The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2371

Chapter 2369 Murder?

There was light in the mouse’s eyes!

This guy, for fear that the world will not be chaotic!

Now Fei Shao wants to make trouble, and can laugh out loud even thinking about it!

“Sao Fei, what do you want to do? Please order!”

Yang Fei’s eyes were sharp, and he said solemnly: “I’m a Jianglong, I didn’t want to cause trouble, but they must pester me! I really thought I was a bully! Hmph! Mouse, next, let’s do this…”

Waiting in the lobby on the first floor, in addition to reporters, there are also a number of people related to Han Xiuhui.

More than a dozen pairs of big eyes stared at the elevator of the hotel, and some people occasionally cast their eyes on the stairwell.

All in all, no matter where Yang Fei comes from, he will be spotted immediately.

When everyone was waiting impatiently, a cleaner strode to the front desk and shouted: “It’s not good, it’s not good, someone committed suicide by jumping off the building in our hotel!”

At noon, there were already few people in the hotel lobby, and the sound was so harsh that it reached everyone’s ears.

The manager asked in a deep voice, “Who committed suicide?”

“Manager, look, this is a suicide note! What is written on it? Look!” The cleaner passed a piece of paper in his hand.

The manager took the paper, read it again, and was shocked: “Someone really jumped off the building! A woman named Han Xiuhui left a suicide note and committed suicide by jumping from the top floor of our hotel!”

The hotel lobby suddenly became chaotic. Some people ran upstairs, some ran outside the door, and others hurriedly picked up the phone to call the police.

The people waiting here were all shocked.

“Han Xiuhui?”

“Did he mean Han Xiuhui? Was it the Han Xiuhui we were looking for?”

“Han Xiuhui committed suicide?”

“Isn’t she in Yang Fei’s room?”

“Yeah! How could she go to the rooftop to commit suicide?”

“Who can tell me what happened?”

“Go find Han Xiuhui’s body! Quick! Quick! Quick!”



The lobby is messier.

Ten minutes later, several people ran back to the lobby.

“There are no corpses!”

“There is no corpse behind!”

“No dead bodies are seen everywhere!”

“Han Xiuhui! Where did she die?”

Everyone’s questions were directed at the cleaner who found Han Xiuhui’s suicide note.

“Where did you find the suicide note?”

“Where did Han Xiuhui die?”

“Where did she jump off the building?”

“Say it! You bastard!”

The cleaner looked innocent, and looked at this and that again, too shocked to say a word.

Someone shouted: “Where is the suicide note? Let me see if it is true!”

The suicide note was in the hands of the manager. He took it out and handed it to the speaker.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! This is not true!” The man read the suicide note and laughed wildly while reading it.

“Not real? Fake suicide note?” Everyone asked.

The man holding the suicide note smiled and cried: “I mean, I don’t believe this is true! The suicide note is true! The suicide note is true! This is really Han Xiuhui’s handwriting! This is her writing of!”

“What you said is true?” someone asked.

“I’m her agent, of course I know it’s true!” The agent shook his face, crying, “My Han Xiuhui, why are you really dead?”

“But where did she die? Where is her body?”

“Yeah, where did Han Xiuhui die?” The agent stomped anxiously, waving his hands incessantly.

The security guard at the door shouted: “The police are here!”

Everyone looked at the door of the hotel.

Several South Korean police officers came over and asked, “Who called the police? What happened?”

Everyone, you say, I say, twitter, talk non-stop.

After listening for a long time, the police finally understood.

“Someone jumped off the building? The suicide note was left, but the body was not found? That is, the person was not dead? Then the police, we can’t get out.”

“No, Mr. Police, I suspect that someone has murdered Miss Han Xiuhui!”

“Who murdered whom?”

“It’s a Chinese, killed Miss Han Xiuhui!”

“Chinese? Where is it?”


“Is it suicide? Or murdered? You make it clear! Come one by one! You! Say it!” The policeman pointed to the agent.

The agent said: “This is the case. We first discovered Miss Han Xiuhui’s suicide note, thinking she committed suicide, but we did not find her body, so we suspect that she was murdered!”

The police said: “Where is the suspect? Take us to ask about the situation!”

The agent said: “I will lead the way. Please go here.”

A group of people went upstairs noisily.

At this moment, in the inconspicuous corner next to it, there were a few people sitting on the sofa with their backs to this side.

Zhou Shaojie was present here.

“Zhou, the police went upstairs and went to find Yang Fei.” Bodyguard Tao Jun stepped forward and whispered.

“That woman, are you sure to die?”

“It should be dead.”

“Should? I have to believe it! Go and find out!”

“Okay, Mr. Zhou.” Tao Jun retreated.

The police rang the doorbell of Yang Fei’s room.

Mouse and Ma Feng came out of the opposite room and asked, “Who are you looking for?”

“We are looking for the person who lives in this room!” The policeman revealed his identity, “Is it your friend? Tell him to open the door quickly!”

The mouse asked calmly, “What’s the matter, please?”

“He is suspected of killing!”

“Hehe, this is impossible, I think, you must be mistaken!”

“If you have made any mistakes, just ask him! Open the door quickly!” The policeman slapped the door with his hand impatiently.

Mouse and Ma Feng looked at each other, showing a sneer.

After more than a minute, the door was opened.

Yang Fei was wearing pajamas, yawned, stood at the door, rubbed his eyes, and asked, “Mouse, what’s the matter?”

The mouse smiled and said, “Fly less, excuse me. A policeman came to ask about the case and said that you were involved in a murder case!”

“Murder?” Yang Fei opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, “Hey, there are so many people here? Since I said I was suspected of murder, please go inside and talk about it! I want to see, Yang Fei killed Who is it!”

The two police officers who came to heard Yang Fei’s name seemed to be familiar, but they didn’t think much about it. They just walked into Yang Fei’s room for a moment.

The police first looked around, then carefully inspected every corner, looking for possible clues.

“Hair! Woman’s hair!” The agent found a long hair on the bed with sharp eyes and immediately yelled, as if he had discovered a new world.

Yang Fei said lightly: “Is this a policeman too?”

The police did not answer his question, but put on white gloves, then took the hair, and then asked Yang Fei: “Whose is this?”

Yang Fei said, “My secretary’s!”

The agent shouted, “No, I’m sure this is Han Xiuhui’s hair! Han Xiuhui has been here! Han Xiuhui was killed by him!”

At this moment, Chen Mo came over and asked, “What’s the matter? So many people are here?”

Yang Fei pointed to the hair in the policeman’s hand and laughed at himself: “The policeman said, I murdered the owner of this hair!”

Chen Mo held his hair, put it together with the hair in the policeman’s hand, and smiled: “This is my hair! Look at the color, hair quality, and length, are they exactly the same?”

After careful comparison, the policeman frowned and said, “It’s hers.”

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