The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2450

Chapter 2448 Don’t want to be a “scrap”

Latest website: Yang Fei held a special press conference in Yidai’s ward.

Reporters from all over the country, including financial circles, financial circles, and entertainment circles, gathered together.

Before his speech, Yang Fei set a rule: “No one is allowed to take pictures without permission, otherwise I will reserve the right to hold him accountable for infringing citizens’ right of portrait and privacy!”

At the beginning of the conference, Yang Fei said in a calm and firm tone: “When I was very young, I thought journalists were a very sacred and respectable profession, because they dared to enter dangerous areas that were hard to reach by ordinary people. Report the most real disasters and wars. I believe that every word they write is authoritative! I have also dreamed that when I grow up, I can be an honorable reporter with a small press card, no matter what Wherever you go, you can be proud of it. I believe that every comrade reporter present has the same dreams and pride as mine…”

These words came to the heart of every reporter.

Yes, they used to be a young man who wielded the sword to travel the world!

When I became a journalist, I also dreamed of upholding justice, punishing evil and eliminating rape, and was loved and welcomed by the broad masses of people.

Yang Fei turned the conversation and said, “Where are you now? Are you still sticking to your original dream? Do you still ignore your personal gains and losses, or even risk, go deep into the barren land and report the truth? I believe, You will!”

The reporters stood tall, and some reporters who wanted to take secret photos also quietly put down their cameras.

Yang Fei said: “You want to report my story, I can understand that you are eating this bowl of rice. And my story can attract readers and audiences. However, what I want to call and request is that you must uphold the open heart of reporters. , Present facts and reason, write according to facts instead of blindly sensationalizing, let alone distorting the facts to write something just because the audience wants to see!”

He pointed to Yi Dai on the hospital bed: “You came to the hospital for her. You are curious about her because of her destiny, which is connected to me. You must be very curious about why I will grow up. Time to accompany her? Next, I will ask her to tell you her story in person.”

Everyone’s attention immediately shifted to Yi Dai.

Yidai cleared her throat and said, “Hello everyone, my name is Yidai, I am an ordinary employee of Beauty Group…”

She spoke very softly, telling the story between herself and Yang Fei again.

What everyone wants to know most is her relationship with Yang Fei and why she was injured?

When talking about how she was injured, Yang Fei interjected: “She blocked an evil bullet for me!”

“Bullets?” The reporters all exclaimed.

“Oh my God! Gunshot wound?”

“Such a serious injury?”

“A peaceful and prosperous age, where is the gunfight?”

“Mr. Yang, can you elaborate more?”

Yang Fei pressed his hand down, waited for everyone to calm down, and then said: “You are reporters, you know better than me, the so-called peace is only a regional nature. Our country is peaceful, and it does not mean that other regions are peaceful. We ran into a pirate while sailing on a yacht. In order to protect me, Yidai blocked a bullet for me!”

The listeners were all moved.

Yang Fei said: “After she was shot, she was in a coma for almost a month before she woke up. You said, such a lifesaver, should I, Yang Fei, come to visit and accompany her every day?”

“Yes!” someone responded.

Yang Fei said: “Some people have very dirty thoughts. As long as a man and a woman get closer, they suspect that they have any affair. Of course, I have an affair with Yidai, but this affair is not The kind you think, but personal friendship and kindness!”

Several female reporters were moved and wiped their red eyes.

Yang Fei said, “This is the story between me and Yi Dai, this is the relationship between me and her! I don’t care what the world says about me Yang Fei. But please don’t discredit Yi Dai! In my eyes, she is a A noble person, a fearless person, a person worthy of respect! At the same time, she is also a pure person! As far as I know, she hasn’t talked about a boyfriend yet! Isn’t she, Yi Dai?”

Yi Dai gave a shy hum and lowered her head.

The long-haired female reporter interviewed in the ward before said: “Miss Yi, can I take a picture of you? Don’t worry, I will write your story truthfully, and we will help you with the sewage that others have spilled on you. You wash it up!”

Yi Dai said: “I’m still in the hospital, my face is ugly. You are also a woman, can you understand my careful thinking about beauty? So, I beg you not to take pictures. Okay?”

The female reporter nodded and smiled: “Okay. I can understand you.”

She said to her colleagues: “Miss Yidai’s news, let’s stop hyping it? What do you think? This story, when we go back, we must write it according to the facts, so that it can no longer trouble Miss Yidai.”

Some people deeply agreed, but some did not.

To Yang Fei’s satisfaction, the following media and public opinion trends have indeed changed a lot. Gradually, this turmoil finally subsided.

After staying in the hospital for three months, Yi Dai recovered and was discharged.

Yang Fei asked her what she thoughts after being discharged from the hospital?

What he meant was to give her a house and give her a sum of money to help her realize financial freedom in advance so that she does not have to go out to work again.

Saved the life of the richest man Yang Fei, even if she was given a hundred million, it was not too much!

Yi Dai listened to but shook her head slightly: “I can’t accept it. Boss, you still let me work in the company? I have hands and feet, and the wound has recovered, and it will not affect the future. Work. If you insist on arranging me like this, then I feel that I have become a useless person, and the life I will live in the future will also be a useless life.”

Yang Fei applauded: “You are the strongest and most sturdy woman I have ever seen. Well, after the establishment of Optoelectronics, I need a few capable assistants, you count one.”

Yi Dai said, “Thank you boss. By the way, how is Miss Jin? You originally arranged for me to take care of her, but I became the one taken care of by you instead.”

Yang Fei laughed and said, “Jin Shanmei has gone to settle in a beautiful European country, living the kind of wasteful life you don’t want!

Yi Dai smiled slightly: “Everyone has a different idea. She can achieve financial freedom ahead of time. She must have helped the company a lot, right?”

Yang Feijun flashed his eyes and said with a smile: “Yes. It’s okay to let you know about this. You can do my best for me, and there is no need to hide your company’s secrets. Because Jin Shanmei, our company is on the path of semiconductor scientific research. Go, at least ten years less detours!”

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