: “Taro, I remember you said before that your mother is very good at making money.”

Qin Yu didn’t know why Miaomiao mentioned this suddenly, but he nodded and said, “Dad said that mother is very good. Every time she buys a house, she adds value. Although her mother does not make as much money as her father, she still makes money. It’s very easy. Mom doesn’t have to do anything. You can get hundreds of thousands of rents every month, and you can earn tens of millions every year by buying and selling houses. Moreover, my mother has a lot of real estate. What the **** is it. Now my father and mother have started a company called real estate together, and it seems that the income is also very high!”

“Wow! Tens of millions, that’s awesome!” Miaomiao looked at her fingers, and counted one by one, looking at the digits of his pocket money, and then the digits of tens of millions. , Immediately admired.

The sister of the system was right. Taro’s mother also brought the system, which is still a system that can help her make a small amount of money.

Where did Miaomiao know that his parents are also very rich, especially his father made more money than this. I don’t know how much. He just looked at Qin Yu admiringly, “Taro, your family is really rich!”

Qin Yu scratched his hair shyly, and said, “It’s okay.” Actually, Miao Miao’s family is not rich yet. My mother told him some time ago that my father seemed to know Miaomiao’s father. He saw him at the graduation ceremony of the young friends in the big class. He felt familiar, and only remembered after returning home.

Miaomiao’s father seems to be very good, but Miaomiao doesn’t seem to know. Miaomiao’s mother didn’t seem to tell her, although he didn’t know why, he had to help conceal it.

The author has something to say: Recommend a book

“The female partner doesn’t want the protagonist to break up [wearing the book]” by Qi Hitomi

Shen Wanqing penetrates into a book of fantasy sadomasochism. In the book, the male and female protagonists continue to misunderstand emotionally on the road, torturing their bodies and hearts, and finally die and one wound.

Shen Wanqing looked at herself as a vicious female partner: “I understand, my task must be to dismantle the male and female protagonists, right?”

System: “No, your task is to turn this book into a sweet article.”

Shen Wanqing: “…”

Therefore, the vicious female partner Shen Wanqing worked hard for the love of the male and female master, but—

“Alert! The male protagonist forgot that the female protagonist does not eat spicy, and put hot peppers in the fried pork!”

“Alert! The villain who has a crush on the heroine has appeared next to the heroine again!”

“Alert! There is a cannon fodder woman rationing the hero!”

In this way, Shen Wanqing worked **** the front line in order to prevent the male and female protagonists from breaking up.

Until one day, Shen Wanqing was approached by the villain who had a crush on the heroine.

The rumored violent and bloodthirsty villain leaned over, narrowed his eyes, his eyes were filled with sloppy and laziness like a smile but a smile, and his voice was low and mute.

“Little girl, be nosy, but it will kill you.”

Shen Wanqing was about to speak, and the system in his mind sounded again: “Alert! The male and female masters are breaking up again!”

She was silent for a moment, and said: “…Well, can you let me persuade me to take a stand first?”

Villain: “…”

Later, someone asked how Shen Wanqing had tame the villain.

Shen Wanqing: “I don’t know, he posted it upside down.”

Villain: “?”

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-2720:58:40 2020-07-2820:51:46

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 459011691 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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