The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2368

Chapter 2366 Set the game!

Mouse and Ma Feng live on the opposite side of Yang Fei’s room, and can monitor everything there.

Ma Feng looked at the time and said, “It’s only half past one, Mouse, would you like to sleep for a while? I can just watch it here alone.”

The mouse shook his head: “I’m used to it and don’t need to sleep too much.”

Ma Feng smiled and said, “Me too. I can sleep for four to five hours a day, which is almost the same.”

The mouse said: “I heard that people who are getting older will reduce their sleep. The older the person, the closer to death, the more reluctant to waste precious time on sleep.”

Ma Feng laughed and said, “You mean, are we all old?”

The mouse said: “Let’s have excess energy! Sleeping for four hours a day is also very vigorous!”

Ma Feng said: “Speaking of this, the Korean female artist at the banquet today looks pretty good, tusk, it’s really a chest, a chest, and a leg, that’s pretty.”

The mouse said blankly: “Isn’t it just a woman? Which woman has a breast instead of a breast? The legs are not legs? Look at what you say!”

Ma Feng said, “Hey, speaking of this woman, when the group of Koreans just came to see Xiang Fei Shao please, did she also come?”

The mouse was startled: “Are you here? It seems to be here.”

Ma Feng said: “I also saw her coming, but I didn’t seem to see her coming out.”

The mouse’s expression suddenly changed: “Brother Marco, are you serious?”

Ma Feng said: “I’m not sure, you think about the situation at that time, is it like this?”

The mouse calmly thought about it, and said: “A few people came, I remember clearly, there is indeed a woman who is very soft and looks like a star. However, a few people came out, but I did not pay attention. They went in. If there are a few people, there should be a few talents. Is it possible that there are still people who stay in Fei Shao’s room and fail?”

At this point, both of them were taken aback.

“Is there someone staying in Fei Shao’s room?” Ma Feng and Mouse exclaimed at the same time, and then they couldn’t help standing up, “It’s amazing!”

Ma Feng said: “Go in and have a look?”

The mouse hesitated and said: “There are two situations. One is that Fei Shao knows that she is staying? There is another, Fei Shao doesn’t know, but this was deliberately arranged by the Korean side and was deliberately given to Yang Fei to enjoy it?”

Ma Feng said: “That’s not easy.”

The mouse said: “If you go in now, what if you disturb Fei Shao?”

Ma Feng coughed lightly: “Then what do you say? What if you say neither of the two situations is right? If this woman stays on purpose and has ulterior motives? Isn’t Fei Shao in trouble at this moment?”

The mouse’s face changed evenly.

After following Yang Fei for so long, what dangerous situation hasn’t been encountered before?

However, this is the first time in a situation like today!

For a while, he was not sure whether he wanted to go in and see the situation.

“Ask Secretary Chen first?” Mouse asked.

“Alright.” Ma Feng said, “Secretary Chen is the most trusted person around Fei Shao. Even if Fei Shao is there, Secretary Chen will probably not annoy him if he asks.”

The mouse said: “I will ask.”

At this moment, a few people came across the corridor.

“Reporter?” Ma Feng grabbed the mouse and whispered, “The one who came is a reporter!”

The mouse stopped and looked at the few people coldly.

Those Korean men kept looking around, looking for the house number.

They came to Yang Fei’s room, stopped, pointed to the door number, and said something chitteringly.

The mouse stepped forward and asked in a deep voice, “Sirs, are there any problems?”

The Korean turned around in amazement and saw that the door here was open. He looked at He and Ma Feng again, and asked with a half-baked Chinese affair: “Excuse me, does Mr. Yang Fei live here?”

The mouse said: “I am Mr. Yang’s bodyguard, please leave immediately.”

“Oh, you are Mr. Yang Fei’s bodyguard, that’s great, please help us inform Mr. Yang, we want to interview him. This is our business card, we are KBS TV station.”

“Sorry, our boss is taking a lunch break and will not meet anyone. Please come back tomorrow!” The mouse looked cold and inviolable.

“We heard that Mr. Yang has a lot of investment here, so I rushed over to interview. This interview will be on TV tonight. Please let me know!” Korean reporters are not easy to be driven away. .

The mouse said: “I’ll say it again, please don’t disturb the boss to rest. If you have any problems, please come back tomorrow.”

“You’re just a bodyguard. You can’t call the shots for Mr. Yang. If you don’t meet us, that’s Mr. Yang’s business. What you have to do is to report to Mr. Yang.” The Korean reporter actually looked down on the mouse.

The mouse remained unmoved, and said solemnly: “I am in charge of the things here! Please leave immediately!”

“We won’t leave if we don’t see Mr. Yang! If you don’t inform, we will wait here!” The South Korean reporter was stubborn and unreasonable.

Ma Feng stepped forward and said: “You have to wait, please wait outside and don’t make a noise here! The leaders of Jeju Island have just left. If I tell them that you are here to interrupt the boss to rest, I think they will definitely send the police. Come catch you and leave!”

“This must be Mr. Yang’s bodyguard, right? Don’t forget, this is in our country. You still want to call the police to arrest us? Isn’t this a joke?” The South Korean reporter laughed.

Ma Feng said: “I don’t care where you are from, leave right away, otherwise, don’t blame us for being impolite!”

“Why? Is your boss doing something shameful? Don’t dare to accept our interview?” The South Korean reporter hurled bitterly.

The mouse was angry and clenched his fists.

Ma Feng patted the mouse on the shoulder, beckoning him to stay safe.

The mouse snorted coldly.

Ma Feng said: “Everyone, if you can come to interview our boss, you must know who he is? It is not good for you to offend him. You really want to interview him, so please follow the rules and wait outside. After the boss wakes up, we will naturally report your arrival to him. As for the time when the boss will not meet you, it is hard for us to say.”

South Korean reporters talked a few words with each other, but did not leave.

In the corridor over there, another group of people came Someone shouted: “Han Xiuhui must be in Mr. Yang’s room!”

“Han Xiuhui? Han Xiuhui?” Someone yelled loudly, holding both hands to their lips.

Mouse and Ma Feng looked at each other, and both felt a hint of tension.

“Hello!” The visitor walked in front of Mouse and Ma Feng and said, “Our Han Xiuhui is gone. Someone saw her enter Mr. Yang’s room at noon. Let’s ask, are you still meeting with Mr. Yang? ”

Mouse and Ma Feng looked at each other again.

“We don’t know, no comment.” Ma Feng said, “Your one is gone. You should call her to find her.”

“We called and couldn’t get through. We were worried about whether something happened to her, so we rushed over to ask. Could you please ask Mr. Yang, is our Miss Han Xiuhui still inside?” the person said.

The mouse’s eyelids twitched!

He keenly felt that this matter, I’m afraid it is not so simple!

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