The richest man in the leisurely country

Chapter 53 Leisurely Pastoral

Chapter 53 Leisurely Pastoral
With Li Ergou helping to pull the dishes, Su Mu will be much more relaxed.

The load capacity of the new truck is [-] tons, which is [-] catties, and it can pull more goods in one trip than Su Mu's two trips, which greatly saves time.

Su Mu took Li Ergou for two trips, and after seeing that he was familiar with him, he temporarily handed over the freight to him.

But Su Mu didn't treat him badly, and agreed to give him 100 yuan for each trip, so that Li Ergou worked harder, and he had to run six or seven times a day, and his income gradually increased.

Now eight people pick the fruits in the mountains, and Su Mu arranges four people to pick the vegetables in the field. The manpower arrangement is reasonable, so that the second uncle and the second aunt are not so busy.

As for Su Mu, when he is free, he pushes the tiller to plow the place where the vegetables have been picked, digging ridges and planting vegetables leisurely.

It's just that there are still few lands at present. After earning more money, Su Mu thought about renting out the entire field to grow vegetables and introducing mechanized planting, which would greatly improve the efficiency.

But this will not be realized until autumn, when the villagers take back the crops of this season.

Soon, Su Mu set his sights on the large stretch of land on the mountain, which is what the villagers call slope land.

The mountain is stretched in stretches, all of which are muddy land, at least several hundred acres, most of which belong to the collective, if that piece can be taken down, it will be more profitable.

But in that case, the labor cost will increase. The most important thing is that there is no access on the top, and transportation is a big problem. At the same time, the output has increased, and a store must not be open.

Helpless, Su Mu could only postpone his hope and choose to develop step by step.

Seeing so many lands in the village, Su Mu is looking forward to the future.

Moreover, in the vicinity of the village, apart from his family having mountainous land, other families also basically have five or six acres of land. With so many families, Su Mu plans to develop radially, starting from a large field in front of the village, and slowly moving towards other lands. regional radiation.

In this way, while developing steadily and steadily, it can also drive other villagers to become well-off together, which is a good development planning concept.

After making the plan, Su Mu waited patiently, and walked along the stream flowing from the front of the village in his free time.

The creek is not big, about two meters wide. The stream is gurgling, with various aquatic plants growing on both sides, and the water volume is quite large. The villagers rely on this stream of water for farming.

Su Mu was walking by the rural stream, breathing in the fresh air, stepping on the fertile land under his feet, with green and immature rice on both sides, and stretches of fields came into view, and the scenery was very good.

After these busy days, he finally had some time to appreciate the beautiful rural scenery.

Of course, Su Mu is not as simple as walking around to have a look, but as he walks, he has a rough plan in mind.

If these hundreds of acres of land are fully contracted to grow vegetables, the yield per mu will be three to four thousand catties, and one hundred mu will be hundreds of thousands of catties.

The maturity period of the most important vegetables is four to five days, and the value is unimaginable.

At present, I only have one store, and the daily sales volume is about [-] catties. Obviously, I can't distribute that many fruits and vegetables.

But if you just grow vegetables, to be honest, you earn a small amount of money.

"Well, it happens that the stream divides the land into two sides. There is no shortage of water. One side can be used to grow vegetables, and the other side can be used to grow Chinese medicinal materials. That is the most profitable."

As he walked, Su Mu had a sudden thought and couldn't help snapping his fingers.

It is also a very good idea to use fifty acres of land to grow vegetables.

"The terrain of these two mu of land is relatively low. You can dig a little deeper. Use the news that flows through here to build a big pond. It is also good to raise some fish in it, so that the aquatic products will be more abundant."

Su Mu kept muttering as he walked.

Since I want to take the path of radiation development, the most important thing is this field, and I have to plan them well first.

After the field is planned, the surrounding mountains will undoubtedly be used for planting fruit trees.

As for what kind of fruit trees to plant, Su Mu felt that there should be more varieties, but it would be better to concentrate them.

There is also the need to plant high economic value, so as to make more money.

"Hey, Xiao Su..."

As Su Mu was walking, someone suddenly stood up by the stream in front of him and greeted him.

Hearing someone calling him, Su Mu hurried forward, and saw a young man in his thirties who was mowing the grass with a scythe.

"Brother Jun, when did you come back?"

Seeing that person, Su Mu hurried forward to say hello.

It was none other than his cousin Su Chengjun, who was leading a big black buffalo to herd and cut grass by the stream.

"I just came back yesterday and said I would go to your house to sit for a while. I didn't go because you were so busy. I heard that you grew vegetables and sold them after graduation. You also used the latest planting technology, okay."

After Su Mu approached, Su Chengjun put down his sickle and looked at Su Mu with a smile on his face.

Among them, Su Mu is the most promising, a college graduate. Although he has returned to the village to continue working as a farmer after graduation, he is different from them.

"No, no, by the way, Brother Jun, didn't I hear that you were working as a contractor in the city to work on the construction site? It should be a busy time, why did you come back?" Su Mu asked curiously.

It's summer, and it's the slack season, but it's the busiest time on the construction site.

Hearing this, Su Chengjun shook his head slightly, sighed and said: "Hey, don't mention it, we have been working on the construction site for almost half a year, and now the upper management is short of funds and owes us a lot of wages. Work hard, we plan to waste time with those real estate agents, and wait until the money arrives before starting work."

"The construction site is not easy to do now, jobs are easy to find, and money is hard to come by. I still owe the workers money, and I am in debt."

They were all cousins, so Su Chengjun complained directly to Su Mu.

Su Chengjun went out to work for two years after graduating from high school and didn't go to university. He came back to work on the construction site because he was born strong and strong. NO.30 people help others to do masonry and wall building.

"Well, it seems that the construction site is not easy to do now. Those real estate developers have such high house prices, isn't real estate booming now? Why are they still short of money?"

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, so Su Mu sat down and planned to have a good chat with him.

The current housing prices in the county are also very high, already five or six thousand, houses are being built everywhere, and the development is booming.

However, the basic salary is very low, only more than 1000, and most people only earn three to four thousand a month.

"Hey, don't mention it. It's just what you saw. The house has been repaired a lot, but there are not many people buying it in the county. Isn't it a tourism development now? Most of them are bought by outsiders."

"Those houses, it's good if they can sell half of them. If they can't sell their houses, they won't be able to receive money, otherwise they won't be in arrears with our wages."

When Su Chengjun mentioned this, he started nagging with Su Mu. Only they know this best.

"No, the money from the two construction sites we worked on last year has not yet been recovered. Most of the money I have earned over the years has been advanced to the workers, and I still owe a lot of debts."

"We are relatively light. Some big bosses who came from other places to invest directly lost several hundred million in it, and they haven't got the money yet."

The relationship between Su Mu and Su Chengjun is pretty good. Now that Su Mu has grown up, Su Chengjun has also been outside for a while, but they can barely find a common topic.

Su Mu didn't expect them to have such a hard time now, it seems that it is not easy to do in any industry.

"Hearing what you said, it's quite difficult. By the way, Brother Jun, you are engaged in housing construction. How many people are there now? To tell you the truth, I have already planned to demolish my old house and build a new one. , you are more experienced in this area, now that the construction site over there is closed, can you come over and help me with it?"

Su Mu suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly looked at Su Chengjun.

(End of this chapter)

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