The richest man in the leisurely country

Chapter 15 Lease

Chapter 15 Lease
When Su Mu returned home, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

It is summer now, mostly sunny, the sky is full of stars, and the moon is bright and clean.

Su Mu carried the newly bought hoe, and there were still a lot of vegetable seeds bought before, so Su Mu decided to plant them all.

Although he worked hard all day during the day and was protected by five spirit beads, Su Mu didn't feel tired.

Su Mu brandished a brand-new hoe, and first dug the consolidated large field ridge by ridge, and dug a shallow ditch between the two ridges to facilitate people to take care of it.

After digging the ridge, Su Mu dug small holes one by one on the ridge, put the vegetable seeds in, and turned the soil over to cover the seeds.

There is a lot of five or six acres of land, and Su Mu only managed about half of it in three or four hours without stopping, that is, two or three acres of land, and all of them were cabbage and green vegetables.

As for the other half of the land, Su Mu plans to plant some other things, trying to get more varieties, such as onions and garlic. In fact, these small vegetables are more valuable.

After planting the seeds, Su Mu felt a little tired, so he returned home, found a clean place, sat cross-legged on the ground, and connected his consciousness with the five spirit beads in his arms.

A coolness in the Five Lingzhu followed Su Mu's skin, entered his meridians, and circulated in all the limbs, and soon Su Mu felt refreshed.

"Meow meow……"


After discovering that Su Mu came back, the raccoon cat yelped and came to Su Mu, first circled around him twice, gently rubbed its head against Su Mu's body, then jumped into Su Mu's arms and curled up into a ball, cooing sleep.

Time passed by, and there was silence outside, except for the occasional two barks of dogs.

Su Mu closed his eyes and rested his mind, practicing quietly. When he heard the crowing of the rooster, he opened his eyes and saw that the sky was already dark before waking up.

Seeing the cihuamao curled up in his arms, sleeping soundly, and making cooing sounds continuously, Su Mu stroked its soft hair, carried the cihuamao into its den before opening the door, breathing Stretching in the fresh air.

After drinking the sweet spring water from the well and simply washing his face and brushing his teeth, Su Mu took the manure bucket and picked up two full buckets of water and walked to the field.

In fact, there is a stream beside the field. Su Mu felt that he could not run out of energy and didn't want to waste time, so he picked it from home. Anyway, he had to pick it.

When he arrived in the field, Su Mu took out the five spirit beads, poured a drop of fairy dew into each bucket, and then took a dung ladle to start watering.

Five or six buckets of water were poured into two or three acres of land. When Su Mu finished watering, when he got home, he found that his second uncle and aunt had already helped him pick vegetables in the private plot.

"Morning, Xiao Su, we came to your house to call you but you didn't respond, the door was open, I thought you had picked vegetables and gone to town."

Seeing Su Mu, Second Aunt Li Lanhua smiled with satisfaction.

They had already woken up early enough, and they didn't expect Su Mu to be so diligent and get up earlier than them.

"Oh, I got up in the morning and went to the field to grow vegetables, thinking about planting some while it's cool, Second Uncle, let's discuss something with you."

Su Mu bounced to Su Daming's side in a few steps, picked vegetables with a sickle, and looked at him with a smile.

"Let it go if you fart."

Su Daming squatted in the ground, holding a sickle in his right hand, grasping a large and round cabbage with his left hand, and with a precise stroke of the sickle, a cabbage was chopped off from the root, very skillfully.

Although he didn't know what Su Mu was going to do, because of the lessons learned from these vegetables, Su Daming didn't refuse before Su Mu asked.

"Hey, isn't your two acres of land next to mine? I heard from my second aunt that you are going to use it to grow rice. You see, my technique for this kind of vegetables is very good now, and it can mature in four or five days. .”

"What I'm thinking is can you give me your piece of land, let's grow vegetables together, and you will help take care of it, how about we split half of the money?"

Su Mu smiled sarcastically, quietly paying attention to the changes in Su Daming's expression.

Not to mention the few acres of land, Su Mu wants to take over the land of other people in the village, and then use Xianlu to grow vegetables, ask them to help take care of them, weeding and pest control, etc., and ask them to help pick them when they are mature. Responsible for transporting to the city to sell.

However, most people in the village have already planted things in their fields, and now he has no money and cannot carry out large-scale planting. Su Mu decided to wait for a while and discuss with them after the crops are returned in the second half of the year.

"Haha, Xiao Su, you want the two fields of my family. I think it's okay. I was discussing with your second uncle last night. You can see that the new technology you use to grow vegetables is very effective. We will definitely make money in the future." Big money."

Li Lanhua was the first to be happy when she heard that Su Mu wanted to rent land.

Looking at Su Mu's private plot, in just a few days, he has harvested thousands of catties of vegetables, at least tens of thousands of dollars.

There is no more profitable land harvest than this in the world.

"Women, when is it your turn to speak?"

Seeing Li Lanhua so happy, Su Daming poured cold water on her.

Su Daming immediately looked at Su Mu, and said with a serious face: "It's okay to rent the land to you, and we can manage it for you, but you have to manage it well, and if you dare to waste those lands, I won't break your legs. "

Su Daming has always had such an old-fashioned temper, with a serious face on the surface, and threatened Su Mu with harsh words, but in fact he was already happy in his heart.

But I am always Su Mu's elder, so how can I be joking, I have to show my majesty as an elder.

"Hey, okay, thank you second uncle, don't worry, I will definitely do it well, let's make a lot of money together."

Seeing that the second uncle agreed, Su Mu was in a good mood, and rubbed his hands with a smile.

After picking vegetables with his second uncle and aunt for a while, Su Mu packed the vegetables in a snakeskin bag and tied them to the motorcycle to the county town to pull them for Lin Lan.

Just yesterday, I sold more than 1000 catties to Lin Lan, and today there are more than two-thirds of the field left. Su Mu and his second uncle and aunt have been busy all day, running back and forth non-stop, and finally in the dark All the vegetables in the private plot were sold out.

As for Lin Lan, after yesterday's word-of-mouth and heat fermented, the residents near her fruit and vegetable shop now know that the cabbage, vegetables, and tomatoes sold by her shop are delicious.

Although Lin Lan opened a small shop, it was only [-] to [-] square meters, but now it is more popular than a supermarket.

And this is just cabbage and green vegetables. Su Mu also planted peppers and eggplants, and they were already mature, but they were just too busy to pull them over for the time being.

The vegetables in the private plot are almost sold out, and Su Mu plans to sell the remaining eggplants and peppers by himself, and asks his second uncle and aunt to go to the field to help him pick vegetables.

Moreover, the weeds in the back hills treated with glyphosate have died, and that is more than ten acres of land, a large piece of land, so the land must be turned over as soon as possible to plant some fruit trees, so that the harvest can be harvested earlier.

There are more than [-] mu of land in the back mountain, plus the private land, and the field, there are a total of about [-] mu. Su Mu and his second uncle and aunt alone are obviously too busy, so Su Mu decided to spend money to find some people to help.

(End of this chapter)

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