The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2491

Chapter 2489 Death of the coffin opener

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Fu Ying said, “When my dad went to the bottom of the tomb, he first saw the woman’s bones. Later, when he was looking for another burglary, he discovered that another group of thieves came in from the tomb. Nailed to the wall of the tomb passage.”

Yang Fei and others were all shocked.

Abao said, “Who is so unconscionable? He stole other people’s burial goods and nailed the child’s bones to the wall?”

Yang Fei said, “I guess, when they found the child, the child shouldn’t be a bone!”

Abao said, “Not the bones? Could it be that the corpse hasn’t decayed yet? Did the thieves go in soon after the tomb was sealed?”

Fu Ying said, “My dad has studied corpses very much. Based on his findings, he felt that when the child was nailed to the wall, not only was it not a corpse, I was afraid it was not dead yet!”

Everyone exclaimed.

“Isn’t dead yet?” A Bao’s tone trembled, “Is he crucified alive?”

Fu Ying said, “Yes! That child was crucified alive.”

Li Yi said, “Can the coffin really survive?”

Yang Feidao “From a scientific point of view, the dead body will be decomposed by microorganisms. During this process, the oxygen will be reduced. With the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria, they will produce carbon dioxide and methane in the process of decomposing the dead body. These gases will make the dead body. Significant swelling. It is these gases that cause uterine contractions similar to those that occur in women during normal childbirth. The increased gas in the body of the corpse takes up the volume and pushes the uterus, forcing the stillbirth through the birth canal, and sometimes causing the entire uterus to peel off So, in the process of being decomposed, the so-called’coffin’ was born.”

Li Yi nodded slowly, “It makes sense. You deserve to study chemistry, and you are very reasonable in analyzing this aspect.”

Yang Fei said, “The ancients were very taboo about giving birth to coffins, and felt that the coffins were unlucky people. Perhaps the tomb raiders crucified him for this reason, right?”

Fu Ying said, “My father’s inference is that there was a disagreement among the tomb robbers. Some people wanted to take the coffin away, but some people refused to take their children out of the tomb. That’s why infighting occurred.”

“Oh?” Yang Fei asked, “Is that so?”

Fu Ying said, “Because there is a third bone in the tomb passage! It should belong to one of the thieves.”

Yang Fei said, “The person who wanted to take the child out of the tomb was assassinated by his accomplices? Then the murderer nailed the child to death?”

“Yes. It should be like this.” Fu Ying said, “My dad said that based on the situation at the time, it is reasonable to infer this way.”

Yang Fei said, “There may be hidden secrets in this. I’m thinking, is there a possibility? Since this woman is related to the royal family and died of pregnancy, she may have died in a palace battle? Not long after the tomb was sealed, someone entered the tomb, maybe Not for theft, but to save the child? Then the mantis caught the cicada and the oriole, the man who saved the man, and the man who killed the woman, sent someone to assassinate! The beheading was to eliminate the roots, so the child was also nailed to death. ?”

Fu Ying said, “It is also possible. On the contrary, both the mother and the son died miserably.”

Yang Fei said, “All these things were done by the predecessors and have nothing to do with Fu Lao. Why did Fu Lao stop the mountain for this?”

Fu Ying said, “The matter is not over here.”

Yang Fei and Li Yi glanced at each other.

Fu Heng gave a light cough and said, “Let me talk about it!”

He had a serious expression and said with a heavy tone, “On the lid of the coffin, I saw the death of the four-character coffin opener.”

Yang Fei said, “This is also a normal operation. Many people will engrave such words on the lid of their coffin.”

Fu Heng shook his head lightly. “Normally, the engraving should be the death of the tomb robber. But on the coffin, the death of the coffin opener is engraved.”

Yang Fei said, “Is there anything to say?”

Fu Heng said, “Of course it is different. The death of the coffin is to warn the tomb robbers that the coffin cannot be opened. Because I found that the coffin was specially made and tightly sealed, and there were toxins deposited on the bones of the corpse. Traces. And all the burial objects are put aside separately. This layout is because the designer of the tomb has long known that someone will steal this tomb, so he put the gold, silver, and silk in the thieves. If you can take it away, I hope that others will not open the coffin.”

Yang Fei said, “Why can’t the coffin be opened? Also, the toxin on the bones may be caused by the poisoned wine of the woman during her lifetime?”

Fu Heng said, “There is another possibility that this woman herself carries a particularly powerful toxin that can infect people!”

Yang Fei said, “Oh, this woman has an infectious disease? She was executed? This public case is so old that it is impossible to investigate.”

Fu Heng said, “The strangest thing that can’t be explained by science has appeared!”

Yang Fei said, “What’s the matter?”

Fu Heng said, “The child was pierced with a sharp sword in the skull and nailed to the wall. When we saw it, there was only a small skull left on the wall. His mouth was open, and he must have been wow before he died. I cried. I couldn’t bear it. I wanted to take his bones off, put them in a human shape, and put them in his mother’s coffin. But I couldn’t pull the sword!”

Yang Fei said, “It might be because of rust, right?”

Fu Heng said, “Later I worshipped the child’s bones three times, saying that although I was a tomb robber, I didn’t destroy everything in the tomb, nor took anything away. I just want to help. He and his mother were buried together. Then the skull, attached to the sword, suddenly fell off. The skull was still rolling in the air and fell directly into the coffin.”

When everyone heard it, they couldn’t help being clever.

If you say that this kind of thing is a coincidence, it is really a coincidence.

But, you must say there is something weird in this, maybe there is really something weird?

Fu Heng said, “We had three people at the time. The other two were so scared that they turned and ran away. We walked north and south, what kind of tomb have not been touched? What kind of strange things have not been seen? But this situation is really the first time we see! ”

Yang Fei was silent.

Fu Heng said, “According to Newtonian mechanics, shouldn’t a heavy object fall vertically? How can it float so far and fall into the coffin? Although the tomb is not big, it’s more than a meter away!”

Yang Fei said, “Maybe it’s because of the sword? That sword suddenly broke, causing a horizontal stress, which bounced the skull out?”

Fu Heng said, “I don’t understand too much scientific truth, I’m really scared! That day, I covered the coffin and went out of the tomb. From then on, I vowed that I would never do this again.”

Yang Fei said, “The Southern School is missing a big boss, but the antique shop has a big god!”

Fu Heng said, “You have seen a lot of antiques, touched a lot, and learned a lot. With a glance, you can see if it is true or not and which dynasty it belongs to. Because each dynasty has its own Features and imprints.”

Li Yi said, “Fu Lao, then this time, can you make an exception and help us find Yunfei’s Tomb?”


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