The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Mobilize the masses

I saw from a distance, the village was crowded with black people.

A hundred people who signed up last night, all came together, and many villagers came to watch the excitement.

Yang Fei asked everyone to read the radio draft three times with Su Tong.

“Which of you have relatives and friends in nearby villages? Villages in towns, villages in nearby towns, it’s okay.” Yang Fei asked when they finished reading the manuscript.

“Yes, my sister married in Xia Ma Village.”

“I have an aunt in Shishan Village.”

The relationships between people are all intricate.

If two people met on the street, if they are involved for a long time, what is the probability that they will be involved in half of their relatives or friends?

The marriages in rural areas mostly circulate in nearby villages, and one relative is connected to another relative.

Yang Fei mobilized the masses, the purpose is to make full use of these relationships between the villagers.

Soon, everyone reported the name of the village with relatives and friends.

Su Tong recorded them one by one and showed them to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei watched it again and deployed the manpower in pairs, responsible for the sales of a village.

“Liulin is a thousand-year-old town and a large town in the county. It is formed by the combination of one town and three villages in the past. I have learned that there are forty-five villages in the town. You two are in groups. The group is in charge of a village. I have taught you how to sell it. My goal is that each group will sell one ton of washing powder every day. One ton of washing powder is 2,000 packs. Those who complete the task will be rewarded five yuan on the same day. Money and cash, this is income other than wages!”

“Daxia Yang, what if it is not done?”

“For the unfinished group, I don’t deduct your money. However, if the sales are the lowest for three consecutive days, I can only ask you to leave. The bottom means that the task has not been completed and the sales are the lowest! I will not supervise each group. You guys, because you are working for yourself! If you want to make money, you can find a way to sell the washing powder!”

“Yang Daxia, if the village department doesn’t let us use the radio, what should we do?”

“Then grind until they agree. You can send a pack of cigarettes or alcohol, but you can’t send money. Come back and ask me for reimbursement.”

While talking, a truck from the daily chemical factory drove over.

Master Zhou led the team, stopped the car on the side of the road, and greeted Yang Fei.

“Everyone get in the car, first get into the truck, if you can’t get it, follow me in the minibus!”

Everyone noticed that there was a minibus behind the truck.

This is an operating minibus in Liulin Town, rented by Yang Fei.

Everyone got on the car, and the trucks spread out and followed Yang Fei’s pre-arranged route to a fixed village. Every time they reached a village, the people in the car got off and unloaded a ton of washing powder.

The minibuses circled the villages in the town. Whenever they reached a village, two people were left behind, and the convoy continued to move forward.

The efficiency of doing this is a bit low, but Yang Fei can’t think of a more economical way.

In one morning, the layout of personnel and goods was finally completed.

Fifty groups, forty-five groups are in each village in the town, and five groups are arranged in neighboring villages. These villages have relatives in Taohua Village.

Next, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Su Tong went idle instead.

“Boss,” she was a little confused about Yang Fei’s name, so she called him the boss whenever she was happy, and more often, she called him Yang Daxia, “Is it reliable? The cost is only 60,000 yuan! There will be no mistakes, right? ”

“What can go wrong?” Yang Fei smiled, “You have to trust your villagers, and at the same time trust your subordinates.”

“I still don’t worry, I will go to each village? If there is a village ministry that is unwilling to cooperate, I can still negotiate.”

“If you are a manager, you have to look like a manager. You must learn to grasp the big and let go of the small.”

“Am I a manager?”

“Otherwise? Our company, at any rate, has more than a hundred people. If there are not even two managers, what will it look like?”

Su Tong wanted to laugh. Seeing his serious appearance, he didn’t laugh out loud, and said with a stern smile: “What company? Is it a leather bag company?”

“Have you ever counted, if we sell out these fifty tons today, how much money can we make?”

“Well, I have already calculated it for you. If you sell it all out, you can earn 120,000!”

“A company has a daily profit of 120,000 yuan, whether it is a leather bag company?”


Su Tong really convinced him.

“But, have you registered the company?” she asked.

“Sell it out today, just go to register. I will leave the small things like company name to you.”


“Do you think you can get a day’s salary for nothing? You are a manager, of course you have to use your brain.”

“Well, let me think about it,” Su Tong really thought about it seriously, and asked for a long time, “What is our company’s main business?”

“For the time being, let’s focus on daily chemicals.”

“That’s beautiful! What a great name!”

“Such a popular name, I’m afraid it would have been registered long ago.”

“That’s called a beautiful daily chemical! Or a beautiful life?”

“Have you really gotten to the beauty?”

“Yes! I like the word beautiful.”

“Well, let’s think about it again. Let’s go, let’s go to the county.”

“What are you going to do in the county?”

“Please, I am your leader, just follow me.”

“Who knows if you sell little girls?”


The bus driver is very familiar with the county town. After UU read into the city, he drove directly to the front of the Water Resources Bureau.

Yang Fei took Su Tong in. He came here to find someone from the Water Conservancy Bureau and asked them to send someone to Taohua Village to design a water supply project planning and design document.

These professional matters, just leave them to the experts.

He went directly to the office of the director. The director had no pretensions and gave him a warm welcome.

Hearing the purpose of the visit, the director was slightly surprised, and immediately expressed his support and agreed to send experts to investigate for free.

Sitting with the director is a middle-aged man. He is wearing a very ordinary jacket and smoking cigarettes. The index finger of his right hand is smoked golden.

When Yang Fei talked to the director, the middle-aged man remained silent.

When the two of them finished talking, the middle-aged man asked kindly: “Little comrade, you are not a comrade of the two committees of the Taohua Village branch, are you?”

Yang Fei glanced at him and said, “Isn’t it a village cadre, can’t you come to do this?”

“That’s not what you mean. What’s your last name for the little comrade?”

“Menggui, my last name is Yang, and my name is Yang Fei.”

“Well, your idea is very good, and you have solved the most practical problems for the local villagers! On behalf of the 3,670 villagers in Taohua Village, thank you!”

Yang Fei was slightly surprised, thinking that this person is not the leader of Liulin Town?

Otherwise, how does he know the data of Taohua Village so much?

Thinking of this, Yang Fei said something more: “The cadres of the village branch and the two committees are not full-time cadres. They have to take care of the affairs of the village and are busy with the farm work at home. They have no time to come. Both Director Su know this, and they are also very supportive.”

He is helping Tie Lianping and Su Changqing to excuse them, lest they be remembered by these leaders.

The middle-aged man smiled and expressed his understanding. He got up and shook hands with Yang Fei.

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