The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2387

Chapter 2385 Immunity to flowers

The latest station name: Mubi Pavilion latest website:

Yang Mingyi’s funeral was the liveliest and most luxurious one ever in Taohua Village.

Not to mention the people in the village, but the people who came from all directions to send the funeral. No matter where they came from, they were full of praise, saying that this was the most spectacular funeral they had ever seen in their lives.

People from all walks of life are not counted, but people within the group are counted in the tens of thousands.

Yang Fei’s statement of thousands of tables and running water seats is definitely not an exaggeration.

Chen Ruoling and Yang Hua arrived the next day and stayed at Yang Fei’s house.

Wei Xinyuan and other bosses, as well as Chen Mo, Ning Xin and others, rushed over that night.

Friends such as Chen Shaohua and Fu Heng also arrived in Taohua Village the next day.

All hotels and homestays in Taohua Village are full.

Yang Fei also discussed with many villagers, letting people live in the idle rooms of the villagers.

Every family in Taohua Village has built three or even multi-storey villas, with houses ranging from a dozen to dozens, and there are so many idle houses that there are enough arrangements.

Yang Fei set a rule that all visitors, regardless of status, will not receive gift money.

As long as everyone comes, they will eat and live for free.

In this way, it also put an end to other people’s criticism of the Yang family.

Yang Fei spends money like water and doesn’t receive any gift money. No matter how big the show is, he also spends his family’s money. No one can say anything.

In five days, Yang Fei hardly closed his eyes. Fortunately, he was young and it didn’t matter if he stayed up for a few days and nights.

On the day of the funeral, the funeral procession stretched for more than a dozen miles, and the coffin circled around Taohua Village. The flag-bearers in front came to the end of the walk, and the people at the back of the line were still waiting in line at home waiting for departure.

I can’t count how many cars there are, and how many people have arrived!

There are people from all walks of life, ranging from high-ranking officials in Beijing, provinces, and cities to traffickers and pawns.

Yang Mingyi lived in eighty years and died in his sleep. It can be regarded as the end of his life, which is the joy and mourning in the folk saying.

Therefore, most of the people who are seeing off have a smile on their faces, and they are happy to talk and laugh.

The brothers and sisters of Yang Liyuan and Wu Suying are here.

Thanks to Yang Fei’s help, these uncles and aunts have either found a decent job or started a good business. Every family has a house and a car, and life has long entered a well-off and even affluent class.

On the day of the funeral, the red sun was clear and the breeze was blowing, and it was rare that it was a sunny and windy summer.

The team moved slowly, and the funeral road, which usually only takes an hour to complete, took more than five hours and didn’t reach the mountain until 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

Fortunately, I never missed auspicious time.

Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, the mountains and plains are full of mourners.

Everyone sighed with emotion, “It’s good to be rich, look at this pomp, look at this popularity! Tsk tsk! What a long experience.”

“It’s called rich in the mountains! Although the Yang family lives in the mountains, people from all over the country will come whenever something happens!”

“What is sour? Become the richest man if you have the ability!”

“I’m not sour, I just tell the truth.”

“I heard that Yang Fei has trillions of assets! Gosh, how much money is that?”

“Trillions? A lie? How could there be so many? Ten billions would be the sky.”

“Ten billion? You don’t know anything about the wealth of the rich! What is ten billion? At least one hundred billion!”

“How much is a hundred billion?”

“One hundred million! One hundred million! You want to go yourself! No matter which country Yang Fei goes to, he can be received by foreign presidents!”

“If I had so much money, I would buy mutton for every meal!”

“Cut! You know mutton? Don’t talk about Yang Fei’s food, but usually Su Tong’s food, you go and see, people eat delicacies from mountains and seas, mutton people are tired of eating early! I heard that Su Tong sits down In confinement, the money for buying vegetables every month is hundreds of thousands!”

“That’s right! Yang Fei is afraid that he has spent millions in these five days of funerals! He doesn’t charge a cent for the gift, and every guest has to smoke, drink, and gift packages. Who has his lavishness? What kind of family background would you dare to do this?”


All kinds of discussions, one after another.

At the moment when the coffin was buried, dark clouds in the sky suddenly blew up and a gust of wind blew.

Several women in the Yang family cried loudly together.

No matter what happened to his father when he was alive, people’s hearts would be painful after all to watch him enter the soil at this moment.

There is only a small bag on the mountain, but the world has lost a father and a grandfather.

Yang Fei stood beside the tomb, silent.

The past is like a tide, rushing to the eyes.

He took a worker’s shovel and personally shoveled the loess and covered it on his grandfather’s coffin.

After completing the ceremony and going down the mountain to go home, it was already five or six in the evening.

After dinner, the guests left one after another.

Peach Blossom Village, which had been lively for five days, finally calmed down.

Jiang Ziqiang and others were Yang Fei’s best friends and were invited to stay for one more day.

Jiang Xiaojia and Chu Xiu also took leave of absence and came back, and they were playing in the yard with a few children at the moment.

Yang Fei and others were drinking and chatting in the yard.

The pain of the old man’s passing away gradually fades away, and the living people will eventually return to the track of life.

Yang Fei respected Jiang Ziqiang a glass of wine and said, “Brother Jiang, you have been working hard these days. You have been with me all the time.”

Jiang Ziqiang said, “One family, let’s talk about two families.”

Wan Aimin smiled and said, “At the time my dad passed away, thanks to your help! Xiao Jia is studying in Shanghai, and I also entrust you to take care of it.”

Jiang Ziqiang said, “I just shouldn’t buy them a car. It’s not proper for such a small child to drive to and from school.”

Wan Aimin said, “I think it’s good to buy a car, but you shouldn’t buy such an expensive car. They are still students! How will they live in the future if they develop a luxurious lifestyle?”

Yang Fei said, “Is this car still expensive? Xiaojia still wants to buy a supercar for ten million! Fortunately, the store didn’t find the car, so I mentioned this one.

Wan Aimin said, “Now they have you to take care of, and they don’t treat you as an outsider. When they grow up, where can they find such a good boyfriend and husband? They have developed the problem of being superior and inferior, and they will definitely not be able to marry in the future.”

Yang Fei said, “I’ve heard about it. A family gave birth to a daughter. On her birthday, or on a holiday, the father would buy a bouquet of flowers for his daughter.”

Wan Aimin said, “Wonderful flower! What is the father giving flowers to his daughter? How much money is it burning?

Yang Fei said, “This father has his own explanation. He feels that his daughter has been used to harvesting flowers since she was a child, and when she grows up, she will be immune to flowers, and she will not be moved by a man’s bouquet of flowers.”

“Haha! Interesting!” Jiang Ziqiang smiled, “I chased Aimin, the first time I sent flowers, and then she was really moved and cried. I took her hand early that day.”

Wan Aimin gave her husband a vain look, “Go! Let’s stay here! I’m the kind of girl who has never seen the world! A bunch of flowers fell! Yang Fei was right, and her daughter must be rich! In the future! We want to send her more flowers!”

Jiang Ziqiang said, “She even has more than three million cars, and still cares about more than 30 bunch of flowers?”

Wan Aimin said, “Flowers and cars are different. Flowers have a natural ability to confuse girls.”

While talking, Yang Fei’s phone rang.

He picked it up and took a look, he couldn’t help but frowned slightly, then motioned to Jiang Ziqiang, got up and walked aside to answer the phone.


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