The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2390

Chapter 2388 Sword go slant

The latest station name: Mubi Pavilion latest website:

Samsung’s best semiconductor technology is in storage.

And storage is the most important product in the semiconductor industry.

Yang Fei wants to talk with Samsung, in addition to storage technology, there is also chip technology.

Many people only know that Samsung sells mobile phones, but do not know that the mobile phone industry is just one of Samsung’s many businesses.

Samsung is truly powerful in the storage and chip industry.

Speaking of Samsung’s chip history, it goes back thirty years.

Samsung used to be a dried fish company. Later, it gradually developed home appliances, and home appliances needed chips. At that time, Samsung’s chips were mainly imported from Japan.

In the 1970s, the Japanese suddenly got stuck in Samsung’s neck and stopped selling chips to Samsung.

Without the chip, Samsung’s TVs and other home appliances are quite devoid of brains, so Samsung’s home appliance business functions can only be discontinued.

Samsung’s founder Li Bingzhe felt a great humiliation by the Japanese. So Li Bingzhe was indifferent to life and death.

The stubborn Li Bingzhe just refused to admit defeat, and couldn’t swallow the resentment of being manipulated. So he decided to invest heavily in chip research and development. The initial investment was 170 billion won. Later, he continued to increase investment in chips. For this reason, Samsung In the first few years of developing the chip, it was even at a loss.

In 1983, the price of semiconductors plummeted unprecedentedly. Japanese companies relied on technology and cost advantages to drastically cut prices. The price of a 64-bit chip plummeted from US$4 to US$5 to only 25 cents when it fell to its lowest.

At that time, the cost of Samsung to produce 64-bit chips was 1.3 US dollars, which meant that for every chip produced, Samsung needed to reverse the price of 1 US dollars.

It is said that Samsung lost 300 million U.S. dollars in 1983, which was not a small amount at the time.

Even at a loss, Samsung still insists on increasing its investment in chips.

It is this adventurous spirit and perseverance that made Samsung the last laugh.

After its success, Samsung did not relax its investment in research and development, but further increased its investment in research and development.

Chip research and development can’t be completed in one or two days, but it takes a period of time to accumulate. This time may face a lot of uncertainties and risks. If you give up due to losses during the period, it is estimated that Samsung will not be able to go to today.

Samsung has withstood the test of time and became the number one in the semiconductor memory market in 1993. In the following 10 years until now, Samsung has not retreated from this position.

This road that has been traversed by Samsung, now it is the turn of optoelectronics to go.

South Korea has completed the road of independent research and development, and is no longer stuck.

And our country is still in its infancy.

In order to catch up, Yang Fei still has a lot to do.

At that time, Samsung’s development received strong support from South Korea at the national level.

Yang Fei also got the best policy support through Comrade Li Yi, who went up to Tian Ting.

The support at the national level provides the most favorable soil for the development and growth of optoelectronics.

Without the attention and support of the country, Yang Fei would have to increase the difficulty of at least nine levels if he wanted to develop semiconductors.

During the negotiation with Samsung, Yang Fei felt great resistance.

The reason why Samsung agreed to cooperate with Yang Fei is also conditional.

In Yang Fei’s hands, he now has many patented mobile phone technologies.

These technologies benefited from Yang Fei’s advanced concepts and a large amount of capital investment in research and development.

If Samsung wants to develop its mobile phone business, it is inseparable from these patented technologies of Yang Fei.

Yang Fei certainly won’t let them get it for nothing, and Samsung doesn’t want to pay too much.

The negotiations between the two sides lasted for three days and entered a stalemate.

Yang Fei didn’t actually ask for much. He just wanted to get the storage and chip technologies that were about to be eliminated.

Samsung’s representative Lee Sang-chul is only willing to provide product supply and does not want to sell the technology to Yang Fei.

Even if it is their outdated technology and equipment, they are not willing to sell it.

This day, after the negotiations, was another day without results.

Yang Fei invited Jin Shanmei to dinner on the yacht.

Kim Sun-mi happily attended the appointment.

“It’s really a beautiful city!” Jin Shanmei sighed while looking at the buildings on both sides of the Huangpu River, “China’s development is really changing with each passing day.”

“Yes, after a few years, you can’t find the way you used to be.” Yang Fei smiled, “Seoul is also developing rapidly.”

A sumptuous dinner was prepared on the yacht.

Yang Fei didn’t invite others to board the ship because of something good to discuss with her.

Jin Sunmi looked at the flowers and red wine on the table, pursed her lips and smiled: “Mr. Yang, did you invite any other girl?”

Yang Fei said, “It’s you.”

“Me?” Jin Sunmi said, “I dare not be.”

“Miss Jin, don’t be presumptuous. A beauty like you, as long as she is not blind, wants to show her courtesy to you.”

Jin Shanmei smiled and said, “I’m flattered.”

Yang Feiduan thought about the red wine glass: “Please.”

Jin Shanmei and Yang Fei touched the cups lightly.

The two took a sip each.

Yang Fei’s eyes looked at her pretty face through the tall glass.

Jin Shanmei’s face was pale, and there was no trace of the correction on her face.

Plastic surgery in South Korea is one of the four great magic tricks in Asia.

The “Four Major Sorcery in Asia” refers to the male-to-female transformation in Thailand, cosmetic surgery in Korea, cosmetic surgery in Japan, and PS surgery in my country.

This year, the PS technique in our country has not been popular yet.

But South Korea’s plastic surgery has already emerged.

South Korean stars have been more or less all over.

This is why Yang Fei carefully looked at Jin Shanmei’s face.

Unexpectedly, this girl is really original!


Jin Shanmei felt Yang Fei’s gaze, and her face was hot.

Yang Fei smiled slightly: “Miss Jin, I want to ask you for help.”

Kim Sun-mi was not fascinated by Yang Fei’s handsomeness, and smiled: “If it’s a negotiation, then I really can’t do anything. As you can see, the negotiations these days have been made by Mr. Lee Sang-cheol. I even have a chance to interject No.”

Yang Fei said: “Miss Jin, I haven’t said anything yet, you are just a thousand miles away? Isn’t that good?”

Jin Shanmei said: “I’m not rejecting, I’m just afraid that I can’t do it and let Mr. Yang betray. Mr. Yang, if you have anything, please tell me. As long as I can do it, a definition is indispensable.”

Yang Fei said: “If you don’t talk secretly, I want Samsung’s technology. Outdated ones will do.”

Jin Shanmi smiled and said, “Mr. Yang, aren’t you already negotiating?”

Yang Fei said: “I found that it is difficult to obtain Samsung’s technology through formal channels. Therefore, I want to go slant and only ask Miss Jin for help.”

Jin Shanmei’s eyes flashed and said, “How can I help? If it involves something that harms our company, then I can’t help you. Please understand and be considerate of this, Mr. Yang.”

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